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Relationship game:Avoiding and overcoming post-sex anti slut defense. - Printable Version

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Relationship game:Avoiding and overcoming post-sex anti slut defense. - relo - 04-06-2013

tldr at end to skip story.

If you're going to troll me with, wah wah go fuck other girls, get the fuck out of this thread now. Seriously.

Got 12 notches in the past year, and honestly it's never gonna be much more than that yearly. I'm never gonna be the dude trolling bars two nights out of a week. So, while I don't want to date or get oneitis for every girl I fuck, I hate, hate, hate one night stands with attractive women.

Secondly, I've never recovered from post-sex ASD so i've been putting some thought into it.( and admittedly jsut got my hottest-bang yet and rnning into ASD...)

To avoid sexual regret or post sex Anti-slut defense, I think the best defense is a good offense. Don't bail out on the girl right after you fuck, particularily if you havn't known each other that long. Even if she seems like she's hinting for you to leave, try and get more sex out of her. Make it last a long ass time.(Which I just kind of succeeded and failed at, story below) I'm now always going to carry viagra or cialis in my wallet.

I fucked a girl for about 20 mins a few nights ago and after we both finished, she seemed like she was hinting for me to leave. We just made eye-contact for the first time 40 or so mins ago so I had a sense that if I did that would be it, never to see her again so i really wanted to get my moneys-worth. I told her I didn't come yet and to finish me with a BJ. It worked.

She alternated between bj/handjob for awhile with me guiding her, while in the middle of it I fingered her to orgasm again. After 30 mins of bj/hj I said fuck it, put her down on the floor and fucked her again, than took her to the bedroom, she went doggie-style unprompted, 30 mins we both finish. There's a massive pool of cum on the bed that we both laughed at. We're clicking. She's complimenting liberally.

I start getting my shit and putting my clothe on while we make small talk, head to the door and she says, " Wow. Wam, bam, thank you man?"

She def didn't want me to leave, had major hand. I laughed pretty hard for a few seconds and said, "Later (first name last name)

Basically I fucked up badly. Should of walked right back up to her and fucked her again, than again. And than again.

Expecting ASD I text her sup the next day.

Her 2 hours later: Nm u?

Me 2 hours later: We're gonna smoke weed qucik your place tomorrow night, makes you infertile.(excuse to fuck her again. dunno how I feel about this text)

Her: Um know we are not

I called a bit later, she seemed chill. Clicking well again, she talked a shitload but she didn't want to smoke weed or take morning after pill. I avoided talk about sex completely and I just said aight, hey goodnight(name).

Next night I get: I don't want to talk to you anymore.( She was super-aloof texter before sex).

ME 2 hours later: Right

Her instantly: What do you mean by right?

I get a call in the middle of the night and some very herby sounding dude is talkin nonsensical shit about how I used her and tells me to stay away for her on voicemail or his " Fist will meet your face"...Basically he dhved the shit out of me. The problem isn't a lack of value. It's that she feels like a slut.


Every single time I run into ASD post-sex, im never see her face to face again. I kind of feel like the right move here is to go....a little beta? Feels congruent. Feels right. gettin sexual just comes off too thirsty.

ME: You seemed like you'd be fun to get to know(Make it congruent to your situation)

If that fails, Throw the kitchen sink at her 2 weeks later...

Me: I really felt a connection but...look, I left so fast because...I felt really guilty...I'm engaged, but we were taking a's complicated...(again, tailor this to make congruent to your situation. i was wearing a wedding ring.)

and than throw in the towel if that fails, never had much success, personally, ping texting a girl down.

that's my2cents, How do yall handle it?

Relationship game:Avoiding and overcoming post-sex anti slut defense. - Lights - 04-06-2013

What in the world

Relationship game:Avoiding and overcoming post-sex anti slut defense. - beaversarefun - 04-06-2013

Dont drink and post.