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Emergency Room Game - Kona - 08-21-2010

The wave season on Oahu's North Shore officially begins around mid-September, but right now worthwhile sets come in at about midnight to 3am. If you can get barreled at Pipeline in pitch dark, you're good at what you do. We were out there last night and my punk cousin hit reef, so I had to take him to the hospital.

I cruised the smoking area and found this little Hawaii-raised Viet girl all by herself. She was in her little black dress and all done up with a little louis vouitton purse and what had to be 4 inch open toe heels. Her lips, toenails and fingernails were all this perfect matching shiny red. I could almost see through the dress, and she had nothing on under it. She had amazing little Viet tits and a perfectly round ass. I give her a full 8.5. Viet purists might give her a 9.5 to 10, but I'm not one of those. The language throws me off plus they're usually, like this girl, only about 5 feet tall.

She started telling me how she was out at the club when her boyfriend called and said he wrecked his car. Somehow, and I'm still not sure how, I spun what she told me into the boyfriend had to of been where he was because he was messing with some other girl. I got her mad, then sad, then I was there to comfort her. Then I got her hot. It was unbelievable to me that such a gorgeous girl's boyfriend could be out messing around on her. I said something like "look at your toes em be (baby), look at how hard you work for this guy." She bought right into it.

I convinced her to ditch the cheating boyfriend and come with me back to the beach for drinks/spliff. I went back in to check on my cuz and they told me they were keeping him overnight. I also looked around and saw the only Viet was a little pussy looking dude aat least a foot shorter and 75 pounds less than me. I left and was Mr. Aloha all the way through, I opened doors and took her through a drive up and bought her saimin. She had had a rough night.

We laid down on the beach and she got her dress all sandy but didn't care. I had 1 towel left and we gave up splitting it and started kissing. I got her out of the dress and into the water. I was convinced she had tit implants but she said they weren't. The thing is though,they were soft, but she oversold the fact that she had no scars. I told her it was time to head to my house and wrapped her in the towel and carried her into my truck. I took her straight to the shower. All the way through there was minimal contact with my dick.

For whatever reason, the poor little guy laying there in the hospital bed kept running through my mind. After the shower I took her to bed. There was still kissing and rubbing but I just couldn't get hard. I was straight with her and told her I couldn't kick my Vietnam brother while he was down. She was shaved and wet as hell, but thought I was the better man for it. I just slept with her, and having that little body there all snuggly, I had one of the best night's sleep I've had in a long time. She just moved however I moved her and I must have been crushing her. I was rock solid when I woke up, but still didn't make any move.

She made breakfast and we talked and read the paper and went swimming before. I drove her home, she lives in the serious hood, with three generations in the same house. She called me about an hour after, and has been texting me all damn night.

I just banged a stripper but can't get little Lan (it means orchid) off my mind. I got one lined up tomorrow that I'm not about to bail on, but Sunday is my day with this girl.


Emergency Room Game - Feo - 08-21-2010

haha. Swooped from the ER!

Props for holding off until the bf was out of the hospital.

Emergency Room Game - The_CEO - 08-21-2010

damn, hawaii sounds nice...

Emergency Room Game - thegmanifesto - 08-21-2010

Kona = smooth, G Island Game.

"If you can get barreled at Pipeline in pitch dark, you're good at what you do."

Hell yeah. I have surfed at night, full moon style, lights from the pier, Southern California bowls. Mindblowing but nothing like what Kona is doing.

"damn, hawaii sounds nice..."

Understand when you read what Kona is writing, he is a pro. He makes this stuff sound easy. Trust me, its not from anyone coming from the mainland.

We are all lucky to have his perspective on here.

Emergency Room Game - The_CEO - 08-21-2010

"We are all lucky to have his perspective on here."


Thanks, Kona

Emergency Room Game - hydrogonian - 08-21-2010

Its very likely that she's lying about the cheating thing, to make an excuse for cheating herself.

Think about it. What are the chances of that dude cheating on her? How about vice-versa? That's a very typical story that girls make up, to both make themselves and you feel better.

On the other hand, it sounds like she's going to cheat regardless. Their relationship days are likely numbered. Unless they have a kid together. Then, she will probably stay with him but cheat continuously. Just remember that with women, once a cheater always a cheater. So don't make any long term plans.

But Id say, as long as little homey isn't dying, and therefore you aren't bringing very bad mojo on yourself, than it is what it is.

Emergency Room Game - Quasi - 08-23-2010

Damn Kona, sometimes reading your post really get my mind into vivid details. I can smell the oceans and see the palm leaves catch the ocean breeze.. I even use Aloha on occasion inspired by your constantly using hawaii swagger.. reminds me of the brilliant movie Collateral with Tom Cruise and Jamie Fox ..where Jamie Fox plays this taxi driver that has a dream to start his own cadillac firm and with a neat little postcard of a tropical Island where he goes in his head to relax... I get that feeling with your stories.

Even though I dont doubt you got game, I envy you the whole scenario thing you got going for you, any pussy would want some exotic d*ck with that! [Image: biggrin.gif]

"Vincent: Look in the mirror. Paper towels, clean cab. Limo company some day. How much you got saved?
Max: That ain't any of your business.
Vincent: Someday? Someday my dream will come? One night you will wake up and discover it never happened. It's all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old. Didn't happen, and it never will, because you were never going to do it anyway. You'll push it into memory and then zone out in your barco lounger, being hypnotized by daytime TV for the rest of your life. Don't you talk to me about murder. All it ever took was a down payment on a Lincoln town car. That girl,you can't even call that girl. What the fuck are you still doing driving a cab?"

Emergency Room Game - Lumiere - 08-23-2010

Quote: (08-21-2010 12:34 PM)toddh Wrote:  

damn, hawaii sounds nice...

i was there a few months back

i thought it sucked personally

Emergency Room Game - gringoed - 08-23-2010

Kona are you the Hawaiian Office of Tourism in disguise?

Emergency Room Game - Kona - 08-24-2010

Quote: (08-23-2010 05:31 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

Kona are you the Hawaiian Office of Tourism in disguise?



Emergency Room Game - Mercenary - 06-09-2016

I have done approaches at funerals...but emergency rooms ?!
Damn...that's game on a whole other level.

On the other hand...I once knew a girl who had a much, much older "boyfriend" (older man) who was in hospital for many months with a terminal illness...she would visit him in the daytime and then go out (and sometimes sleep) with other guys in the evening.

So, I don't doubt this one bit.