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Early Retirement Extreme - NFallin - 01-01-2013

Are any of you guy familiar with Jacob Fisker's early retirement extreme? He is a more extreme Mr. Money Mustache.

Financially independent in 5 years

His strategy is to save as much as one can and invest in stocks and bonds for income.

He has some radical views on frugality and savings but his thought process was what initially got me into the red pill mindset by rejecting mindless consumerism, investing more than only 10 percent of income, and blazing one's own trail.

Just thought it could be of interest to some.

Early Retirement Extreme - bacon - 01-01-2013

i enjoy his posts but this guy is not a player. i dont see how you could pull his lifestyle without being in a serious relationship. also if hes financially independent why doesnt he live abroad. even if you own you own home its soo cheap in latin america, eastern europe and parts of asia why would he not relocate? i just read mrmoneymustache post about living in hawaii, a place i have travelled to before and i ask myself wtf are people living there for? even if you live on the cheap there is it that hard to learn spanish and relocate to mexico, central america? i will never understand how hard core early retirees do not write about living abroad, its the best option for costs hands down.

Early Retirement Extreme - choichoi - 01-01-2013

bookmarked the guy's blog and and book. I'm gonna study this stuff good because I'm set on becoming a globetrotter. i was enrolled in forex and stock classes but stopped. I plan on starting them and again and not worrying about my debt but rather pouring a good deal of my income into investing in assets which i will use to pay off the debt until I can use that to make a profit to at least partially fund my lifestyle.
having been unemployed for the greater part of this year, I'm quite over buying crap like clothes although i have some vices such as booze.
thanks for the share and i'll peek back in this thread to give my thoughts on Fisker's philosophy.

Early Retirement Extreme - NFallin - 01-01-2013

Yeah guy definitely isn't a player but I see some of his strategy as something you can tailor to make your own and then add it to your toolbox.

Bacon, I also don't understand why these hardcores retire and stay in the western countries. But Fisker is a bit of an introverted intellectual and I don't think he liked the travel part as much as some of us might like here.

Basically what this guy preaches is that not everyone can be making six figs and living like a baller, but anyone with a little effort can save like a demon and invest to live off of it. However, some might choose to lean more heavily into kicking ass and shit in their careers with what a lot of guys are doing here.

Choichoi, I'd definitely give the book a look. I've read it and it get's more into the nerdy details, but I've found it useful on what to prioritize financially, and building out your own investing philosophy.

Early Retirement Extreme - WestIndianArchie - 02-06-2013

From today's repost

"Rather than thinking of it as having a pension plan, getting vested, putting in my time, and making monthly installments on my defined contribution plan, I looked at the “rules” of the game. How does the money system work? Should I work to earn and earn to consume? Or should I work to earn and earn to save and save to invest so I can stop working? The financial system is there for you to “play” much like people “play” the career-game in the work-system. Two different systems—same attitude. You could say that in Marxist terms, I chose to go with “Capital” rather than “Labor”. "


Early Retirement Extreme - Isaac Jordan - 06-10-2014

I imagine being an entrepreneur would be a lot more enjoyable if you had a passive income stream from assets and investments that you didn't have to worry about while you spent your time on other ventures.

If you've got $2-3k coming in every month, and you're living comfortably off half that (say, in SEA or South America), you could throw a couple grand into a business/blog/website and not worry if it fails. You won't starve if it doesn't work out, and knowing that means you can really afford to take the kind of risks that make or break a business, because it's not your bread and butter.

Early Retirement Extreme - ___ - 06-10-2014

Peeped dude's blog years ago - the concept is something I already did instinctively (money = freedom/frugality), his engineer mentality took it to another level.

He's stated several times that he has little to no interest in traveling or "collecting experiences".

I understand his book reads like a hard sciences textbook.

Early Retirement Extreme - Beyond Borders - 06-10-2014

Love this stuff and have pitched it a lot on the forum.

Guys who reject it or say you can't live a player's lifestyle are missing some crucial points (not directed at you, bacon - more the general attitude I've seen towards the book from the manosphere). By creating all that free time, you could then do whatever you want with it, and that includes learning new things, writing books, creating websites, or...building more income. He even talks about that in the book.

The difference is you do what you want instead of working because you have to make ends meet. With the additional income, you can create whatever lifestyle floats your boat (though keeping ongoing expenses as low as possible would still be ideal). Or you could use that time to get wealthy and really say fuck it.

Also, don't forget all the broke ass hipsters and trailer trash that bang a lot of broads. Clearly not the ideal life to most here but it's worth saying.

No doubt easier with a relationships, but NFallin is completely correct in saying there are some great strategies and principles there you can adapt to your own lifestyle. I never understand people who turn their back completely on a book or line of thought simply because they don't 100% vibe with it. You can learn something from everyone, and Early Retirement Extreme has life-changing principles and paradigms to offer in spades.

Also, while the guy hates on traveling, he's actually a Dutch living in America, so he's not that different from us at the core. His principles would do real well if someone wanted a somewhat more cush lifestyle on a beach in Southeast Asia, but America is a country you can live dirt cheap in if you choose to. Again, you don't have to accept everything he says to appreciate his ideas and work them into your own life.

Early Retirement Extreme - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-10-2014

Very good website, sometimes pushing some extreme ideas (having only a single pressure cooker and a single plate/spoon/knife for all of your cooking needs, for example) that will scare off potential visitors, but still lots of good advice and perspective there. I have read the entire website a few times now and mostly I am nodding in agreement.

For the record, my savings rate is 40%. I don't think more is possible as long as I'm living in a heavily-corrupt, God-forsaken country. The option that he mentions of working your ass for a few years and earning 50 000$ a year is just completely out of reach for me. But I do apply his advice with my lower income, and it works.

Early Retirement Extreme - JayJuanGee - 06-26-2014

I'm in a similar financial boat to finalizing the extent to which I can just live off of quasi-passive income. Currently, I am having some trouble making my income completely passive, but at least it seems that soon I am going to be able to live location independent, so long as I have access to the internet.

I have a few contractual obligations remaining in the states, and a few business arrangements that will be settled and allow me to begin travels, in the coming months.

I could live on about a $3k quasi-passive income in the USA, but I would likely be in a quasi-poverty state attempting to live on such income, especially in California, and I am kind of getting tired of some of the expenses of the USA and the culture and the number of fatties and just feeling the need for travel and to get out of here.... including a sort of desire to meet and hang out with younger girls (which is seemingly more and more difficult to accomplish in the USA for a 40 something year old who will be going into 50s and to be able to plan the future to "hang out" with 20 year old girls). Seems much more likely that my interests and ability to live a decent life on such an income would be much more achievable in other parts of the world.

So I am figuring a little more than $3k per month to live in SEA or possibly other parts, and to include local travel within my monthly budget and to continue to save whatever extra that I may NOT spend.. but $3k per month of quasi-passive income seems to already be fairly steadily flowing in my direction on a regular basis......

I have had several of my friends and relatives in the US suggests that I vary my plan in such a way that I would stay in the USA rather than travel internationally and that I would be able to find some decent inexpensive areas in the USA to live.

When I hear these kinds of proposals I feel older and become increasingly depressed if I begin to give any serious considerations to following through with such USA based plans.

Early Retirement Extreme - 2014 - 06-26-2014

SEAsia 3k a month and you are laughing. Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mynamar... probably in that order

Early Retirement Extreme - JayJuanGee - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 04:50 AM)2014 Wrote:  

SEAsia 3k a month and you are laughing. Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mynamar... probably in that order

Laughing? Why? B/c it is so fun? Have you lived in each of these locations?

Is the order the extent to which you are laughing? Thailand is the best of the group from your perspective? Isn't Mynamar a bit repressive, or are there some breakthroughs there?

Also, I thought indonesia and/or malaysia should be on the list, no?

There's china also, but that may be a different category?

Early Retirement Extreme - 2014 - 06-26-2014

you're laughing = british slang for: you're golden; it's perfect; more than one could need.

Yeah lived in two and visited the rest.

Early Retirement Extreme - iknowexactly - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 04:21 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

... including a sort of desire to meet and hang out with younger girls (which is seemingly more and more difficult to accomplish in the USA for a 40 something year old who will be going into 50s and to be able to plan the future to "hang out" with 20 year old girls).....

In late 50s here and VERY glad I planned on getting out earlier. I'm saving over 50% on my three month contract and trying to get to $1600 per month 95% passive income for Phils and maybe Cambodia.

It seems way, way harder in the USA to get early `20s girls at 57 than 47. No comparison it's nonlinear if you're non-famous.

And I still am much more attracted to girls who could theoretically have 10 kids ( early 20s) than 2 kids ( early 30s).

It's hard wired in and you will have to go abroad as far as I can tell. It's even somewhat hard to get under-25 7s in the philippines if you're over 55.

Remember You-go-girl party all-your-life fantasy is spreading along with ubiquitous broadband. MANY girls I chat with in the Phils are still going to cafes which means they are not completely full of insane fantasies of getting Youngtallcool guys from the middle of her jungle or gritty urban life. If you've been to CDO and Iligan you'll know, these places are still pretty bleak poverty, people want to get out. Even if you can get her to a nicer place in Davao or Cebu it's better.

When I say gritty, I ran literally gritty, with pollution particulates griming your hair and nostrils, you can feel it on your hands.

It is still financially difficult to maintain contact with one guy. One really cute one made a special trip to the cafe just to talk to me she says. It's probably a lie, but I'm sure she did made a special trip to the cafe to talk to GUYS. And she can only afford about an hour.She's not sitting at home with an iPhone getting texts and Facebook likes by the dozen all evening.

Early Retirement Extreme - JayJuanGee - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 08:14 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2014 04:21 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

... including a sort of desire to meet and hang out with younger girls (which is seemingly more and more difficult to accomplish in the USA for a 40 something year old who will be going into 50s and to be able to plan the future to "hang out" with 20 year old girls).....

In late 50s here and VERY glad I planned on getting out earlier. I'm saving over 50% on my three month contract and trying to get to $1600 per month 95% passive income for Phils and maybe Cambodia.

It seems way, way harder in the USA to get early `20s girls at 57 than 47. No comparison it's nonlinear if you're non-famous.

And I still am much more attracted to girls who could theoretically have 10 kids ( early 20s) than 2 kids ( early 30s).

It's hard wired in and you will have to go abroad as far as I can tell. It's even somewhat hard to get under-25 7s in the philippines if you're over 55.

Remember You-go-girl party all-your-life fantasy is spreading along with ubiquitous broadband. MANY girls I chat with in the Phils are still going to cafes which means they are not completely full of insane fantasies of getting Youngtallcool guys from the middle of her jungle or gritty urban life. If you've been to CDO and Iligan you'll know, these places are still pretty bleak poverty, people want to get out. Even if you can get her to a nicer place in Davao or Cebu it's better.

When I say gritty, I ran literally gritty, with pollution particulates griming your hair and nostrils, you can feel it on your hands.

It is still financially difficult to maintain contact with one guy. One really cute one made a special trip to the cafe just to talk to me she says. It's probably a lie, but I'm sure she did made a special trip to the cafe to talk to GUYS. And she can only afford about an hour.She's not sitting at home with an iPhone getting texts and Facebook likes by the dozen all evening.

Yeah, technology is changing the world in several respects, but it will likely still take a bit of time to materialize for some and in some circles, and surely several of the cuter girls will figure out ways to take advantage of such technology to market their advantages... if they can figure it out before they become less marketable.

Part of the problem in the USA, is that there is just a shortage of these younger cuter girls, and the ratios are NOT good. They get so many offers. Just looking at statistics, there are other areas in the world where there are just way more young people.

But an incentive to get that passive income stream in place as early in life as possible. Even if my income stream is coming out as quasi-passive, rather than fully passive, at least it seems that I am going to be able to travel while maintaining the income (and technology will better facilitate the management of the income for me).

Early Retirement Extreme - Isaac Jordan - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 04:21 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

I could live on about a $3k quasi-passive income in the USA, but I would likely be in a quasi-poverty state attempting to live on such income, especially in California, and I am kind of getting tired of some of the expenses of the USA and the culture and the number of fatties and just feeling the need for travel and to get out of here.... including a sort of desire to meet and hang out with younger girls (which is seemingly more and more difficult to accomplish in the USA for a 40 something year old who will be going into 50s and to be able to plan the future to "hang out" with 20 year old girls). Seems much more likely that my interests and ability to live a decent life on such an income would be much more achievable in other parts of the world.

If you've got $3k coming in without much work, I'd suggest finding a place in SEA where you can live comfortably for $2k. Continue to save/invest the other $1k, and get a job (bartender, photographer, club owner, etc.) that either gives you status or increases your access to attractive women. (Local fame would also be good, if you plan on being in one area long enough to make use of it.) Use the money from the gig (could even be part-time) to travel and have fun, or build the new business if that's the route you've taken.

I wouldn't bother trying to make things work in the U.S. Foreign women will be more open to dating an older man (particularly if you have status/fame to leverage), and your money will go much farther in SEA or South America.

Early Retirement Extreme - JayJuanGee - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 09:01 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2014 04:21 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

I could live on about a $3k quasi-passive income in the USA, but I would likely be in a quasi-poverty state attempting to live on such income, especially in California, and I am kind of getting tired of some of the expenses of the USA and the culture and the number of fatties and just feeling the need for travel and to get out of here.... including a sort of desire to meet and hang out with younger girls (which is seemingly more and more difficult to accomplish in the USA for a 40 something year old who will be going into 50s and to be able to plan the future to "hang out" with 20 year old girls). Seems much more likely that my interests and ability to live a decent life on such an income would be much more achievable in other parts of the world.

If you've got $3k coming in without much work, I'd suggest finding a place in SEA where you can live comfortably for $2k. Continue to save/invest the other $1k, and get a job (bartender, photographer, club owner, etc.) that either gives you status or increases your access to attractive women. (Local fame would also be good, if you plan on being in one area long enough to make use of it.) Use the money from the gig (could even be part-time) to travel and have fun, or build the new business if that's the route you've taken.

I wouldn't bother trying to make things work in the U.S. Foreign women will be more open to dating an older man (particularly if you have status/fame to leverage), and your money will go much farther in SEA or South America.

I like this idea. The working part I will need to play by ear, but I am NOT totally opposed the idea of engaging in some kind of fun work.. if the situation seems to suit my needs.

On the other hand, i want to stay somewhat mobile at first, so I would want to bounce around to a few areas and explore options before tying down to any kind of work that could cause too much commitment.

Early Retirement Extreme - one-two - 06-27-2014

There are always

And the sarcastic

Early Retirement Extreme - BadWolf - 06-28-2014

Early retirement is actuaIIy quite easy, I did it when I was 25 and kept it going for about 6 or 7 years. First you have to define what retirement is to you. If its sipping champaigne whiIe sitting in your bmw, weII my pIan wont work for you. I went the minimaIist route. I worked as a cook about 60 hours a week for 3 to 5 months each year. It taught me how to take care of myseIf and minimize food expenses whiIe abroad, then I went down to Mexico, rented an apartment for 6 months at a time and just wandered around meeting peopIe (gringos), eating new foods and fvking women.

Cost me:

150 USD for an apartment per month (2 bedroom)
50 USD for raw veg/fruits/bread/meat/cheese per month
0.05 for a bus ride, which is cheap yeah but when you've got free time aII day, waIking around is preferabIe. I know aII of PuertoV, GuadaIajara, Mexico City, ToIuca and Ixtapa just by waIking around aII day Iong. Mexicans earn about 1 doIIar an hour, Chinese make about 2.

In my apartment I had a PS2, tv, infIatabIe bed, a coupIe chairs, tabIe and thats about it.

I wouId save about $3000 to $4000 doIIars and Iive on that the entire time... when I wasn't in Mexico, I was Iiving out of mom's basement. I mean stuff is so cheap in the USA you couId easiIy buy a cheap house in fIorida, rent it out and Iive between the two countries on next to nothing. Some days I did nothing aII day except sit on top of the Pyramid of the sun or drink beer with my friends, shoot the shIt and eat tacos, my 20's were a great time. Mexico is a great pIace to be, fresh air, nice peopIe, horney women.

Doing it now, I wouId buy a mini-projector, an Xbox360 and have my magic cards, work a IittIe bit part time here and there and just enjoy doing what I Iike doing.... actuaIIy that is what Im doing. I spend 6 days a week now on hobbies, watching dvds and pIaying games. I'm just stuck in China. [Image: tongue.gif] AIot of my friends and I are contempIating moving to Mexico and buying houses as a group so that the neighbourhood we Iive in wiII comprise mostIy of gringos. During our reaI retirement years it'II be great because we aII Iike pIaying board games and magic cards.

What 300,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 100,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 50,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 30,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 27,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 8,500 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 8,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 7,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

What 5,000 USD gets you in Mexico:

I mean reaIIy, if aII you want is to sit around watching TV, banging out women and expIoring, you couId reaIIy just get by fixing up a crap house a IittIe bit... if you don't have to pay rent then what is your cost per month? 100 USD? UtiIities are Iike 10 bucks every 2 months. Food if you cook for yourseIf...maybe 30 to 50 (50 is for 2 ppI). I used to have a fridge fuIIy stocked for 20 USD a month. The IocaI farmers markets are so cheap you can waIk away with 4 kiIos of strawberries for 50 cents or a grocery bag fuII of fruit Ioops for a buck. I wouId get a pound of Oaxaca cheese for 2 bucks.
I toId my wife, even if we both work at Tim Hortons (Dunkin Donuts) and save aII our money, we can afford to buy a pretty decent house in Mexico at the end of the year. If we work just 2 years and save everything, we can buy a reaIIy great pIace. If we work 2 years at trade jobs or in the oiI fieIds then we can afford to retire indefineteIy and in Iuxury..

(my l key is broken so I have to use I instead)

Just as a side note if anyone is wondering, 300k in Canada buys you a tiny Iitte piece of crap, 2 bedroom in a smaII city, if you are Iucky. In China it doesn't buy sh1t... maybe a 2 bedroom apartment in the JungIe.