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How would you have handled this? - Dusty - 07-26-2013

So I was walking down the street today, and I see a cute chick eating pizza through the window of a restaurant . She sees me checking her out and locks eyes. So I smile big and she smiles just as big and stares into my eyes.

I eventually kept walking due to the logistics.

In retrospect I could have:

1. Pulled my phone out and in a humorous way used hand signals to ask for her number. If she gave the thumbs up, go inside and get it.

2. Just go inside the restaurant and talked to her. That might have freaked her out though.

How would you have handled this? - MidniteSpecial - 07-26-2013

You should have gone in there. Walked up to her. Grabbed her pizza and taken a bite and said, "good pizza! Hi I'm dusty."

How would you have handled this? - RustyShackleford - 07-26-2013

You dropped a hook (checking her out and smiling), which she received incredibly well (smiling back) and she communicated she liked you too (staring at you).

You then proceeded to walk away who was at least intrigued by you, and you are rationalizing the encounter away (logistics).

She said she was interested, and you walking away communicated you weren't.

You should have just went up to talk to her.

How would you have handled this? - XXL - 07-26-2013

i'd go up to the window, point at her then at me and draw a little heart on the window to see how she reacts to that. if still positively then i'd go inside.

How would you have handled this? - Dusty - 07-26-2013

The logistics issue was she was in a restaurant and I was outside. We could not speak verbally unless I went inside.

Yep the logistics were slightly a challenge but could have easily been overcome. I pussied out. Probably more accurately my reflexes were not fast enough to figure out what to do in the moment.