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Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-28-2013

This is a thread for guys around 40 who are in the age bracket where it's inevitable they'll run into women who had at least one kid. I know single moms are a no-no in the manosphere, but a divorced woman with a kid is a different kettle of fish (heh) than a "single mom."

The following are my experiences with older women who had kids vs. older women who never had 'em. Some of these experience are drawn from my younger days, ironically enough, because I liked older women and they were plentiful in my old office. And, yes, I know younger women are the ideal, but there are older women out there who most of us will be into at some point. So consider this a Red Pill that you can leave in the bottle but might want to take someday...or a navigating tool for twentysomething guys who were like me and had a thing for MILF-types (I make no apologies!).

Women with no kids:
Oscar Wilde once said something like "motherhood humbles women." No where else will you find this truer than dealing with an older woman who never experienced motherhood. The unconscious self-centeredness and arrogance they bring to the table is often astounding. You might think since they're older and see time and opportunities quickly passing by, they'd tamp down the me-me-me bit. You'd be wrong.

I've found that women who never had to care for a husband or kids usually live in a state of arrested development. Unfortunately, their development stopped around age 22, when most of their friends paired off. So all the things you hated about 22-year-olds they bring to the table: the flakiness, the lack of understanding about people and the heartlessness and fickleness they show towards men. The qualities we tolerate or find "cute" in younger women often seem grotesque and horrific when played out by a 40-year-old. Like squealing hysteria at some minor "infraction" on a date, for example.

On the plus side, such women often look better than their child-bearing counterparts for obvious reasons. Nicer hair; clearer skin; firmer breasts. And if they're into you, they can be pretty wild and uninhibited -- that's when you learn about how their sexual strangeness might have been a factor in them staying single. But on the downside, 50 is right around the corner and those looks are gonna be gone real soon anyway. Also, these women often have money. The bad part is: they ain't gonna spend it on you. Unless they're totally fat and desperate, that is. Which is a moot point for this crowd.

One other thing: often the eternally-single women later in life were the weirdos in high school and college that simply never connected with anyone. The success they usually have in the business world makes them appear relatively normal but that's usually a facade. If you have a low tolerance for eccentricity (obsessions with Obama, obsessions with horses, obsessions with building doll houses) run

Women with Kids:

The obvious drawback here is the kids. Unless you're game for being a step-parent, you don't want to get drawn into a scenario that comes with drama and headaches. But, not all of these situations have drama. And a lot of women with kids prefer to keep their dating life separate from their home life, lest a kid gets too attached to a guy and the guy disappears.

The big plus with women with kids isn't that they're "easy" because they're desperate as is commonly thought. This is only true with some. It's that they've seen the dark side and come back, so to speak. They've had to deal with the travails of motherhood, divorce, and single parenting so they can relate to men who sacrifice (something despised by the perennially-single crowd) and hard workers (ditto).

Another positive is that these women usually turn out to be the cool chicks you just barely missed out on in your twenties (because some guy snapped 'em up first), and they're still pretty cool -- if their divorces weren't acrimonious. They like ball games, are laid back, will reciprocate acts of kindness, etc. Since they've usually lived responsible suburban lives, they tend not to spout mindless liberal talking points or try to castrate you if you don't bow down at the alter of gay marriage/global warming/feminism, etc.

As for the negative, if they've had a couple kids, they usually look like they did. If you're more about the visual than about getting along with a woman, this might not be an option. But I've found that as I mature that pleasant personalities and stress-free conversations will turn a 6 into an 8 in my eyes. (Conversely, a hottie who drones on about Jezebel talking points will start looking like an evil witch to me.) Anyway, I have a vivid memory of being 26, hooking up with a 47-year-old I worked with who had two kids (ages 16 and 18* at the time) and thinking her body was not exactly tight but for some reason she was sexy as hell. Maybe it was the taboo factor? Whatever the case, the boner doesn't lie, as Roissy once wrote.

Here is the booby trap with women with kids, though: if you meet the kids when they're younger than about 12, you are asking for trouble. This is when the drama creeps in. "You played catch with Colby and he likes you, so you can't say goodbye to me because his heart will break!!!" Unless you want something serious, never meet the kids under any circumstance. EVER.

The best option here, oddly enough, is women who had kids very young. If they're 40 and the kid is 17, they could give a fuck if you meet him or her. Plus, they're all too happy to have fun again and behave like a teenager since their parenting job is nearly up. This, in my experience, has been the best option with older women. And before all you SWLP types start piping in, let me say that having kids young doesn't necessarily mean "white trash." I've found the women I know who had kids before 25 did a better job than the older moms. (They tend to look less haggard too; bodies are primed to bear children at 23 not 36.)

So I guess the moral here is: don't get old. OK, seriously most of us will be old someday. Hopefully we can avoid some of the problems that come with dating or hooking up with the inevitable MILF-types that come our way.

* I know already what y'all are thinking: "Hmmm...if you're so cool then why didn't you hook up with the 18-year-old?" Two reasons. First, she was homely. Her mom was 1,000 times hotter, which actually caused some tension between them. And second, I was already dating women this age because in those days shopping malls were huge and an easy place to meet women...which might be the topic of my next post.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - Hotwheels - 06-28-2013

My own experiences mirror DOBA's.

The one that really stands out is the 38 y/o I had a LTR with. She had been married for 11 years to a complete doormat that she never had kids with. This guy was so bad he came to her/their, ended up hers of course, house every morning and sat in the kitchen and cried once divorce proceedings began.

Anyway, she was like dealing with an 18 y/o. Being an only child made it even worse. Used to always getting her way it was a battle constantly that I quickly tired of.

She did have the nicest B cup tits I have ever sucked though... Very impressive at 38.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - Timoteo - 06-28-2013


The best option here, oddly enough, is women who had kids very young. If they're 40 and the kid is 17, they could give a fuck if you meet him or her. Plus, they're all too happy to have fun again and behave like a teenager since their parenting job is nearly up. This, in my experience, has been the best option with older women. And before all you SWLP types start piping in, let me say that having kids young doesn't necessarily mean "white trash." I've found the women I know who had kids before 25 did a better job than the older moms. (They tend to look less haggard too; bodies are primed to bear children at 23 not 36.)

You hit it on the head right here. A woman in her 40s that had kids early. They're in their late teens or early 20s, so it's almost as if she doesn't have kids at all. They generally enjoy the freedom, and appreciate a decent guy that shows them attention.

I just started chatting with one online, and she's ideal in many ways. She's 47, and her profile shows she's in Bogota, Colombia (I use online to set up foreign chicks), but she's actually in Austin, Texas. She immediately gave me her cell number so we can chat on Whatsapp. She's got two daughters, both still back in Colombia, and the older one just told her she's pregnant. The younger one was just in Austin visiting. She was sending me pics over whatsapp of her and her daughter out in Austin. The first thing I noticed was how tight her body is. She's an outdoors type, with pics of her biking and hiking. She's got the most incredible ass, and everything on her is tight and shapely. She appears very sweet and humble. We were talking about Austin, and I asked her if she got asked out a lot. She said she gets invites, but says no because she wants to spend time with someone that "likes" her. Austin, being a college town, probably skews younger, and she isn't interested in younger guys. I'm in her same age bracket, and I usually hunt in that bracket. I've always wanted to check out SXSW, and she said she'd come get me from the airport if I came down.

Here's the problem with this one. She's one of those types that dreams about growing old with a husband. She wants to get married again. I'm all about rolling into town, going out and having a good time, and the night ending with me smashing. It doesn't appear I can do that with this one, but she's what I like in every other way. I'd be stuck in an endless cycle of dates with no payoff...

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - RCron - 06-28-2013

My experience is roughly the same. I seem to have the most trouble with women in their later 30's who have never been married and don't have kids. In my experience, they're uptight, set in their ways, bitter at being pumped and dumped throughout their 20's and 30's and now are extra angry that they haven't found "the one" yet.

On the other hand, women in their late 30's and 40's who have nearly grown children and who were married for a while are like a breath of fresh air. If you're lucky to get one with a tight body they're great. Very low maintenance, they gave up the fairy tale years ago, they're unapologetically sexual and they're down for whatever adventure you can throw at them since they're tasting freedom again for the first time since their teens (in many cases).

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - rudebwoy - 06-30-2013

I have been down that road but I prefer not too, I find foreign women are more realistic about life when they have kids.

For some strange reason I find women with kids in Canada are hard to deal with, I simply refuse to put in any effort to get with one. They tend to have big hamsters.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - tiggaling - 06-30-2013

A lot of the 9-10's in their 20's, have a kid or two with some guy, get married or whatever, it doesn't work out for whatever reason after a few years, and become single parents.

You may meet them in their early 30's or late 30's, they are often still a lot hotter and nicer than 98% of the girls you will meet who are in their 20's, and they are often lot less entitled, a lot more humble and a lot nicer.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - rudebwoy - 06-30-2013

Quote: (06-30-2013 09:13 PM)tiggaling Wrote:  

A lot of the 9-10's in their 20's, have a kid or two with some guy, get married or whatever, it doesn't work out for whatever reason after a few years, and become single parents.

You may meet them in their early 30's or late 30's, they are often still a lot hotter and nicer than 98% of the girls you will meet who are in their 20's, and they are often lot less entitled, a lot more humble and a lot nicer.

You are talking about Russia and FSU, no doubt?

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - Viagra_Falls - 06-30-2013

Quote: (06-30-2013 09:18 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2013 09:13 PM)tiggaling Wrote:  

A lot of the 9-10's in their 20's, have a kid or two with some guy, get married or whatever, it doesn't work out for whatever reason after a few years, and become single parents.

You may meet them in their early 30's or late 30's, they are often still a lot hotter and nicer than 98% of the girls you will meet who are in their 20's, and they are often lot less entitled, a lot more humble and a lot nicer.

You are talking about Russia and FSU, no doubt?

This applies to USA as well.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - tiggaling - 06-30-2013

This applies everywhere.

Older Women: Kids vs. No Kids - stpete - 08-14-2013

It' hard to make generalities. But I had the same experience with a woman that had a young child when she was in her 30s. Her husband left her or she left him right after. This was one of my favorite women I dated. I might still be with here if not for the kid. But who knows she might not have been as in to me if she didn't have the kid.

However, the kid was a mess from day one. Why?

Because, while she would not admit it, she didn't want or have time to raise this little girl on her own. After a long day at work and all the stress she did not want to deal with a whinny little girl.

I would agree too that women should have children in their early 20s. That's just how it is and how it should be. Kids are hard on a womans body. In fact, it used to be a woman in her late 30s was at a real risk for problems.

I agree too that a woman that has not had children can have an attitude. They seem to think they are the prize. Still that doesn't bother me. I only dated seriously one woman with a child. I take them without children any day. I usually end up dating women with children but the ones that last don't have children.

Plenty of women don't want kids. They have a little attitude but again that's for other guys to worry about. I stop that right away and it's fun.