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District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Printable Version

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District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Kabal - 07-15-2013

I was in Saigon, Vietnam for 11 nights this winter; got 6 bangs, with a few of them getting rounds 2 and 3. I posted briefly about it here, but wanted to do a fuller review now that I have a bit more capacity at the moment. This is only on District 1, because I eventually got too tired/lazy to even venture out of the district. Although, in my defense, Saigon is quite large, and D1 is where the action is.

Saigon is perennially hot, not unlike how it was in the northeast United States today. I was very uncomfortable the whole time during the day; it didn't help that I was always hungover from drinking all day the previous day and tired from sex and lack of sleep. I would drink more beers during the day to cool off and alleviate my hangovers, which was a self-perpetuating cycle.

Vietnamese food is pretty good, like a more exotic version of Chinese food, with less saltiness, but more sweetness. Also reminiscent of Thai food. Their most famous dish is pho, a kind of beef noodle. To be honest it's kind of bland (especially compared to Taiwanese beef noodle, which is kick ass), but Vietnamese fried rice is awesome. District 1 in Saigon also has a wide variety of foreign restaurants and fusion restaurants, so it's not like you're stuck with Vietnamese cuisine. It's only $50-$125 for two people at a higher end restaurant in D1 Saigon.

Other than store/restaurant personnel in tourist-heavy areas, the English level was very poor. Even girls who were studying at a translation vocational school that I met up with had very rudimentary English--they made the average Thai girl seem like Vladimir Nabokov in comparison. My Spanish and Chinese were both much better than the English of any girl who was supposed to be studying it.

Conversation could be hard--I was literally grinding out some conversations very slowly like "how many brothers and sisters do you have? ...Three? That is in-ter-est-ing. How old are they?"

The only girl with true passably conversational English was a casino blackjack dealer.

I pipelined, with a spreadsheet of about 60-70 girls that I had ready to hit the ground running and with whom to try and set-up dates. I spent a lot of time cultivating this list prior to the trip. Key fields included girl attractiveness rating, Yahoo! Messenger account, email address, phone number, age, vocation, link to her Facebook, and my subjective rating of her English skills.

I would set up two shifts for first dates: one girl during the day, one girl during the night. During the day I would meet for coffee, then venue shift them to beers/drinks. At night, I would take them out for dinner, then venue shift them to drinks.

In both cases, the final destination was my apartment, of course.

I gave a half-hearted attempt at night game too, at Sin Lounge and Lush. Talent and ratio were solid, but I had a very tough time communicating and lacked adequate motivation since my balls were constantly drained. I have a really hard time hearing in American clubs (perhaps I have poor hearing), so the language obstacles make it even more difficult when I'm abroad. Plus, as mentioned before, Vietnamese girls have pretty low English skills. I also went with a girl and her friends to Apocalypse Now, which was filled with hookers. It also had mediocre white backpackers too.

There are two malls (Vincom A and Vincom B) that could be great for pipelining, using the Philippine market-standard approach of chatting-up girls working the stores in the mall. I did not, however, attempt this.

Tabulated six bangs in 11 nights; the girls ranged from cute to smokeshows. The waitresses at Blanchy Tash and Zan Z Bar were giggling every time they saw me because I kept rolling through with a different girl every day, sometimes twice in one day.

Girls span from Chinese-looking (a lot of them actually are part-Chinese by descent) to Filipino-looking. Vietnamese girls are quite attractive, overall--in District 1 near the Vincom Centers especially. They are quite conservative, though. I did not see many older white guy / younger local girl pairings.

It was annoying at times to deal with girls with such low genre savviness.

The blackjack girl was very perturbed at her notch count (I winced when she was about to tell me, but thankfully it was only ten). Another girl freaked out and ran out of my apartment when I first made out with her (later banged her). A third girl mid-smash said "if you get me pregnant, in Vietnam you'll have to marry me."

Ha ha, good luck with that.

I facialed her, just to be safe.

From the link at the top:

I liked the Vietnamese girls a lot--they are, in my experience, the best-looking in Southeast Asia, and perhaps all of the greater East/Southeast Asia region. However, I would recommend Thailand and the Philippines for easier attainability for girls. Vietnamese girls are pretty conservative and don't speak much English--even the ones that are putatively studying English in college/university.

I kind of regret not doing more than eating at restaurants and smashing chicks. Oh well.

chochemonger definitely deserves a shoutout from me. His intel (also in the link at the top) was very helpful, and on point.

District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Northern - 07-16-2013

Did you stay in a hotel or an apartment? If apartment, how did you find it?

District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Kabal - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-16-2013 03:17 AM)Northern Wrote:  

Did you stay in a hotel or an apartment? If apartment, how did you find it?

Apartment--I AirBnb'd it. There are a lot of hotels in D1 Saigon though, right near the Vincom Center as well.

District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Vacancier Permanent - 07-17-2013

Good report Kabal! You mentioned that English level was quite low there, how about French as Vietnam was a French colony? From what I have gathered, only the older generation and those from the higher social strata can speak and understand it. Can you confirm that from what you saw during your stay there?


District I Saigon/Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Trip Recap (with a Couple Pics) - Kabal - 07-17-2013

Quote: (07-17-2013 05:27 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Good report Kabal! You mentioned that English level was quite low there, how about French as Vietnam was a French colony? From what I have gathered, only the older generation and those from the higher social strata can speak and understand it. Can you confirm that from what you saw during your stay there?


Doesn't mean it wasn't there, but I did not detect a lick of French being spoken. Perhaps it's more common in Hanoi? However, I also wasn't on the lookout for it.

One thing I was on the lookout for was mixed white-Viet chicks, perhaps the descendants of the French or American military men from the war.

Did not see a trace of that either, disappointingly. As Wikipedia notes, their numbers have been in decline.