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Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - kbell - 04-14-2013

I read about this story several months ago, and though that because it was an abortion clinic it would not make mainstream news. It looks like it might be breaking since USA Today and Atlantic are now covering it.

Basically the doctor murders 24 week kids that are born live, kills at least one patient and has awful working conditional hospital. Its in Philly too and I believe its now closed. And there is racism involved too.

Here is the Atlantic article. Its disturbing to read.

And USA Today column

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - Days of Broken Arrows - 04-14-2013

It's very hard to believe a little frog could cause all this trouble but I guess that's the way it goes.

The moral? Never trust anyone who dates Miss Piggy.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - Vitriol - 04-14-2013

The accounts are obviously somewhat sensationalized:


He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, 'it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.'"

When the sky opens up and fetuses start pouring down from the heavens, then we will know the apocalypse has come.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - 2Wycked - 04-15-2013

Sweet Jesus, even if I supported late-term abortion, what sort of monster could snip a live baby's neck and not feel fucking guilty as sin?

But, I hear some broad got asked to go for a coffee in an elevator by a beta once. That was an entitled, misogynistic asshole who feels entitled to women's bodies. We need to talk about what a bad person he is. However, this doctor was just protecting a woman's right to abort - sure it was a real, live viable human - but she made the decision to abort long before it was viable, so it's legit.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-15-2013

That was... stomach-turning. Holy fuck.

On the other hand, it's not just the doctor who is the monster here. Aborting a 10-week old fetus is one thing for the woman because a 10-week old fetus is still not "shaped" so much that it would wrack her with guilt of murdering an actual person (source: ), but doing this with an actual, developed, living and breathing baby? Not to mention severing its spine with scissors, then stuffing it into a bag of cat food... wow. I'm not completely against abortion, but there have to be limits somewhere. This is a story that one would expect from Congo, not USA.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - Cincinnatus - 04-15-2013

I read the 281-pg. grand jury report. Horrifying.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - Giovonny - 04-15-2013

Within the borders of America, is a 1st world, a 2nd world and a 3rd world.

We have it all.

Dr. Kermits Gosnell Hospital of Horrors - kbell - 04-15-2013

What would you think of a woman who decided to get an abortion when she is 24 weeks pregnant at this doctor? The baby is viable since it they tell about these babies surviving being induced early. Also I would assume they have quite a baby belly at that time. I would think they would notice they are pregnant even if not bright.

Also he had staff as young as 15 doing anesthesiology work. That shit can kill you if not properly trained, which happened in this case.