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Testosterone injections - Gas - 05-23-2017

Quote: (05-03-2017 07:53 PM)Neo Wrote:  

I believe I've over trained and stressed myself to low t. I have blood work from last year showing 767 TT.

For a few months I've been going hard and upped the cardio. Some MT sessions were forcing me to take a nap for hours afterwards. I felt terrible for days after particularly intense sessions. Still doing BJJ and weight lifting as well. Kept pushing through, but it was tough.

With a morning blood draw TT came back at 300 and change. Ouch. My diet hasn't changed much besides upping calories.

Honestly it's not unbearable, but I do feel the effects. My motivation has been in the gutter, and I've been walking around much angrier than usual. My performance at work has suffered as well.

Going to look into some options.

I tested at almost 600, then I spent the following year traveling doing a lot of cool shit, lifting weights, eating really well, sleeping a lot, supplementing, best shape of my life. Got tested again and came in at near 300. Couldn't understand it.

The strangest thing was I actually felt amazing and if I hadn't seen the 300 with my own eyes on the page I would never have believed it. I was expecting a jump to 800+. Really strange.

30 yo.

Testosterone injections - kbell - 07-18-2017

Got my years test results in. 32 years old.

Estradiol 25.1
FSH 7.3
LH 3.9
Prolactin 7.6
Test Free 16.3
Test Total 582.

Went up 200 since last time I checked which I think was before my shoulder surgery. Unless the urologist insist, I might not start TRT this year and work on lowering my inflammation by diet.

Testosterone injections - Transsimian - 07-21-2017

No injections, but I'm experimenting with some changes that should boost my testosterone.

I had it tested last week, and if I have a significant improvement after a month, I'll post a datasheet.

Testosterone injections - LeeEnfield303 - 07-23-2017


I inject into my deltoids sub-q using 29 gauge insulin needle.

That's a small needle for 125mg. How long does it take to go in?

And why the delts? Just curious.

Testosterone injections - birthday cat - 07-23-2017

Quote: (05-04-2017 11:32 PM)Araveug Wrote:  

I have been on TRT since early 3/17. I had always considered Test augmentation in the context of sexual dysfunction or steroid use. A friend of mine brought it up after he'd been on it. He told me for him it had nothing to do with anything sexual; whether he was being honest or not does not matter - I proceeded to do some heavy research: studies published online, forums, info from people I know, and also a book by Jay Campbell on TRT.

For a few years I had been wondering quietly if I had some type of deficiency due to having to work harder for gym gains than others, having trouble focusing continuously with work, and thinking 'small' regarding career + $$$. I would also get pretty tired in the afternoon 3-5 times/week. Every source I read spoke into these specific areas - it was go time.

I had lab work done twice before I began TRT:
Total : 270-300
Free : 8-9
Estradiol : 13ish

PSA, hemoglobin other important things were good both times.

I decided to go the self-care route after visiting with a Dr. and doing my research. The first week I was a little over-eager and did a a bit of an oversized dose (divided into two injections) with the hope of easily being able to feel/notice the difference. Following the second injection I felt like I had the world by the balls for 4-5 days (test prop) and it was excellent.

After the first week I walked my dose back to 125mg every 3.5 days. A month into it I had my bloodwork done again:
Total: 1230ish
Free: 26ish

I inject into my deltoids sub-q using 29 gauge insulin needle.

1. How many total mg did you take in the first week with the over-sized dose?

2. Are you sure your numbers are correct? You are injecting 125mg every 3.5 days (250mg per week) and your total testosterone is 1230?

3. How long had you been injecting before your bloodwork with total testosterone at 1230? Only one month?

4. What is the mg to ml ratio of the testosterone you are using? Is it 250 mg/ml?

5. A similar question to LeeEnfield303's questions. Why the delts for sub-q injections?

Testosterone injections - birthday cat - 07-23-2017

Quote: (05-12-2017 11:58 AM)Mjölnir Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2017 06:11 PM)crispytaco Wrote:  

I am having weird numbers in the labs.

My dosage is 50 mg enanthate every 3 days. That is 100 mg one week and 150 the other.

Went to the lab a 4th day after the last shot, meaning minutes before my next dosage. My total test came 1623 Ng/dl The estradiol was 75 pg/dl . I managed to lower the estradiol a bit to 50 by taking 8 mg of aromasin the day after each shot (1/3 tab).

So the dosage is not high but the total testosterone is. What would be better, to space the shots to every 4 or 5 days or same schedule, less dosage?

Are you having estrogen related problems staying on that level of testosterone ?

If you're feeling fine and all the bloodwork is swell, why would you want to lower it ? [Image: huh.gif]

His bloodwork is not swell. Both the testosterone and estrogen levels are high.

The high end for normal testosterone is about 1100. Some guys want to go above that but that isn't really TRT anymore. I've gone above that before and I don't have any problem with guys who want to do that. However, it is ridiculous when we are criticizing guys for trying to do TRT the correct way and avoid side effects and long term problems.

Levels over 1600 are going to cause side effects in most men. Levels of 1600 over the long term isn't something that we really know much about. There aren't any studies I'm aware of for guys at 1600 or higher for decades.

Testosterone injections - Araveug - 07-24-2017

Quote: (07-23-2017 10:50 AM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  


I inject into my deltoids sub-q using 29 gauge insulin needle.

That's a small needle for 125mg. How long does it take to go in?

And why the delts? Just curious.

def not a big needle. I've never really timed how long it takes to go in - if I had to guess, I would say 20-30 seconds. one thing you need to keep in mind is that there are different amounts of Test per ML, depending on your specific cocktail - mine is *allegedly* 250mg/ML.

delts because option #1 at the clinic was in the butt, and I did not want someone sticking a needle in my ass. even if I was comfortable with that, by now i would have changed because delts are just the place i am most comfortable giving myself a shot; my hand feels most stable in that position and I can keep a great eye on the whole situation.

Testosterone injections - Araveug - 07-24-2017

Quote: (07-23-2017 11:04 PM)birthday cat Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 11:32 PM)Araveug Wrote:  

I have been on TRT since early 3/17. I had always considered Test augmentation in the context of sexual dysfunction or steroid use. A friend of mine brought it up after he'd been on it. He told me for him it had nothing to do with anything sexual; whether he was being honest or not does not matter - I proceeded to do some heavy research: studies published online, forums, info from people I know, and also a book by Jay Campbell on TRT.

For a few years I had been wondering quietly if I had some type of deficiency due to having to work harder for gym gains than others, having trouble focusing continuously with work, and thinking 'small' regarding career + $$$. I would also get pretty tired in the afternoon 3-5 times/week. Every source I read spoke into these specific areas - it was go time.

I had lab work done twice before I began TRT:
Total : 270-300
Free : 8-9
Estradiol : 13ish

PSA, hemoglobin other important things were good both times.

I decided to go the self-care route after visiting with a Dr. and doing my research. The first week I was a little over-eager and did a a bit of an oversized dose (divided into two injections) with the hope of easily being able to feel/notice the difference. Following the second injection I felt like I had the world by the balls for 4-5 days (test prop) and it was excellent.

After the first week I walked my dose back to 125mg every 3.5 days. A month into it I had my bloodwork done again:
Total: 1230ish
Free: 26ish

I inject into my deltoids sub-q using 29 gauge insulin needle.

1. How many total mg did you take in the first week with the over-sized dose?

2. Are you sure your numbers are correct? You are injecting 125mg every 3.5 days (250mg per week) and your total testosterone is 1230?

3. How long had you been injecting before your bloodwork with total testosterone at 1230? Only one month?

4. What is the mg to ml ratio of the testosterone you are using? Is it 250 mg/ml?

5. A similar question to LeeEnfield303's questions. Why the delts for sub-q injections?

1. First week I did 420mg over two doses. I would like to point out that this is NOT CONSIDERED TRT. As previously stated, I backed off this dosage after 10 days (3rd injection).

2. I have a hard time imagining my labs are not correct. The only number I might question is my mg/ML, which I am told is 250mg (question #4).

3. Yes, one month as stated in my first post (I think?).

With questions 2 & 3 which way are you leaning? My numbers are higher or lower than you would expect? Any other questions/comments welcome...

I might as well update a little bit....

Currently on approx 170mg/week with only one injection. I got tired of doing 2 injections per week. I am going to stick with this until Mid September blood work.

I think in my first post I mentioned my balls had shrunk, but barely. Since then they have shrunk more. It does bother me a little but nobody really notices. I may explore some options to get them hangin nice and low again.

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 07-25-2017

I'll chime in on my start with TRT.

A little background: I've been testing low for total testosterone for years. At the urging of my urologist I went on clomid for about a year, but developed at least two eye floaters, and my ophthalmologist said that my ocular pressure in my eyes was above normal. Quit clomid last fall, even though there was a stretch of a few months where I felt really good. I've since been on an anti-depressant as it was difficult for me to get through the day otherwise. I could also barely have sex with my wife and lost all interest in women. My work performance had been suffering as I lost all interest in it and had difficulty concentrating.

About six weeks ago my urologist kept calling me to come and get a prostate screening done. I'm 38, so this is completely unnecessary. After calling me non-stop I break down and go in. Get the screening done by a nurse, but before I go the urologist wants to talk to me. To my surprise my regular urologist (for whom I don't really care) has hired a physician's assistant, who is a woman. She was the one who wanted to speak with me.

She said that I noticed you came in two years ago regarding low testosterone, and we put you on clomid. I responded yes, but that I've gone off now for various reasons. She then said that since she's been hired she's revamped the hormone-replacement practice and is leading it. She's scrapped the use of clomid and testosterone pellets and recommends as a first line of defense twice-a-week injections of testosterone cypionate coupled with hcg.

She asked if I would be interested in the shots, if I test for low testosterone. I said yes. She takes the test and calls me the next day to state that my testosterone is 320 ng/dL and that my estradiol is 12 pg/ml. She then prescribes two vials of testosterone cypionate and 1 vial of hcg. In the beginning I went in a few times to get the hang of measuring and administering injections. I now do everything in the comfort of my home.

I didn't think there would be a big difference in how I feel. I was wrong.

The first thing that I noticed are the mood-elevating effects. My depression has completely vanished, and I look forward to each day. In addition, I'm motivated at work and can concentrate better. I've started meeting up with my friends again and going out with colleagues after work for a beer. My mood has become so good (and most importantly, stable) that I've since gone off Prozac, with no difference in how I feel. This is definitely the biggest positive of trt, at least for me.

The other thing I immediately noticed is the sleep. My god, I can sleep through the night again and feel rested in the morning. This is also a godsend, and is no small reason why my mood has become so elevated.

I work out a 4x per week and have noticed an immediate improvement. My endurance has become better, but more importantly I'm hitting PRs in the gym every time I step in. I've definitely added some muscle as well, as my shirts are really starting to feel tight on me.

My libido has not recovered as quickly, but I'm having sex more often with my wife. When I'm in the mood, the orgasms are a lot better. I don't have to take dick pills anymore to have sex with my wife, which is nice.

I got my blood tested two weeks ago, and my test is 640 ng/dL. My estradiol was 18 pg/ml, which probably explains why my libido hasn't rocketed back yet. However, my libido the past week has been much higher, so I suspect that my estradiol has wandered into the magic range of 20-30 pg/ml. I just got blood drawn yesterday and will provide an update once I receive it.

There are two downsides: 1) you have to be on forever. I find it no big deal to administer to myself the twice-weekly injections of cyp and hcg; 2) I run a little hotter and am more prone to sweating. I've always run on the cool side and would be cold on an 80 degree day, so I don't really mind this side effect that much.

In any event I feel like I'm in my early thirties again. This stuff is really a youth elixir! I would advise any man past the age of 35 who has lost his mojo and desire to improve himself to seek out a doctor and get his hormone levels tested. You may have the same issue that I have had.

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 08-03-2017

Quote: (07-25-2017 08:47 AM)PUA_Rachacha Wrote:  

I'll chime in on my start with TRT.

A little background: I've been testing low for total testosterone for years. At the urging of my urologist I went on clomid for about a year, but developed at least two eye floaters, and my ophthalmologist said that my ocular pressure in my eyes was above normal. Quit clomid last fall, even though there was a stretch of a few months where I felt really good. I've since been on an anti-depressant as it was difficult for me to get through the day otherwise. I could also barely have sex with my wife and lost all interest in women. My work performance had been suffering as I lost all interest in it and had difficulty concentrating.

About six weeks ago my urologist kept calling me to come and get a prostate screening done. I'm 38, so this is completely unnecessary. After calling me non-stop I break down and go in. Get the screening done by a nurse, but before I go the urologist wants to talk to me. To my surprise my regular urologist (for whom I don't really care) has hired a physician's assistant, who is a woman. She was the one who wanted to speak with me.

She said that I noticed you came in two years ago regarding low testosterone, and we put you on clomid. I responded yes, but that I've gone off now for various reasons. She then said that since she's been hired she's revamped the hormone-replacement practice and is leading it. She's scrapped the use of clomid and testosterone pellets and recommends as a first line of defense twice-a-week injections of testosterone cypionate coupled with hcg.

She asked if I would be interested in the shots, if I test for low testosterone. I said yes. She takes the test and calls me the next day to state that my testosterone is 320 ng/dL and that my estradiol is 12 pg/ml. She then prescribes two vials of testosterone cypionate and 1 vial of hcg. In the beginning I went in a few times to get the hang of measuring and administering injections. I now do everything in the comfort of my home.

I didn't think there would be a big difference in how I feel. I was wrong.

The first thing that I noticed are the mood-elevating effects. My depression has completely vanished, and I look forward to each day. In addition, I'm motivated at work and can concentrate better. I've started meeting up with my friends again and going out with colleagues after work for a beer. My mood has become so good (and most importantly, stable) that I've since gone off Prozac, with no difference in how I feel. This is definitely the biggest positive of trt, at least for me.

The other thing I immediately noticed is the sleep. My god, I can sleep through the night again and feel rested in the morning. This is also a godsend, and is no small reason why my mood has become so elevated.

I work out a 4x per week and have noticed an immediate improvement. My endurance has become better, but more importantly I'm hitting PRs in the gym every time I step in. I've definitely added some muscle as well, as my shirts are really starting to feel tight on me.

My libido has not recovered as quickly, but I'm having sex more often with my wife. When I'm in the mood, the orgasms are a lot better. I don't have to take dick pills anymore to have sex with my wife, which is nice.

I got my blood tested two weeks ago, and my test is 640 ng/dL. My estradiol was 18 pg/ml, which probably explains why my libido hasn't rocketed back yet. However, my libido the past week has been much higher, so I suspect that my estradiol has wandered into the magic range of 20-30 pg/ml. I just got blood drawn yesterday and will provide an update once I receive it.

There are two downsides: 1) you have to be on forever. I find it no big deal to administer to myself the twice-weekly injections of cyp and hcg; 2) I run a little hotter and am more prone to sweating. I've always run on the cool side and would be cold on an 80 degree day, so I don't really mind this side effect that much.

In any event I feel like I'm in my early thirties again. This stuff is really a youth elixir! I would advise any man past the age of 35 who has lost his mojo and desire to improve himself to seek out a doctor and get his hormone levels tested. You may have the same issue that I have had.

Just got my bloods back, my testosterone is almost 1300 ng/dL! Even worse my E2 (sensitive) is 47. I've been pretty bloated lately while eating pretty clean, so I was wondering what was up.

Urologist wants me to scale back to 50mg of cyp per week (from 100mg) to get my test back to under 800. She also wants me to take aromasin. Since it generally doesn't make sense to change two things at once, I'll lower my dose to 50mg per week and see how things shake out. Next blood work is due in a month.

Otherwise my strength has skyrocketed: I went from squatting 175lbs 3 sets/15 reps each to 205lbs 3 sets / 15 reps each within three weeks. I've also put 20lbs on my bench in the same time period.

My libido has improved since I last posted, and erections are back to where they were when I was in my late 20s. Mood is always good and stable.

Testosterone injections - WanderingSoul - 08-03-2017

50mg TOTAL per week? Or 50mg 2x weekly?

50mg per week is really low I believe.

Also, if your mood, libido and everything is great, are you sure you want to cut your medication in half and take an AI? Your total T doesn't need to be under 800. From what I've read, a lot of guys feel best around 1,000.

I think you should really look at getting a consult with Defy Medical or Dr. Crisler.

Testosterone injections - Grenblin - 08-03-2017

Is it really 50 mg or is it 0.5ml?
50mg ~ 50ml = 50 insulin syringes.

I was prescribed 0.35ml x 2 week and it raised my T from low 300 to 1200's.

Testosterone injections - Clint Barton - 08-03-2017

Test cyp is usually 200mg/ml. So .35ml is a 70mg dose. 70mg x 2 times a week is 140mg a week. Check the vial.

Testosterone injections - Grenblin - 08-03-2017

That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 08-04-2017

Quote: (08-03-2017 02:44 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

50mg TOTAL per week? Or 50mg 2x weekly?

50mg per week is really low I believe.

Also, if your mood, libido and everything is great, are you sure you want to cut your medication in half and take an AI? Your total T doesn't need to be under 800. From what I've read, a lot of guys feel best around 1,000.

I think you should really look at getting a consult with Defy Medical or Dr. Crisler.

Hey Rio,

Yeah, 50mg per week total. I was taking 100mg per week (one dose of 50mg E3.5D), and that caused my test to skyrocket to 1,300 ng/dL.

I'll see how 50mg per week turns out for me. If everything goes back to suboptimal, then I'm pretty certain that I can convince my urologist to increase back to the original dose. Otherwise I'll probably go UGL.

And just to clarify, I'm not going to take an AI at this time.

Testosterone injections - duedue - 08-04-2017

I have a question. You may have seen my borderline low T thread. If I go on TRT, I can imagine two outcomes: one is that it does not make much of a difference for me and the other is that I get more energy and drive so my life quality, for example my lifting, improves.

In the first case can I just stop the injections or would TRT deminish my body's natural T production? In the second case can I "taper off" the shots; basically having used them as a crutch??

Testosterone injections - Steelex - 08-04-2017

If you already have diagnosed low t via bloodwork (not just a guess) then TRT will drive another nail on the coffin for your own production.

There really isn't much of a tapering, the half life of the ester will taper it for you if you come off.

Testosterone injections - Darkwing Buck - 08-05-2017

So a daily mail article came out last week that said steroid usage in the UK has quadrupled in recent times.

I think a huge part of this is simple. Competition for females.

With the developed world being so advanced and pretty much society changing, men have to compete way harder for women. Especially with social media and the internet. Feminism, living standards, and lifestyles have changed in developed nations and lots of guys are trying to compete.

If people were matching up more evenly then we wouldn't have such a large population of males obsessed with maximizing their looks and aesthetics. In a world where women are having kids at older ages, sleeping around more, embracing feminist ideals, and don't really need men to provide for them, they can be more picky. It's the "Chad Thundercock" trope. More men are being left out as standards rise and female selection criteria shifts from being able to find a nice stable guy with an income to start a family, to the tallest most muscular most hot guy to find on Tinder for a one night stand. It's an exaggeration but I think close to the truth.

Many economists and survivalists have also talked about the growing inflation and income inequality as well as the fact that women don't rely on men and are now equal in the work force to mean that we're going to see a "harem culture" grow more and more. Women naturally want a man that's bigger, taller, older, and wealthier. It's in their DNA just as much as us men like women with big tits and fat asses because it triggers our lizard brain to recognize fertility/child birthing traits. So basically as culture and society change and women don't need to select for stable resources because a corporation or the government provides, they're now left to select for looks and pure sexual fitness.

It's not our grandfathers times when all you needed was a factory job out of high school and you could provide for a house and a family and a woman would be happy to have you. Not only does paradigm no longer exist, the woman don't want it (feminism) anyway.

So you have men doing everything they can just to be able to compete for (often low quality) women.

This forum wouldn't exist if that wasn't the case. Look at all the mental preparation and discipline it takes to run game and tell me that shit ain't fucked up.

Testosterone injections - Kwisatz - 08-05-2017

Please link us to the article.
Quote: (08-05-2017 03:26 AM)Darkwing Buck Wrote:  

So a daily mail article came out last week that said steroid usage in the UK has quadrupled in recent times.

I think a huge part of this is simple. Competition for females.

Testosterone injections - pheonix500000 - 08-06-2017

Quote: (08-05-2017 09:55 AM)Kwisatz Wrote:  

Please link us to the article.
Quote: (08-05-2017 03:26 AM)Darkwing Buck Wrote:  

So a daily mail article came out last week that said steroid usage in the UK has quadrupled in recent times.

I think a huge part of this is simple. Competition for females.

This is probably the article he was talking about

Steroids see four-fold increase, data shows, fuelled by rise in muscle-conscious young men

Testosterone injections - Darkwing Buck - 08-07-2017

Quote: (08-06-2017 02:37 AM)pheonix500000 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-05-2017 09:55 AM)Kwisatz Wrote:  

Please link us to the article.
Quote: (08-05-2017 03:26 AM)Darkwing Buck Wrote:  

So a daily mail article came out last week that said steroid usage in the UK has quadrupled in recent times.

I think a huge part of this is simple. Competition for females.

This is probably the article he was talking about

Steroids see four-fold increase, data shows, fuelled by rise in muscle-conscious young men

Thanks that's the one. I'll add that I'd love to do a cycle or blast and cruise but I'm not representative of the average guy as I've been a gym rat for over 7 years. I just wanna be buff as fuck.

Definitely when I settle down in a new city I'll be looking at options to start injecting. I just want an impressive body and unfortunately there's nothing impressive about being natty.

Testosterone injections - sonoran_ - 08-08-2017

Does anyone have a way to get ancillary drug prescription from the doctor? things such as dutasteride, arimidex, clomid?

Or if anyone knows a source that is reasonably prices for these ancillary drugs please PM me.

Testosterone injections - Steelex - 08-08-2017

If you're getting test from a doctor then your bloodwork should indicate the need for an ancillary.

Testosterone injections - duedue - 08-10-2017

After not being able to get a prescription from a local urologist I got in touch with Defy clinic as per recommendation of one of forum members. They require patients to sign "binding arbitration" agreement and I don't feel easy about it.

Testosterone injections - ruddock - 08-19-2017

I received my blood work results online but I don't really know what they mean. I'm 50 years old... feel weaker than ever before.. cant lift weights just doing cardio ... anyone in the know who can tell me what my blood work means? I see the doctor on Tuesday to go over the results...

FSH- 7.5
total testosterone- 349
free testosterone-46.8
prolactin 6.3