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26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Printable Version

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26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-25-2013


From Grace Brown’s Project Unbreakable, an online platform that strives to “increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault.” Trigger warning for sexual assault.

We previously highlighted quotes from 27 female survivors. Since sexual assault plagues all genders, here are quotes from male survivors.

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There are some rather gray ones that don't seem valid to me... this seems to be going down the same drain as female "I was drunk so I was raped" claims:


[Image: enhanced-buzz-15158-1379975078-14.jpg]

Then again, there are some really bizzare ( [Image: monkey.gif] ) claims:


[Image: enhanced-buzz-22986-1379976885-0.jpg]

Overall I feel nothing but sympathy for these people. Obviously, men are just as subject to being abused in childhood (whether by males or females) as women and it's a problem.

On the other hand, I can't help but think that these things are pointless. We should be educating kids about what to watch out for and never to skip telling something just because someone told them so, but no pedophile is ever going to not abuse someone just because he saw some touching slides.

And I can't shake the ominous feeling that including men in this is more like some kind of tool to "bring everyone on board" for abuse claims that really are prosecuted - those concerning female rape which already enjoys the sacred cow status among crimes, with it being possible to lock up and sentence men merely on the basis of a woman's word. Or maybe it's just that feminist abuse of this issue has made me jaded.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - All or Nothing - 10-25-2013

I was molested when I was 8.

It is one of those things that is extremely pervasive, and alters the course of a man's life. It is probably one of the bigger challenges that a man would have to face.

Still, you either overcome or you don't.

As far as resolving this issue, this shit has been going on since the dawn of time. The end of sexual abuse of children will coincide with the end of humanity.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-15163-1379974094-0.jpg]

This is the real shit.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-15158-1379975078-14.jpg]

This is retarded.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-22986-1379976885-0.jpg]

I don't even know how to respond to this.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - WanderingSoul - 10-25-2013

The fuck @ the dude in the bowtie. What does that even mean? Is he a boy or a girl? I don't understand at all.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Dr. Howard - 10-25-2013

Quote: (10-25-2013 02:42 AM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

I was molested when I was 8.

It is one of those things that is extremely pervasive, and alters the course of a man's life. It is probably one of the bigger challenges that a man would have to face.

Still, you either overcome or you don't.

As far as resolving this issue, this shit has been going on since the dawn of time. The end of sexual abuse of children will coincide with the end of humanity.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-15163-1379974094-0.jpg]

This is the real shit.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-15158-1379975078-14.jpg]

This is retarded.

[Image: enhanced-buzz-22986-1379976885-0.jpg]

I don't even know how to respond to this.

This provides a good contrast. The two dudes at the bottom are trying to hold an equally sad faced expression at being assaulted as the 'you're my special boy' sandusky style guy at the top. Sorry, those two are not even fucking close to the guy above. As an adult, and probably a teenager over 16 you are responsible for your own choices or putting yourself in dicey situations (ie drinking to much). As a child your well being is entrusted to the care of others, thats why its sad when it happens.

As an adult if you are susceptible to coercion, your girlfriend 'tricking' you to put your dick in her is the same as apple 'tricking' you into buying a new iphone.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - 2Wycked - 10-25-2013

Homie with the bow tie only gets away with the story because of claims of transexuality.

Before and after rapes with a girlfriend? The same night? How long was the interlude?

How weak are modern people if they don't want to say yes, but do anyway?

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - kosko - 10-25-2013

You can see the emptiness in many of the victims eyes. It takes something from you as a child, nobody should be exposed to that as I could imagine in just be hell to overcome. I agree though that past a certain age a man has to become responsible. Anything past 13-15 you should have the physical capacity to stop it.

Young boys have always been the top prize for sexual assault since the ancient times. A young boy before his strength is seen as deleciate and pure in the same sense as a maturing young female. I would assume majority of male sexual assaults would happen between 5-10 years old.

Hahaha at the Bowie kid.

Trannies are delusional. That things story makes zero sense.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Tuthmosis - 10-25-2013

Bowtie guy looks like he might just be an IRT disrespecting the proceedings.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Statsi - 10-25-2013

I don't know about this being able to physically stop iI just because you're an adult male. You could rationalise away every crime in the same way, got mugged? Shouldn't have put yourself in that situation, should have been able to over power your attacker, etc. With the cdc study showing parity of male and female victims I think we can safely assume being a. Adult male doesn't make you immune to sexual violence. Most confessed rapists admit to targeting men and women.

Now I think the numbers are always ridiculously inflated, but this meme that men are immune to sexual violence doesn't seem based in reality. We all accept that I'm American prisons victimization is very high, we know that you simply can't power through those kinds of odds. Being strong and masculine gives some small protection sure, but since everyone can be beaten into unconsciousness it is what it is.

As for a female attacker, I accept the power differential, it's because men are stronger that female abusers target young boys more often. That being said the stats still show many men who have been raped by envelopement by women. While some portion of these will be a result of victim culture and regret, I fully believe it's possible aided by threats, weaponry, drugs, or etc for a woman to rape a man. I've spoken to some guys I know about this and it pains me when the make excuses for their attacker 'she basically raped me', 'shit happens' etc, these are real men too, the kind that pull themselves up and continue with life instead of being a perpetual victim.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - azulsombra - 10-25-2013

Quote: (10-25-2013 10:15 AM)kosko Wrote:  

You can see the emptiness in many of the victims eyes. It takes something from you as a child, nobody should be exposed to that as I could imagine in just be hell to overcome. I agree though that past a certain age a man has to become responsible. Anything past 13-15 you should have the physical capacity to stop it.

Young boys have always been the top prize for sexual assault since the ancient times. A young boy before his strength is seen as deleciate and pure in the same sense as a maturing young female. I would assume majority of male sexual assaults would happen between 5-10 years old.

Hahaha at the Bowie kid.

Trannies are delusional. That things story makes zero sense.

I agree with everything except the bolded, I dont believe a commited 6"3 230 pound rapist would have too much trouble raping a small skinny 16yr old boy especially if its a surprise attack. Also, grown men can get raped in prison when facing multiple attackers.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - R Smoov - 10-25-2013

How come the older guy is the only one with a picture of himself as a youngin when it happened?

This is all a body language test.

Like some of these dudes are smiling!

This shit is sad.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - MattW - 10-25-2013

A couple thoughts

- I think the vast majority of guys past about 16 would have no trouble getting over forced sex with a girl. The worst part is the potential for catching something. I'm not saying there should be no punishment for it, and I'm very willing to hear other viewpoints and change my mind.

- A guy getting raped by another guy is worse than a girl getting legit raped by a guy, even in a rough Sopranos-therapist way. A vagina is literally made to have a penis shoved in and out of it, an asshole is not.

26 Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them [Buzfeed] - Bad Hussar - 10-28-2013

I agree with AoN's take. If I had to guess I'd say maybe half the posters are "real", and half attention seeking.

As for the "men" who sexually assaulted these men when they were minors I can only hope that the speculation about how general prisoners treat the likes of them in prison is true. As far as I'm concerned "revenge" is a valid legal concept and if I were one of the real guys above I'd work to get the perpetrator in prison so he can get what's coming to him.

As for the people who claim that paedophilia is biologically determined. They may be right, and a paedophile's desire not to desire pre-pubescent boys/girls may be impossible to achieve without drugs. This, however, doesn't mean that they will ever be accepted in the same sense that homosexuals, say, are accepted. Their position is hopeless. Even in a semi-depraved PC society the (fake) political left, or right, will never take up their cause. If they are unable to control themselves they should opt for voluntary chemical castration.