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Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-14-2013

Nomad77 just posted a thread about why this is a golden period for older guys. He definitely makes good points, but I wanted to explain why I miss being younger, and why younger guys have it better than they think.

I was last single in my twenties before I got married (I'm now divorced and in my forties). Before I got married, here is how I would meet women: I'd see a nice-looking girl at the 7-Eleven or in a clothing store at the mall, walk in, and just start bullshitting with her. Easy as that. Many times I got numbers and sometimes bangs. Hell, once I ended up spending the night with a girl I spotted walking home from 7-Eleven after getting chips.*

I took for granted how easy this all was. But back then, everyone wasn't married yet, few women had kids, and being ages 18-23, the best age bracket was open to me! How great was this? Pretty great. There also wasn't the expectation that things would have to get serious. Plus, I could go for older women and if I failed it didn't matter because who was taking that shit seriously anyway? If you're young, this is a golden period but you're probably too worried about what your life will be to see that. But appreciate this now and don't take it for granted.

When you get older, you can't just waltz into the mall and pick out a girl like you would a pair of jeans. First, most of 'em are too young. Second, you have baggage and sometimes that's mental, but it's still there and it keeps you from enjoying a lot of younger women, even if they like you (see my comment in the above linked post regarding mental weariness that comes with getting older -- it's harmed my game a lot). Third, once you're over 30, the women in your age bracket are in offices, married or divorced, with kids, and leading lives that are far from simple. And it's far from simple to deal with them or meet them. That leaves online dating and you know the thread we all have on here about that.

The moral: when you're young you may not have money or power but these things, I think, are overrated when compared to being the classic age for dating. I felt my youth was a burden and couldn't wait to get older, thinking things would be better when I had success and money -- like the Baby Boomer guys I used to see swarming on the girls of my generation (Gen X).

This is bullshit thinking. Enjoy what you have now. Don't feel self-conscious, like I did, that older guys have better cars or jobs. There's a certain charm in starting out in life that can never be recaptured. I wish I'd realized it then and enjoyed my present more instead of looking towards my future.

* Quick addendum: I was turned down a lot back then. It bothered me less. When you have nothing and are starting out, you expect rejection. When you have some success and get rejected, you really start to question yourself and the world around you. Plus, rejection means less when you know there's another nice-looking 21-year-old girl three feet away in the next store down in the mall...and the one after that...

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - GreenGranted - 07-14-2013

That was uplifting, good stuff man. I'm 20 myself.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - choichoi - 07-14-2013

I needed thank. Thank you. 27, no kids and never married, Amen.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Valentine - 07-14-2013

Great post, its true that young men have a number of things that can make up for lack of material success eg ambition and zest for life.

No-one should think their age is a limiting factor, but I can see exactly young men like myself choose to focus on their careers over dating loads because it sucks doing shit work for shit pay. When you're young is the perfect time to climb your ladder because life is just easier and more enjoyable if you have money to spend.

So yes whilst I may look back at some point and realise that in many ways dating is better when you're younger because of less commitment expectations, youthful good looks etc, I'm prepared to delay the long-term travelling pussy fests and just go for a month to SE Asia so I can enjoy some fun whilst I create the foundations for the rest of my life.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Que enspastic - 07-15-2013

What do you define as young?

I'm 24 right now. Feels good. Smashing bishes between 18-34 right now seemingly without any disadvantages.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-15-2013

Quote: (07-15-2013 12:13 AM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

What do you define as young?

I'm 24 right now. Feels good. Smashing bishes between 18-34 right now seemingly without any disadvantages.

I define your exact age as young. This was a great age for me. I just needed a guardian angel to come tap me on the shoulder and tell me that. You should embrace all the bullshit I felt self-conscious about:

1). Dating 18-year-olds? Revel in that. If someone lays a guilt trip about "not being able to cut it with women your own age," ignore it. You'll have eternity for that. But the window is closing on when you'll still be able to relate to teenagers. So get it while it's good. Older guy-younger girl pairings are the way of nature. Feminists pressure men into dating "equals," when they themselves only date the richest, most powerful men (Steinem, Wolf). Their stupidity has bled into mainstream society, but don't buy into it.

2). Not getting serious with women? Ignore the pressure from your parents and conformist peers. I didn't and lived to regret it. You can meet a 30-year-old when you're 36 and get serious. And once you do, the doors shut and you're locked in (even if you get out, you still mentally did time -- it's never the same). Anyway, enjoy the freedom; it's fleeting.

3). Messing with older women? Have fun! Because this is the only time you can do that and get off scot-free. When you get older, they'll want relationships. Or they'll make demands. Or they'll simply behave differently, giving you less room to make mistakes. When you're younger, a fair amount of women will indulge it as a novelty and not expect too much in return because "you're just a baby." (the exact words someone once said to me).

4). No money? No house? No problem! No one expects you to have much at 24, so you're not competing with the Joneses on the dating circuit. When you start getting past 30, materialistic things begin to count for a lot more for both men and women, so appreciate it that you can live however you want and no one is wondering why you're still in an apartment.

5). You think older guys have it better because they have more? They might have it better in some ways, but there is always a trade-off. You have to work a bitch job to keep paying the mortgage. Hell, you have to work to keep the bitch wife happy. And any moron can lease a nice car for a few hundred a month. You can have that in the future, but they can't have their past back.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Millz - 07-15-2013

I'm 24 as well and enjoying it.. I don't even look at age as a thing but I enjoy being able to smash chicks of any ages as well

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Sonsowey - 07-15-2013

Thing for older guys is, you can still smash young girls.

I have two friends, who are sisters, early 20s, they're both hot and both dating guys who are 40+ One was even smashing a dude who was in his 60s for a while. Older than her parents...

Always gives me hope for when I get older!

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-15-2013

Quote: (07-15-2013 09:43 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Thing for older guys is, you can still smash young girls.

I have two friends, who are sisters, early 20s, they're both hot and both dating guys who are 40+ One was even smashing a dude who was in his 60s for a while. Older than her parents...

Always gives me hope for when I get older!

Yeah, you can. But my point was that it doesn't come as naturally. I liked it when I could almost roll out of bed swing by the mall and get a phone number just like that. These days, I practically have to study up on what to talk to women that age about. In the old days, I was immersed in all the cool music, clubs, etc. Plus, I have to avoid making references that give away my age. No Pearl Jam CDs. Hell, no CDs at all...

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Sonsowey - 07-15-2013


These days, I practically have to study up on what to talk to women that age about.

Yea I feel you man. Hell, I think a lot of guys in their 20s have the same problem. We don't really watch the bad TV shows, read the garbage books, watch the trashy movies that chicks do. Chicks usually don't want to talk about meaningful stuff...

I often end up showing girls new music they don't know about. Something with a cool video. Like most bitches don't even know who Azealia Banks is. Young, new, good rapper, fun videos, I love putting on her shit when chilling w a girl.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - DVY - 07-15-2013

Talk about sushi. All women love sushi.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - WestCoast - 07-15-2013

1. Sushi
2. Avocado
3. Natalie Portman
4. Traveling
5. Dancing

But they are all "soooo different" LOL!

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - poutsara - 07-16-2013

The biggest advantage I had when I was younger - and I didn't know it then - was that I had TIME.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Noir - 07-16-2013

I am 22, been in the game since 16 (2007). I wake up every day and it is liberating to know that women aren't an issue for me the same way that they are for my peers. As a result, at this young age I have large choice in my dating and sexual life. The value of this does not arise from me having abundance of pussy or being able to satisfy my sexual urges. The value essentially is the mental 'RAM' I have free now in order to peel away the layers which society has added to mask my original identity in order to pursue the things I am passionate about.

Consequently, I have the luxury of being able to focus 100% of my own future and path which I want my life to take. Unlike my peers in the groups 20-28, I understand that whatever resources, time or money I have, I can invest back into myself and my own growth. My peers may call me selfish and narcissistic for focusing on myself but that is completely comprehensible; you cannot judge others by your own standards when they are a product of their environment and habitus.

As for women... Days of Broken Arrows hits the nail on the head (as usual) in a wise expected manner. Younger guys have it better but most are not ready to accept this because their consciousness has invested too much into their current life that they won't let go. Lots of my friends are sick cats but they still follow the blue pill mindset.

The fact that most men need to experience a life changing moment or an existential crisis in order to change themselves (and this happens at a later age than mine) is another benefit for us younger red pill members.

Most importantly, competition is zero from my age group. Apart from the 1/50 naturals, 1/10 model looking guys, guys my age are living in a scarce market. Once you understand that game is essentially a sellers market (pussy is the commodity) and adjust accordingly, its easy. I notice the competition I get on the street or in nightclubs in by 26 year old investment bankers, suits or promoters/DJs. Most guys my age are scared to speak to women who they consider to go for only guys of this calibre. If you step up to it and know your shit is in tune and have self-trust then you're your only obstacle in gaining success in this field.

That being said, the younger guys could have it better however, they do not have the balls nor the self-permission to allow themselves to succeed fully. We may not be in the financial peak of our lives but we are in the most adventurous time. Selling the dream is taking girls on an adventure with you (emotional usually) and this takes precedence over the number of 0's in your bank account at this age. This comes back to zero expectations as outlined in the original post.

Of course, my beliefs are a product of my own journey and I would appreciate some feedback!

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Peregrine - 07-16-2013


There's a certain charm in starting out in life that can never be recaptured.


Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - J DOE - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-15-2013 09:08 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

3). Messing with older women? Have fun! Because this is the only time you can do that and get off scot-free. When you get older, they'll want relationships. Or they'll make demands. Or they'll simply behave differently, giving you less room to make mistakes. When you're younger, a fair amount of women will indulge it as a novelty and not expect too much in return because "you're just a baby." (the exact words someone once said to me).

I've had that said to me more times than I can count (I just turned 22) by women at bars. I've actually started lying about my age and saying that I'm older than I am to combat it.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Giovonny - 07-16-2013

No one realizes the power of their youth until their youth is gone.

Youth is wasted on the young.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - The Beast1 - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-16-2013 03:08 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

No one realizes the power of their youth until their youth is gone.

Youth is wasted on the young.

Agreed. I hope my 30s are as cool as my 20s.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Giovonny - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-16-2013 03:15 PM)frenchie Wrote:  

Agreed. I hope my 30s are as cool as my 20s.

If you continue to improve, they will be better then your 20's.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - ThePrinceOfDixie - 07-16-2013

At 19, I have a giant pile of money left to me from my late father. I once thought that when I inherited that money Bitches would smell it and magically fall in love. Once I could see that wouldn't happen I began to change my efforts to meeting girls first through POF which was the dating website that I heard would have the most girls my age. After that got me no where(despite subtly flaunting my recourses) a friend of mine found Roosh's blog by happy mistake. As I have been learning game from the perspective of someone who has Money and youth. It's begun to sink into me that they want to see your that you know your doing when it comes to "sealing the deal". That is something that comes from experience and age.

No shit that girls dig that I'm from a rich family and have my own cake and still have that blue eyed babyface. But it is not something that let's me jump into everyone of there pants in thirty minutes or less.

My point is that youngins less fortunate than me might think their downfall is a lack of money and/or the logistics that it provides. When in reality the point of having something is knowing what to do with it which comes from experience.

The entire point of youth is growing old.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Samseau - 07-16-2013

Would Soros trade his billions to be 18 again?

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - iknowexactly - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-16-2013 07:03 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Would Soros trade his billions to be 18 again?

I would think so. Bob Dylan in about his 60s had a song where the narrator is observing a group of young men, and he says "I'd trade places with any one of them."

It gets more interesting if you're, say, 40, and you can work the next 10 years and be wealthy but be exhausted all the time, or take it easy and enjoy yourself but face working until 70.

That's a more realistic choice.

I chose working just enough to retire somewhat early in my 50s, but the trade offs were (1) I fucked off all through my 20s and had a ball playing in bands and avoiding work (2) I only have enough to just survive, no luxuries at all.

I called up Social Security one time to calculate my benefits prediction, and it was kind of funny when the clerk was looking at my records and asked "You only worked about ten years?" Haha. Yes, that was exactly the point.

This always triggers a barrage of "Oh, don't you wish you had more money?". Yes, I'm sure. But I've told the story of the hospice nurse, who in all of her encounters with dying men said ALL of them --ALL-- said they thought they had worked too much. You can never get one minute back from the Machine.

I plan on going back to work if I feel like it when I am really getting old and don't want to travel anymore. I advocate "giving them the shitty years"; after all you don't KNOW you're going to get them at all. I did make sure to get a professional license that doesn't go obsolete, so I will always be able to get pretty good paying work.

People worry about being 70 and broke, they never think they can die at 62-- many people do, or become disabled-- ESPECIALLY if they smoke cigarettes. Cancer, stroke, and COPD city. I had a patient who was 45 and looked 70 from smoking-- he had COPD; and wasn't getting enough oxygen. There is no real treatment.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-16-2013

Quote: (07-16-2013 07:14 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2013 07:03 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Would Soros trade his billions to be 18 again?

I would think so. Bob Dylan in about his 60s had a song where the narrator is observing a group of young men, and he says "I'd trade places with any one of them."

It gets more interesting if you're, say, 40, and you can work the next 10 years and be wealthy but be exhausted all the time, or take it easy and enjoy yourself but face working until 70.

That's a more realistic choice.

I chose working just enough to retire somewhat early in my 50s, but the trade offs were (1) I fucked off all through my 20s and had a ball playing in bands and avoiding work (2) I only have enough to just survive, no luxuries at all.

I called up Social Security one time to calculate my benefits prediction, and it was kind of funny when the clerk was looking at my records and asked "You only worked about ten years?" Haha. Yes, that was exactly the point.

This always triggers a barrage of "Oh, don't you wish you had more money?". Yes, I'm sure. But I've told the story of the hospice nurse, who in all of her encounters with dying men said ALL of them --ALL-- said they thought they had worked too much. You can never get one minute back from the Machine.

I plan on going back to work if I feel like it when I am really getting old and don't want to travel anymore. I advocate "giving them the shitty years"; after all you don't KNOW you're going to get them at all. I did make sure to get a professional license that doesn't go obsolete, so I will always be able to get pretty good paying work.

People worry about being 70 and broke, they never think they can die at 62-- many people do, or become disabled-- ESPECIALLY if they smoke cigarettes. Cancer, stroke, and COPD city. I had a patient who was 45 and looked 70 from smoking-- he had COPD; and wasn't getting enough oxygen. There is no real treatment.

I did a similar thing but arranged it so I could work freelance on things that I wanted, not corporate crap.

Have you considered taking some of your savings and carefully investing it in dividend-paying stocks? That way you get a salary without having to work. Savings accounts aren't paying anything these days. I know of several low-risk mutual funds with a high interest rate. If the Dow pulls back, it will be a good time to get in.

By the way, this is the kind of thing I'm interested in now, and exactly the kind of talk that bores any woman younger than 40 -- and some older. THIS in a nutshell, is the problem with gaming over 40. Your thoughts change. The conversations in your head are different. When I was 24 I remember having a long convo with a girl about which color pantyhouse guys liked -- white, black or skin-colored. These were my thoughts then.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - RustyShackleford - 07-17-2013

I'm a big fan of my age right now, I am at the prime spot (23) where I don't get judged for chilling with college girls and I don't have the pressures of needing money or huge amounts of status. A decent car, some solid game, and simply taking care of yourself puts you in the upper echelon of men. Simply discovering this forum puts you in the top 20% of the age group if you're young (early 20s >).

Last 2 girls I met had sex once, and the other a few times, both who are 20 and willing to please. This kind of purity/innocence is fleeting the older I get. There's also significantly less competition at this age, with many guys having no idea what to do. The 80/20 rule applies in my experience.

80% of the women are sleeping with 20% of the men.

Why Younger Guys Have it Better Than They Think - iknowexactly - 07-17-2013

Quote:Days of Broken Arrows ' Wrote:  

I did a similar thing but arranged it so I could work freelance on things that I wanted, not corporate crap.

Have you considered taking some of your savings and carefully investing it in dividend-paying stocks?

By the way, this is the kind of thing I'm interested in now, and exactly the kind of talk that bores any woman younger than 40

...Your thoughts change. The conversations in your head are different.

+1 on Dividend Aristocrats. I had a lot of money in McDonalds which is a good stock, they make their execs own a lot of it so they are bound to the company. BUt I spent it. I am trying to get a consulting gig like you mention now, which will allow me to travel to Poosy Paradises.

As far as gaming over 40, I see the same problems, my view is you simply have to separate your needs, I have no desire to fuck infertile women my own age, my wiring does not respond to it. So I'm going to fuck young chicks ( legal of course) in, say, the Philippines, and have older friends that I discuss deeper issues with. You need more specialized associates as you get older.

Also, older women are so starved for male companionship if you want to hang out with them you can straight out tell them about your 19 YO Filipino and your new baby and they know they just have to take it. Any hate I get is just more satisfaction.

You do need to be in an environment where (1) Young Filipina knows very well she can be nexted at any time (2) There isn't recourse to a lot of lawless shit like Thai boyfriends throwing you off balconies. (3) It's very clear that when you leave/die, all money disappears. No motivation for foul play.