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Top 10 majors with the best looking women - eradicator - 10-03-2013

I disagree with business being on the list. otherwise good list


Not all majors were created equal. In my 5.3 year college experience, I came to understand this fact more and more with each passing day. After seeing hordes upon hordes of unfortunate-looking engineering students, I came to an enlightening conclusion. Some majors just naturally attract smoking hot girls. In some cases, it’s the subject material, in others it’s nothing but a mystery of science and reason, but chances are, this fact holds just as true on your campus as it did on mine. Below I have compiled the top ten hottest majors in America today. If you disagree, you’re probably wrong, but feel free to plead your case and email me at [email protected].

10. Design
Whether it’s fashion or interior decorating, these girls have the talent and artistic vision to back up their generally sexy looks. Sure, she might have some unrealistic expectations; chances are she won’t become the next Coco Chanel. In fact, there’s a decent chance she won’t get a job at all, so you should probably count on being the provider for the ladies heading down this path. Nothing wrong with the MRS degree if you ask me. Plus, she’ll be able to decorate the hell out of your kitchen.

9. Nutrition
This is an obvious one. If she spends her class time learning about staying healthy and the various ways a 2:00am Taco Bell run will negatively affect her body, chances are she’s the kind of girl who knows how to take care of herself. I’m pretty sure a fat nutrition major would fail out the first week solely based on principle.

8. Sports Management
Another easy call. If she’s interested in sports management, it’s almost guaranteed that she’s played a sport in her life. Athletic girls aren’t always sexy, but I took statistics once and I learned enough to tell you that the probability is much higher than average. These girls get bonus points because chances are they actually understand the rules of football. Keepers in my book.

7. Business
Here’s the thing about business majors: they aren’t always hot. There’s nothing sexy about a future in pantsuit purgatory, but when these girls are sexy, chances are they’ve got it all. The ambition, the good looks, and most likely a huge company they can inherit from Daddy one day. The few smokeshows alone who congregate in the business college are more than enough to earn them the #7 spot.

6. Marketing
Marketing has been gaining a lot of steam in recent years in the babe department, and the indoctrination of social media into modern business strategy has only strengthened the potential. Chances are if she’s a marketing major she just really likes Twitter and Pinterest and hopes to turn her talents into an underwhelming career. Pro: she knows how to make herself seem desirable. Con: she’ll probably document every moment you spend together across her full social media spread.

5. Pre-Med
This one goes without saying. She wants to help people, she’s dedicated, and knows exactly what she wants in life. Motivation is an extremely sexy quality. The downsides? You’ll probably only see her once a semester because she’s constantly ovaries-deep in a organic chemistry textbook. And if you’re in it for the long haul, you’ll have to live with knowing that she spends her days rubbing dudes’ balls and tickling prostates. Can’t win ‘em all.

4. Psychology
This one is a little more mysterious. There’s nothing about psychology that’s inherently sexy, yet the attractive masses seem to flock to this major like they were heading to Starbucks on the day Pumpkin Spice Lattes came out. The only negative about psych girls? Chances are they’re going to overanalyze your every action. If she tries to connect your excessive drinking and sexual habits to your relationship with your mother, it might be time to give her the axe.

3. Education
That hot teacher you had in middle school? She had to start somewhere, and chances are it was pursuing an education degree. While there are no guarantees, girls who pursue this major are usually some of the most attractive on campus. A little known fact: the younger the children she plans on teaching, the higher up she’ll most likely be on the 1-10 scale. The gals who hope to teach a kindergarten classroom one day almost always attain babe status. High school teachers to be on the other hand? Unless they’re cool with getting hit on constantly, chances are they aren’t quite as nice to look at.

2. Nursing
She doesn’t want to be a doctor, but she’s still caring and wants to help people. Sure, her school experience won’t be easy, but you’ll get to spend a hell of a lot more time with her than the pre-med bookworms on campus. If the nursing college was a sorority, it would be a top-tier house without question. The only downside I see here? She’ll probably be insulted when you inevitably ask her to dress in a sexy nurse outfit for Halloween.

1. Journalism
Finally, we’ve reached the hottest major on campus without question. Whether it’s communications, advertising, telecommunications, or just good old fashioned j-school: year after year this group of girls comes out on top. From the masses of future sideline reporters, to the local news smokeshows to be, journalism has a lot going for it. Even the regular old reporters in training tend to stand out. If you’re a journalism major reading this, you should know that you’re in fantastic company.


Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Suits - 10-03-2013

Great. Another made up Internet list. I wonder whether the writer's major involves an education in the scientific method.

I very much doubt that there was a control group.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Teutatis - 10-03-2013

Suits, no need to take these things so seriously, I'm pretty sure no control groups or scientific methods were used to come up with this list, I think it's more of a funny, anecdotal, playful thing.
It does make me want to go back to school though.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - JimNortonFan - 10-03-2013

1. Hate filled harridans who will try to destroy Red Pill men.

2. Can be solid gold

3. Blue Pill wants traditional man or else is a mega freak

4. Bread and butter for players

5. Giggity. The academic pressure needs to be relieved.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Kingsley Davis - 10-03-2013

Every nurse i've ever met, confided in me that they're only in it for the steady paycheck and the fact that people will always be sick. The rabbit hole just keeps going, going, going...

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - GameTheory - 10-03-2013

#1 hot, wet bitchezzz major:


Top 10 majors with the best looking women - AnonymousBosch - 10-03-2013

[Image: wtf.jpg]

Every ugly, annoying feminist writing the fuckheaded, illogical articles we loathe is a journalism major.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Tuthmosis - 10-03-2013

Dumb list. #1 is anything easy. Hot chicks sign up because it still lets them claim to have gone to college, but still gives them abundant time to field all of the attention that's being lavished on them, service their non-stop social lives (product of their beauty), and entertain themselves to oblivion.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Cattle Rustler - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 09:27 PM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

Every nurse i've ever met, confided in me that they're only in it for the steady paycheck and the fact that people will always be sick. The rabbit hole just keeps going, going, going...

I wonder why the fuck did I not choose nursing or engineering as a degree.........

Sales for funeral homes is a "soon to hot" field too since baby boomers are going to die en masse.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Pyre - 10-03-2013

Who ever knew that calculus, organic chem & quantum physics does NOT attract hot bitches? Not I!

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - kosko - 10-03-2013

Nursing and Psychology IMO have been filled with the most skanks. The Psychs girls are of their rails, and the Nursing students are just hungry to be around men as they spend 90% of their time with 90% women and they fuking hate it.

Journalism and Broadcasting are full of skanks but they are attention whores and too fuking opinionated, deal with them at your own risk. Our program is a hand grenade of people fuking around with each other and stabbing backs. You'll fuck each girl in your work group and all will conspire to fuck you over on the project. This dude I know got bounced out of school for a year because he laid trust a bunch of girls whom were on his meat.

I disagree with Education to a point. Every girl I've met whom is in education is a head-case. Some of have been easy for sure but all ave been nutty in some way or another, and it isn't the "perspective" nuttiness like the Psych girls whom try to do everything (and fuck everything) to get some weird perspective for their own solace, but a nutty vibe like they aren't all there up in the head - and you laugh how these women want to lead and direct children, its a joke! lol.

There is a (small) ounce of truth to the article. Just from my own personal experiences and dealing with a very young swinging scene at times, I see where all these broads originate from and more times then not its from the programs I listed.

To this day the biggest shit show I've had in school was going to a joint pub night we ran with the nursing girls - all were thirsting for it, shit was a mess at the school pub.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - eradicator - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 09:27 PM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  

Every nurse i've ever met, confided in me that they're only in it for the steady paycheck and the fact that people will always be sick. The rabbit hole just keeps going, going, going...

Oh absolutely, nurses are greedy whores through and through. At least many of them are hot.

French should be on this list as well, language majors in general were easy on the eyes but when you get into your third and 4th year of french, holy shit.

Physical therapists should be on this list somewhere as well.

Music majors were good looking, they had to be because looks are part of the package they are trying to sell as an entertainer.

The majors with the worst looking women(in my opinion)

5 poly sci
4 business
3 engineering
2 physics
1 women's/gender studies.(there will be a few oddball attractive women but most are land whales)

my list of the best looking women on campus

5 any humanities and social sciences(english, sociology, education, history etc)
4 theater
3 phys ed
2 music
1 dance

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - JimNortonFan - 10-03-2013

Anyone ever see a good looking STEM major?

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Pyre - 10-03-2013

All the hot bitches at my college were General Studies till they got their degree. Didn't even bother to choose! LOL!

Did your college have General Studies?

I remember the hottest, sexiest girl I ever had a class with was in a Greek Philosophy, but she was dumb. I eventually lured her back to my place with coke and the promise of looking at art books and then I puked and f'd it all up. LOL!

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - kosko - 10-03-2013

Quote: (10-03-2013 10:03 PM)Pyre Wrote:  

All the hot bitches at my college were General Studies till they got their degree. Didn't even bother to choose! LOL!

Did your college have General Studies?

I remember the hottest, sexiest girl I ever had a class with was in a Greek Philosophy, but she was dumb. I eventually lured her back to my place with coke and the promise of looking at art books and then I puked and f'd it all up. LOL!

This is true also. "General Studies" is for girls whom are just in school to just be in school. Some never transfer into a program and most just bail. Liberal arts girls are down for indoctrination and the feminist speak. I took a "General Studies" elective last year and it was all full of aloof 18 year old gilrs whom didn't give a shit about nothing. Its basically just an extension of high school and the classes are equally just as big of a joke as high school was.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - choichoi - 10-03-2013

Most nurses I've seen are just plain fat, though I wouldn't mind a tug-eroo or even a bj if she looks good in the face.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Architekt - 10-04-2013

#8 Business majors are either career oriented cunts or gold diggers

#7 Pre med is a mixed bag. Couple of smokeshows, but otherwise pretty average

#6 I've banged a pretty hot marketing major, but they're mostly attention whores that think they know best/how to lie. They don't

#5 Psyche girls go into psyche 'cause they know they have problems and want to self diagnose. Lots of daddy issues here

#4 Sports science girls got a lot of attention from the male athletes in high school. Mostly sluts, but they take care of themselves

#3 Communications/art majors are similar to marketing majors, but sluttier and less career oriented. Usually more feminine also

#2 Teaching girls often drop out to party in their 2nd or 3rd year, or need an extra semester or 2 to make up for failed units (due to partying). These girls are a pretty solid option if you get them early

#1 By far, nursing girls are the best. Even the sluttiest of the lot know how to take care of their men

EDIT: Law girls would probably come in at 5, purely for their sluttiness, but they weren't on the original list

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Mentavious - 10-04-2013

Best looking women include nurses?

Maybe when they are below 27 but other than that I find nurses are some of the fattest woman out there. How dare try to give me health advice when they themselves can't look in the mirror. I don't understand how this happens with all that walking around.

Anyone else seen this trend?

Then again it could be just where I live.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Architekt - 10-04-2013

Quote: (10-04-2013 07:06 AM)CThunder86 Wrote:  

Maybe when they are below 27

These are students we're talking about

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - kosko - 10-04-2013

Nurses plump up big time after a couple of years of non-stop overtime and shift work. It's either the prudently try to stay thin and fit, or they turn into whales, none are ever just "normal" weight.

Top 10 majors with the best looking women - Sombro - 10-04-2013

Have to concur, the J-school chicks were hot and the hottest were usually PR or Broadcast majors.

Curiously enough, a lot of Broadcast majors (Radio/TV/Film) were people who couldn't hack majoring in English. That's how dim they are.