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Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - Printable Version

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Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - Stephenau - 07-28-2013

Hey all,

What do you make of it? Happens to me a lot when I go out, which is very rare these days. I never do anything, because I figure they are just playing games. Last night three girls in a group in front of me, one of them had her back to me, and the other 2 were side-on and both of them kept looking back at me all the time. I looked back a few times but the lasers and that were blinding me most of the time so I couldn't see anything. It's also noisy as shit, so any kind of chat is off limits.

What's the move here? I suck at approaches and thus I've never had a girlfriend.

Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - Hoodlum - 07-28-2013

Generally, I'd consider anything more than a brief glance, especially if repeated, to be an approach invitation.

If you're out solo, a 3 set on the dance floor is going to be tough. Dance floor game is generally pretty direct - go up, smile, take their hand, give them a twirl, and start dancing closely.

Either take a wing, or just take the ego boost from the checkout and find a logistically easier set. If you never approach anyway, you're may need to start a little simpler than this.

Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - Stephenau - 07-28-2013

That makes sense. I was out last year and two girls a group were hassling me, one of them was giving me the dead stare. Her friend started rubbing up against me. I did approach her other friend and we chatted and I got her number but it went no where.

I should try it more often. I'm hopeless.. this kind of thing happens in other places too but I'm too shy most of the time to say or do anything. (and I'm 30)

Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - MrXY - 07-28-2013

The girl with her back to you was the one who was attracted to you; her friends were checking you out for her.
In that situation always approach the girl with her back to you

Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - WestIndianArchie - 07-28-2013

if she's watching you dance, you grab her arm and pull her on the floor - and then you dance like you were dancing, but with her. (this might be hard, cause nowadays, young people don't know how to dance with each other)


Also, if you were getting your Fred Estaire on but the second you're with a chick it's Fratboy Humpathon time - cut that shit out.

While you're dancing, you put your hands on the broad. You twirl her around, you correct her rhythm, you lead.

If the beat is coming down on a 4/4, you slow you and her down by half. If the every on is going AB/AB, you go ABC/ABC.

And don't do that dumb dancing/i'm gonna make a fool of myself on the dance floor bs either. Nobody fucks a clown.

Pull her away from her hating ass friends.

Depending on the scene, taking her to the other side of the dance floor, you could prolly get some serious kino in. From there, you lead her to the bar/bathroom/dark corner.

Speak as little as possible. Let your body (and hers) do most of the talking.

Don't ask for her name, don't tell her yours.

You want intermediate skills?

See her eye you, and grab a chick next to you to get in rhythm.
Then let extraneous chick go and grab your target.


Chicks eyeing you off on the dance floor? - Stephenau - 07-28-2013

Haha ok thanks, I'll see how I go next time. I don't dance loud, I'm a little reserved so I tend to just stand there and wiggle a bit.