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I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Getting bored with the same daytime walking/ public transport around Bangkok on my way to get food or go out (there are always crowds slowing things down) I have started using a phrase a forum member mentioned (forgot the poster's name but credit to whoever invented it): "I know about the affair" or "Nice affair you are having!".

First I just mumbled it when seeing western couples or single people, often not getting heard but the last two days I have had a great time being more assertive in my real-life trolling. When I say it to older guys with Thai girls they usually smile at me, thinking I just paid them a compliment on their p4p or non-p4p "prize". The real fun comes with couples, especially younger ones. I usually try to direct my statement at the girl and I have overheard multiple guys questioning her as in: "What affair? Do you know that guy?". Key to using the phrase properly is to say it clearly, seem sincere and vanish quickly. Opposite sided escalators or oncoming foot traffic on busy sidewalks are ideal.
My best moment was saying it to a mid-50s middle eastern couple who either played along or have a truly weird relationship. The guy grabbed me by the shoulder and said: "You, too?". She sneered "you started it!" at him. They then shrugged and walked on, seemingly content.

I know about the affair - Roosh - 03-03-2013

You're cockblocking random people?

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

I would not call it cockblocking as the couples are usually quite old/ settled looking and would probably know about an actual "affair". To me the randomness of the statement seems amusing. I doubt that a single sentence from a stranger would cause actual harm in a "good relationship". Of course, I am more than 50% likely to actually be correct when accusing a randomly selected female of an affair (the stats I find go from 25% to 70% prevalence)...

I know about the affair - Faust - 03-03-2013

OK, I'll admit that I laughed when I read this, but I think it's kind of a dick thing to do.

Some chick is gonna get stabbed by a jealous lover 'cause of this.

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

I agree it is borderline... but then what rational person would base serious action on a shouted sentence from a passersby?

I know about the affair - Pete - 03-03-2013

[Image: lol.gif]

I know about the affair - iknowexactly - 03-03-2013

just hilarious-- toying with people's lives, possibly really helping damage their trust of each other to amuse yourself.

You could do something positive with your time instead.

Your claim it's "borderline" is disingenuous and consists of blaming the victims of your sadism.

"If they're dumb enough to believe that this was a real gold Rolex, than they deserve to get ripped off by buying the fake from me."

It's just small-hearted, nasty, and juvenile, and the fact you chose this as entertainment says quite a bit about you.

Did you by by chance torture animals as a kid?

I know about the affair - ElBorrachoInfamoso - 03-03-2013

Building your rep for the player hater's ball?

I know about the affair - iknowexactly - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:27 AM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Building your rep for the player hater's ball?

If interfering with people's lives for the negative for one's own amusement is "player-hating"; then I'm a player-hater..

People could get divorced or killed because of crap like this.

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:30 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:27 AM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Building your rep for the player hater's ball?

If interfering with people's lives for the negative for one's own amusement is "player-hating"; then I'm a player-hater..

People could get divorced or killed because of crap like this.

A little dramatic, don't you think? Girls also kill themselves over lost love/ being dumped. Does that mean you marry every broad you pick up?

I know about the affair - Neo - 03-03-2013

Seems dumb to me. Real life trolling like this may seem funny at first ...until you do it to the wrong person and end up getting your face smashed in.

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:27 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

just hilarious-- toying with people's lives, possibly really helping damage their trust of each other to amuse yourself.

You could do something positive with your time instead.

Your claim it's "borderline" is disingenuous and consists of blaming the victims of your sadism.

"If they're dumb enough to believe that this was a real gold Rolex, than they deserve to get ripped off by buying the fake from me."

It's just small-hearted, nasty, and juvenile, and the fact you chose this as entertainment says quite a bit about you.

Did you by by chance torture animals as a kid?

Who is nasty and juvenile, throwing around judgment and insults by the pound now? Musta hit a nerve...

I know about the affair - iknowexactly - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:45 AM)Asaxon Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:30 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:27 AM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Building your rep for the player hater's ball?

If interfering with people's lives for the negative for one's own amusement is "player-hating"; then I'm a player-hater..

People could get divorced or killed because of crap like this.

A little dramatic, don't you think? Girls also kill themselves over lost love/ being dumped. Does that mean you marry every broad you pick up?

Pathetic strawman, I said nothing of the kind.

Gee, who knows if it's overly dramatic? Let's keeping fucking with people who did nothing to us!!! Then if someone really gets hurt in some way, we'll know it wasn't a good idea. Too bad for them.

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:45 AM)Neo Wrote:  

Seems dumb to me. Real life trolling like this may seem funny at first ...until you do it to the wrong person and end up getting your face smashed in.

I am willing to accept that risk. Better a real-life troll than hiding behind a safe keyboard...

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:47 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:45 AM)Asaxon Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:30 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:27 AM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Building your rep for the player hater's ball?

If interfering with people's lives for the negative for one's own amusement is "player-hating"; then I'm a player-hater..

People could get divorced or killed because of crap like this.

A little dramatic, don't you think? Girls also kill themselves over lost love/ being dumped. Does that mean you marry every broad you pick up?

Pathetic strawman, I said nothing of the kind.

Gee, who knows if it's overly dramatic? Let's keeping fucking with people who did nothing to us!!! Then if someone really gets hurt in some way, we'll know it wasn't a good idea. Too bad for them.

Why are you so angry? For someone claiming to be considerate and fearful of his impact on others you throw insults and silly speculation (animals...) a bit too freely.

I know about the affair - iknowexactly - 03-03-2013

dubble post

I know about the affair - RawGod - 03-03-2013

That's weak shit, Asaxon.

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

I stand by it. I personally enjoy a bit of amusing disruption/ dry humor in my life, give it and take it. If this stuff is "too sensitive" God only knows what game or dumping a girl after sex would be considered by the same standards. Isn't it also playing with someone's "life and feeeelings"?

I know about the affair - Asaxon - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:54 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:47 AM)Asaxon Wrote:  

Who is nasty and juvenile, throwing around judgment and insults by the pound now? Musta hit a nerve...

The important difference is that you did something to deserve it, and these people didn't.

Please take this private and PM me if you wish to post further defenses of your hilarious actions. We're wasting forum space.

I don't owe you a defense of my actions. You chose to comment/ attack quite personally and in my opinion excessively. I think we won't see eye to eye on this so better to let it be.

I know about the affair - Kentucky - 03-03-2013

You sound like a douchebag. Hopefully karma catches up with you, trolling random couples is not PUA behaviour

I know about the affair - Hotwheels - 03-03-2013


I know about the affair - DirectDanger - 03-03-2013

I don't understand why you would want to cause stress to a random person who has never done anything to you.

Try giving a compliment to a random person instead. Maybe you will still get some of the amusement you are looking for with out being a dick.

I know about the affair - RandalGraves - 03-03-2013

[Image: EKRIFMQ6]

I know about the affair - Veloce - 03-03-2013

I'm all for dry and dark humor, but you're barking up the wrong tree here.

I know about the affair - A CLOCKWORK TRADER - 03-03-2013

That's passive aggressive behavior right there. There was a thread posted a while ago on how to deal with guys like you. Guys complimenting other guys girlfriends on streets, or guys like you just outright cockblocking. I'll try to find the thread.

You admit to only doing with this with older guys. That says a lot doesn't it? Clearly you're not doing this to the big German guy in his 20s with his Thai girlfriend for a reason, right? [Image: biggrin.gif]

The only reason you haven't had your head kicked in is because those older guys have mellowed out. Do yourself a favor and cut it out.