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Testosterone injections - S3K2 - 12-14-2016

You can see your muscles more due to the loss of bodyfat. Your getting stronger due to the fact your a new lifter (under 2 years) i'm assuming. This is called "newbie gains" no pun intended. Congradulations. Thats great progress bro! Keep up the hard work. However, your going to reach a pleatuing point with no matter what you do, you just can't seem to gain more muscle and/or lift heavier weight. Thats when you should add carbs to your diet (say 20 g / day and increase by 10g until you break out of your pleatu) it will take you around 2+ years to reach this point however. One thing I feel a lot of people miss on this board, and all over for that matter, is that every 5-10lbs you gain/lose your diet MUST be adjusted accordingly. This adjustment is KEY. You just lost 50lbs in 6 months. You should be eating -(minus)700-1000 kal/day. Highly doubt your eating the same macro nutrients and calories you were prior to your transformation. So my point is you simply cannot eat the same and expect progress. Your diet should be constantly following your gains. This is more important than all else.
How many mg/week of test are you on?
Is that normal, yes. However get bloodwork done asap and make sure your still in range. The key to trt is staying in the upper range, but within normal limits. Testosterone increases metabolism, along with countless other things. Watch your lipids also. The #1 important factor to be concerned about, plaquing up your heart. Also, do yourself a favor and give blood (double reds) every 2-3 months. This will (lower any hypertension you may have from the test, decrease your iron levels from being on a high protein diet, and make you live longer.) Why do you think woman outlive men generally? Because they bleed once a month...agian, congrats on your progress bro.

Testosterone injections - Grenblin - 12-14-2016

Wow, thank you for such detailed reply!
I did read about the plateau so for now, since my main goal is still losing weight, I just switch workout programs every few months to make sure my muscles don't acclimate to the same exercises. I also came back to Krav Maga twice a week for that extra cardio work.
As to adjusting my macros intake, I am using the eatthismuch app which not only builds me a keto meal plan every week, but also tracks my weight and recalculates the macros accordingly. Not sure how well it does it, but so far so good. But no way I could eat -700kal/day, I started the diet at 2000 kal/day. If I consume only 1300 kal daily I will shrivel and die! LOL
Again, as much as I want gains now, my first and foremost goal is to shed the remaining excess fat and get out of obese and overweight categories. Also, I want to stop buying smaller clothes every month, it gets expensive, not to mention annoying.
Then I will adjust my diet for "GAINZ".

I am currently on 50mg/week cyp divided into two doses twice a week to keep the T level from spiking and dropping.
Having my first post TRT bloodwork done in beginning of January and seeing my doc week after to see if the dose needs adjustment.
So far, like I mentioned, I became hornier, random boners popping, I am no longer tired all the time, solid 7-8 hours of sleep and I wake up refreshed (and that's in winter when my S.A.D. is at full capacity!). I use a standing desk at work and I noticed that I can stand for 8 hours and not realize it whilst prior starting TRT I would get fatigued by 3PM and have to sit the rest of the work day.

Again, thanks for such a detailed reply and for congrats, it means a lot to me.

Testosterone injections - JonboyUK - 12-18-2016

Quote: (11-05-2016 02:55 AM)SanMiguel Wrote:  

I'm currently around week 8 of a self prescribed TRT course. I am taking 75mg test enanthate every 3 days and have seen/felt it start to work its magic in the last few weeks or so. This isn't a huge dose so as I expected the changes are not drastic, as they would be on a high dose steroid cycle, but I am happy so far.

Main benefits have been imcreased energy and strength, better sense of wellbeing/less mental fog - I am getting things done without hesitating. My diet has not been perfect (but not terrible) and I have definitely lost fat/added muscle. This is just the beginning of a long journey and I am glad I started it, will post a more detailed update after I have blood tests done in a few weeks time.

San Miguel,

I assume you are in the UK? I used this place:

For a self-test, turn around time was quick after sending off the sample I had the results in 3 days. All I have to do now is try and interpret my results, 286 ng/dl for a 40 year old male.

Can I ask where you got your self diagnosed TRT pills from? I am trying to find options to see if improves my T but i am somewhat new to the subject and suffering from a bit of info overload.

Testosterone injections - S3K2 - 12-18-2016


San Miguel,

I assume you are in the UK? I used this place:

For a self-test, turn around time was quick after sending off the sample I had the results in 3 days. All I have to do now is try and interpret my results, 286 ng/dl for a 40 year old male.

Can I ask where you got your self diagnosed TRT pills from? I am trying to find options to see if improves my T but i am somewhat new to the subject and suffering from a bit of info overload.

Go check out my two posts on page 31. Should answer most if not all of your questions.

Testosterone injections - MediumRare - 12-20-2016

You mentioned a couple posts back about the benefits of giving blood due to various issues and it's piqued my interest.

Over the past year I have tried to increase my T levels (which I felt were lowering due to age and symptoms) naturally and one way is a high protein high fat diet.

I'm not anal about it though, I just cut out sugar and most all carbs and eat a lot of eggs, bacon, chicken, steak and green veg all cooked with as much lard, coconut oil or doused with olive oil as I can.

Iv built muscle and got low body fat but whenever i work out these days, one thing that happens now which never used to is my face gets a real pump, turning red with veins bulging over my temples and it stays tjstvway for a good hour afterwards.
It seems worse in me than anyone else i train with but if put it down to being older than them.

Could this be a symptom of the kind of diet related blood pressure issues you were talking about?

Testosterone injections - S3K2 - 12-20-2016


You mentioned a couple posts back about the benefits of giving blood due to various issues and it's piqued my interest.

Over the past year I have tried to increase my T levels (which I felt were lowering due to age and symptoms) naturally and one way is a high protein high fat diet.

I'm not anal about it though, I just cut out sugar and most all carbs and eat a lot of eggs, bacon, chicken, steak and green veg all cooked with as much lard, coconut oil or doused with olive oil as I can.

Iv built muscle and got low body fat but whenever i work out these days, one thing that happens now which never used to is my face gets a real pump, turning red with veins bulging over my temples and it stays tjstvway for a good hour afterwards.
It seems worse in me than anyone else i train with but if put it down to being older than them.

Could this be a symptom of the kind of diet related blood pressure issues you were talking about?

Giving blood is therapeutic, especially if your on gear or hrt/trt. It would also help you being on a high protein diet which increases your iron levels significantly. Give double reds once every 3 months and it will keep iron levels in check.

Concerning your bulging veins, could be a significant drop in bf % (in your face) allowing you to notice your veins. Understand two things, #1 During your training your muscles bulge thus pushing your veins to the surface. #2 If you increased your testosterone enough, your blood pressure will rise. Do you notice your veins bulging throughout your body or just your face? If its your whole body I wouldn't be concerned. If it's just your face/head, go see a doctor.

Testosterone injections - Kwisatz - 12-20-2016

I switched from .5 ML of Testosterone Propionate every 3/4 days to 1ML Sustanon once a week. I have been using it for about a year. Its smoother, so to speak. I always felt a mild edge with Propionate. Sustanon delivers a slower time-released dosage that I prefer.

Quote: (12-11-2016 06:10 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Anyone have any experience with Sustanon? I was taking it instead of regular testosterone for the last seven months.... I think I prefer just regular test.

Testosterone injections - el mavericko - 12-29-2016

I'm gonna go on a 2-3 month TRT vacation and use Defy Medical telemedicine to hopefully get everything dialed in by the end of the three months.

My question to you gents, any ideas as to where the ideal location to base myself for this would be? What cities have everything we need from test to full bloodwork without prescription cheap as possible and widely available? I'm in Asia now and would also consider SA but not down for winter in Europe.

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 12-29-2016

Quote: (12-20-2016 10:31 AM)Kwisatz Wrote:  

I switched from .5 ML of Testosterone Propionate every 3/4 days to 1ML Sustanon once a week. I have been using it for about a year. Its smoother, so to speak. I always felt a mild edge with Propionate. Sustanon delivers a slower time-released dosage that I prefer.

Quote: (12-11-2016 06:10 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Anyone have any experience with Sustanon? I was taking it instead of regular testosterone for the last seven months.... I think I prefer just regular test.

Smoother in terms of mood? Libido? Not as anxious?

Testosterone injections - Kwisatz - 01-03-2017

By "smoother", I mean that Testosterone Propionate definitely gave me a more aggressive edge. Sustanon does not.

With two .5 ML injections per week (the smallest effective dose possible) of Testosterone Propionate, I had the stereotypical increase in libido, but I was never anxious. I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and lift weights, I am very aware of my physiology, psychology, and emotion. I realized that I had to be very, very mindful of my thoughts on Propionate. It was very easy for aggression to become a default thought, as opposed to a last resort thought.

With 1ML injection per week (again, the smallest effective dose possible) of Sustanon 250/Durateston 250, I get the same benefits, delivered over a week. Slower, with no spike. I also don't have to monitor my aggression.

I am an aggressive man by training and demeanor, but when I took control of adjusting my hormones I did A LOT of research so that I was aware of what to look for. Besides that, the men I train and fight with have always had very effective ways of dealing with overly aggressive training partners.

When coaches tell you "I will only go as hard as you do." That usually means "If you get too aggressive, I will strangle you so hard and so often over the next ten minutes that you won't be able to remember how to spell your own name afterward, BUT tomorrow you can come back and we'll see if you are ready to learn."

I listed the pros/cons of Propionate here, these are all applicable to Sustanon 250 / Durateston 250 -> thread-28966...pid1040085

Quote: (12-29-2016 10:12 AM)PUA_Rachacha Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2016 10:31 AM)Kwisatz Wrote:  

I switched from .5 ML of Testosterone Propionate every 3/4 days to 1ML Sustanon once a week. I have been using it for about a year. Its smoother, so to speak. I always felt a mild edge with Propionate. Sustanon delivers a slower time-released dosage that I prefer.

Quote: (12-11-2016 06:10 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Anyone have any experience with Sustanon? I was taking it instead of regular testosterone for the last seven months.... I think I prefer just regular test.

Smoother in terms of mood? Libido? Not as anxious?

Testosterone injections - crispytaco - 01-06-2017

Wow, just found this thread. I'm 42 and just had a lab test. Total test = 450. I am considering to raise it a bit.

I have a blank pre signed prescription from my doc. So I will start studying the topic.

Testosterone injections - Realbor - 01-07-2017

I havent read thru the thread yet, about to do it.

But, how much did testosterone help your mentality?

Right now, I have 150ng/dl, 250 and 260, three readings. Im 28 years old, I feel 75.

Very low libido
No drive or motivation
Self esteem is shit
Feel "slow" in my brain
Depressive episodes from time to time
Can sleep for 10 hours, yet be tired

Testosterone injections - Realbor - 01-13-2017

Another reading came back, also been on MRI. MRI showed nothing, no tumours.

New blood:

Testosterone: 5nmol (8.6 - 35nmol)
LH: 6 (1.0-9.0)
FSH: 2.0 (1.0-9.0)
SHBG: 21 (10-50)
Prolactin: 280 (100-400)

My female endo tells me that she wont prescribe testosterone cause she thinks Im cheating with drugs to push my testsoterone down to get TRT, something with: "Your LH is good despite low testosterone, that is suspicious".

No idea what to do now.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 01-14-2017

Testosterone injections - Unchained - 01-14-2017

Quote: (01-14-2017 06:13 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Joe Rogan doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about in this video. The Rock AND Zac Efron are definitely on roids. 100% without a doubt.

Anyone who knows shit about bodybuilding and anabolics would bet their life savings on it.

Testosterone injections - Mjölnir - 01-16-2017

Quote: (01-13-2017 11:24 AM)Realbor Wrote:  

Another reading came back, also been on MRI. MRI showed nothing, no tumours.

New blood:

Testosterone: 5nmol (8.6 - 35nmol)
LH: 6 (1.0-9.0)
FSH: 2.0 (1.0-9.0)
SHBG: 21 (10-50)
Prolactin: 280 (100-400)

My female endo tells me that she wont prescribe testosterone cause she thinks Im cheating with drugs to push my testsoterone down to get TRT, something with: "Your LH is good despite low testosterone, that is suspicious".

No idea what to do now.

Find a male endo.

Quote: (01-14-2017 03:10 PM)Unchained Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2017 06:13 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Joe Rogan doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about in this video. The Rock AND Zac Efron are definitely on roids. 100% without a doubt.

Anyone who knows shit about bodybuilding and anabolics would bet their life savings on it.

Yeah, than they would lose their life savings, The rock, yeah most definitely. Zac Efron ? I doubt it, i have a very similar physique to his, and i'm 6 ft. A good tan, good lighting and a hollywood production can do wonders to how your body looks.

Plus, he is not at all tall, the level of muscularity on his body is for sure attainable naturaly. I know because i got there, actually i probably had more muscle mass than him at my peak, but because of his reduced height he gets more volume with less weight/mass on his frame. This is no secret, for anyone who knows shit about bodybuilding.

Testosterone injections - Grenblin - 01-16-2017

Definitely find a male endo. At first they will do a test, then start suggesting bullshit like sleep study etc.
Keep insisting that you want TRT, worked for me. They can only suggest. Once they start telling you what to do it's time to change doctors.

Testosterone injections - Grenblin - 01-16-2017

And an update on my side of TRT.
Was prescribed 0.5ml weekly with 3 ml syringe and 23 gauge needle because apparently the oil is too viscous.
Well, one stab with a 23 gauge made me realize I will never do that shit again, too much pain and blood.
Bought a box of 1ml syringes, box of 100 18ga x 1" needles for drawing it out of vial and a box of 27ga x 0.5" needles for actual injections. Works like a charm, absolutely painless.

Been injecting 0.25ml twice a week. Noticed that I am not as tired during the day, no longer need to take power naps at lunchtime, better performance at the gym.

Had to get my overall T test done before seeing the endo, but ran out of T a week before and pharmacy refused to refill my prescription 7 days early.
So my blood was drawn 8 days after last 0.25 injection and showed 528 when before starting TRT I was around 300.
The doc said that 8 days after last injection my T should have plummeted, but it did not go as low as it was before. So we're waiting 3 more months on the same dose and then do a blood draw 3 days after an injection.

Testosterone injections - Mentavious - 01-17-2017


Testosterone injections - S3K2 - 01-18-2017

Gren -
So if your TT ~ 528 is your endo going to kick you off of trt? 8 days for a long acting ester like cyp or eth no way! What kind of ester (oil) are you taking with your test? Normally endo's perfer cyp/eth. They feel the longer acting ones help steady blood levels from spiking.

If your interetsed in how to lower your test before a blood test, (i'm confidant I can get it down below normal range) let me know. Understand the process fucking sucks. I.e. no sleep for 2 days. Your going to take the blood draw drunk, your going to eat like shit 3 days out before the draw and gain about 5lbs in three days, absoulutly no workouts 3 days prior to the draw and a bunch of other unsettling shit. So yeah, let me know lol.

Testosterone injections - SanMiguel - 01-18-2017

Quote: (12-18-2016 02:47 PM)JonboyUK Wrote:  

San Miguel,

I assume you are in the UK? I used this place:

For a self-test, turn around time was quick after sending off the sample I had the results in 3 days. All I have to do now is try and interpret my results, 286 ng/dl for a 40 year old male.

Can I ask where you got your self diagnosed TRT pills from? I am trying to find options to see if improves my T but i am somewhat new to the subject and suffering from a bit of info overload.

You don't want pills mate! You are wasting your time with anything other than injectable testosterone. Yeah I'm in the UK and think it's a nightmare to get this prescribed through the NHS - our only options are paying £1-2k+ to a specialist private clinic (lots in London), or what I do which is buy through as reliable source you can find (other gym users or certain websites) and inject myself. There is obviously a risk with this but for me the reward outweighs it 10x. Do lots more research first - Search 'danger and play testosterone' on Google.

Quote: (01-07-2017 05:54 PM)Realbor Wrote:  

I havent read thru the thread yet, about to do it.

But, how much did testosterone help your mentality?

Right now, I have 150ng/dl, 250 and 260, three readings. Im 28 years old, I feel 75.

Very low libido
No drive or motivation
Self esteem is shit
Feel "slow" in my brain
Depressive episodes from time to time
Can sleep for 10 hours, yet be tired

I'm also 28 and have been on TRT for 3 or 4 months now. I had similar concerns as you, mainly low libido and fatigue, blood test showed I had low-medium T levels a bit higher than yours. I'd recommend doing lots of research and giving it a go at a low dose. I was looking for more of the mental benefits and am really happy with the results, wish I'd started it years ago! In my experience ...

Very low libido - this will definitely not be a problem, you will be hornier than ever, nearly all the time
No drive or motivation/lazy - has never been a problem for me but I do have more energy now than before
Self esteem - it's not a miracle drug, can't see it affecting this much/at all. Focus on yourself, new experiences, travel and gym to improve this
Feel "slow" in my brain - can relate to this one, also known as 'brain fog'. Quite hard to judge but if I had to give an answered I'd say yes this has improved
Depressive episodes - think we all have ups and downs, can't say I've noticed any huge difference
Sleep - quality of sleep and energy should improve with higher test levels, although for me the biggest help in this area has been light therapy - thread-39799.html

Overall, boosting your test isn't a magic bullet - you still need to push yourself outside your comfort zone to build confidence and self esteem, hit the gym hard and don't stop moving forward to bigger and better things. Good luck!

Testosterone injections - John Michael Kane - 01-18-2017

Has anyone here been using topical testosterone cream made by a compounding pharmacy? My doctor has had me on the cream now for several months and it has brought my levels which were previously in the 200's up to the 900's levels with twice daily cream applications. For anyone that has tried both the creams and the injections, do you notice a difference one over the other in terms of energy levels, sleep, lifting, etc., or if they both bring your T-levels up to comparable amounts is T just really T, no matter the delivery method? Thoughts?

Testosterone injections - LeeEnfield303 - 01-19-2017

Quote: (01-18-2017 06:46 PM)SanMiguel Wrote:  

You don't want pills mate! You are wasting your time with anything other than injectable testosterone.

Truth. As I said in a previous post, Ive tried every known way to do T (gels, pellets, you name it). Nothing worked right.

Now I do the shots. Its the only way. Done it this way for almost two years now, its no big deal.

Dont eff around....just do the shots, and save yourself a lot of bullshit. Ive been humming ~ 1000, lifting hard, never felt better.

Testosterone injections - Lagavulin - 01-19-2017

Can anyone provide a link to a blood test that is available in the UK that covers all bases? I've had a look at some of the tests on this site - - however I notice that the free T levels appear to be calculated. Is this normal?

Also, is it possible to get injectable T in the UK? I've searched online and there only seems to be gels available, which means that my options would be gel, which is not recommended on the forum, or NHS, which is notoriously difficult.

I'm in my late thirties and do have some symptoms of low T, however I also had a twisted testicle about 5-6 years ago, which resulted in my nut shrinking in size. I had an ultrasound done 6 months later and was told that it probably isn't producing sperm any more, however a sperm count showed that my levels were good - as the second nut picks up any slack. Not sure if this is the case with T production.

Testosterone injections - SanMiguel - 01-19-2017

Quote: (01-19-2017 01:29 AM)Lagavulin Wrote:  

Can anyone provide a link to a blood test that is available in the UK that covers all bases? I've had a look at some of the tests on this site - - however I notice that the free T levels appear to be calculated. Is this normal?

Also, is it possible to get injectable T in the UK? I've searched online and there only seems to be gels available, which means that my options would be gel, which is not recommended on the forum, or NHS, which is notoriously difficult.

I'm in my late thirties and do have some symptoms of low T, however I also had a twisted testicle about 5-6 years ago, which resulted in my nut shrinking in size. I had an ultrasound done 6 months later and was told that it probably isn't producing sperm any more, however a sperm count showed that my levels were good - as the second nut picks up any slack. Not sure if this is the case with T production.

I use medichecks for my blood tests - its been good but don't use their home finger prick test kit - complete waste of time for me, couldn't get enough blood out using the lancels included, was a messy job and ended up with more blood on me than in the test tubes. Pay the extra to have it taken in your local hospital - much easier! The first test I had was the Sports Hormone Check Ultravit which is their most comprehensive test for this sort of thing, although is expensive at around £180. Now I use the Sports Hormone Check Plus which is cheaper but still covers everything you should be checking. As for free test, not 100% sure but I think that reading is always calculated, using testosterone and other blood/hormone levels to get the figure.

Injectable test is definitely available in the UK, just extremely difficult to get through a doctor on the NHS. For private clinics I have never been to one but imagine it wouldn't be so hard to get prescribed as long as you pay their high fees. Have a look on here for specialist hormone clinics:
Just do loads of research first to make sure they put you on a decent program, where you should be injecting 100-150mg test/week over 2 injections and not just one jab every 2 weeks which would be terrible.