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Skinny to buff - blackglasses - 06-04-2013

I just want to know if anyone has started as skinny and gotten buff and how that has affected interactions with women and just in general.

Me: I am over 6 ft and weight about 165 when I graduated high school. Now after weight training, I am 198. I am not huge or anything, just big enough that I don't look like a scrawny kid. as far as women, I notice a lot of older women heckling me out(I'm 19) and just more women staring at me when I have on a v-neck or something.

As for general interactions, I notice people are more scared of me like if some one bumps into me they're nervous. Also I notice I get dirty looks from dudes like they want to fight, this never happened when I was small.

Skinny to buff - presidentcarter - 06-04-2013

I want to make a similar transformation. I'm 6' 165lbs or so and need to put on about 20lbs of muscle mass.

Years ago I even had a girl tell me she'd be more interested in my if my arms were bigger. I think my naturally broad shoulders make my arms look even smaller in comparison.

I notice a change in interactions just by working out for a few weeks and going out in a v-neck. +20lbs and I'd expect a night and day change.

Skinny to buff - little wing - 06-04-2013

I'm the same height and I'm 130lbs, you guys know nothing about skinny

Skinny to buff - billbudsocket - 06-04-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 09:30 AM)little wing Wrote:  

I'm the same height and I'm 130lbs, you guys know nothing about skinny

Holy crap. Better get started on that 20 rep squat program. I'm 6' 3" and was 170 after high school. Been lifting since then and I'm now up to 220.

Skinny to buff - blackglasses - 06-04-2013

You should bulk up bro just get on a serious diet. It'll take at least a year to get to average size

Skinny to buff - liberman - 06-04-2013

Yeah no kidding. It took me 2 years of weight training to put on 22kg and I want to put on another 15 kg which will probably take another year or two.
Don’t expect fast results.

Skinny to buff - little wing - 06-04-2013

I'm 17 and athletic. I just grew a lot over the last years and lost my baby fat.
I play a lot of sports and eat a lot but don't gain weight.
I don't mind being skinny

Skinny to buff - Marcusg - 06-04-2013

I never got over 135 lbs I'm 5 10. Working out is a problem because I have pinch nerve that affects my neck, shoulders, and arms. So I'm stressed everyday. Anybody here have similar experience.

Skinny to buff - capote - 06-04-2013

I'm almost 6ft and weigh 150. Any recommendations on building lean muscle mass?

Skinny to buff - Architekt - 06-04-2013

If you haven't heard of Zyzz, colour me a little bit surprised. He was a dweeby little shrimp that hit the weights hard and got absolutely shredded (he started using roids at some point, but I believe this was when he was already big). Women were all over him. Lifting weights is good for testosterone production, and feeling good in general, so it's always a good idea. Like previous posters have mentioned, it is a slow process, though.

Skinny to buff - jimukr104 - 06-04-2013

6th 175 lbs is actually ideal weight. I meant 6ft. Problem is ectomorphs carry it bad. It's cause our limbs a thin. I was 6ft 135 lbs At 18yrs old. Few years later 170-175 lbs. I have been as high as 184 but anything over 175 and my waist gets big. Some of us can't get really big musclewise without roids.

Skinny to buff - little wing - 06-04-2013

Did you feel unhealthy at 135?
I weigh 135 too at 6' and 17 years old.

Skinny to buff - Vakarian - 06-04-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 09:20 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

I just want to know if anyone has started as skinny and gotten buff and how that has affected interactions with women and just in general.

Me: I am over 6 ft and weight about 165 when I graduated high school. Now after weight training, I am 198. I am not huge or anything, just big enough that I don't look like a scrawny kid. as far as women, I notice a lot of older women heckling me out(I'm 19) and just more women staring at me when I have on a v-neck or something.

As for general interactions, I notice people are more scared of me like if some one bumps into me they're nervous. Also I notice I get dirty looks from dudes like they want to fight, this never happened when I was small.

What kind of program did you follow? I am in the same boat you were in. I am 6 ft 2 in and weigh 165lb. My goal is to get to 195. How long did it take you to reach your goal?

Skinny to buff - jimukr104 - 06-04-2013

Yeah At -135 I was bony. At 175 I am very healthy but not BIG.

Skinny to buff - Feo - 06-04-2013

I used to be tiny. Still sort of am, but the key for me to building mass was timing my meals and eating everything in sight. Literally, if it is edible and within walking distance you have to eat it.

I would eat a big meal 40%carb, 40%protein, 20%fat about an hour before the workout, protein shake right before and right after. Supplements within 40 minutes after workout.

Do that consistently for even just 2 weeks, if you don't see a positive change you can get Roosh to ban me.

Skinny to buff - Screwston - 06-04-2013

Dupe thread

Skinny to buff - Teutatis - 06-04-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 09:57 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

he started using roids at some point, but I believe this was when he was already big)

Hahaha, right, he got big first and then started using roids [Image: angel.gif]

Skinny to buff - Young T.R. - 06-05-2013

It's taken me ten years to put on 50 pounds of muscle (115 to 165, same height). I could have done it faster if I had learned discipline with my diet sooner.

Track your calories for a week. Track your weight. If you're not gaining weight, add 200-300 calories. Repeat.
You have to write down what you eat, at least until you establish a routine. Skinny guys universally overestimate how much they eat.

You might have to eat 4,000 or more calories a day. It gets hard at that point, but it's definitely possible.

Make your meals the night before so you have no excuses. If you are skinny as fuck, don't worry too much about carbs or macronutrient ratios or eating paleo or anything fancy like that. Just eat as much REAL food as you can. If you start getting fat, THEN start researching how to clean up your diet.

^^^None of this is groundbreaking info. It's common knowledge all over the internet and in weight training and nutrition books. It's common sense. But if you showed me this post 8 years ago I would have thought it was too much work to count calories, record your meals, and prepare them beforehand. Back then I kind of thought that I would magically grow as long as I put in work in the gym (which I love, so that part is easy) and that diet wasn't that important. Nutrition was 'boooring'. So I spun my wheels for a long time.
Most people think you can accomplish great things without making sacrifices and that's why most people fail.

Sample meal: Cut up a large apple into eight pieces. Put a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter on each piece. 920 calories, and you can crush that in like two minutes while you're at work.

Skinny to buff - Young T.R. - 06-05-2013

It's possible to enjoy the process too. One thing I did was make the kitchen my place to chill out, rather than my bedroom or living room. Usually at night before I sleep I'm cooking a couple things at once while I'm eating something else, and washing dishes in between. I do this while I listen to music, listen to a podcast, browse the forum, drink some liquor. If I have plans that night, I'll do it when I wake up that day. I find the multitasking relaxing. So it's possible to make the process enjoyable too.

Skinny to buff - Architekt - 06-06-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 10:56 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2013 09:57 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

he started using roids at some point, but I believe this was when he was already big)

Hahaha, right, he got big first and then started using roids [Image: angel.gif]

Most people wouldn't consider using roids until they really get into the gym junkie stage, as far as I know. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Skinny to buff - Gopher - 06-06-2013

I was told by an ex Russian military guy I work with that when he was in the military they would drink baby formula. He said that they wouldn't stop growing drinking that stuff. Anyone ever heard of this. It makes sense. I might give it a try sometime.

Skinny to buff - Anon-A-Moose - 06-06-2013

I'm in an area where boyish skinny kids are considered more desireable (young girls are fickle). Still those who show interest, show it much more readily, since I stand out. A noticeable change, don't have to rely 100% on social skills and a much easier escalation. Also changed my fashion to show it off more.

Skinny to buff - Don - 06-09-2013

I did. I started out 3 years ago at a shade under 130lbs@5'8, i was basically anorexic. People in general wouldn't take me seriously and girls would mock me. I started reading on nutrition and exercise, at first i was completely overwhelmed by all the information but with time it all started to make sense. The most important thing you can do right now is to get a gym membership, get on a program like Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength, and eat a lot. Young T.R is right, you should track your calories for at least a week, this will give you a feel for how much you are eating, i'd say 99% of people either overestimate or underestimate how much they're eating, you should aim for BMR + 500. I'd write more, i could even attach some pics, but i'm really tired and can't write. Some advices i would give to skinny guys would be:

Start now, don't postpone. 6 months of shitty exercise and diet is better than 2 months of perfect exercise and diet. Form the habit of going to the gym and working out. Don't slack off. EAT A LOT, you need the extra calories so your metabolism can transform them into tissue. DON'T waste your money on supplements, creatine mono/whey and maybe a multivit is all you need. Also be careful what routine you follow. Most of the routines you see the pros do are counterproductive for a natural average trainee.

Skinny to buff - little wing - 06-10-2013

Starting weight training tomorrow.
It's time to get ripped, I'll eat like a beast and train even harder

Skinny to buff - FretDancer - 06-11-2013

Just got back from China. Been tracking my calories with an app called My Fitness Pal. Really great I strongly recommend it.

Time to get real and train even harder. I'll take before-after pics, starting today!