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Testosterone injections - Vaun - 06-15-2015

Did my test yesterday, and I came in at 690, above the average for my age group, and my doc says I don't need trt. Maybe I should get a second opinion? I sleep like crap, go out a lot and drink and party, and still come in high for my age group. When I no fap I go nuts. Guessing if I lock down the lifestyle first I can drive up that number. I'm already hot tempered and high strung. Anyone ever get tested I into their normal range and still do the trt to go above their normal range?

Testosterone injections - Druber - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 03:43 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Did my test yesterday, and I came in at 690, above the average for my age group, and my doc says I don't need trt. Maybe I should get a second opinion? I sleep like crap, go out a lot and drink and party, and still come in high for my age group. When I no fap I go nuts. Guessing if I lock down the lifestyle first I can drive up that number. I'm already hot tempered and high strung. Anyone ever get tested I into their normal range and still do the trt to go above their normal range?

Which tests, specifically? Add them here with the ranges.

Testosterone injections - CleanSlate - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 03:43 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Did my test yesterday, and I came in at 690, above the average for my age group, and my doc says I don't need trt. Maybe I should get a second opinion? I sleep like crap, go out a lot and drink and party, and still come in high for my age group. When I no fap I go nuts. Guessing if I lock down the lifestyle first I can drive up that number. I'm already hot tempered and high strung. Anyone ever get tested I into their normal range and still do the trt to go above their normal range?

Did you get your free testosterone and estradiol checked, too?

Testosterone injections - Merenguero - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 03:43 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Did my test yesterday, and I came in at 690, above the average for my age group, and my doc says I don't need trt. Maybe I should get a second opinion? I sleep like crap, go out a lot and drink and party, and still come in high for my age group. When I no fap I go nuts. Guessing if I lock down the lifestyle first I can drive up that number. I'm already hot tempered and high strung. Anyone ever get tested I into their normal range and still do the trt to go above their normal range?

What may have happened is that you may have had really high testosterone, which was reduced to 690 (still a really good level) due to the lack of sleep and exercise, stress, and alcohol. You therefore felt that it was low due to you having a really high level in the past. I think that is what happened to me although I am now at a level much less than 690 and I am a little younger than you are. No competent doctor will prescribe TRT if you are at 690 and even if you decide to intentionally wreck your health in order to get a lower level and get a prescription, you may still be in the 500s or 600s and will probably not be able to get on TRT.

Testosterone injections - Vaun - 06-15-2015

Yes free was tested and it was above average. I usually have a pretty high sex drive especially if I have a gf on the reg. Currently spinning a few plates which equates to one girl a week. Its about all I want, but I am always after new girls. I get the results tomorrow in writing.

In short, the lifestyle changes have worked for me. I will keep going down this road; no fap, no drink, meditation, and continued training in the gym. My training is lifting and shorter metcon/HIIT training and erg rowing, no LSD cardio. I eat pretty well. I have all but quit porn outright. I am in a party lifestyle and if I let myself go I would be going out 5x per week. Thanks for all of the advice.

Testosterone injections - Kwisatz - 08-13-2015


I am still on the same, mild dosage of two 50 Mg injections of Testosterone Propionate per week. The least effective dose I can take. I have lost 10% fat, and gained over 10 pounds of muscle in less than 4 months. I did 4 months on with blood work done every month, then 3 off cold turkey to see what its like, now I have been back on for 4 months. When I went off cold turkey, I was sleepy for two weeks and my libido was gone for one week, then leveled out at the end of the second week. No other adverse effects.

Keep in mind, I do no weightlifting. I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and No Gi Grappling. I eat a lot of meat and fish, very little processed sugar, and nearly a gallon of water very day. I don't drink alcohol, or smoke anything.

Quote: (06-09-2015 12:40 AM)Kwisatz Wrote:  

I take Testosterone Propionate. 50 Mg, every 4th day. I am 6 weeks in.

I was told it would take a month before the effects “kicked in”, but I felt it in 4 doses, that’s two weeks.

The biggest, most noticeable changes:
•It’s not speed, superfluous energy, or a drugged feeling.
•More mental acuity.
•I sleep far better, deeper, and more productively.
•My muscles recover after time in the gym far faster.
•The absence of tiredness.
•More physical stamina (I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
•Slight increase in aggression (but nothing uncontrollable, if you were already a violent asshole you will you continue to be. If not, you won’t be.)
•Increase in libido and sexual stamina.

The only aspect of TRT that surprised me was that it seriously improved my cognition. I am “sharper”, more able to seriously focus.

I want to be at a steady 850.

What got me started:

The number one question I am asked by men I talked to about it:
“Why inject Pharmaceutical Grade Testosterone instead of a “natural”, “homeopathic”, or “over the counter” testosterone enhancer / booster?

Easy, doctor prescribed pharmaceutical grade testosterone was first correctly synthesized in 1935. We know specifically and exactly what the positive and negatives are, without question. With a compound that has only been being used for a few years, we are unsure. I want stability and consistency.

About Estrogen:
I am not on an Estrogen Blocker. My taking Testosterone has not caused my E2 to change significantly. When/If that happens I will be using Arimidex.

and here

Natural Testosterone Production

Yes, injecting T will certainly cause my natural production to slow or possibly stop. The good news is that Clomid has been used to reverse the process successfully. When it’s a planned part of the therapy. It “turns the factory back on” so to speak.


You will also come across info about TRT and Cancer. It’s a scare tactic. It doesn’t have a definite link. Still, I have PSA tests done. Here is my info: ,

Side effects / Negatives:

I think I stink. I shower twice a day, yet I smell gross when I sniff my clothes. Interestingly enough, women have started telling me “how good I smell”, and asking “What are you wearing?”. Not just women that are close to me socially, women that I work with, friends of friends, women within sniffing distance make it a point to tell me how good I smell. Check this out ->

Over the past few months I have had 3 pimples. One on my neck, one on my chest, one on my back. They may be natural, they may be from TRT. Either way, they didn’t cause any problems.

My feet get hot. Stop laughing.

To be clear, this is a serious decision. For me, the pros out weigh the manageable cons. I would rather use this than go through the tiredness and lack of “drive” that happens when T drops too low. I have always been around 850. Once I hit 500, I FELT IT. It became a quality of life issue for me. As I said before, as a man who courts danger, travels the world, and fights and fucks with equal vigor, I am not easily impressed or at a loss for words. That’s why when I say that after a few months of the TRT therapy I feel a world of difference, you should know I mean it.

Essentially, TRT is a “quality of life” issue.

No one dies without testosterone and its very, very cheap. So the Medical Industry rarely talks about it. There is almost no money to be made on it. Its simple/cheap/effective.

I did a brief questionnaire before my prescription. I think it was a way for the Dr. to cover his bases. Essentially I said I was slow, lethargic, and gaining weight, but NOT suicidal or having grim thoughts.

The Checklist that my Dr. used to see if I was eligible for TRT.

If / When you start TRT

There are several ways to take T if you decide to. Intra Muscular Injection is by far the most cost effective, time effective, and stable way to do it. It’s only odd the first two times you do it because you think it is.

Your Dr. or nurse will probably offer to do your bi-weekly injections for you, for a price. Don’t do it. You are capable of doing it by yourself. Just remember, they will probably give you your first shot, in the butt, with a big needle, it will hurt. DON’T BELIEVE THAT IS HOW YOU HAVE TO DO IT! Just tell them to give you 1.25-1.5 inch, #23 gauge needles for you do it at home. You will give it to yourself in the thigh. No, it wont hurt. Here is the video I used as reference for how I do my own. Skip to 1:40.


I am open about the TRT with my friends and some have been upset that I would rather be proactive about my health than reactive if I had diabetes, high cholesterol, or obesity! If I had to take insulin, I would get sympathy since I’d be fat, sad, and miserable. Because I choose to win, I am ridiculed. Good thing I’m used to it!

BONUS: Chael Sonnen really unpcks TRT!

More, solidly reliable info on how to use T, and how you can combine it with other things. I don’t use anything other than T, other men do ->

If you have a question I didn’t answer, let me know.

Testosterone injections - Fortis - 08-19-2015

I was wondering if any china players. Know about getting quality blood testing in china? I've been googling it but I can't find any mention of anti aging clinics on the mainland or In Hong Kong. Any word on this?

Testosterone injections - Druber - 08-19-2015

Been prescribed Nebido (ain't cheap!), so will document all here. Btw, thanks for the vid on injecting!

Testosterone injections - BambiNotForLong - 08-21-2015

I'm convinced I have low testosterone. Unable to gain muscle, no energy, body fat distribution is all in my thighs, tired all the time, brain fogs etc.

I've ordered a testosterone level test kit and I should have my results by Wednesday. I'm 20 years old.

I'm kind of confused on what happens if you stop taking TRT. Does everything go back to the way you were before. I've looked and I keep seeing mixed opinions.

Testosterone injections - CleanSlate - 08-21-2015

Your testosterone levels will go back to where they were before, or lower, when you stop TRT.

But you're only 20. Don't jump into TRT yet, there may be other root causes.

Testosterone injections - BambiNotForLong - 08-21-2015

What would the implications be if I start young?

Testosterone injections - CleanSlate - 08-21-2015

TRT is usually for life. Do you really want to be sticking a needle in yourself twice weekly for the next 60+ years?

Plus, why are you so convinced that you need TRT?

Testosterone injections - Druber - 08-22-2015

Quote: (08-21-2015 10:37 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

TRT is usually for life. Do you really want to be sticking a needle in yourself twice weekly for the next 60+ years?

Plus, why are you so convinced that you need TRT?

Unless you opt for Nebido - injections every 8 - 12 wks. You can also try gels, but the delivery mechanism is hit or miss.

You can be low in T at 20, due to various reasons. Just make sure you get proper tests (not those crappy pin prick tests from Amazon!). Go on a decent androgen forum, and ask what tests you need.

Testosterone injections - Bon Scott - 08-22-2015

Quote: (08-21-2015 10:23 PM)BambiNotForLong Wrote:  

What would the implications be if I start young?

Why would you?? When ur young u have high levels of test anyway.

The implications could be shutting down your HPTA permanently (depending on how long u do it for and dosage) or never getting back up to to the levels they were naturally.

Then there is the other stuff...injections, taking anti E's to keep estrogen in check to lessen the other sides.

Testosterone is great for older guys but if I was young, horny, healthy getting good boners there is no way I would be messing with my bodies natural hormonal functions.

If you are old TRT can be a life saver. IMO save it till when u need it.

Testosterone injections - Fortis - 08-22-2015

Bambi said he thinks he's low t. Being young does not always mean you're healthy or have high testosterone levels.

Testosterone injections - BambiNotForLong - 08-24-2015

Yeah I don't think anyone read what I said properly.

I never said I was happy horny and healthy. Quite the opposite actually. I don't get horny very often. I've now quit jacking off as well so hopefully that'll give me a little boost.

Testosterone injections - KsockZ - 08-24-2015

There's no need to guess or wonder or think you have low T. Go to your doctor and order blood tests. Another route is to order a lab online from a place such as Private MD Labs and go get tested for like $55.

Once you know for sure, weigh the pros and cons of either doing it or holding off. Do your research and you'll come up with the best decision. Just don't jump into doing it though, 20 years old is awfully young for something that will be forever.

Testosterone injections - BambiNotForLong - 08-24-2015

Yep I understand. I've ordered the test kit, it was supposed to come today but it didn't. Should have my results by Thursday then.

I do have a feeling it's going to be awfully low.

Testosterone injections - btz - 08-24-2015

Guys look for doctors here:

These doctors are much more open to this stype of stuff, I choose the nearest one and he's very cool about everything and outside of adderall and pain killers he is more than willing to work with me on anything I need as long as it's not having a negative effect on my health. Modafinil, selegiline, test, ai inhibitors, etc have all been no issues for him.

Testosterone injections - ThrustMaster - 08-24-2015

ZOMG my TT came in at 2893 last week, FT at 68, IGF-1 at 375 - something's wrong with me!

[Image: wink.gif]

Testosterone injections - Engineer - 08-24-2015

Quote: (08-24-2015 10:30 AM)ThrustMaster Wrote:  

ZOMG my TT came in at 2893 last week, FT at 68, IGF-1 at 375 - something's wrong with me!

[Image: wink.gif]

What were the units on that 2893 number? Normally it's reported as ng/dL. Unless you're a werewolf, I'd suspect the lab is reporting in strange units or the test got messed up. Did you use a saliva or blood test? Saliva is less accurate.

Testosterone injections - ThrustMaster - 08-24-2015

I was joking, I'm blasting at the moment.

Testosterone injections - Checkmat - 08-26-2015

I've been injecting 140mg/wk of test cyp, nothing else. No AI, no HCG. Bloodwork came back mid-700's with low E2--7.5 I believe.

I know that is well below the sweet spot of 21ish for E2. My joints/hips/back have been KILLING me. Libido is good. Mood is good.

To raise E2, do I have to increase the test dosage?

Testosterone injections - CleanSlate - 08-26-2015

Quote: (08-26-2015 09:38 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

I've been injecting 140mg/wk of test cyp, nothing else. No AI, no HCG. Bloodwork came back mid-700's with low E2--7.5 I believe.

I know that is well below the sweet spot of 21ish for E2. My joints/hips/back have been KILLING me. Libido is good. Mood is good.

To raise E2, do I have to increase the test dosage?

Has your E2 always been this low? Or is it an aberration?

Try increasing your dose a bit after talking with your doctor, and one more thing you can do that I don't normally advise ... try drinking a glass of soy milk a day and see what happens to your E2 (as well as how you feel).

Testosterone injections - Druber - 08-26-2015

Don't want your E2 too low, as it can also cause ED (as well as other issues).