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Men who do housework get less sex - Printable Version

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Men who do housework get less sex - speakeasy - 03-29-2013

I know for us red pillers this is tantamount to a new study revealing that water is wet, but it's always good to see something in the mainstream media that reinforces gender and angers the feminists.


But now a new study in the American Sociological Review casts doubt on the truth of this happy feminist idyll. Men routinely doing “female” chores appear to have less—not more—sex. According to the authors, Sabino Kornrich (Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Madrid), Julie Brines (University of Washington), and Katrina Leupp (University of Washington):

Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks—such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance—report higher sexual frequency.

The three researchers looked at data from a nationally representative sample of 4,500 heterosexual married couples from the U.S. National Survey of Families and Households, 1992–1994—the most recent large-scale study measuring household chores, sexual frequency, and marital satisfaction.

Men in the study reported having had sex an average of 5.2 times in the month prior to the survey, while women reported 5.6 times on average. But both men and women in couples with more gender-traditional divisions of household labor reported having had more sex than those with more egalitarian divisions.

In marriages where women performed all the typically female tasks (cleaning, cooking, shopping—called “core work” by the researchers), couples had sex 1.6 times more per month than couples where men carried out all these traditionally female chores. In marriages where men helped out but stuck to stereotypical male tasks (“non-core” work such automobile maintenance, yard work, bill-paying, and snow shoveling), couples had sex 0.7 times more than those where women performed the traditional male tasks. But, as the researchers point out, even in marriages where men did 40 percent of the "female" chores, couples experience "substantially lower sexual frequency than households in which women perform all the core [typically female] chores." Put simply: There appears to be an inverse relationship between husbands doing traditionally female tasks and sexual frequency.

I ran across the article from Slate's FB page. The comments on FB are full of so much feminist puke and hamsterism you'll have to hold your nose. Plenty of white knights too. If anyone wants to crash the discussion, here is the link:

Here's one comment:


And doesn't perpetuating the idea that sex is something men have to GET from women, and not a mutually shared activity, fuel a culture of sexual confusion? As long as men and women both feel that sex is something that a man gets from a women we will continue to have a culture that finds ways to justify rape.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Men who do housework get less sex - InternationPlayboy - 03-29-2013

So the more house work you make your woman do, the more she bangs you? Awesome.

Men who do housework get less sex - Teedub - 03-29-2013

I made a thread about this:

Men who do housework get less sex - Parlay44 - 03-29-2013

[Image: Strip.gif] [Image: roosh.gif] [Image: Strip.gif]

Men who do housework get less sex - RedPillMan - 03-29-2013

All the more reason to have traditional households.

Men who do housework get less sex - InternationPlayboy - 03-29-2013

This just makes sense. If a wife is having her husband do all the housework, she probably has him in check. This also makes him a pussy. That means the wife calls the shots, and having sex is probably a "privilege."