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Racist Dutchman to hold speech at 9/11 in NY - Printable Version

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Racist Dutchman to hold speech at 9/11 in NY - Badstuber - 08-06-2010

Wilders to speak at New York mosque protest

Geert Wilders is to speak at the rally being held in New York on September 11 to protest at plans to build a mosque close to the site of Ground Zero, the PVV said on Friday.

The rally is being organised by a group called Stop Islamization Of America which says it is wrong to build a mosque so close to the place where some 3,000 died when Islamic extremists flew two planes into the World Trade centre.

SIOA's website says world leaders, prominent politicians and 911 family members will be speaking at the rally, but does not mention Wilders by name. 'This is a solemn protest. Please, no inflammatory signs,' the website says.
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