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Chased out of Cambodia - LeightonBlackstock - 09-04-2013

This is my personal account of the events which happened on my unfortunately shortened trip to Cambodia. It is a story which I hope will entertain and maybe serve as a warning to fellow forum members travelling to the city.

This story may seem far-fetched, exaggerated and hard to believe. It was a solo trip, hence there are no witnesses I can provide. All I can give you is my personal assurance that I did not resort to hyperbole.

I am only friends, in person, with one other forum member (dekendingo), but all he would be able to confirm is that I am not an internet troll.

Many travel stories on here are hard to believe for the blue-pill taking proletariat. With this being RooshVForum (and me having two meager, yet gratefully received rep-points), I would like to think that I am given the benefit of any doubt that may be present. Stuff like this can happen if you take the red pill.

Anyway, sorry for the legal jargon. I posted this on Reddit a few days ago, as a 'test-run', but the majority thought this story was exaggerated or even the work of fiction.

Negative feedback is absolutely expected, but it should focus on how boring the events were, or how much I suck at screening women.

The people at my hostel on my first night in Phnom Penh were cliquey and unfriendly, so I decided to go out on my own.

As a result of my newly found penchant for gaming Asian girls - one that had developed after ten months of living in Korea and Taiwan, and a lot of lurking on this forum - I had researched some of the clubs in the city beforehand, and had heard that a place called 'DJ Club' was one of the only venues with no prostitutes or tourists.

With this knowledge in mind, I decided to ditch the people at the guesthouse and take a motorcycle taxi over to the club; where I quickly find that my research is confirmed to be true. I look around the place and see that it's just Cambodian people in there; no tourists, no sex workers, no nothing. I was the only 'western guy' in the club. Perfect conditions for me.

I make friends with the only non-Cambodians in the place; some smartly-dressed Singaporean guys sitting at a table. In my opinion, Singaporeans are the friendliest people in the world. I've had Singaporeans literally put their female friends in my hands and have had even more of them buy me a beer after a very short conversation.

I drink and talk with them for a while, then after about half an hour, I start dancing with a Cambodian girl. She looks like one of the rare Cambodian trust-fund daughters; long amber hair, petite frame and equipped with a designer handbag. Her fellow people might earn a dollar a day, but here she is in the city's only high-end club, spending three times that amount on a bottle of beer.

She seems interested in me, and we hit it off pretty quickly. I escalate the conversation, then I gently ask her if she's a prostitute. (Cambodia is full of them, I want nothing to do with a sex worker. But, I understand that the people who work in such an industry, in such a poor country, are not usually given many other options).

I tell her politely that I don't pay for sex and she laughs off the idea that she might be a prostitute. My suspicions are alleviated, and soon enough, we find a hotel and the obvious ensues. In the morning, I tell her which hostel I am staying at, since I am open to the idea of meeting her again.

I go back to the hostel and promptly start drinking again. This time, I manage to infiltrate the 'clique' and make friends with the people who I had previously deemed 'hostile' (and boring). I drink with them for most of the evening and eventually, we go out in a big group to a place called 'Heart of Darkness'. This is a notorious club for tourists and prostitutes. The inside of the place lives up to the acrid nature of the name, but in a big group, it's great.

We all have fun for a few hours, but then I bump into the girl from the night before. I wonder what she's doing in the club on her own and I decipher that she is, indeed, a prostitute. I say that I want nothing further to do with her, and this makes her very angry. She starts shouting at me and grabs my arm, attracting the attention of the security at the door. I try my best to calm her down and I say that I will come back and talk to her after I've been to the bathroom. I pretend to go there, but of course, I walk out of the exit and hop on a motorcycle taxi to my hostel.

I arrive; I grab my bags, I hand in my key, and then I walk back out of the front door. I hop on the same motorcycle taxi; but this time my destination is a new hostel, on the other side of the city. "Phew" I think; I have gotten away.

I set my bags down in the new hostel and go for a walk to find the infamous 'Cambodian Cannabis pizza'. After the awkward situation in the club, I just wanted to relax for the night.

The streets are eerily quiet at this hour and devoid of people. I walk around and somewhat enjoy the calmness brought on by such an uncharacteristic scene in Phnom Penh.

After two minutes of walking, I see a motorcycle at the end of the road. It's coming towards me. It has two people on it. One of them is the girl. Somehow the woman has found me, on the other side of the city.
She hops off the scooter and runs after me. I run the hell away.

This a third-world country, and in the wrong circumstances, it can be very dangerous. For the most part, Phnom Penh is actually a very safe place, but I am certain that punching a Cambodian woman in the face could very much change my opinion of the place. There are pretty much no universal laws here; Cambodians side with Cambodians, even if the foreigner is right. I don't want anything to escalate and I don't want a crowd of Cambodian people hungry for my blood. A westerner had been killed in the market a few miles away, just a day earlier. With this playing on my mind, I decide to choose 'flight', not fight.

I outrun the girl and do two swift left turns. I enter a dark alleyway and hide behind a big wooden box. I listen out carefully to my surroundings. It's still jarringly quiet, but this time the lack of noise is unsettling. Five minutes pass. I figure that she must have moved to a different area by now, so despite my apprehension, I decide to walk out and continue my search for cannabis pizza.

I walk through the streets once again, and laugh off the situation.
Suddenly, a motorcycle is coming towards me....

This time she doesn't jump off, the motorcycle forces me into a dead end. I have nowhere to run so she jumps off and puts her arms around me, refusing to let go. I throw her arms off and run for thirty seconds towards a crowd of Cambodian people who are sitting at a table, eating fruit. I kindly ask them for help.

They do nothing. They just look at me perplexed. They want nothing to do with the foreigner and his crazy 'girl for the night'. She keeps grabbing me and shouting at me and I throw her arms off again. I run to a different crowd of Cambodian people who are stood opposite my new hostel. I tell them that I just want to go to bed and I'd like them to get rid of the crazy woman. I ensure that I come across as calmly as possible. I explain that I have done nothing wrong and I just want the situation to be resolved.

She catches up with me and speaks to the eight Cambodian people in their native tongue. They completely side with her. She has very obviously lied to them. Perhaps she has told them that I owe her money or that I've hurt her, or something.

Eight Cambodian people are now very angry with me and they are telling me that I have to go to jail to sort this out.

Those words make my heart drop through the ground. I want nothing to do with the police in a third-world country. Maybe they'll stick some pills in my bag and will fine me 1,000 dollars. Even worse, they could try and frame me and stick me in a Cambodian jail for the night, or even longer.

All of these things, despite their unlikeliness, are going through my head, so I am extremely cautious. I try to resolve the situation as politely and carefully as possible, but after a while, I get frustrated. Eight Cambodian people are shouting at a foreigner who has done nothing wrong. The anger gets to me, and I lose it.

I roar and head-butt a wooden panel outside of a bar, which leaves a huge dent.

The bar owner comes rushing out in response to the noise. "HEY, HEY YOU!", he is angry. I very swiftly calm down and realise how stupid I was to get that angry. He is now also threatening jail, and he wants money for the damage. He stares at me for a while, but then he looks around at the other people on the scene. He sees that eight Cambodian people are very angry with one English guy, for seemingly unapparent reasons. Amazingly, he calms down quickly and tells me to follow him inside his bar.

I follow him in, he's my only hope.

He goes to the bathroom and tells me to wait outside the door. After a minute, he comes out of the toilet and tells me to wait just behind the door to the bar's entrance, where no one can see me. He walks outside of the bar, into the thick of the angry mob, powers up his motorcycle, and after some brilliant co-ordination, I run out of the bar, jump on the motorcycle and we zoom away from the crowd. On the way past, I give the woman the finger. My thoughts; FUCK YOU! I AM FREEEE!!!!

..... or so I thought.

As we go past, the woman points to my hostel and says 'I know where you stay, I bring my friends'.

I also realise that all my stuff is in the damn hostel, including my money, cards and passport. I am not free, I am an idiot.

Me and the guy drive around for ten minutes, regardless. Amazingly; in this time, we manage to run out of fuel and get a flat tire. It's a Mr Bean comedy of errors.

We drive back towards the hostel at five miles-per-hour. He drops me off at a point which is one minute away from the hostel (and its newly accompanying lynch-mob). He introduces me to his brother, who is drinking with some friends at the side of the road. The motorcycle driver promises to come back in five minutes with a new tire. I stay with the friendly group of Cambodian people for that time.

It's a break from play, we talk about football, have some beers and smoke some cigarettes. The atmosphere is great. We do some Cambodian dancing together and one of the guys sings a song about western vaginas with a grimaced, yet heartfelt expression.

Suddenly, three angry prostitutes turn up. A massive shouting match occurs in the Cambodian language. The friendly people come to the defence of the newly-found Manchester United fan. Without them, I am on my own to fend off three crazy cock-cutting bitches and any passing Cambodian who wants to join in the mob.

The motorcycle man returns. He is in no rush. He opens up a beer and starts dancing. He tells me a joke about his t-shirt, but I calmly signal to him that THERE'S MORE TO DISCUSS THAN HIS FUCKING T-SHIRT.

Once again, I jump on the motorcycle and we dash to the hostel. (A one minute journey, time is ticking down, the three women are literally running behind us).

We go past the eight angry Cambodian people on the way. They are still incensed about the situation, but we get past them and run up to my room. I feverishly pick up all my belongings and am ready to get the fuck out of the place, but the man tells me to wait in my room for five minutes, much to my panic.

He still has trouble with his bike and he insists that he must fix it. I see the back of him disappear down the hostel stairwell.

My lifeline has gone. I am in a hostel on my own with eight angry Cambodian people outside and three crazy cock-cutting bitches on the way. I close the door, turn off the light and pray that the man returns. I pray that a mob of people don't overpower the one small sleepy man on reception.

I wait in the dark for twenty damn minutes, until I finally hear a LOUD knock.

It's the motorcycle man.

Him and the receptionist are visibly apprehensive. They tell me to "COME THIS WAY, NOW!". We run out of the back exit, through a dirty alley and over a fence. I hop on the man's bike and we zoom to Phnom Penh airport at 80Km/hr with no helmets.

Chased out of Cambodia - Parlay44 - 09-04-2013

He'll hath no fury ...[Image: lol.gif]

You know where you fucked up right? You should never have slut-shamed her.
You should have just played it off cool and went about your business at the club.

You've got to break the mindset of classifying women as good or bad. They're all
whores. You'll never really know how many cocks a woman has had before you.
So stop worrying about it. Even good girl bang multiple dudes in the same day.

Chased out of Cambodia - el mechanico - 09-04-2013

Wow why didn't you just get someone to translate the beef with these people and fix it? Also stay in nicer hotels.

Chased out of Cambodia - Parlay44 - 09-04-2013

She clearly knew the local game. She wanted to put you in jail for diss'n her.

Chased out of Cambodia - el mechanico - 09-04-2013

Another thing about traveling.. I hate having to be "Good" in other countries to avoid these situations the thought of red tape getting arrested.

Chased out of Cambodia - Pilgrim37 - 09-04-2013

Good story...well told!

Chased out of Cambodia - el mechanico - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 10:37 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

He'll hath no fury ...[Image: lol.gif]

You know where you fucked up right? You should never have slut-shamed her.
You should have just played it off cool and went about your business at the club.

You've got to break the mindset of classifying women as good or bad. They're all
whores. You'll never really know how many cocks a woman has had before you.
So stop worrying about it. Even good girl bang multiple dudes in the same day.
LOL yeah, who do you think you are bringing those kind of morals and standards to Cambodia?

Chased out of Cambodia - Beyond Borders - 09-04-2013

I believe your story, Man, but you may have been being a bit melodramatic (alcohol tends to do that).

First, you never should have dissed her so hard in the club - it seemed like a pretty confrontational way to go about it, especially considering she didn't charge you. There are other ways to deal with women when you realize they are a prostitute that are much more disarming. A lot of local guys in this region don't even break up with girlfriends, for instance; they just stop calling them, as people don't do well with verbal closure.

Always best to ignore the situation or pretend you just need a night off. And another. And then another. Until they stop calling.

If they're a hooker, well, just hit on some other girls and they'll eventually grab another guy to make you jealous, thus giving you probable cause to wander away.

And then you kept overreacting, running away. Even if they were really "after you," you could have stopped and talked with them at many points in the beginning of the story and, if it was the only way to get through it, pay them off with some dough.

Then making it worse again by flipping them off when you got away....Big no-no to give someone the bird out here.

It seems to me that every step of the way you did something to make your situation worse than it already was - in Southeast Asia, you're always better moving in a direction of apologizing, whether right or wrong, and and alleviating the tension as quickly as possible. Running away does have it's place but not so sure it had its place here. I've had to flee town in Thailand before, and it's indeed a scary thing, but you may have jumped the gun a bit early and escalated things.

Also, is at all possible that the woman wasn't a prostitute and was just in Heart of Darkness because she likes white dick? Or came with someone? Because judging by your story she never did demand cash...Even in the most whorish bars around you'll occassionaly see a mainstream girl that wanders in because her more open-minded friends interested in the tourist scene drug her along - doesn't mean she trolls the place every night. Not always a good idea to give the benefit of the doubt, but if anything of the sort was the case, you can understand her feeling severely insulted at the sequence of reactions.

I'd say her jumping into bed on the first night is in itself pretty telling (or at least suggestive), but then again, I'm not familiar with Phnom Penh. In any case, maybe just slow down a bit a face the situation head on next time - brainstorm a way to defuse it even if that means inviting a group of whores back to the bar for a round of drinks or tossing her $20. It doesn't cost $1K to buy off a butt-hurt hooker in a 3rd world country.

Glad you got away with your root still intact and your head in one piece.

Chased out of Cambodia - Aliblahba - 09-04-2013

[Image: attachment.jpg14253]   

Bringing 1st world attitude to 3rd world countries isn't wise unless you got something to back it up. Staying in hostels makes me think the OP doesn't have that something.

Chased out of Cambodia - WanderingSoul - 09-04-2013

I think your biggest mistake was showing fear. You gave them all of the power when you did that. Don't just run from some random girl coming at you on a motorbike. You have to stand your ground and show that you're not afraid and not someone to be fucked with.

You NEVER run until it is time to run. In this situation, it wasn't time.

Chased out of Cambodia - WanderingSoul - 09-04-2013

Just read this, which is super fucked up, but also hilarious:


And then there was the supposed murder-suicide case of a French family in September 2011. A team of ten French investigators went to Cambodia to follow up on the case, however, and the conclusions they shared this month inspire little confidence in the original story.

Cambodian police had already decided that life had become too much for 42-year-old Frenchman Laurent Vallier, who they claimed had killed his four young children, before driving their bodies into a pond behind the family home where he drowned. That was supposed to be the end of the tragic matter, but his family and the French embassy in Phnom Penh were far from convinced.

For several weeks the French team carried out forensic tests at the site. They found that the driver’s door was open and the state of the car’s electrics was consistent with the vehicle having been pushed into the pond.

They also discovered that Cambodian police had failed to notice that Vallier’s skull was sitting in a suitcase in the back of his SUV.

The evidence was obviously inconsistent with murder-suicide and the focus has now shifted to his Khmer in-laws. Police initially thought there was nothing unusual about Vallier’s brother-in-law claiming ownership of land that Vallier, a widower, and his two sons and two daughters had lived on. His wife died during childbirth in 2009.

Police now say they believe three to five people were involved with the murders.

The French embassy tactfully said in a statement that the investigation “has led to breakthroughs which are now ruling out the possibility of suicide.”

"Oh, half of his head is in a suitcase in the trunk? Must have drowned!"

Chased out of Cambodia - void - 09-04-2013

next time give yourself a mental high five for your shoring notch

Chased out of Cambodia - Beyond Borders - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 11:24 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

"Oh, half of his head is in a suitcase in the trunk? Must have drowned!"

This really is the next Thailand. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Chased out of Cambodia - Vendetta - 09-04-2013

Man.... Great story!

Like the others have said, the insult in the club was what got it all started.

And it made me think, yeah, I would have just accepted that "oh well, I guess she lied, women do that.." and move on.

BUT, it also made me think, I need to start maybe showing my true colors a bit more, then I'll end up in much more exciting situations and have some much more awesome stories to tell!

But finally, that story about the head in the suitcase.... Yeah, you just can't fuck about in these countries. I'm planning a trip to Cambodia at some point as I'm in Thailand now.

Just going to the border for my visa made me think, wow, this place really is like the Wild West!

Cool story though... NOW you can laugh about it! : )

Chased out of Cambodia - Beyond Borders - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 11:55 AM)Vendetta Wrote:  

Just going to the border for my visa made me think, wow, this place really is like the Wild West!

Border towns are always the seediest; it's not quite as bad once you get some miles inside. Definitely still wild though.

When are you planning to come?

Chased out of Cambodia - dog24 - 09-04-2013

I agree with aliblabla. Also you picked up she was a prostitute right away thats why you asked her, why did you keep talking to her after that? And this definitely isnt the full story. On another note i dont think anyone should complain when they go to third world shitholes hang around in their poorest places with trashy women and happen to find trouble.

Chased out of Cambodia - el mechanico - 09-04-2013

I looked into that city..2.3 million people.. How can one hooker find you if you just changed hotels?

Chased out of Cambodia - LowerCaseG - 09-04-2013

This is a classic example of Asian's obsession with "saving face." You made her lose face in front of her social circle.

Chased out of Cambodia - LeightonBlackstock - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 01:26 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I looked into that city..2.3 million people.. How can one hooker find you if you just changed hotels?

From what I can tell, the only likely explanation is that the motorcycle taxi man returned to Heart of Darkness and told her where he took me. This could have happened within the time-frame between him dropping me off and her arriving on my walk. I remember her reaction being delayed. She didn't follow me out of the club and she didn't realise I had left for a while; well, she didn't contact me for a while (twenty to thirty minutes maybe). Then I got a call on my phone and a lot of texts. This was when I was in the new hostel. Actually, I remember laughing to myself and feeling victorious. Of course, a short while later I had egg on my face.

It's quite a compact place, with two main tourist districts. I changed my hostel from (what I found out later was) the 'seedy' area over to Riverside. The distance between these two places is roughly five minutes drive from what I can remember.

Another forum member who has traveled here could possibly confirm whether this is true or false.

Chased out of Cambodia - Roosh - 09-04-2013

Maybe this is true, maybe it's not, but I do fall on the skeptical side. Too many coincidences.

Chased out of Cambodia - LeightonBlackstock - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 04:31 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Maybe this is true, maybe it's not, but I do fall on the skeptical side. Too many coincidences.

If I read this story on here, I would also find it extremely hard to believe. Apart from a meager offering of a photo of me and Motorcycle Man, I have absolutely no evidence. It's 100% my word against the rightful scrutiny of the people on this forum.

People who know me in person may be able to vouch that this is a situation that only I could get myself into. They would vouch for my openness and truthful nature, but of course, these friends don't exist on this forum, so this paragraph isn't of much use.

I was scared for a lot of this situation, but I just couldn't believe the ridiculous nature of what was unfolding. There was a point, where I was behind the wooden box, where I was actually laughing to myself, thinking how funny it would be to tell my friends of this story.

Then it just got even more ridiculous, so ridiculous that it became hard for even myself to believe. I headbutted a wooden panel. I gave the woman the finger. Then we had to stop to re-fuel. Then the flat tire happened. Then I'm dropped off with his brother who happens to be drinking there at 2am in the morning. Then three prostitutes are running behind me while I'm sat on a motorcycle. A ridiculous number of coincidences. A 1 in a 1000 situation. Enough to make this story extremely unlikely, and enough to make me seem like a crazed compulsive liar to the people I told this story to in Bangkok a day later.

I almost wish that only half of these things had happened, as then it would seem a lot more believable.

But I assure you, on this occasion, the story of a man who made a rookie error in slut-shaming a Cambodian prostitute and running away, is 100% true.

Chased out of Cambodia - MidniteSpecial - 09-04-2013

Two words: amateur hour. No need for any of that bs. When the girl tells you she's a prostitute and you banged for free the night before that's when you should act indifferent not catch an attitude with her. Lesson learned. Remeber it ain't tricking if you got it. Glad to hear you made it out safe.

Chased out of Cambodia - j r - 09-04-2013

Was it something like this?

Chased out of Cambodia - 20Nation - 09-04-2013

I'm on the skeptical side too. I spent about 3 weeks in Phnom Penh, and I just find it hard to see all this going down. She's a prostitute she gets rejected for a living. Why would she put in all that work to find one of the 5-10 guys that rejected her that night?

Chased out of Cambodia - RawGod - 09-04-2013

You generally headbutt wooden things when you get frustrated? Says it all really.