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Yellow light girls and body language - OGNorCal707 - 10-19-2013

Maybe some of you guys are familiar with this terminology, but I was introduced to it by poster here in the game section of RVF (can't remember which one), green light, yellow light, and red light women.

Red and green are pretty obvious, a red light woman makes it obvious she isn't into you either by flat out rejecting you, or not making eye contact, giving you short answers, not engaging in conversation, and basically trying to ignore you.

Meanwhile green light women are the opposite, they make their interest in you very clear and give you all the cues that they want you to engage them or escalate with them. Obvious green light girls will approach you, give you strong extended eye contact with a smile, they will touch you, they will make their interest clear by flirting.

The tough ones are the yellow light girls, these are the ones that I get caught up on and struggle to convert. I noticed a trend at the end of the summer when I was going out more often that I was approaching and hooking a lot of yellow light girls, only to get caught in a sort of purgatory, where it appeared that I was making progress, only to find out there was no light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

I'd describe yellow light girls as being interested in you, but in a neutral not fully sexual kind of a way (at least not initially). Yellow light girls will indulge your approach, they will "hook into conversation", they will seem interested by maintaining eye contact, and asking questions about you, etc. They will even pass a pretty big "compliance test" and bounce with you to a quieter more isolated part of the bar for deeper conversation, or leave and go to a different spot all together.

It often seems on the surface that they are interested, but it's somewhat ambiguous, and not fully clear like a "green light" which makes her interest clear though touching, dancing, body language, flirting, and sexual innuendos and "hints".

So I got to thinking and was wracking my brain for why it was the yellow lights weren't turning green, and what the main difference between the two were, and I came to the conclusion that the biggest difference were between the body language and the touching that occurs or doesn't occur.

Basically the yellow light girls would hold eye contact, ask questions, engage in conversation, and allow me to touch them, but rarely would they reciprocate the body language and touching that I was displaying and engaging in.

Wheras, the green lights would reciprocate with "open body language", when I say open body language, when I leaned into them, when I turned my body in to face theirs, when I initiated touching them on their arm, back, or thigh, did they simply allow me to touch them, or did they respond in like to touch me back?

The green lights would always lean in close to me, even pressing themselves up against me, they would never be "angled off" when standing talking to me, or sitting down next to me. They would reciprocate my touching them, by touching my arms, chest, abs, etc.

These may sound like common sense things, and if you were able to go outside of yourself, outside of your body and observe these interactions it may appear obvious, but I feel sometimes when drinking at a bar full of people, we aren't always fully aware of the subtleties of interaction.

So from now on if I'm 15-20 minutes into a conversation with a chick and I feel I'm at a yellow light, I will start to look to see how she reacts to my touching her, I will evaluate her body language, how she is standing and sitting, etc. I will gauge how intense her gaze and eye contact is, and will determine if there is any sexual desire behind it.

Aside from these things I will work harder to "sexualize" conversation and flirting even if it is more subtle though innuendo. Through making the conversation more sexual I will evaluate how the girl responds or doesn't respond.

The best test to see if a yellow light will turn green is to escalate. I am a believer that sometimes a bit of comfort and rapport needs to be developed and it's not good to press to hard and escalate too fast, unless you are getting all the cues and IOIs that a woman will respond well to that. Therefore a lot of times I held back escalating, but yet in reality in a few instances I may have waited too long. The simplest way to save yourself the time and energy investment in a yellow light is to escalate.

This turned out to be a pretty long winded post, and maybe a little bit over analyzed or intellectualized, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any constructive feedback or insight into yellow light women. What do you do when you hit a yellow light that doesn't seem to turn green?

Yellow light girls and body language - speakeasy - 10-19-2013

Interesting topic and one I've thought about a lot too as I often get hung up on this same exact thing. Honestly, all I think yellow light girls are girls who think you are cool and interesting to talk to, but who are simply not physically attracted to you. That's it really. If she were physically attracted to you + found you interesting, then she'd be a green lighter. I don't care what anyone says, what you look like is the single most important factor in how a girl responds to you.

Now I'd love to hear other guy's take on this but in my opinion, there's only a few things you can do. If she's not reciprocating any of your escalation attempts you can try isolate them and go caveman Brazilian-style. That's not every guy's thing though. It's not mine. Many will probably be scared off at that point, esp if dealing with American girls who are indirect and subtle, but some may comply if your frame is strong enough. YMMV.

The other solution is alcohol. A yellow girl can easily turn into a green girl after a few shots of tequila. If a yellow girl won't let herself get tipsy when isolated with you, then you can hang it up.

Only other thing is if it's a girl you REALLY want, you might be able to work on her over time. I've had girls that didn't initially feel attracted to me, but as they got to know me over time I grew on them. But you need time and repeated contact. Of course the majority of time you'll just end up in the friend zone, but some of these girls may also come around if they aren't seeing anyone else and they're having a dry spell of their own. Not likely, but possible. It's happened to me.

I know some guys are going to swear that your game must suck if you're not converting these yellow girls to green. I'm sure there are a few guys here whose game is at the matrix level and they can do this with ease. But that's just not going to happen with everyone. My feeling is that game does not work on red girls at all. May or may not work on yellow girls depending on just which way on the fence they are leaning. I think game is best use on girls that already have a spark of attraction that you want to amplify and speed up. Wasn't it Bruce Springsteen that said, "you can't start a fire without a spark?" You still need some game even if a girl is initially attracted to you because early on in an interaction her attraction is very fragile. Any awkward thing you do can easily derail it.

At the end of day nobody kills it like a guy with looks, pre-selection and lifestyle. So don't beat yourself up over it. I take it that for most guys, 90%+ of the women they interact with are going to be either yellow or red.

Yellow light girls and body language - speakeasy - 10-19-2013

Also forgot to mention. Some girls who seem yellow are actually green, but they are naturally reserved, aloof or socially awkward. Just as there are guys who have no game, there are women who have no game either, in that they simply don't know how act around a guy that they like. I don't think is the majority of yellow girls, maybe 20% of them. In those cases, going more aggressive is the best option as they have to pulled out of their shell.

Sometimes you just don't know what the hell is going on in women's heads. I remember going on a date with a girl who had been really flirty with me. She was as clear a green as it gets. But when we were on a date, she was acting all aloof. Not being flirtatous at all. We had a beer at this bar, then she starts saying how tired she is that she has to get up early. It's only like 10pm. I walk her back home, I put my arm around her and she wasn't reciprocating. I pull the can I use your bathroom move and came up to her place. Before I left I asked if I could have some water just to kill some time. She then sat on a chair at the dining room table rather than on the sofa where I could at least sit next to her. I drank the water then bounced. The chic has issues. Keep in mind she was from my social network, so it's not like this was some "getting to know you" date. She already did know me. I'd seen her and talked to her many times before. There was this flirtiness that built up between, she was always touching and hugging up on me but whenever we saw each other it was in a group of friends, so I figured once I get her out on a date with just us, should be an easy ride. Get her on a date and she turns aloof. There were no weird or awkward moments, the conversation was fine. I have no explanation other than the fact that some girls just have issues. Sometimes it's our fault, sometimes it just isn't.

Yellow light girls and body language - GLethal85 - 10-19-2013

Quote: (10-19-2013 10:34 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Also forgot to mention. Some girls who seem yellow are actually green, but they are naturally reserved, aloof or socially awkward. Just as there are guys who have no game, there are women who have no game either, in that they simply don't know how act around a guy that they like

Dude this point is huge.

Can someone tell me where girls go to learn 'girl game?'

Will there ever be a 'womanosphere' which teaches ladies what guys are REALLY attracted to? Like how to have a cute demeanor and be feminine? I don't know about you but it's very rare for a girl to genuinely 'game' me and really get me to like her.

I think cosmo is teaching girls the wrong shit.

Yellow light girls and body language - MisterSSW4 - 10-20-2013

I wholeheartedly agree. Big point speakeasy, it's something we should think of girl game more often.

Yellow light girls and body language - The Beast1 - 10-20-2013

I pull yellow girls easily. You need to warm them up over time and not be afraid to hang out in a casual friendly manner.

Basically let it pressure cook for a while. Know when to hit the eject button. But try and act curious and interested in their life. Get them to talk about themselves [Image: smile.gif]

Yellow light girls and body language - horn - 10-20-2013

Yellow light girls [I've used the term here a few times] need longer to warm up. That's the main thing. Once you've got the eye contact, hair flip, or dangly shoe, they are moving to green. It's common sense.

Sexualize the conversation as early as appropriate. Touch the hand, arm, shoulder, thigh if you're sitting next to each other at the bar.

Most importantly, if she touches you, NEVER lean back, always lean in so she knows you appreciate her forwardness. Guys think they should always be leaning back, shoulders back, spread out, which is often true, but not in this particular case.