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Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Grizzly - 10-18-2013

Maybe somebody's been reading ROK down in Mexico.

This is from the Wall Street Journal:

Mexico Tries Taxes to Combat Obesity

MEXICO CITY—Congress's lower house of Congress passed late Thursday a special tax on junk food that is seen as potentially the broadest of its kind, part of an ambitious Mexican government effort to contain runaway rates of obesity and diabetes.

The House passed the proposed measure to charge a 5% tax on packaged food that contains 275 calories or more per 100 grams, on grounds that such high-calorie items typically contain large amounts of salt and sugar and few essential nutrients.

The tax, which was proposed just this week, is sure to stir controversy among big Mexican and foreign food companies that operate here. It comes on top of another planned levy on sugary soft drinks of 1 peso (8 U.S. cents) per liter that was passed by the same committee, an effort that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg supported.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Agent 47 - 10-18-2013

Mexico has bigger problems than worrying about what their citizens are eating. Maybe they should do something about their rampant corruption. Pendejos. Que se chingan a su madre.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013

[Image: clap2.gif]

They haven't reached a critical mass (pun intended) of fatties and feminists yet.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Virtus - 10-18-2013

Mexico iirc is fatter on average than even 'Murka

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Hades - 10-18-2013

Those guys don't know anything. Just make meat and fattier foods cheap while taxing the shit out of grain products. Inside of five years it will look like the fifties again.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Agent 47 - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 11:40 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

[Image: clap2.gif]

They haven't reached a critical mass (pun intended) of fatties and feminists yet.

Mexico is very conservative in my opinion. Feminists are laughed at, seeing that the mexican women is very traditional. The women there know there place. I don't know about you, but i have been to Chihuahua and Juarez numerous times, and i'm telling you that the average mexican is quite healthy. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A WHALE. NEVER. Sure, you get some chubbies, but nowhere near morbidly obese people like here in the states. We are a very hard working people. Our diet consists of beans, rice, tortillas, and meat. That said, mexico has bigger problems.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Christian McQueen - 10-18-2013

Outstanding. Outfuckingstanding!

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - bacon - 10-18-2013

I think the obesity is distributed differently among the population in Mexico than in the US. For one thing I see a lot less fat kids here since they actually play outside and walk to school. The younger women (25 and under)that dont have busted faces are usually thin or at worst 5-10lbs overweight. They know if they dont land a high status guy they will likely be stuck poor forever so the stakes are much higher for them than in the US. But when women hit 30 and especially if shes popped out a few kids to non high status men they typically blow up. You see lots of fat mexican women especially after age 40.

I have seen several government sponsored tv ads running talking about obesity, eating healthier and exercising more.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Cattle Rustler - 10-18-2013

There are a shitload of fatties in Mexico, anyone who says otherwise has not seen the "real" Mexico. Fatties in Monterrey, Puebla, Mexico DF. Rich fatties, poor fatties; white fatties, brown fatties. It's basically come down to this: they don't have to work as much as before and more money = more processed or fast food.

It's kind of ironic that bacon is posting on a health topic lol as his name is "bacon" lol.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013


It's kind of ironic that bacon is posting on a health topic lol as his name is "bacon" lol.

With the ultimate irony being that fatties would be a lot better off eating a ton of bacon instead of all those soft drinks, pies, pastries, candy and other stuff loaded with sugar.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - GameTheory - 10-18-2013

[Image: mmm_bacon.jpg]

[Image: img_LjFAHq.jpg]

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Grizzly - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 01:32 PM)Agent 47 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2013 11:40 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

[Image: clap2.gif]

They haven't reached a critical mass (pun intended) of fatties and feminists yet.

Mexico is very conservative in my opinion. Feminists are laughed at, seeing that the mexican women is very traditional. The women there know there place. I don't know about you, but i have been to Chihuahua and Juarez numerous times, and i'm telling you that the average mexican is quite healthy. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A WHALE. NEVER. Sure, you get some chubbies, but nowhere near morbidly obese people like here in the states. We are a very hard working people. Our diet consists of beans, rice, tortillas, and meat. That said, mexico has bigger problems.

I've never been to Mexico myself, but theres a huge Mexican population where I live (Southern California, ~50%+ in some places), and the women are almost all really really fat. The obesity rate is probably similar to blacks, but they're not so grotesque. A lot of the kids are also little blimps. Its sad, because Mexican chicks with healthy weights can be really stunning.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Sombro - 10-18-2013

Most of the Mexican women in my town have barrel-shaped bodies (biggest at the middle, and no ass). Mestizo endomorphs, I guess.

That said, the lovely ladies I see on Telemundo are way hotter than chicks on American TV.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Soma - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 04:46 PM)Grizzly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2013 01:32 PM)Agent 47 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2013 11:40 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

[Image: clap2.gif]

They haven't reached a critical mass (pun intended) of fatties and feminists yet.

Mexico is very conservative in my opinion. Feminists are laughed at, seeing that the mexican women is very traditional. The women there know there place. I don't know about you, but i have been to Chihuahua and Juarez numerous times, and i'm telling you that the average mexican is quite healthy. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A WHALE. NEVER. Sure, you get some chubbies, but nowhere near morbidly obese people like here in the states. We are a very hard working people. Our diet consists of beans, rice, tortillas, and meat. That said, mexico has bigger problems.

I've never been to Mexico myself, but theres a huge Mexican population where I live (Southern California, ~50%+ in some places), and the women are almost all really really fat. The obesity rate is probably similar to blacks, but they're not so grotesque. A lot of the kids are also little blimps. Its sad, because Mexican chicks with healthy weights can be really stunning.

Don't know what HCE and 47 are talking about: excluding the small Oceanic islands, Mexico is the most obese country in the world, surpassing the US earlier this year.

They drink an insane amount of soft drinks, e.g. look at how much this representative family drinks in one week:

[Image: mex03_0001_xxf1rw1.jpg?w=720]


Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - WestIndianArchie - 10-18-2013

Mf'ers can't protect the lives of their elected officials, you think a tortilla tax is gonna be tolerated?


Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013

I know they're extremely fat, I'm just saying that there doesn't seem to be a powerful "body image & weight acceptance movement" there like in the anglosphere. That makes the problem larger, but also easier to solve.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - RexImperator - 10-18-2013

Every country/population that opens it's borders to U.S. food or replicates our way of eating develops the same health problems. Some populations are extra vulnerable, like Native Americans. They probably have particular genes which served them well in the past during frequent food shortages. In a world of high fructose corn syrup, not so much...

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Grizzly - 10-19-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 05:45 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I know they're extremely fat, I'm just saying that there doesn't seem to be a powerful "body image & weight acceptance movement" there like in the anglosphere. That makes the problem larger, but also easier to solve.

Very true.

This obesity problem with Mexicans kind of reminds me of my Italian grandmother. She is morbidly obese and diabetic, but for someone who was born a dirt-poor peasant and grew up during the Depression, I can see why she would devour everything in sight, and prefer calorie-dense foods. It seems like it would be the same with Mexicans in the U.S. If you come from a place where food is expensive, then you would naturally indulge yourself if you ended up in a land of plenty.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - eradicator - 10-19-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 11:25 AM)Grizzly Wrote:  

The tax, which was proposed just this week, is sure to stir controversy among big Mexican and foreign food companies that operate here. It comes on top of another planned levy on sugary soft drinks of 1 peso (8 U.S. cents) per liter that was passed by the same committee, an effort that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg supported.

I hope it works. One of the biggest differences I noticed while in mexico was how much soda (they love coca cola) is drunk in mexico.

I hope it works, but they will just drink things that are just as bad that aren't getting taxed: beer, fruit juice, and milkshakes all evade this particular tax

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - NY Digital - 10-19-2013

I don't get it, how do these people drink Soda on a daily basis?

Absolutely disgusting.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-19-2013

For people with a strong novelty-seeking drive, it's not so hard. They are very turned off by water (too bland for them) and expect what they're drinking to provide a dopamine boost instead of just making you live. Thus, they turn to the next available thing, which is either soda or juice (both of which have a ton of sugar, or sweeteners with glycemic load similar to sugar).

If soda and juice were made very expensive (sugar tax) or less available, then they would turn back to water, because getting their dopamine boost would now be balanced by some form of pain. At least that's my theory.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Cattle Rustler - 10-19-2013

In my opinion, the only thing that will work is creating more farm jobs and destroying office jobs. Mestizo bodies can gain weight very quickly and working in the farms was the only thing that kept them fit.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - beta_plus - 10-20-2013

They need to tax and fine women for not cooking for their children - maybe charge higher payroll taxes to women as a penalty for ignoring their kids.

That's the only thing that stops obesity. If even Scandinavia is having a fatty problem, it's the only explanation for land whales.

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - RexImperator - 10-20-2013

Excellent Idea!

Mexico To Institute Fat Tax - Excelsior - 10-20-2013

Quote: (10-19-2013 10:15 AM)NY Digital Wrote:  

I don't get it, how do these people drink Soda on a daily basis?

Absolutely disgusting.

It isn't that hard. When I was younger, I took to soda the way alcoholics take to alcohol. I was a soda junky. I looked for it everywhere I went and had to have some everyday, especially with every meal. I would feel odd if there wasn't a full soda bottle in the house for me to drink-there had to be at least one bottle available at all times. If it wasn't there, I'd ride up to the local CVS and get it myself.

I could consume a full 2 liter bottle of coke or sprite every single day. There were days where I had more than that. My BMI was north of 35 for most of my teenage years. I entered college at around 5'10, 240lbs.

I was also an athlete, and I wanted to be a good one. Eventually, this led me to take a serious look at my soda habits. Toward the end of my high school years, I started cutting back on my soda intake. One 2 liter bottle a day became one 2 liter bottle every 3-4 days. This trend accelerated through the middle of my freshman year when I made a commitment to get trimmer and more athletic in order to make my way into my team's starting lineup for my sophomore year.

I started limiting myself to two 16 fl. oz. bottles of sprite every week (one Friday, one Saturday). By the end of my freshman year, I'd dropped 15 pounds and gotten down to around 13% body fat.

At the moment, I've cut down to one 16 fl. oz bottle per week while at school. When I'm at home, I can generally go weeks without touching soda, even when eating out. I drink a TON of water now (100 fl. oz. per day at least, often more), and that has become my replacement for all of the sprite and coke I used to have. This is a far cry from where I was just 5 years ago, when the absence of soda in the house was literally a small tragedy for me. I'm about 5'11, 212 now, roughly 10% body fat.

Tl;dr: Soda is tasty and can be a tough habit to kick. I know because I had that habit for most of my youth and only recently kicked it. I can see why so many still love to guzzle the stuff, but I can also tell you from experience that it is going to keep a lot of people obese.