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A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Printable Version

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A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Veloce - 10-17-2013

Amidst all of these stories of false rape accusations, guys getting taken to the cleaners in divorce court, losing custody, getting fired for inflammatory tweets, getting fired for sexual harrassment, I feel like we should be providing an alternative place for men. I know Roosh is adamantly anti MRA, and I'm not suggesting RVF turn into that, but maybe we create our own version of it. A place where beleaguered men can go to "see the light". There might be guys out there, good guys who tried to do the right thing, that just got royally fucked over by being blue pill. I know we take pride in each of us coming to these terms on our own and finding our own way, but maybe that should evolve. For each of us that are here, how many other guys are out there in the wilderness feeling hopeless? I'd wager there are many.

It might be crazy or cult-ish, in fact it's probably both, but what if we put together some propaganda packet, something like what Jehovah's Witnesses do? Instead of going door to door it gets put on banners all over the web.

The first problem I see with this is RVFers tend to be, well, fucking weird. Not a single guy I've met in person could be considered "normal", and thank god for that, but I feel like we'd need a bit more of a levelheaded spokeperson to spread the gospel.

I kind of picture us like this:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTa7-iNL7iQQ9hXjy4uQ6G...V6uu5O5OBX]
(Slubu pictured on left. No seriously that's him)

And what we really need is our own Otter:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWsn2RQAsPdvdzR_9Pk-1...Igrr777zN_]

Why would I think this? Well, I've been thinking that this progressive machine that's out there right now feeds off of victory. It's been said here many times before, usually by MikeCF, you might ignore feminism but feminism will find you. For every guy that gets chewed up by alimony court, the machine becomes more powerful. It might be in our best interests at some point to establish a "red pill living" element, even if we are still figuring out exactly what that means. Yes we have the Lifestyle thread but I'm talking about some sort of welcoming page or welcoming packet that really illustrates what red-pill lifestyle is all about. A concise 1 or 2 page manifesto that makes something click in that beleaguered blue-piller looking for that something. Travelling abroad and banging strange will always be a part of that, but there are domestic issues that need fighting. Not everyone can be location independent.

And if we're going to establish anything, it needs to be a bit more clearheaded and concise, not like the usual mayhem that occurs on the boards with everyone coming from relatively extreme positions. We need a politician.


A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Christian McQueen - 10-17-2013

I like this idea.

My extreme partying May cloud my 'image'; however, I'm down to throw my hat in the ring.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Days of Broken Arrows - 10-17-2013

On the men's issues front, what would be good would be to have a list we could keep on here permanently that debunks feminist BS -- but backed up by studies.

For example, Slate did a piece connecting Internet porn to the decline of rape, which runs counter to what feminists claimed during the '80s porn wars. The WashPost exposed the Super Bowl Sunday/domestic violence campaign as lies and the Village Voice showed that human trafficking is not happening at levels anywhere near what feminists say.

I also remember reading that college campuses are among the least likely places to get raped, but can't find the link (Google probably buried it). Anyway, for young guys who come here for the first time, this would be a good resource.

Regarding PUA stuff, I think Roissy's Maxims would suffice and, of course, links to the Bang books.

Addendum: one of the old MRA bloggers (or someone like that) once had a list of vile feminist quotes along the lines of "All men are rapists and that's all they are." That needs to be dug up and placed on here somewhere so when people start crying the manosphere is full of "hate speech," someone can show them who invented it.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - WesternCancer - 10-18-2013

Honestly I think the best way would be to have exclusivity that is found by word of mouth.

Our own stonecutters, our own project mayhem, our own freaky ass sex orgy house like in eyes wide shut.

I'm talking a tangible network of successful men helping younger men or men down on their luck to get what they want from this world. No cheezy self-help seminar, no pua bootcamps, but an actual community, a brotherhood of like minded men helping eachother out however they can.

I can see it now, every major city has players on the ground. Each guy has his own specialty.

Our guy in the bars sees a kid with potential, gives him the address of the gym the RVF has on lock, he learns to squat, he starts eating right and the gym guy hooks him up with our style guy, our style guy hooks him up with the RVF library and invites him to the clubhouse where he meets the rest of the crew. The prospect earns his keep and eventually gets access to the rest of the RVF benefits, hooked up into the top clubs, business advice. He eventually figures out what he can specialize in and down the road finds himself another kid to mentor.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013


Not a single guy I've met in person could be considered "normal"

Can you elaborate?

I've only met Roosh and he is pretty normal... can't say for others, but while many here espouse fringe opinions, I have no reason to suspect that it would make them look weird in real life.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Tuthmosis - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-17-2013 05:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

A concise 1 or 2 page manifesto that makes something click in that beleaguered blue-piller looking for that something.

Did someone say Manifesto?

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - bacon - 10-18-2013

Does this forum have any place for testimonials? I mean people share some personal stuff about their red pill conversion in random threads and I have made a lot of changes myself in the past year as a result of the information I learned on this forum but perhaps my changes have not been as drastic as others. Anyway if newbies could get an idea on what could happen to them (from the example of other members) if they spend some time here, digest the information, put it to use and the transformation that happens as a result that could help convince newbies of the merit of what we are doing here.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Hades - 10-18-2013

I'm with Bacon on that and second the testimonials.
Like a little subforum with 800 quick stories about how "Bang", "Day Bang" or learning game changed one's life for the better.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - bacon - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 02:01 AM)Hades Wrote:  

I'm with Bacon on that and second the testimonials.
Like a little subforum with 800 quick stories about how "Bang", "Day Bang" or learning game changed one's life for the better.

One of my friends late 20´s is recently divorced anyway I told him about ROK and he has been reading it for about a month now. Its like night and day when I talk to him about women and game. He was fucking hopeless a year ago when he was married but today with some game knowledge he is a new man and on his way to great things.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - WanderingSoul - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 01:36 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


Not a single guy I've met in person could be considered "normal"

Can you elaborate?

I've only met Roosh and he is pretty normal... can't say for others, but while many here espouse fringe opinions, I have no reason to suspect that it would make them look weird in real life.

That's the catch, you only thought Roosh seemed normal because you yourself are abnormal.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Akula - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 01:36 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


Not a single guy I've met in person could be considered "normal"

Can you elaborate?

I've only met Roosh and he is pretty normal... can't say for others, but while many here espouse fringe opinions, I have no reason to suspect that it would make them look weird in real life.

Yeah who you calling abnormal? [Image: smile.gif]

If you mean 'abnormal' in that most of members are cool guys with good game (albeit a bit jaded), then yeah that's abnormal.

All the guys I've met have been pretty cool guys I'd hang out with, at least for the most part. Sure there are plenty of exceptions or dudes who would rather go out solo and work women on their own, but that's the nature of the beast.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013

I don't get it. What do you consider "abnormal"? When I say the word, I think primarily of:

- tics, excessive and erratic body language
- smells, unwashed, shaggy
- very unusual profession (think chimney sweeper)
- lives a very unusual lifestyle (think hermit in the mountains)
- dresses weirdly, like out of another century
- aggressive and "get in your face" or excessively shy
- has openly racist or violent opinions
- drives a weird vehicle
- creepy or unhinged, crazy, asocial aura
- bodily deformations (dwarf, extra fingers, etc)

It's not like RVF members can be identified by anything other than nodding with sympathy when someone describes a feminist injustice somewhere, and even that is what many other people do. For the most part I've assumed that they dress normally, eat usual food, work a variety of typical jobs, talk about the usual stuff (world events, women, money, sports)... I just don't see what "abnormal" should mean. I don't think anyone could have possibly looked at me and Roosh and said "oh hey, look at these two weirdos". Other than approaching some girls, we mostly sat eating fast food and discussed history and travel. I don't see what's weird about that, and I have no indication that other forum members are any different. And I personally know at least one example of each of the things I've listed, so I'm sure I'd spot such things quickly.

Help me out here.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - AntiTrace - 10-18-2013

We already have what you are talking about. We have RVF. A project mayhem? That's been done in the PUA crowd and has been shown not to work. A stonecutters type society? That would be interesting but it would have to be organized correctly or it would quickly erode into the project mayhem mess. A manifesto and success stories? We have all those, game books are everywhere, game forums are everywhere, game blogs are everywhere.

The problem we face is not the information we have available it is the inability of the majority of people to digest that information. To go from a blue-piller to a successful red-piller is seriously hard fucking work with many ups and downs. Not many people have the mental fortitude to handle that. The problem we have doesn't lie within us, the problem lies within them.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Dr. Howard - 10-18-2013

Joe Biden would make a great Red Pill spokesperson
[Image: Getty_100912_JoeBiden.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_...6471577814]

He's normal looking, charismatic and able to come off as sounding innocuous or almost dumb as to not offend anyone with his real intentions.

I think thats whats meant by 'abnormal' RVF'ers. Even in my public speaking days I appealed to the underdogs and rebels in the business crowds I spoke to. There is something 'off' about me and its palpable because I don't move the way one is supposed to with an established group. I don't applaud when I'm supposed to, i don't yell "yes we can" when I'm supposed to.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - soup - 10-18-2013

Ha yes we are the weirdos who get pussy


A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Remington - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 09:34 AM)wiscanada Wrote:  

Joe Biden would make a great Red Pill spokesperson
[Image: Getty_100912_JoeBiden.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_...6471577814]

He's normal looking, charismatic and able to come off as sounding innocuous or almost dumb as to not offend anyone with his real intentions.

I think thats whats meant by 'abnormal' RVF'ers. Even in my public speaking days I appealed to the underdogs and rebels in the business crowds I spoke to. There is something 'off' about me and its palpable because I don't move the way one is supposed to with an established group. I don't applaud when I'm supposed to, i don't yell "yes we can" when I'm supposed to.

[Image: 3pa6tm.jpg]

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Duke Castile - 10-18-2013

Quote: (10-18-2013 08:15 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I don't get it. What do you consider "abnormal"? When I say the word, I think primarily of:
Help me out here.

Well for starters, you named yourself Handsome Creepy Eel.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-18-2013

Look who's talking [Image: lol.gif]

Besides, I don't introduce myself to people in real life as Handsome Creepy Eel, nor do I throw squids at them. I thought this was a serious thread.

A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - shameus_o'reaaly - 10-18-2013

Doesn't really provide a figurehead, but why not do things offline, without recourse to online activity? Doesn't even have to be game tactics; start a mastermind group of some kind, or nag everyone in lousy shape to squat and box, or send your kids to dance lessons. Maybe a more effective real-life version of
If someone can make some tangible and positive change, or help another person to, they will always be taken seriously thereafter, i.e., if you help someone to meet their goals and better themselves, you have credibility in their eyes, and they will start to find other areas of life to change.
Not easy but something to think about.

Quote: (10-17-2013 05:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Amidst all of these stories of false rape accusations, guys getting taken to the cleaners in divorce court, losing custody, getting fired for inflammatory tweets, getting fired for sexual harrassment, I feel like we should be providing an alternative place for men. I know Roosh is adamantly anti MRA, and I'm not suggesting RVF turn into that, but maybe we create our own version of it. A place where beleaguered men can go to "see the light". There might be guys out there, good guys who tried to do the right thing, that just got royally fucked over by being blue pill. I know we take pride in each of us coming to these terms on our own and finding our own way, but maybe that should evolve. For each of us that are here, how many other guys are out there in the wilderness feeling hopeless? I'd wager there are many.

It might be crazy or cult-ish, in fact it's probably both, but what if we put together some propaganda packet, something like what Jehovah's Witnesses do? Instead of going door to door it gets put on banners all over the web.

The first problem I see with this is RVFers tend to be, well, fucking weird. Not a single guy I've met in person could be considered "normal", and thank god for that, but I feel like we'd need a bit more of a levelheaded spokeperson to spread the gospel.

I kind of picture us like this:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTa7-iNL7iQQ9hXjy4uQ6G...V6uu5O5OBX]
(Slubu pictured on left. No seriously that's him)

And what we really need is our own Otter:
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWsn2RQAsPdvdzR_9Pk-1...Igrr777zN_]

Why would I think this? Well, I've been thinking that this progressive machine that's out there right now feeds off of victory. It's been said here many times before, usually by MikeCF, you might ignore feminism but feminism will find you. For every guy that gets chewed up by alimony court, the machine becomes more powerful. It might be in our best interests at some point to establish a "red pill living" element, even if we are still figuring out exactly what that means. Yes we have the Lifestyle thread but I'm talking about some sort of welcoming page or welcoming packet that really illustrates what red-pill lifestyle is all about. A concise 1 or 2 page manifesto that makes something click in that beleaguered blue-piller looking for that something. Travelling abroad and banging strange will always be a part of that, but there are domestic issues that need fighting. Not everyone can be location independent.

And if we're going to establish anything, it needs to be a bit more clearheaded and concise, not like the usual mayhem that occurs on the boards with everyone coming from relatively extreme positions. We need a politician.


A Red Pill Welcoming Packet - Starke - 10-18-2013

A unifying and widely recognized figurehead would leave the 'sphere vulnerable to collapse.

Look at Wikileaks, it was invincible when it was anonymous to the public.
Then along comes Assange, a well-spoken, statesmanlike computer expert as figurehead- they couldn't find sufficiently effective dirt on him, other than the fact that he slept with a lot of women, thus a bogus rape charge was born and his organization was forever tainted in the eyes of the majority.