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Testosterone injections - PHC19 - 04-17-2015

Quote: (03-25-2015 03:14 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2015 11:32 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2015 08:51 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I am about to go on clomid as an alternative to test, will report back in a couple of months.

Pay attention to your mood, particularly after 2 months on clomid. Clomiphene is actually two active chemicals in one, enclomiphene and zuclomiphene.

Enclomiphene is the good one. It acts to increase testosterone levels just like you would want out of TRT or test injections, except it does not repress the HPTA system and does increases sperm counts.

Zuclomiphene is the bad one, as it is highly estrogenic and acts on the receptors in your brain and hypothalmus. As your serum estradiol increases, possibly to unhealthy levels, your brain chemistry gets affected by the upregulation/downregulation processes of having a SERM act on your receptors. This is a lot like having high exposure to xenoestrogens - similar effects.

I took clomid for 6 months. While it doubled my testosterone levels, my estradiol levels tripled and I became depressed and irritable. The worst part is you can't stop clomid cold turkey, you have to taper down the dosage over time as you'd do with any SERM. AND zuclomiphene stays in your system for at least 6 weeks because it has a much longer half life than enclomiphene. So I had to suffer through the emotional effects and estrogenic side effects for 2 additional months before I started to feel better.

Be careful.

I've been on clomid for about two weeks now and am experiencing effects exactly as you say. Feel energised, but also kind of "emotional". And it seems to have reduced my libido.

I will taper off it, my experiences seem to fit with what I've read - while it does increase T, it's not a good substitute for T injections.

Provided you're not suffering from primary hypogonadism, Clomid can drive up your E2. I had the same issue. My T elevated substantially, but my E2 went sky high and subsequently nullified the effects of increased T. And yes, I was bitchy. It sucked.

I came off after 3 months. This was followed by a trial with no supplementation, a subsequent plummeting of T, and Rx of injections ever since.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 04-26-2015

Ok I ran out of my Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml which I have been injecting .5ml once a week. From what I have seen other guys posting and read online thats kind of a low dosage, but it keeps my levels around 900-1000 ng/dl which seems ok to me.

Here in Peru I can only get Testosterone Enantate 250mg/ml which is basically the same as the Cypionate. However it comes in 1ml tubes that you break the top of and can not reseal unlike my old T that just had a little rubber top I stuck the needle through and got 2 injections out of one vial. So I am thinking of upping my injections to 1ml every week vs the .5ml ever week I was injecting.

Each 1ml vial is $17.50 here in Peru and you can just order it at the Pharmacy with no prescription or questions asked. If I do switch to 1ml injections every week that will make my monthly TRT cost $70 USD
(How much is Testosterone costing in your part of the word?)

What kind of doses are fellow TRT users injecting and how often are you injecting. How much of a difference is doubling my weekly injections going to make?

I stand a little confused... I injected my first Enantate 250mg/ml 1ml vial and it was only .5ml in the syringe and the bottle was empty? I was getting two .5ml doses out of my 1ml Cypionate 200mg/ml vial.

Testosterone injections - WanderingSoul - 04-26-2015

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

Testosterone injections - Thug Muffin - 04-26-2015

Plain and simple. It's going to make you feel awesome as long as you can control the other variables such as E2. My weekly injection is 160mg. I blast at 400mg for 3 months at a time and feel incredible.

If I inject at 200mg a week my monthly cost of trt is 30$ a month.

That bottle that claims 250mg per ml doesn't sound trust worthy at all. If you're only getting .5 ml out of a bottle that claims 1 then I wouldn't buy it anymore. Why are you willing to inject yourself with a product that is claiming to be 1ml but only is really .5? What other claims are going to be off? Maybe it's not even 250mg.

Quote: (04-26-2015 04:02 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

How much of a difference is doubling my weekly injections going to make?

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 04-27-2015

Quote: (04-26-2015 05:36 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

I felt great when I got back on it. I was hitting the gym 6 days a week, feeling good.

My mind felt pretty clear and I was pretty motivated to do things I wanted to do... however actually putting that motivation to work was a little different but I dont think that problem has anything to do with T levels. (By feeling motivated to do things I'm talking about things like learning Espanol, learning new skills, things like that)

I think its easier for me to burn fat when I am on TRT. Even during times when I eat like shit as long as I am hitting the gym ad on my TRT I hardly ever put on any, that was not the case when I was not on TRT and just working out.

Libido was up but not a crazy difference then when I was off TRT.

Its kind of hard to put into words the better overall feeling you have when your on TRT. ITs not a miracle treatment that after you inject you'll hit the gym and shatter all your personal records and shrink down to 3% body fat. It wont grow your penis 6 inches and have you fucking 20 hours a day (unless maybe your LINUX) However if you get on TRT and combine it with other healthy lifestyle choices you will certainly have a edge on people who are not on TRT.

Also it makes a difference if you have low T to begin with. If your levels are in the high normal range you wont get the same benefit as you would if you started out with low T.

Testosterone injections - PHC19 - 04-30-2015

Quote: (04-27-2015 12:03 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2015 05:36 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

I felt great when I got back on it. I was hitting the gym 6 days a week, feeling good.

My mind felt pretty clear and I was pretty motivated to do things I wanted to do... however actually putting that motivation to work was a little different but I dont think that problem has anything to do with T levels. (By feeling motivated to do things I'm talking about things like learning Espanol, learning new skills, things like that)

I think its easier for me to burn fat when I am on TRT. Even during times when I eat like shit as long as I am hitting the gym ad on my TRT I hardly ever put on any, that was not the case when I was not on TRT and just working out.

Libido was up but not a crazy difference then when I was off TRT.

Its kind of hard to put into words the better overall feeling you have when your on TRT. ITs not a miracle treatment that after you inject you'll hit the gym and shatter all your personal records and shrink down to 3% body fat. It wont grow your penis 6 inches and have you fucking 20 hours a day (unless maybe your LINUX) However if you get on TRT and combine it with other healthy lifestyle choices you will certainly have a edge on people who are not on TRT.

Also it makes a difference if you have low T to begin with. If your levels are in the high normal range you wont get the same benefit as you would if you started out with low T.

This has pretty much been my experience - it's no panacea, but I certainly feel better than when I was fat, and my levels were below the minimum normal range.

I blasted 500-650mg/week this past winter, along with an 8-week run of Anavar. Once it kicked in around week 4, I felt pretty amazing. Eventually I settled back into homeostasis, which felt pretty much like I do now @ 160mg/week.

I intend to blast/cruise for the foreseeable future; being on TRT I have a little more peace of mind, since I don't have to PCT.

Testosterone injections - PHC19 - 04-30-2015

Quote: (04-26-2015 05:36 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

You might find this interesting.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 05-01-2015

Quote: (04-30-2015 09:22 PM)PHC19 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2015 05:36 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

You might find this interesting.


I am packing and getting ready to head to Colombia and can't read all that until I get settled in Colombia.

Testosterone injections - PHC19 - 05-01-2015

Quote: (05-01-2015 11:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2015 09:22 PM)PHC19 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2015 05:36 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

No idea about your questions Cr33pin, but I'd like to hear about how you feel on TRT now. I know you got off of it for a while. Do you feel like it's helping you quite a bit these days?

You might find this interesting.


I am packing and getting ready to head to Colombia and can't read all that until I get settled in Colombia.

No problem. When you settle in, read it then.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 05-02-2015

I got some blood work done after taking .5ml of Testosterone Enantate 250mg/ml (Even though I am still confused because it said 1ml on the box but when using the hole vial it only filled up the needle at .5ml?)

Total Testosterone came back at 887 ng/dL (the paper shows 8.87 ng/ml but accoring to my google converter that equals 887 ng/dL)
Estradiol: 11.85 pg/mL (down a lot from the 32.8 pg/mL is was on Sept/18th the last time I got it checked)

These two dont deal directly with TRT:
Cortisol: 22.96 ug/dL (up from the 21.6 in September and both in the high range...)
Total Cholesterol 134mg/dl

Total Testosterone of 887 is the lowest results I have gotten when getting getting checked within 1-6 days of injecting (pretty much the shelf life of Testosterone injected in your body) However being in the high 800s is not cause for concern by any means in my opinion. So I will go to the pharmacy here in Peru and try get a 3 or 4 month supply of the 1 ml vials of Testosterone Enantate 250mg/ml to last me as long as possible while traveling around.

Testosterone injections - billbudsocket - 05-02-2015

The 250mg/1ml test-e ampules I've seen (Bayer brand) have oil in the upper part of the ampule as well as the lower. You will need to draw out the liquid from the top of the ampule to get the full 1ml.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 05-02-2015

Quote: (05-02-2015 04:43 PM)billbudsocket Wrote:  

The 250mg/1ml test-e ampules I've seen (Bayer brand) have oil in the upper part of the ampule as well as the lower. You will need to draw out the liquid from the top of the ampule to get the full 1ml.

Ahhh The laws of the Universe in full effect.... You have to be at least 5% smarter then the object you are working with.

Testosterone injections - Eddie Winslow - 05-06-2015

Quote: (03-31-2015 11:51 AM)Eddie Winslow Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2015 08:12 PM)CaptainCrazy Wrote:  

IMO you need to work on your head.

Negative/bummer mood is not necessarily hormonal.

OK but not great erections are improved with kegel.

Incredible difficulty gaining 'next level' strength or muscle mass could mean that you just hit the plateau and need to change things around.

BTW, total test is cool but what's you free test level?

Testosterone 593.2 (249-836 ng/dL)
Free Testosterone 109.23 (30-150 pg/mL)
Estradiol 45.49 (7.63-42.60 pg/mL)
DHEA 10.5 (1.8-12.5 ng/mL)

I read that a solid testosterone to estrogen ratio is 30-40. Mine is at about 13.5

I do as much as reasonably possible to keep my natural estrogen levels low: no soy, tons of broccoli, exercise plenty...I feel like this has always been an issue for me.

Since my testosterone production in general seems to be OK, I'm going to ask my doctor today about generic Aremidex. It inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen (aromatase). Anyone have any information on this?

One of my friends informed me about this site for research so I took it upon myself to check it out:

I wanted to conduct some research on anastrozole (Aremidex) so I made the purchase. My order was very reasonably priced and arrived in about a week. The packaging and the website look very shady, but it is a US-based company and as far as I can tell everything seems legitimate.

My research hypothesis: A 1/4 mg dose of anastrozole administered every 3rd day for 4 weeks will correct high estrodial levels in an otherwise healthy male specimen. [Image: rolleyes.gif]

I am NOT vouching for anything yet. I will conduct my research and make a recommendation based on the outcome.

Testosterone injections - Checkmat - 05-06-2015

Has anyone had success quitting TRT, cold turkey or otherwise?

For me the cons are outweighing the pro's. I'll give a quick rundown.

Started TRT in November. Total T was normal, free T was low. It was a real borderline scenario. Insurance didn't cover it so I've been paying $250/month cash to the men's clinic.

Started at 140mg test cyp/week. The first four weeks were awesome: muscle gain, better recovery, WAY better libido.

Then the positive effects went away completely. My body had shut down it's own production of testosterone, and my levels were worse than before I started.

We played around with things a lot. Increased dosage, added HCG, added arimidex. We're up to 180mg/week, with HCG 250iu 2x/wk and Anastrazole 1mg 1x/wk.

Some of the issues I've had as we've increased the dosage: insatiable food cravings that lead to binge eating and fat gain, water retention, body acne, increased anxiety. The biggest issue for me is the food cravings.

Anyway, I decided that I'd trade all the pro's and con's back in for my pre-TRT self. At least then I could get ripped and control my appetite.

I've done google searches with mixed results but I'd be interested in hearing forum members experiences.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 05-07-2015

Have you been getting blood work done to see where your test and estrogen levels are?

Quote: (05-06-2015 09:29 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Has anyone had success quitting TRT, cold turkey or otherwise?

For me the cons are outweighing the pro's. I'll give a quick rundown.

Started TRT in November. Total T was normal, free T was low. It was a real borderline scenario. Insurance didn't cover it so I've been paying $250/month cash to the men's clinic.

Started at 140mg test cyp/week. The first four weeks were awesome: muscle gain, better recovery, WAY better libido.

Then the positive effects went away completely. My body had shut down it's own production of testosterone, and my levels were worse than before I started.

We played around with things a lot. Increased dosage, added HCG, added arimidex. We're up to 180mg/week, with HCG 250iu 2x/wk and Anastrazole 1mg 1x/wk.

Some of the issues I've had as we've increased the dosage: insatiable food cravings that lead to binge eating and fat gain, water retention, body acne, increased anxiety. The biggest issue for me is the food cravings.

Anyway, I decided that I'd trade all the pro's and con's back in for my pre-TRT self. At least then I could get ripped and control my appetite.

I've done google searches with mixed results but I'd be interested in hearing forum members experiences.

Testosterone injections - Checkmat - 05-07-2015

^ Cr33pin, yeah just got some levels back this morning.

Total T: 989
E2: 6.1 (Low)
RBC: 594 (High)

Those are just the numbers she gave me over the phone that stood out. They want me to stop taking any anastrazole at all to raise E2 back to healthy levels. I think this is a bad idea though, because I believe E2 will overshoot the "sweet spot" and return to being very high. That's what happened before, and the reason why we added anastrazole in the first place.

Testosterone injections - Cr33pin - 05-07-2015

Quote: (05-07-2015 05:07 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

^ Cr33pin, yeah just got some levels back this morning.

Total T: 989
E2: 6.1 (Low)
RBC: 594 (High)

Those are just the numbers she gave me over the phone that stood out. They want me to stop taking any anastrazole at all to raise E2 back to healthy levels. I think this is a bad idea though, because I believe E2 will overshoot the "sweet spot" and return to being very high. That's what happened before, and the reason why we added anastrazole in the first place.

I imagine you E2 levels being off is what is causing you your symptoms...
If you can get everything dialed in you will have those benefits you originally felt on the TRT for life....

Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck. Hope you get things sorted out one way or the other soon.

Testosterone injections - WanderingSoul - 05-07-2015

Checkmat, you should PM MikeCF and ask his advice, or if he can point you to the direction of a forum with knowledgeable people about TRT. I could imagine there are a lot of people out there with much more knowledge on the subject than your current doctor, and maybe quitting TRT isn't the best course of action.

Good luck man.

Testosterone injections - Checkmat - 05-07-2015

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:13 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2015 05:07 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

^ Cr33pin, yeah just got some levels back this morning.

Total T: 989
E2: 6.1 (Low)
RBC: 594 (High)

Those are just the numbers she gave me over the phone that stood out. They want me to stop taking any anastrazole at all to raise E2 back to healthy levels. I think this is a bad idea though, because I believe E2 will overshoot the "sweet spot" and return to being very high. That's what happened before, and the reason why we added anastrazole in the first place.

I imagine you E2 levels being off is what is causing you your symptoms...
If you can get everything dialed in you will have those benefits you originally felt on the TRT for life....

Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck. Hope you get things sorted out one way or the other soon.

Thanks man. What have your T/E2 levels been like when you felt the best on TRT?

Quote: (05-07-2015 07:57 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Checkmat, you should PM MikeCF and ask his advice, or if he can point you to the direction of a forum with knowledgeable people about TRT. I could imagine there are a lot of people out there with much more knowledge on the subject than your current doctor, and maybe quitting TRT isn't the best course of action.

Good luck man.

I hit Mike up a few days ago via PM. I know he's busy with his web site but I hope to hear back from him.

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 05-08-2015

"Thanks man. What have your T/E2 levels been like when you felt the best on TRT?"

I'm not on TRT, but from what I've read, your E2 levels should range between 20-30. Your crappy symptoms are almost unequivocally due to low estradiol, and you'll likely suffer bone loss soon if you don't get the levels dialled in.

Peak Testosterone's Recommend Estradiol Levels

Testosterone injections - PUA_Rachacha - 05-08-2015

And your doc still has you on Arimidex even though your estradiol is in the basement? You might wanna ditch your doc.

MikeCF can you help you best, otherwise contact Jay at Fabulous Fit at 40.

Testosterone injections - Checkmat - 05-08-2015

Quote: (05-08-2015 01:55 PM)PUA_Rachacha Wrote:  

And your doc still has you on Arimidex even though your estradiol is in the basement? You might wanna ditch your doc.

MikeCF can you help you best, otherwise contact Jay at Fabulous Fit at 40.

No. As I wrote, he is stopping the arimidex completely in light of the new labs.

Testosterone injections - rhodey - 05-09-2015

Quote: (05-08-2015 01:55 PM)PUA_Rachacha Wrote:  

And your doc still has you on Arimidex even though your estradiol is in the basement? You might wanna ditch your doc.

MikeCF can you help you best, otherwise contact Jay at Fabulous Fit at 40.

Jay is coming out with a book on TRT and really looking forward to that.

Testosterone injections - Saweeep - 05-10-2015

Quote: (10-13-2013 12:57 PM)007 Wrote:  

Hey bro, I use insulin pins and inject subcutaneously (into the fat), I find this way really smooth and it really reduces the spikes in the blood.

For me personally the mixture of fulvic/humic acid and humanofort is THE best supplement combo I have ever taken bar non. I cannot put a price on the wellbeing and health benefits that they both bring.

Typically I'll run 75mg of test enanthate per week for around 10 weeks and I'll then do 175mg per week for 6 weeks all year round. Taking small 25mg shots into the fat keeps the conversion to estrogen to almost nil and mimic more closely the bodies natural pulses of testosterone.

For ball size I take these supplements and doses.
Fulvic/humic acid - 1 shot(fluid oz) or 300mg per day (humicin brand is the best)
200mg of humanofort
1000mg of tribulus (make sure it has a high saponin content)
6 raw eggs per day
dim - 100mg per day(prostate protection)
1teaspoon pumpkin seed oil (prostate protection)
1 tablespoon high strength fish oil (brain and cholesterol health)

This supplement regime keeps my balls bigger and fuller than before I was on trt.

This is what's been working for me and my blood work comes back perfect, hope it helps.

Quote: (10-13-2013 08:56 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2013 10:05 AM)007 Wrote:  

Bro, maybe you should consider starting with a slightly lower dose. I take 75mg of test enanthate per week injected split into 3 micro doses. This has brought my test up from 500 to 900-950. And because of the very small 25mg doses hardly any of the test converts to estrogen, no anti-e's required. I'm a bjj/westling guy and having my test up to maximal physiological range is just amazing. As far as the nuts go, I keep mines nice and plump with the following supplements: fulvic acid, humanofort, bulgarian tribulus/daa and six raw eggs per day. My balls are actually bigger than when I started the test injections. I find that for me personally hcg spikes my estrogen too much. Or you could try adding clomid to your trt regime .

I think that injections are superior to gels and patches. You just never know how much is getting absorbed through your skin and it can vary on a day to day basis. With injections you atleast know hoe many mg's you are getting in each shot that you take.

And be careful about how much anti estrogen you are taking, you might be overdoing it.

what needles do you use?

and you've really seen a nice boost from humanofort? i went through a whole bottle and didnt notice much.

i have the same problem with hcg, huge esto spike and like 10 lbs water gain with even a 250 iu shot

what doses do you use for your 'ball size supplements' ?

007, during your phases of running 175 per week I presume you break this into daily shots of 25?

Also, do you find you need anti E for the higher periods?


Testosterone injections - Druber - 05-20-2015

Quote: (03-14-2015 04:07 PM)Rikardo Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2014 02:21 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I am having a hard time finding a place to fill my 200mg/ml 10ml testosterone prescriptions. Last time I got it filled at CVS they said they could no longer get 10ml bottles and gave me ten 1ml bottles. Now they say they can not get it at all. So I went to Kmart the only other pharmacy in my city and they can't get injectable testosterone. Is something going on that I don't know about? I tried googling it an couldn't find anything.

Also I got my blood work back today and it goes as follows
(I injected .5ml on Monday morning and drew blood for this blood work Thursday morning)

Testosterone serum: 1041
Free Testosterone: 24.5
Estradiol: 32.8
Cortisol: 21.6 (This is in the above normal range)

I got my Thyroid checked to
TSH: 1.420
t4: 7.5
t3: 33
Free Thyroxine: 2.5

This is the first time I have checked my free testosterone, estradiol, and cortisol. If anyone know much about these or has any info on if some are to high or low feel free to post.
cortisol is not good that is #1 reason for low T in my opinion everyone should fix and search for root cause for low T before injecting T.
I have also big problems with cortisol all time it's around this level and so also T is low, one time when cortisol went down for 20% immediately T went up for 20%

My serum cortisol is also way off the charts. I heard that the 24-hr adrenal (cortisol) saliva test is more accurate.

How did you lower your levels?