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Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Matt3B - 02-28-2013

I’ve had a fair bit of success with this one since I started actively gaming foreign waitresses in restaurants back in December and thought I’d share some tips to help you all out in that department.

While I can’t boast a huge amount of numbers in terms of lays, owing to the small number of restaurants we go to and finding a worthy broad, I’ve managed to do pretty well.

I’ve gamed three girls of different nationalities, and have fucked two of them and taken one on a date but I don’t think that is gonna go anywhere due to logistics. I fucked a Brazilian (8) at the end of December for a few weeks, I fucked an Italian (7) for a couple of weeks at the beginning of February, and I went on the date with a Turk (8-9) on Monday. So three out of three isn’t too bad in terms of dates, and two out of three in terms of lays is okay too.

Being in London, there’s a variety of different styles of restaurants and it attracts a lot of foreign women working these jobs when they come over here so it’s a good way to meet some if that’s your thing, like it is mine. I haven’t tried this in smaller cities but I imagine it will work best in bigger cities where there are more options and more likelihood of interacting with a girl who has more to talk about being from a different country and all.

The concepts aren’t anything different to what game normally is; building attraction, comfort, and teasing is all it takes. There’s no magic one line being used.

To start off what you will need is:

1) Game
2) A wingman (preferably two)

Right from the off, as soon as you walk into the restaurant, you want to act as if you own the place and deserve VIP treatment, walking in laughing with your mates and raising your volume so people know of your presence. Girls’ heads will turn, I guarantee and some will in particular spend their whole meal looking over to see if you notice them, even those with out with their boyfriend.

To show you are the boss, you don’t want to let them guide you to a table. You tell them what table you want. Sometimes, the waitress will ask you “table for 2/3?” when you walk in and will make a dash to find you one the very millisecond that you answer. They are programmed to do that like little mice, bless them. So you can do one of two things:

First, let them take you to the table. They will always ask “is this okay?” and it gives you an opportunity to tease the waitress (regardless of whether you would bang her or not) as well as showing you are in charge. Something as simple as “your taste in tables is rubbish! We’ll have this one instead” all with a cheeky smile will do.

The second option is to firmly grab her by the arm as she turns to walk away and tell her that you will choose a table. As you are talking to her, loosen your grip slightly but leave your arm lingering. Look confidently into her eyes and ask her for her name before saying “Rachel, follow me”. If this is a waitress you want to game, then you’ve already got some dominant kino in which you soften up with a light stroke down her arm. You’ve also got her name which builds that sense of relationship, and you’ve also set yourself apart from 99.9% of other people that come into the restaurant. If you don’t want to game her, the other waitresses will more than likely see and this little hamster will be telling her colleagues about you the second she’s left you after seating you. Game on.

The role of the wingman/men is very important here. Thankfully, I’ve been blessed with two Bromigos who have an automatic “wing switch” which flicks on as soon as their Spidey senses detect I want to game a girl.

In some situations, the role of the wing is to build up your value, isolate you with the girl, play themselves down to make you look better, etc. The role for the wing in the restaurant is very simple: stay out of the way.

If three confident, high value men walk into a restaurant beaming with laughter and demanding where to sit, then the waitresses will be a little intimidated when they’re serving you. I used to be a waiter for an Indian restaurant back when I was 16 years old and if there was a family with a hot girl or a group of girls/women, then I would feel intimidated. So trust me on this, you want to make it as comfortable as possible for them and your mates will do that the best by staying out of the way.

Sitting in silence but paying attention to the waitress doesn’t help. If you have two mates or more with you, they should be talking among themselves and leaving you for the interaction. If you have one mate with you, he should be looking at his phone preferably or looking at the menu when the waitress is around. Again, after realising you want to game one of the waitresses, you are automatically assigned the role of ordering everything and interacting solely with the waitress during that time. So you better have a good memory. (Wing tip: When the waitress comes over to ask if you’re ready to order – “Matt’s ordering, he’s the boss”)

Assuming you’ve all chosen your food and you’re ready to order, the waitress will be spending time with you. It’s best to position yourself closest to the aisle when you sit down where the waitress will come from so it’s easier to talk to her. It’s now her job to stand next to you and talk to you while your mates are doing their own thing and not interrupting in any way unless initiated by you. This time is golden because she can’t run off anywhere, she has a job to do, so you want to use it as best as you can to build some rapport with her and to get to know her.

Here’s my usual method:


“We will have x, y and z. Now for me, I still haven’t made up my mind. I need your help, what is your favourite thing on the menu?”

Bring the menu up, indicate you want her to show you and she’ll lean in to have a look. She’s comfortable in your proximity, great.


“Hmm, no that’s rubbish! You’re not doing very good tonight, are you?(assuming you went for option one earlier, this works even better)

It must be from where you’re from. Where is that?”

“I’m from x” (you know it’s on from here if she asks you back, even if it’s clear as day you’re from the country you are in)

From there, you’re allowed one more tease and that should be about the country she’s from. Think of the three most stereotypical things about that country and use them against her.


“Italian? Oh no, not another one! I bet all you like is pasta, Super Mario and waving your hands”

“Brazilian? Oh no, not another one! I bet all you like is crazy parties and carnivals, skimpy swimsuits and football”

“Spanish? Oh no, not another one! I bet all you like is sleeping, paella and more sleeping”

You get the picture. The “not another one” is key here because it shows you’ve had experience with people from her country. If you have, great. Tell her about an ex girlfriend, or even just a friend who is from her country, talk to her about a visit to her country or even someone famous from their country. The thing with European girls is that they absolutely love talking about their home countries. It’s like catnip to them.

After the tease, you want to build some comfort with her. Ask her what she’s doing in your country, what she does with her spare time, how she finds living in the city. If she’s from the country you’re in, you can still ask her about her life just as easily. Again, it’s a very good sign if she’s asking you back the same questions. Compliment her, tell her you respect her for what she’s done if she’s moved country, tell her that her job or ambition is something you admire, etc. You need to build that comfort with her after the teasing you’ve done and when you’re complimenting her, it’s best to go with a semi-serious tone to make it clear you’re not teasing her this time.

Let her get on with her job then, enjoy your meal with your mates and just remember to keep her comfortable when she’s serving you, taking your glasses or plates away and that sort of thing. Girls will feel a bit silly and embarrassed about waiting on you after getting to know you a bit so help make it easier for her by handing her plates and glasses, stacking them for her and that sort of thing.

You may find other waitresses coming and going to your table too. That doesn’t matter once you’ve already laid the groundwork with your target.

Once it comes to the close, the most important thing to do is don’t ask for her number while you’re sat at the table. Bad move.

Watch her and go and grab her when she’s in one of the aisles and doesn’t have her hands full of plates or glasses or isn’t on her way to someone else’s table. You want to stand up and walk over to her, firmly grab her by the arm as before and call her name.


“Hey, I want to talk to you”

The whole interaction so far will have been lighthearted and fun for her. You will have mixed being cheeky with being dominant and the most important thing of all is that she’s had a good time serving you. You are not just another customer. So when you’re talking to her in the middle of the aisle, you want to keep this up so any management don’t get the wrong idea and want to find out what the problem is. They won’t cock block you if they see you smiling with the waitress, they will just assume you’re ordering some more stuff.

Keep your hand wrapped around the girl’s arm and slowly and gently stroke it up and down with your finger. Maintaining eye contact is crucial although she’ll probably look away timidly from your macho advances.


“I think that you’re cute and interesting.” *pause*

She’ll probably say something like “thank you” or get a bit giggly.


“I want to take you out some time”.

All three girls I’ve done it to have responded simply with “okay” and nodded with a “oh my God this has actually happened” smile.


“Have you got a pen and paper?”
“Yeah” or “there’s one behind the bar”
“I’m going to need your number. Write it down for me on a piece of paper and I’ll text you some time, okay?”

Job done. Simple as that.

I can not stress how important it is to have a fun vibe. Although you will be bossing about, demanding tables and telling them what to do, you’re going to be doing it lightheartedly so that they’re having fun and don’t feel like you are a grump.

Your mates are important in your success. As I said, they just need to stay out of the way and the Three Bromigos all understand this. She needs to be as comfortable as possible and everything will go well. Remember, you are acting out completely differently to pretty much every single person that is walking through the restaurant’s doors. I’ve seen average guys or betas trying to flirt with waitresses in front of their mates and it just doesn’t work. The girl thinks the guy is showing off and it’s true, he is. However get this right and you will be swimming in it.

But most importantly, have fun and enjoy your night with your mates. That’s what it’s all about. This is just a little icing on the top.

(Am I allowed to put the link on here? Sorry if not, just let me know and I'll delete it out)

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Garzero - 02-28-2013

That's an interesting post, me too I've had experiences with waitresses and hotel receptionists too, but I always did it in the solo mode.
So how does it work with your mates? You've already set-up with them they have to stay out of your way?

[quote='MattC' pid='381380' dateline='1362058405']
I’ve had a fair bit of success with this one since I started actively gaming foreign waitresses in restaurants back in December and thought I’d share some tips to help you all out in that department.

While I can’t boast a huge amount of numbers in terms of lays, owing to the small number of restaurants we go to and finding a worthy broad, I’ve managed to do pretty well.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Matt3B - 02-28-2013

Thankfully, our game has become second nature to us and we didn't have to discuss it, it just happens and we've looked back on what's been completely normal nights and said "hang on a minute, we've just done this, this and that".

Just talk to your mates about it before you go in. Obviously this will only work with game aware wings.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - AneroidOcean - 02-28-2013

It's absolutely key to catch her for her number AWAY from her coworkers and away from other tables. This removes any reasons she might be hesitant about giving you the digits and shows that you are socially aware enough to not embarrass her.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Emancipator - 02-28-2013

What about giving a tip after the meal?

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Walderschmidt - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 08:36 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

What about giving a tip after the meal?

If your game's on point, it should take care of itself.

[Image: wink.gif]

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Matt3B - 02-28-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 08:36 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

What about giving a tip after the meal?

Of course, mate. You don't want to look like a tightarse.

A lot of places here are sneaky as fuck and put it on the bill as a service charge which we disagree with because it's just going to line the manager's pockets for doing fuck all. We tell them to take it off and we'll put down cash which is never a problem.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - bojangles - 03-01-2013

Quote: (02-28-2013 08:36 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

What about giving a tip after the meal?

We always tip but it comes on the bill these days as a service charge. This goes direct to the establishment, we tell the waitress to remove the service charge off the bill as we want to pay it separately, this makes them happy as they know instantly what this means.

We use plastic for pay for our food bill, then add cash for the tip. We get good service at most of our regular places, I'd say they go above and beyond on a lot of occasions (free shots, starters, desserts, coffees).

Matt does restaurant game all the fucking time, me and Jimmy never do it haha, we're always winging the fucker. I introduced it to him long ago by showing him a simple play with a waitress at Nandos when he first got into red pill, he's extended it pretty fast since then to go the whole distance.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Matt3B - 03-01-2013

Quote: (03-01-2013 05:14 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2013 08:36 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

What about giving a tip after the meal?

We always tip but it comes on the bill these days as a service charge. This goes direct to the establishment, we tell the waitress to remove the service charge off the bill as we want to pay it separately, this makes them happy as they know instantly what this means.

We use plastic for pay for our food bill, then add cash for the tip. We get good service at most of our regular places, I'd say they go above and beyond on a lot of occasions (free shots, starters, desserts, coffees).

Matt does restaurant game all the fucking time, me and Jimmy never do it haha, we're always winging the fucker. I introduced it to him long ago by showing him a simple play with a waitress at Nandos when he first got into red pill, he's extended it pretty fast since then to go the whole distance.

Was that the "excuse me miss, me and my friend here were having a debate about where you're from. He thinks you're from Scotland, and I think you're from the Congo. Who is right?" [Image: lol.gif]

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Art Pimp - 03-01-2013

The Congo. Fucking hilarious.

Heart of Darkness game. Recognized.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - bojangles - 03-02-2013

Quote: (03-01-2013 03:07 PM)Art Pimp Wrote:  

The Congo. Fucking hilarious.

Heart of Darkness game. Recognized.

Yes, the excuse me miss game works.

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Romino - 03-03-2013

well written. I once managed to lay a waitress (which said she works there for 6 years and never met a customer after work) with flirting ofter paper pieces. like taht:

le me hand the wlan code on a paper. write on the paper *i like your attitude" in her language, translated by google haha. inconspicious handed her the paper back, she wrote something on in and haded it back while passing our table. did that a few times back and forth, in the end wrote my number and left. 10mins outside she wrote me a sms and we met after her shift. imagine the rest [Image: tongue.gif]

Restaurant Game - Pick up a waitress - Matt3B - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 08:30 AM)Romino Wrote:  

well written. I once managed to lay a waitress (which said she works there for 6 years and never met a customer after work) with flirting ofter paper pieces. like taht:

le me hand the wlan code on a paper. write on the paper *i like your attitude" in her language, translated by google haha. inconspicious handed her the paper back, she wrote something on in and haded it back while passing our table. did that a few times back and forth, in the end wrote my number and left. 10mins outside she wrote me a sms and we met after her shift. imagine the rest [Image: tongue.gif]

You took her for ice-cream, paid for it, took her Facebook and added her, shook hands and went your separate ways? [Image: wink.gif]