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Dangerandplay on Roosh - nek - 03-01-2013

Read this tweet of his earlier today:

"Reading Smiley Face book taught me something about Roosh. He's simply not mean enough for American women. You really do have to be abusive."

That's the sad truth about the state of affairs. Athlone McGinnis and his 'Return of Kings' article on black america predicting the future of the rest of america is spot on. Furthermore, I'd add a small caveat to the above tweet. To be abusive is to really take a chance with the direction of you're own life. Being too aggressive, abusive, to the wrong girl in the current state can result in you getting incarcerated, losing you're job, losing your home, losing your kids and/or beat up by a group of white knights or the police. Basically, you have to have no sense of self-preservation and risk all you've accomplished in life, including your life itself. But here's the dirty little secret (I'm sure this isn't news for any of you):Women aren't concerned with your sense of self-preservation. They just want to figure out whose the most dominant man. The 'you and him fight' mentality. They just want to figure out who the winner is, whose the most dominant, they don't care about your carcass one bit. Which means many have to sacrifice themselves and lose. They will NEVER bat an eye of concern at your interests or safety. Don't want to fight the biker gang your girl was talking shit too? You're too much of a pussy. Not willing to drive home drunk after 17 drinks? You're a fag. In essence, you're going have to be more reckless with your own life and future in order to impress some of these broads. Even if you finally impress her by being the outlaw who needed to get taken down by 5 cops guess what? You're still the one doing the time. I hope she's worth the conjugal visits that last a few months till she finds someone else.

Not really sure where I was going with this but I will say this: Don't cave in to this mentality b/c they absolutely don't care what happens to you. Look out for yourself. Learn to be content with other things in your life. Trying to prove 'worthy' to some broad a the risk of your health and future is a losers bet. Even if you win, you're going to find that the prize wasn't worth it.

Dangerandplay on Roosh - XXL - 03-01-2013

An ancient proverb says.. girls are mean to you cause you're not mean to them first [Image: amuse.gif]

Dangerandplay on Roosh - Faust - 03-01-2013

Man, reading that tweet literally made me feel sick to my stomach.
I've been reading his blog for a while now. DangerAndPlay is the kind of guy every girl says they want. He doesn't post pics of himself or talk about his life, but you can tell from the topics he picks and the way he writes that he's intelligent, in great shape, and makes at least an upper middle class living. He's positive and upbeat, and not nearly as doom-and-gloom as some of the other bloggers. In any sensible world, there would be women lining up around the block to date him. And he says the only way to get anywhere with them is to be abusive.

You know this stuff in your head, but then you read something like this and it just drives it all home. I think I need a drink.

Dangerandplay on Roosh - nek - 03-01-2013

Quote: (03-01-2013 05:26 PM)Faust Wrote:  

Man, reading that tweet literally made me feel sick to my stomach.
I've been reading his blog for a while now. DangerAndPlay is the kind of guy every girl says they want. He doesn't post pics of himself or talk about his life, but you can tell from the topics he picks and the way he writes that he's intelligent, in great shape, and makes at least an upper middle class living. He's positive and upbeat, and not nearly as doom-and-gloom as some of the other bloggers. In any sensible world, there would be women lining up around the block to date him. And he says the only way to get anywhere with them is to be abusive.

You know this stuff in your head, but then you read something like this and it just drives it all home. I think I need a drink.

It's honestly why I drink.

"Happiness in an intelligent person is the rarest of things"

-Ernest Hemingway

Dangerandplay on Roosh - nek - 03-01-2013

Quote: (03-01-2013 05:26 PM)Faust Wrote:  

Man, reading that tweet literally made me feel sick to my stomach.
I've been reading his blog for a while now. DangerAndPlay is the kind of guy every girl says they want. He doesn't post pics of himself or talk about his life, but you can tell from the topics he picks and the way he writes that he's intelligent, in great shape, and makes at least an upper middle class living. He's positive and upbeat, and not nearly as doom-and-gloom as some of the other bloggers. In any sensible world, there would be women lining up around the block to date him. And he says the only way to get anywhere with them is to be abusive.

You know this stuff in your head, but then you read something like this and it just drives it all home. I think I need a drink.

A drink always helps when swallowing the red pill.

Dangerandplay on Roosh - Teedub - 03-01-2013

Quote: (03-01-2013 05:28 PM)nek Wrote:  

It's honestly why I drink.

"Happiness in an intelligent person is the rarest of things"

-Ernest Hemingway

Indeed. It's the old, 'would you rather be a happy pig' question. I think possibly somewhere in between. I do often think my intelligence makes me unhappy due to overanalysis etc. However, on the other hand, I also value my intelligence highly....

Dangerandplay on Roosh - nek - 03-01-2013

However there is a glimmer of hope in all this. How I've learned to cope with it is to live in the now more. The past is useful to examine, but learn what is useful, and discard the rest (an old martial arts proverb). Don't dwell, it does you no good (remember what Van Wilder said about worrying and rocking chairs). The future. Plan for it some, as the future becomes the present, but not too much, because you have no idea what the future has in store for you. So enjoy the now. Honestly, the best way to start down this path - in my experience - is some sort of combat sport, be it MMA, wrestling, boxing, etc. You're focus on the now is never sharper than with a guy trying to take your head off.