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'Are You Clean?' - _GQ_ - 12-03-2012

Simple question. When fucking a new notch for the first time, have you ever asked them if they have or have had any STDs? Any interesting responses? Ever have anyone admit to having something in the past?

'Are You Clean?' - Millz - 12-03-2012

Im generally very curious when a female tells me she's taken a test recently because it means she's probably more often than not been barebacked by another guy she was just with..
Ive never had anything but I have had females tell me they have had stuff though but you need to get them really comfortable with you before they tell you this stuff

'Are You Clean?' - _GQ_ - 12-03-2012

The 'inspiration' for this thread was a post from MikeCF in this thread about smoking:

There was lots of talk about how smoking is bad for you and then that led to people to say well alcohol is worse blah blah blah. Then Mike says 'well, we are guys that live a lifestyle (or are trying to) that involves having sex with many different women, and that that in itself can be very dangerous for a variety of reasons, including STDs.' I really haven't given disease much thought at all, and although I've never had anything and am still quite young, it's opened my eyes a bit.

'Are You Clean?' - _DC_ - 12-03-2012

There is a high probability that a large number of guys on this forum who sleep with lot of women, especially if barebacking sometimes, that have HPV and/or HSV. These aren't even tested for in many STD tests apparently and are largely asymptomatic.

The statistics for women with HSV (the herp) is around 25%. And that is for ALL women who actually go to a clinic. Think of the asymptomatic ones who don 't go. Think of all the married chicks who have only fucked a few guys. My conservative estimate is 1 out of 3 girls at a bar has it. And that number probably goes higher for girls you take home on a ONS after an hour or two. [Image: smile.gif]

I've banged around 50 girls and guess how many told me they had it if they did? zero.

Neither is dangerous except for rare cases with HPV. The embarassment and social stigma is the bad part, which would explain the prevalance but lack of disclosure IMO.

'Are You Clean?' - Roosh - 12-03-2012

I never ask. Ignorance allows me to take risks and experience more sexual pleasure.

'Are You Clean?' - Avarence - 12-03-2012

Quote: (12-03-2012 08:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I never ask. Ignorance allows me to take risks and experience more sexual pleasure.


I have been asked before, though not very often. I wrap it up anyway.

'Are You Clean?' - lavidaloca - 12-04-2012

Is a girl ever going to actually say upon you asking are you clean, oh yea I forgot to tell you I have crabs? Probably not.

'Are You Clean?' - Jam Man - 12-04-2012

I have been asked, but have never asked.

'Are You Clean?' - Art Pimp - 12-04-2012

Why is raw dogging such a badge of honor around here anyway?

'Are You Clean?' - HiFlo - 12-04-2012

Quote: (12-04-2012 12:34 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

Is a girl ever going to actually say upon you asking are you clean, oh yea I forgot to tell you I have crabs? Probably not.

^this exactly. although imo its an important question, whenever i ask the question is always "yes." Interestingly, I've never had a bad reaction like "Are you seriously asking me this?" Perhaps thats cause they're always horny & ready to go when I ask that

I've found that in relation to slubu's "are all girls really slutty" thread, a nice subtle neg for a girl who's a regular (and you've been going raw with her) is to casually say to her, "it seems like you've been partying a lot lately, should I be using a condom with you from now on." then watch her hamster spin and she'll go "no no no." Then to even further make that hamster go wild actually use a condom the next time you make sweet sweet love to her. LOLOL.

'Are You Clean?' - scorpion - 12-04-2012

I never ask. What's the point? Do you really think the girl is going to be honest with you anyway?

All asking does is kill the mood.

Like all other high risk activities, rawdogging random girls should be done fearlessly or not at all.

The rawdogger's guide to preventing STD's: say your prayers to the gods of game, wash your dick off and urinate post-coitus, maintain a healthy lifestyle/immune system and drink your ACV.

'Are You Clean?' - kinjutsu - 12-12-2012

@ Scorpion
Yeah, i wash my dick off after every bang. Anti-bacterial soap. The type they use in hospitals.

It doesn't matter if she is or isn't i doubt most of us would stop mid-bang if some girl told us she has the clap.

Think of it like this:
If she gets tested and is positive of something treatable the nurses make them take antibiotics. (I know this because my mother worked in a sexual health clinic for 12 years during my childhood).
If she has herpes and isn't showing your chances of contracting it go way down. IF you dont have any open sores or cuts they drop even further.
However if she is showing you just dont fuck her. No single orgasm is worth the life sentence herpes gives you.
I've refused to hug a girl that had visible mouth sores. Regardless of their explanation, i dont care. Mainly because i dont want that on my skin, around my mouth or on my cock.
And we all know HIV is difficult to catch if you're careful about who you bang.