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Another situational roommate question for the RVF - Kickb - 07-09-2013

Two years ago I asked the RVF to help me make a similar decision. I took the forums advice and it worked out well for me. So now I'm going back to the well and asking for your input another time.

What would you guys do in this situation.

One of your best comrades approaches you and says that he and his girlfriend have been talking and think you would be a good roommate.

Now the friend who approaches you is one of the guys who knows everything about your lifestyle and has told his girl everything. His girl didn't even hold it against you when you tried to fuck her roommate one night and got denied. She knows the score.

Save $500 a month
His girl likes to cook and is very nurturing.
Everyone loves to workout.
Less chance of noise complaints due to living in house.
Everyone cleans up after themselves. Does dishes. Cleans their own toilet.
You and your best mate love to drink and his girl doesn't fuck with that.

The only con I can find is that maybe the girls nature will catch up to her eventually.

He has not shown any signs of being whipped which in this day and age is pretty astounding!

I guess the other con is my friend is 29 and she is only 22. I'm thinking six months from now they might want to get married. Of course u can always jump ship if anything bad was to happen. They make good money and don't need me to help out with the rent.

the only reason I haven't committed yet is because I saw an advice duck meme that said not to do this. That eventually the couple will get tired of you.

The alternative to moving in with them is living on your own in a one bedroom apt that is centrally located(for this part of Texas)

The location of this house is to be determined. I told them the location matters a lot so you can assume it will be in a good location.

Edit: over estimated how much I would save.

Another situational roommate question for the RVF - Gmac - 07-09-2013

Sorry, I don't see any cons except for the possibility one of them might cockblock you (inadvertently or not) when you're bringing rando's over. She's not your girlfriend, you don't have to deal with shit unless they fight, and then it's just free entertainment. If you get kicked out, so what? Who gives a fuck move somewhere else!

That said, location is everything. If you can get a cheap pimp place by yourself all the better.

Play on playa.

Another situational roommate question for the RVF - RobP - 07-09-2013

As long as moving doesn't kill you, why not do it? That's a nice chunk of change to put away each month at your age.