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Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Hencredible Casanova - 03-22-2013


Campaigners including Richard Dawkins have called for a day of action to support a young Tunisian woman who appeared to post pictures of herself topless as part of a feminist movement in the country, and was subsequently threatened with death by stoning.

The 19-year-old activist, identified only as Amina, posted on the Femen-Tunisian Facebook page a topless picture of herself with the words "F**k your morals" written across her chest.

Another controversial image followed, of the woman smoking a cigarette, baring her breasts, with the Arabic written across her chest: "My body belongs to me, and is not the source of anyone’s honour”.

Tunisian newspaper Kapitalis quoted the Wahabi Salafi preacher Almi Adel, who heads the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, saying: "The young lady should be punished according to sharia, with 80 to 100 lashes, but [because of] the severity of the act she has committed, she deserves be stoned to death.

"Her act could bring about an epidemic. It could be contagious and give ideas to other women. It is therefore necessary to isolate [the incident]. I wish her to be healed."

If she committed the offence in Tunisia, Amina could be punished by up to two years in prison and a fine of 100 to 1,000 dinars [between £40 and £400], local media said.

A petition and an international day of action on April 4 to highlight the threats against Amina have been organised by activists.

More than 15,600 people have singed a petition calling for those who have threatened Amina's life to be prosecuted.

An open letter calling for an International Day to Defend Amina has been signed by many feminist and atheist activists, including Dawkins.

The letter says: "On the day and beyond, groups and individuals can join in by highlighting her case, posting topless photos of themselves and their activism on social media sites, signing a petition, Tweeting #Amina, writing letters in her defence, and more.

"On 4 April, we will remind the Islamists and the world that the real epidemic and disaster that must be challenged is misogyny – Islamic or otherwise."

Social media accounts of the Tunisian branch of Femen have been reportedly infiltrated by hackers, with videos and pictures on the site being replaced by verses from the Koran.

According to International Business Times, the accounts have now been suspended.

One message read: "The page has been hacked and God willing, this debauchery will disappear from Tunisia."

Femen said in a statement they were furious about the "barbarian threats of the Islamists about the necessity of reprisals against the Tunisian activist Amina," .

"We are afraid for her life and we call on women to fight for their freedom against religious atrocities.

"Use your body as a poster for the slogans of freedom. Bare breasts against Islamism."

[Image: o-AMINA-570.jpg?6]

[Image: o-TUNISIA-FEM-570.jpg?6]

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - j r - 03-22-2013

Hmm... is this really the best way to help women in Tunisia? It's sad that western feminists are bringing their attention whoring tactics to places where women may actually e oppressed.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Idlenations - 03-22-2013

Why are female exhibitionists always the ones you would rather not see naked?

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - guerrilla - 03-22-2013

i dont care WHAT the cause is, but NO protestor should be whipped or stoned EVER for nonviolent protesting. jeez.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Vacancier Permanent - 03-22-2013

Im usually against Islamists and their fanatism but in this case I will support them calling for this cunt to be lashed publically! Feminism must NOT corrupt women in other parts of the world!!!! The western world is enough to be corrupted! Keep your vile poison to yourselves femicunts! Stop corrupting other women!!!

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - kosko - 03-22-2013

Asks for basic human rights and to be treated with dignity and respect...

Rips of clothing and parades with breasts out...

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - samsamsam - 03-22-2013

Is that a bandage from a suicide attempt?

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Kingsley Davis - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 06:02 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Asks for basic human rights and to be treated with dignity and respect...

Rips of clothing and parades with breasts out...

The true nature of the beast untethered.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - aphelion - 03-22-2013

Sharia law is scary.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Vacancier Permanent - 03-22-2013

Not any scarier than the family law in North America. I'd venture as far as saying Sharia Law is fairer than the NA "family" laws!

Quote: (03-22-2013 06:25 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

Sharia law is scary.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Veloce - 03-22-2013

That is one of the weirdest female bodies I've ever seen.

I don't wish any harm on this woman, but she's a fucking moron for choosing to protest this way. It's one thing I never understand with these types of protests; if you're trying to inspire international sympathy or make progress for your cause, the whole "Fuck tha man!" approach has never really been too effective.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - DarkTriad - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 06:33 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Not any scarier than the family law in North America. I'd venture as far as saying Sharia Law is fairer than the NA "family" laws!

Quote: (03-22-2013 06:25 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

Sharia law is scary.

Stoning is relatively quick compared to what Family Court does to fathers in the US. Thomas Ball lit himself on fire and countless others have suicided rather face the endless cycles of poverty, degradation and imprisonment offered by US Family Court. This doesn't count the endless men working themselves into an early grave to pay for their exes handbags.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Samseau - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 06:06 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Is that a bandage from a suicide attempt?

You can see scars on her wrists in the second photo.

This chick is insane, stoning her to death would be like stoning a retard to death. She should be locked up in a mental institute.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Ovid - 03-22-2013

She knew the laws and disobeyed them... and she is being punished. I would not wish her death, but a public flogging would definitely seem appropriate. In many countries, things Western are seen as "advanced," and rebellious youths would rather embrace the worst modern vile aspects of Western culture than their own. It's very sad.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Bacchus - 03-22-2013

She didn't want to change shit. Her cause was herself. She wanted attention, and only attention, from the get go. If she was serious about advancing the cause of human rights for women in Tunisia or whatever, she wouldn't go around parading her oddly shaped body on the internet.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - R Smoov - 03-22-2013

2/10 would not stone.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - speakeasy - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 05:36 PM)Idlenations Wrote:  

Why are female exhibitionists always the ones you would rather not see naked?

Unless you're talking about FEMEN.

[Image: Femen_(6890661898).jpg]

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Soma - 03-22-2013

^ But the FEMEN girls are salaried employees - they don't necessarily believe the BS they're protesting.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - A CLOCKWORK TRADER - 03-22-2013

LOL @ the hyperbole in this thread. Sharia law not as scary as family law in America? Really?

Most of these so called 'activists' are actually paid to do this. Femen spends more time jetting across Europe than at protests. Where do they get the money for this? Don't these women have jobs? Or other responsibilities at home? Smells fishy.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Soma - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 09:40 PM)A CLOCKWORK TRADER Wrote:  

Most of these so called 'activists' are actually paid to do this. Femen spends more time jetting across Europe than at protests. Where do they get the money for this? Don't these women have jobs? Or other responsibilities at home? Smells fishy.

They're paid $1000/month and get to fly around Europe, a pretty decent gig for a poor girl from Ukraine.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - A CLOCKWORK TRADER - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 09:45 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2013 09:40 PM)A CLOCKWORK TRADER Wrote:  

Most of these so called 'activists' are actually paid to do this. Femen spends more time jetting across Europe than at protests. Where do they get the money for this? Don't these women have jobs? Or other responsibilities at home? Smells fishy.

They're paid $1000/month and get to fly around Europe, a pretty decent gig for a poor girl from Ukraine.
Absolutely! For that salary no wonder they're showing so much passion.

Take a look at this article:

Femen has a five-member board of directors. In 2008, when topless protests were a novelty in Ukraine, Hutsol got a call from publisher Jed Sunden, the owner of KP Media.

“Jed was the very first influential person who noticed us, helped us with all the resources he had, gave use some useful advice, generously donated and said we were special. Jed was the very first person who helped us in organization’s promotion and creation of our website. We used to call him a ‘Femen Post’ [a play off of the Kyiv Post newspaper, which Sunden sold last year],” Hutsol said.

Sunden acknowledged he is more than a fan of Femen.

I confirm that I do give money to Femen,” Sunden said. “I will not state the amount. After meeting with Anna Hutsol, I was impressed with her ideas and have been a supporter. I believe Anna is a young, independent voice in Ukraine. While I do not agree with all of her positions, I believe it is important to give her, and groups like hers, support.”

His net worth is estimated at $16.5 million.

He's obviously fucking them.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - speakeasy - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 05:32 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

[Image: o-TUNISIA-FEM-570.jpg?6]

Man, that is one weird-looking body. Her legs are skinny but she has this strange mid-section. Yuck.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - A CLOCKWORK TRADER - 03-22-2013

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - kdolo - 03-22-2013

Quote: (03-22-2013 05:36 PM)Idlenations Wrote:  

Why are female exhibitionists always the ones you would rather not see naked?

That's the whole point ! She's unattractive to men and hence has an axe to grind with "society" or she's a lesbian and again has an axe to grind with "society" since she's abnormal or has no real way to express her sexuality in such traditional societies.

This is the only way she can ever get attention.

Topless Tunisian Feminist Protestor Threatened To Death By Stoning - Titan - 03-22-2013

Stupid bitch. Why the Fuck did she publish this topless photo when she is a citizen of a fucking muslim conservative country?!?! It's like saying: Fuck Ala,kill me. At least she could have covered her face...