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100 Girls: Where The Beta Male Hamsters Are - 2Wycked - 07-10-2013

NOTE: One of the reasons I joined the forum was to produce a few writeups, as I did not think I had much to say. 3 months later & 8,323,495,234,509 words later, here I am. I am the wordiest motherfucker on this board!

Overview Of The Movie

[Image: 100girls.jpg]

"100 Girls" was released in 2000 and was billed as a romantic comedy. Directed by Michael Davis it starred Johnathan Tucker as the male lead and features only two other men of prominence, his "misogynistic" roommate & the abusive bad boy boyfriend of one of the women. The rest of the cast is all women, featuring many, many attractive women.

The movie has generated strong reactions from feminists. Calling it anti-feminist fare & misogynistic it went over really badly with them. However, the demographic that did not like this movie was women. I read all the IMBD reviews and it looks like just about all the high-raters of the film were men. Most of the low-raters were women & feminist men, with one reviewer in 2010 calling it a "beta male fantasy" movie. [Image: lol.gif]

The movie opens with Matthew (Johnathan Tucker) getting trapped in an elevator of a woman's dorm with a woman, completely in the dark. Apparently, they vibed and they engaged in intercourse. They didn't exchange names or anything so he has no idea who she was and only has a pair of her panties. Already, incredibly unbelievable.

We are introduced to his roommate, a typical pathetic bro named Rod. Matthew clears feels superior to him, regarding Rod as some loser who just plays video games, watches porn & tries to lengthen his penis.

Rod goes on an interesting rant at this point, talking about how men have gotten a raw deal in history - men have died only before their wives due to the stress of the workplace. Matthew gives him a look and wonders in his head on why Rod hates women so much. Already, we see the profile of Matthew: classic pussy-on-the-pedestal psychology.

Matthew, in order to find his dream woman, concocts all these plans to go through the women's dorm in order to compare panties in a vain attempt to find his dream woman. He releases mice in the dorm and then poses as an exterminator to snoop through their rooms. During this, he meets Patty (Emmanuel Chriqui) and her abusvie, macho boyfriend Crick. Matthew confronts Crick after seeing him forcibly push her around. They get locked into nipple twisting fight.

[Image: 100-girls-2-1.jpeg]

He continues to do this, breaking the air conditioning so he can see them walk around in minimal amounts of clothing. He has many monologues talking about how men are powerless in the face of female beauty. We are introduces to more attractive women, Arlene (Katherine Heigl) & Cynthia (Jamie Pressly).

One day, Arlene challenges Matthew to a game of foosball with the loser having to strip naked. Matthew informs her that men are systemically emasculated in society, often by their mothers. The women watching the game shrink back when this point is made and Arlene glares at him with some serious feminist fire.

The arc of the movie encompasses Wendy (Larisa Oleynik - The Secret World of Alex Mack). She decides to help Matthew find his dream girl, noting she is a closeted lesbian who is also searching for her dream girl.

He starts dressing up as a woman he called "Francesca" in order to talk to women he couldn't in real life. He begins to develop friendships with them and understand how much bullshit women put up with from sexist, objectifying men. Rod catches Matthew dressed up as Francesca and is willing to sleep with him on the spot. Matthew hypothesizes that it is because men are too impulsive and women exhibit greater levels of self-restraint. He further explains that men are afraid of women because they know if have equal opportunities with men, then women will take over society because they are far, far more mature & responsible than men.

He takes a woman's studies class, in which the professor is radical, man-hating feminist. He regularly makes the point in the class that what prevents men & women having positive relationships is that they don't understand one another because of the lack of rules in society that govern sex relations.

Matthew confronts Crick and protects Patty from his abuse and they "make love" afterwards. He says it wasn't the fake sort of sex about lust, it was about mutual passion. Apparently, I have had a lot of fake sex in my life.

His confrontations with Rod get worse as Matthew keeps asking him why he hates women so much. After sleeping with Patty, Matthew worries about his dream girl and what she would think if he had a one-night stand. Rod says don't worry about it, getting your dream girl is your destiny. Rod then says he had sex all night with a girl named Francesca. Matthew storms out, saying he hates men.

Matthew thinks his problem is that he has an anti-intimacy shield that prevents him from connecting with women. He develops his "last-ditch" attempt to find his girl by treating women as equals & co-partners. Apparently, this approach works. Scenes show those evil bros who consider women adversaries getting made fun of when losing a strip-foosball game, as they are revealed to have tiny dicks. Further, while dressed up as Francesca, Crick sexually assaults Matthew.

Eventually, Matthew confronts his woman's studies teacher, saying he is tired of men being blamed for all the problems in the world and that men and women need to understand each other so they can respect each other. Rod confesses his sexual inadequacy, explaining that is why he hates women. Matthew confronts Crick and says that he sexually assaulted him and every other woman in the scene says he did to them too. Patty is glad her abuser is put behind bars.

[Image: 100-Girls_3258_1.jpg]

Rod overcomes his misogyny and begins a real relationship with a woman. Wendy & Arlene fall in love and become practicing homosexuals. Patty falls in love with Matthew and they make love again in the closing scene.

I first saw this movie when I was blue-pill and I did not like it. I was subconsciously red-pill in some ways, but I could not put words to my gut feelings.

2Wycked's Diagnostic Criteria For Assessing Betahood

1. Is a feminist
2. Is blue-pill
3. Is a strong Democrat
4. Practices modern approaches to manhood conceptualized by feminized Christians
5. Believes once men start understanding women, then real, passionate relations can occur between the two sexes
6. Believes women are superior to men
7. Thinks that misogyny is what men use in order not deal with issues of masculinity
8. Pretends that once true equality is achieved, then problems between men & women will dissipate
9. Cannot properly understand his rank in the sexual hierarchy
10. Exhibits strong levels of codependency
11. Thinks Roosh is a hairy Geico caveman
12. Cannot reconcile is own admonition of others for sexism necessarily implicates himself
13. Is an outright narcissist
14. Thinks watching porn demeans women
15. Thinks the modern Republican party's current values can shore up social decline
16. Asserts women prefer making love to rough sex
17. Believes masculinity is a performance based on hatred of women
18. Believes femininity is a display of female superiority.
19. Lives out worlds in his head that have no basis in reality
20. Follows sports too fervently
21. Plays video games in lieu of making friends
22. Identifies with his mother over his father
23. If homosexual, tends & befriends to women in a way that suggests he desperately needs their approval
24. Takes women too seriously
25. Struggles to see issues as more than just black and white
26. Has trouble dealing with friendly male teasing

A very unscientific approach here would be that you qualify as beta if you meet over half of those, which would be 13.

Eventually, this will be a RoK post, but it requires MUCH more work to qualify for that. Feel free to send me resources to help me clarify what beta is and isn't. I really have only skimmed over said discussions in the manosphere, but really should have paid more attention to refine my thoughts.

As for the movie, Matthew fits my profile perfectly. He values women over men, attacks the radical feminist in class, yet parrots simple feminist dogma to a T. He draws on false ideas of what fuels modern masculinity and is way too narcissistic. The irony is not lost on me this is a movie (already suggesting narcissism) in which a beta ends up having Emmanuel Chriqui fall in love with him.

Feminist Misreadings Of The Friendzone

[Image: tumblr_mfwoxka0bj1s24agqo1_500.jpg?w=590]

There has been a good bit of criticism of this movie by feminists & women and a key sticking point is the misogyny of the main character funneled through his self-proclaimed nice-guyhood.

This post sums up nicely how feminists get nice guys wrong.

The problem around friendzoning is the poor socialization of men by society on what women really want. For many men, they have been imparted tactics they have use in their life that allow them to coexist with women. Dr. Robert Glover has identified many of these traits that are tools for men to navigate a relationship with a woman (mom/wife) that prevents said woman from abusing him or emotionally draining him too much.

The feminist response to this situation is framing the issue as narcissistic men treating women as non-persons, only objects to be acted on. They engage in the approved social script not because it was how they were told to get a woman's love, but in a way to get access to women's bodies - presumably to oppress them via heterosexuality.

The article's point about men claiming to be nice while simultaneously leveling vitriolic on the women rejects him reflects the supreme level of superficiality feminists have towards personal pscychology. Unable to understand why a man does this, they chalk it up to misogyny. But why? Glover outlines this is a common approach he sees with men & their wives. The psychological splitting exists because the man does not properly value himself and, as such, does not seek outright from his relationship what he desires and needs. It isn't misogyny, the brief explosions of misogyny are based out of misandry.

Since society does not recognize male needs as separate from female ones, men have to resort to duplicitous tactics in order to get their needs met. As such, men often develop "covert contracts" in order to get what they want. Feminists call this dishonest & misogynistic, when, in fact, it is rooted out of misandry & female-centric approaches to child-rearing. These men have not been exposed to appropriate male role models, nor to approaches that properly value their identity as a man.

In this movie, we see Matthew represent this man. He doesn't display any anger, as he has doubled down on narcissism in order to ignore his personal issues. He keeps his "misogynistic" roommate around because he needs to feel superior to him. As for Matthew as a nice guy, he fits the Glover mold. He doesn't properly value himself & instead of engaging in misogyny, he uses misandry in order to deal with his issues. Once again, he needs his roommate around so he can remind himself of how bad & hateful men really are.

As for "covert contracts" we see this exposed with Matthew's insistence on causing problems in the women's dorm so he can get into the dorm & interact with the women. He also dresses up as a woman so he can talk to beautiful women without fear of judging him for being a man.

These are "covert contracts." Instead of just walking into the dorms and talking to the women straight up, he makes up situations that allows him to inject himself into the women's lives. His cross-dressing reflects a man that is supremely worried about female disapproval and thinks that if he were a woman, then he would have a release for his masculinity issues. Wrong. His identity crisis would still exist as his masculinity issues are centered him not believing he has value as a man - being a woman still leaves him with not believing he has value.

He relates how his mother would beat him in the movie. Clearly, he reveals his life has revolved around avoiding female disapproval. This is reflected in the movie, as he shakily expresses himself to women, fearing their disapproval. He picks an easy target in his radical feminist professor, one that is easy to target. The women in the movie are way too adoring and approving of him.

It is like a beta male having a drug-induced dream.

The Beta Male As A Narcissist

I have previously discussed the beta as an inverted narcissist, but what happens when the a beta becomes a true narcissist? We get Matthew in "100 Girls."

Matthew does not have the ability to proper value himself nor properly see himself in ways congruent with reality. He lives in a world comprised of his desire to feel superior to other males while seeking female worship.

In Albert Bernstein's book "Emotional Vampires," he lays out the narcissist who is a legend in their own mind. They don't have real world accomplishments to back up their self-absorption. They don't understand that other people have needs different from their own. They seek out worship from others, but often don't have the ability to get it. They pretend it is the fault of others that they don't have that approval.

Matthew is a good example of that. Throughout the movie he thinks he is a breath of fresh air into the women's dorm. Part of him knows this isn't true, as his cross-dressing & duplicity recognizes. However, the most dominant part of his psychology is his superiority towards others.

In a telling exchange with Wendy, he delivers a bizarre speech that female shopping habits shows how superior women are to men when it comes to self-restraint. Wendy does her best to pretend he is making good points, but even the acting cannot paper over the fact she does not believe that at all. In his self-absorption, he has no ability to pick up on Wendy's forced responses.

Recall the ending to Fatso - I linked to the very ending.

Fatso didn't change at all, but doubled down on his self-absorption. His full embrace of his narcissism is his solution to being a beta male.

Matthew takes a similar approach. Instead of dealing with his issues related to self-esteem, masculinity & women, he just wills them all away with his narcissism. Matthew repeatedly shows how valuable he thinks he is to women, thinking he is the foil to male chauvinism & misogyny, not realizing his complete self-absorption will always result in women regarding him as sexist.

The movie is one great beta male hamster adventure. He claims porn viewing is bad, but admits repeatedly how much he loves the female form. He claims his roommate has yet to deal with a female who hurt him in the past & that causes his misogyny, yet he admits that his mother hurt him badly, but does nothing to deal with that.

The evidence of his narcissism just piles up and is further reinforced by his complete lack of growth, just transitioning from a virgin to having Emmanuel Chriqui falling in love with him.

It is completely & utterly delusional. Female critics of this movie rightfully take issue with his man. He displays no redeeming traits & never truly listens to anybody else. The other people exist in the movie to further his own self-identity.

Feminists & women wrongfully diagnose him as sexist & misogynistic. He simply is just a narcissist.

Sometimes, betas take the Matthew approach and become narcissists. This is very hurtful towards other men in society, as this sort of male fuels feminist accusations of male misogyny. Men like Matthew are the worst kind of beta as they have no real ability to change or admit their failings.

They just release their hamster into the limits of their imagination with no regard to the people around them.

[Image: malehamster.gif]

100 Girls: Where The Beta Male Hamsters Are - Tytalus - 07-10-2013

Wow. This is a good post, thanks for sharing the insights.

100 Girls: Where The Beta Male Hamsters Are - Wadsworth - 07-10-2013

Good post, but I don't think being alpha and a rejection of the beta identity entirely overlap.

Alpha certainly describes a huge shift away from the traditional beta male, but there are guys in the manosphere who have rejected the "beta" male identity who don't use (and don't like) alpha (many MGTOW and MRAs for example).

I don't have a problem with the whole alpha/beta thing, but not being an alpha doesn't necessarily make one a beta. I think that's an important point that sometimes causes friction within the manosphere.