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Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-02-2013

I was in Hamburg a few weeks ago, only for a few nights so perhaps this isn't as complete as guys would like, however I think my findings should be correct.

Direct game, at least in English, doesn't work over there. However, indirect game comes across as 'endearing' (if that is the right word, it sounds 'beta', but fuck it), especially if you use 'elderly chat' and 'confused tourist'. When I say that, I mean it works. I got 2 numbers from just a few approaches indirectly. From those numbers, I didn't get any substantiated dates, due to my short time there, although I have no doubt things would have progressed had I been there longer. I got, 'proposed' dates, but nothing further.

If you speak fluent German, the results may change, although anything direct seems so alien to German women, it is almost not worth trying. There is an exception though, and this is important. If a German girl likes you, in the day, she WILL give you proper eye contact, and if you reciprocate and approach, you will be extremely successful. I had this twice in three days, and one of these resulted in a same day bang, after meeting her later that same night.

A lot of people want a 'one size fits all' game - it doesn't exist.

Direct Game in Hamburg - lskdfjldsf - 09-02-2013

Sorry for always coming across as a whiny bitch on Germany, but I wasted my bachelors degree and half my 20's trying to figure Hamburg/Germany out to no avail. Hamburg is just an awful place for dating/game, period. I moved to London a few weeks ago and couldn't be happier.

For day game, speak German. There's something wrong with you if you can't pull a number 9/10 times, German chicks are easy with that. HOWEVER when you decide to pursue it and hang out, German girls are notorious for not saying upfront they have a boyfriend. Half the time they show up uninvited and you're standing there like an idiot.

Their rationale can be boiled down to stupidity and a complete lack of metacognition. "You asked for my number, not if I had a boyfriend, what's the problem?"

When you're at a club, best to speak English (with lots of noise, more understandable). Direct game is a no-go unless you're talking to trashed ERASMUS girls are student parties.

The two main hot spots in the city are the Reeperbahn (or "99% of every club is a sausagefest" roughly translated) for clubs/parties and Schanze for bars and relaxed settings. Both are oversaturated with British tourists and U.S. expatriates, so if you're looking to be a cultural rarity and increase your chances, head to "off the beaten path" parties and festivals.

My strategy: day game near Jungfernstieg or Europapassage, dates in the Schanze, Reeperbahn if I'm really desperate.

Overall, the dating culture in Hamburg (or lack thereof) means you'll be putting in double the effort compared to any other city in Germany. Not at all recommended.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Ice - 09-02-2013

Yeah true, direct game doesn't make much sense in Germany. Germans are very sceptical generally. They're also kinda unsophisticated in terms of social skills - if you go direct they're just too overwhelmed and don't know how to react. At the same time, if they know you have mutual friends they become very trusting very quickly. I think when you do day game you can't be too alpha direct or they will be turned off by it. I think it works better if you're acting a bit beta - the fact that you're approaching them on the street is already extremely alpha to them.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-02-2013

Yeah direct is pretty pointless, however as a foreigner I guess I have better prospects. Although you're British too from you're profile, how come you were over there? Funny thing is, I hate London, don't know why. I think Manchester and Hamburg are similar enough for me to feel at home...but not, if you know what I mean? I don't hate London actually, but there's something about it I really dislike, perhaps it's just I'm sick of England.

I just really like Germany, and Hamburg especially. Which cities do you recommend? I'm learning German so might as well put it to good use!

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-02-2013

Quote: (09-02-2013 11:10 AM)Ice Wrote:  

Yeah true, direct game doesn't make much sense in Germany. Germans are very sceptical generally. They're also kinda unsophisticated in terms of social skills - if you go direct they're just too overwhelmed and don't know how to react. At the same time, if they know you have mutual friends they become very trusting very quickly. I think when you do day game you can't be too alpha direct or they will be turned off by it. I think it works better if you're acting a bit beta - the fact that you're approaching them on the street is already extremely alpha to them.

I absolutely agree with this. I'm not 'alpha' by nature, so perhaps this is what appeals. I mean, I can be asshole/cocky, but it's not who I am naturally. So, it is a bit of hard work being a dick in England, unfortunately this is what works here.

Direct Game in Hamburg - lskdfjldsf - 09-02-2013

Also pay attention to what you wear. I caught the most eyefucks while wearing the most stereotypical, average H&M v-necks. Individuality is viewed with a bit more skepticism; you have to blend in a little more than usual. I have a half sleeve for example.. its a great game prop in the U.S. or England because girls always ask about it, Germans think I'm an unemployed antifa. On the good side, if you're a muscular dude, you have a huge leg up on 75% of the population.

German guys are the most beta in Europe (by and large, while the exceptions to that rule take advantage and seem to clear house) so I'd suggest toning down the typical alpha stuff that gets you laid back home. Basically, no sarcasm and much less humor. Girls are very bad at small talk, try to be strategic in terms of topic during approaches.

I'd recommend going to cities where the least expats are present. Heidelberg, Mannheim, Düsseldorf, Trier, etc. are full of native students ranging from 19-25, and the universities are so small and segregated they are unlikely to have U.S. exchange programs. They're smaller cities, but that works to your advantage because ratios are ALWAYS solid and clubs are packed.

Not sure of your age, but if you are 26 or younger, check student parties first! Much more sociable crowd. As mentioned above, you will be viewed much more positively if you are introduced through a circle of friends - so meet lots of people, dudes included, if you can.

Hope this helps!

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-02-2013

Thanks bro, I also have a fair amount of visible tattoos. I am 27, so perhaps just outside of the party scene you mentioned. In a way, nothing you will say can sway me... I just really, really love Germany.

What is the deal with younger chicks there, I read on this forum that for example 27 year old guys have zero chance with 20 year old's, it that true?

Direct Game in Hamburg - Courage Reborn - 09-02-2013

I have never heard of a country with as many contradictions, mixed reviews and social weirdness as Germany on here.

Looking forward to seeing it for myself in a week or 2. Guys experiences sound all over the map. The consistent factors seem to be lack of social skills, and weariness of strangers.

Nice work on the day bang m8

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-02-2013

Indirect game all the way. I was a hater (of indirect game - being in England) but it definitely works in Germany. Basically, in my experience, be an 'interesting nice guy'. You know what, that is what a lot of guys would be if not in the anglosphere, where being a decent human being is frowned upon.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Mumbojumbo - 09-02-2013

I outlined some of the challenges in my Dresden datasheet. Numbers are rather easy to come by but converting to dates is hard as most girls will simply ignore your requests for a drink. German girls don't really understand what it means to give a guy her number since they are approached only once a year instead of a couple of times a day/ week...they don't think in that moment but will think about it extra hard when you text them ;(

Direct Game in Hamburg - lskdfjldsf - 09-03-2013

Quote: (09-02-2013 02:02 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Thanks bro, I also have a fair amount of visible tattoos. I am 27, so perhaps just outside of the party scene you mentioned. In a way, nothing you will say can sway me... I just really, really love Germany.

What is the deal with younger chicks there, I read on this forum that for example 27 year old guys have zero chance with 20 year old's, it that true?

As a general observation, the age range appears to be more important, but I wouldn't say you're out of luck. Even so, 27 year old German girls take care of themselves way more than their American counterparts.

Frequent occurrence: seeing reeeally good legs, figure, and bright blonde hair from behind. Then when she turns around she's 45 and wrinkled. German women are able to maintain their figure with age, so don't be disappointed if you are limited in terms of younger girls.

Another important observation is that you'll frequently see girls/guys paired WAY beyond their own level of appearance. Ugly ass dudes with 8's and 9's, and good looking guys with complete hogs. It baffles me.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-03-2013

If you think Hamburg was difficult, try Madrid - super difficult when I was there! Lovely city, but the girls are so family orientated etc, that you have to be introduced via social circle. Or that's how it felt anyway.

You can make out with them in the club/bar etc, but SNL's seem as though they'd be incredibly difficult. I didn't manage it anyway. I think Portugal and Italy are similar too. I think France is the only 'Latin' country that has an acceptance of casual sex in the same way as the Germanic Euro countries.

Direct Game in Hamburg - nordlicht - 09-03-2013

very much interested in your posts as I am living close to Hamburg. I do agree that being able to communicate in German will give you a huge plus with girls, even more if it is not perfect but you show that you really try hard!
Could you elaborate a bit more on the indiurect game and how that led to a bang, please?

Direct Game in Hamburg - Sourcecode - 09-03-2013

I may have a biased opinion.
But I personally though a certain amount of direct game was needed in Germany to get laid.
As said above. German girls aren't approached. Indirect game them and you might get their number..but they wont understand that you want to date them.

Germans get laid by friend zoning themselves until they either fall into a relationship or get drunk enough to have sex.
I too have gotten girls numbers in Hamburg and other parts of germany and asked them on dates..only have their sister show up..or a friend show up also and try to hang out.

The whole..don't scare the cat seemed to work opposite for me. I get numbers and immediately talk about wanting to go out alone with them. make it specific that its just me and her.
I never went as far as to tell the girl i wanted sex..but i made it obvious that I found her attractive..and even would hint that I might kiss her at some point.

Ill admit..its was a little harder in hamburg to pull same night lays..because people commute to the cant just walk a girl around the corner(most people dont live at the reeperbahn)
And the closedness and privateness of germans dont make it easy to just get on a cab or train and go home. get the girls number and we would make a spur of the moment plan to meet at each other house.
German girls seem like..they dont want anyone to know they are gonna slut it up...but at the same time...they still want some excitement.
^this is unheard of in Hamburg. None of my german friends would believe the story until girls would show up to my room late at night or we would just "stumble" upon each other in a club.

As a german..You are bound by the social rules.
But if you can at least understand some of the language or make an attempt...while still being cant pretty much bypass a lot of german social rules. and go direct.

Kamaki will probably come in here and say how german girls are super logical.
logic says a guy that comes to your country and cant speak the language..but wants to go home with you..isnt safe.
but a guy that makes the attempt and understands a little of the culture will get a pass..and emotion/excitement cant override enough of the logic to get into her pants

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-03-2013

Quote: (09-03-2013 08:59 AM)nordlicht Wrote:  

very much interested in your posts as I am living close to Hamburg. I do agree that being able to communicate in German will give you a huge plus with girls, even more if it is not perfect but you show that you really try hard!
Could you elaborate a bit more on the indiurect game and how that led to a bang, please?

Where abouts do you live? I speak very minimal German, so that didn't help me at all. The girl I got the lay from wasn't from Hamburg, she was from Essen and was backpacking up to Denmark and stopping in Hambug for a few nights to do the museums. God knows why you'd want to go backpacking in Denmark, but hey, her choice right. I just fixed eyes on her whilst eating some chips (fries) near Hauptbahnhof Sud, on Steindamm, whilst sitting on some big stone blocks they have on the corner. I love that whole St. Georg area - the Turkish and other Middle Eastern immigrants are a lot more friendly and bedded into society than much of the Pakistanis we get in England...anyway, back to topic! Yeah she basically mirrored my eye contact and started blushing/smiling so I just walked over and chatted to her. Made it obvious I was flirting (probably why she didn't turn up with someone else on the date! - If she hadn't been away from home, perhaps she wold have!) and arranged to meet her at Frank und Frei that night, and later we went to Goldfischglas. Needless to say, we both got pretty drunk and had a nice time and I took her back to my hotel and banged her. She was a cool girl, so I said next time I'm in Germany I'd get in touch. Which in all likelihood I won't because I have no desire to go to Essen, unless one of you guys tells me different of course!

Regarding indirect game in general, if you read Roosh's Daybang and get to grips with 'elderly chat' etc, I just find that works really well as a foreigner. I wasn't in Hamburg long enough to do loads of approaches, but the vibes I got when I did, and when I was genuinely asking for directions etc were much more positive than a Krauser-style direct approach. I don't think 'alpha' in the cocky-boastful US/UK sense really goes down well over there, which is fine by me because I'm not like that naturally. I am a bit arrogant though, which I guess helps in some situations. Like I think Roosh has said in the past, I think 'Higher Beta', or 'Horny Nice Guy' are best types of game for mainland Europe. Possibly with the exception of France, don't know why but I just get the feeling.

Direct Game in Hamburg - nordlicht - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-03-2013 12:47 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2013 08:59 AM)nordlicht Wrote:  

very much interested in your posts as I am living close to Hamburg. I do agree that being able to communicate in German will give you a huge plus with girls, even more if it is not perfect but you show that you really try hard!
Could you elaborate a bit more on the indiurect game and how that led to a bang, please?

Where abouts do you live?

I live in a village just south of Hamburg but work in the city

I just fixed eyes on her whilst eating some chips (fries) near Hauptbahnhof Sud, on Steindamm, whilst sitting on some big stone blocks they have on the corner. I love that whole St. Georg area - the Turkish and other Middle Eastern immigrants are a lot more friendly and bedded into society than much of the Pakistanis we get in England...[/quote]
Agree that fixin eyes can work quite well here. if the irkl returns eye contact you normally just have to move and avoid fucking things up. However, things not always escalaet as quickly as in your case (congratulations) but I guess that is because of both of you being tourists and the "now or never" situation
As far as the St Georg area is concerned I must say that I am not a big fan of that part of town. Too much P2P and drugs being dealt reltively open, in my opinion, but certainly it has some nice places.
Regarding integration of immigrants, I think that it is a 2way street. If somebody wants to get integrated into a different society / culture I would expect some efforts from him / her and in return also openness from society to include that person. Sometimes it works well, smetimes it doesn't... I am not familiar with the situation in the UK in this respect though

Needless to say, we both got pretty drunk and had a nice time and I took her back to my hotel and banged her.

Nice - how old was she?

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-04-2013

Quote: (09-04-2013 08:12 AM)nordlicht Wrote:  

Nice - how old was she?


Direct Game in Hamburg - Mekorig - 09-04-2013

Way to go Teedub! I have been a couple of time in Essen (i even try to do something similar to a report sheet about the place, but failed miserabily). You have some pretty women walking around the city, and for a medium-size city, it is a nice place to make a short trip.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-04-2013

Yeah I think Essen is in the NRW region of Germany that has quite a lot of cities very close to each other. Will probably check it out soon. I have a friend from Cologne and he insists that's the best place in Germany, but I'm sure he's biased - he's also pretty beta too.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Mekorig - 09-04-2013

I only been one day in Cologne, beatifull city, and the women looked better than in Dusseldorf or Frankfurt, but my stay as to short to try any kind of game.

Direct Game in Hamburg - lskdfjldsf - 09-05-2013

NRW is awesome! Did my studies there. Much friendlier and more outgoing people in Köln, Bonn, etc.
If you're into day game and day bangs, go to Karneval in Köln... you'll be pulling (hammered drunk) at 9 and 10 AM.

Direct Game in Hamburg - Teedub - 09-05-2013

That's the first positive post about Germany I've seen Blick! Haha. If you HAD to live in Germany, where would you pick?

Plus, please tell more about Koeln, NRW and Karnival!

Direct Game in Hamburg - BecomingMachine - 09-16-2013

Cologne was super dope. I went during some festival where there were boats up and down the river shooting fireworks, did some good sightseeing, wasn't gaming per se. Get hammered off of Kolsch once in your life- totally worth it. I can also highly recommend the Argentine steakhouses there, although I wasn't much for the Kolsch cuisine itself. Visit the treasury and the Dom- fantastic situational daygame if you spot targets. That seemed to be the issue, tourists are avoided as a plague, and there's a huge LGBT market there, which may be off putting to some.

Direct Game in Hamburg - granola - 09-18-2013

I lived in Germany for 2 years working on a U.S. military base as a civilian.

Definitely agree with indirect game being the best option to start but adding more direct game as the interaction progresses, German being a must for day game unless you're in an area where you can play lost tourist, and also agree that German girls will give out their numbers regardless of whether they have a boyfriend or not unless you straight up ask them ahead of time because they are looking for a cool foreign friend.

As for the age thing...I was 30 and banging a cute 20 year old for a while, but in that case I had social proof because I got introduced to her by my buddy's girlfriend, so can't say for sure if that's the norm. Most girls I banged were 25-30.

Edit: For anyone currently in Germany or nearby, Volksfest in Stuttgart and Oktoberfest in Munich are right around the corner.
Both are basically fun drunken meat markets past 9PM and super easy to hook up, although Volksfest is a little more fun in my opinion.