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Example of a White Knight - Printable Version

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Example of a White Knight - TheSlayer - 11-19-2012

Here's an article from some fat Yahoo writer belittling Michele Tafoya because he called a reporter gorgeous during an interview.

The points that stood out in his article:


Maybe we're just in an era of political correctness that makes this seem strange. I would like to believe that we're actually in an era where there are enough women who have proven their worth as people who know a lot about football to not have to put up with stuff like this anymore.


Tafoya can't take a shot back at Jones, because she's doing her job and continuing to interview players. She can't lose her cool, and she didn't. Full marks to her for her professionalism, and a failing grade to Jacoby Jones for not realizing the situation he put Tafoya in.

Another thing that stands out that it is a man writing this article. I mean, if it were a female author you could just chalk it up to a dumb feminazi spouting nonsense but how does a man even get to the level where he's thinking that another man calling a reporter "gorgeous" is putting her in an uncomfortable position.

Only consolation is that most of the comments make fun of the writer for creating something out of nothing.

Here's the article.

Example of a White Knight - aphelion - 11-19-2012

God forbid a black man tell a white girl she's gorgeous. 'White knight' indeed.

Example of a White Knight - Excelsior - 11-19-2012

From what I can see, this seems to just be the case of another white knight looking to do the following:

1. Take a clearly higher status, more "alpha" male down a notch and closer to his own low level.
2. Court what he thinks is feminist opinion by trying in a roundabout way to play to the "girl power" motif (and maybe get himself laid in the process).

The motive behind the 1 is pretty obvious. This is a relatively weak guy without a whole lot going for him physically or otherwise-he isn't a chick magnet. Jacoby Jones is obviously on another level-being an NFL athlete is enough, but judging from the video he's also fairly smooth and not ashamed to take (or signal that he'd like to take) what he wants, even when millions are watching.

This is threatening to some of the men who can't really compete on that level, and also to women who aren't in a position to be competed for at that level. They (manginas and a certain kind of feminist) respond by doing what this writer has done and shaming men for showing any sexual interest at all. By limiting the rules of the game, the losers of the sexual marketplace can give themselves a better chance to compete while handicapping the more successful folks like this who stand to benefit from the open, harmless, natural sexual interaction being decried here.

This strategy ultimately fails because people can see through it.

The motive behind 2 is typical of the white knight. Your standard mangina has been raised on a steady diet of delusional discussion regarding sexuality, and is fairly typical of a "nice guy". He's sure that, if he just does the "right", "nice" thing that women say they want, they'll respect him more for it and maybe even let him in their pants. Women say they want absolute equality (or at least sound the part), so in this case an enterprising white knight takes the opportunity to attack a male for addressing a woman in a way he'd never address a male, and creating offense where there isn't any.

This strategy fails for two reasons:
1. It is easy to see through. Women recognize the deceitfulness of the "nice guy" quite easily, and they don't respect the subtle motives at play (guy doesn't know how to turn a woman on, so tries to "buy" her affection with actions/gifts/etc). Girls smell the horny desperation implicit here and generally keep it at arms length. The weakness of it all repulses them, which is why white knights tend to end up alone or cuckolded.

2. Girls say they want absolute equality, but as any competent male knows (white knights are clearly not in this group), actions speak much louder than words. This statement is no truer than anywhere else than it is with women-watch what they do more closely than what they say, as it will tell you a lot more about where they stand.

You may hear a lot of banter from women about "equality" and the fear of "sexual harassment" on the job. This does not mean that these women wish to forego the attention of an attractive, high-value male. This is where that whole notion about certain tenets of feminism being a big "shit test" starts to sound a lot more plausible, as the only men who really can't see through all this are the white knights/manginas like this one who can only take things literally and lack the social/romantic intelligence to go any further.

Higher value men avoid this trap and continue to avoid it no matter how loudly manginas like this want to cry, and women continue to respond to those men despite what the manginas figured they were "supposed" to do. The clueless remain clueless and the winners keep winning.

In anycase, there isn't much to see here. Just another loser looking to sensationalize and overcompensate for his own inadequacy.

Example of a White Knight - Samseau - 11-19-2012

Fact is, this is the woman he called gorgeous:

[Image: Michele-Tafoya.jpg]

I would bet any amount of money that Jacoby Jones bangs way hotter women than her, so why did he say that?

I think he was just being polite and friendly, there was nothing sexual about his remark at all. This white knight probably hasn't been laid in a long time.

Example of a White Knight - Samseau - 11-19-2012

[Image: 0.jpg]

That's the guy who wrote the article.

Two things:

1. Definately beta

2. LOL if you go to his facebook page, he's getting so much hate right now it's hilarious...

Example of a White Knight - TheSlayer - 11-20-2012

Two things: I made an error, he isn't belittling Michelle Tafoya, it's Jacoby Jones.

Secondly, great points Athlone and Samseau. It was just interesting to see because articles like this show how many men have been brain-washed into thinking something as innocent (Jones definitely wasn't hitting on her) as that is making the woman "uncomfortable". The comments give me solace that maybe not all is lost. This also ties in to the HR post Roosh put up on his other blog yesterday.

Example of a White Knight - mistermister - 11-20-2012

he deserves all the backlash he's getting... what a piece of crap article and hit job. athlone broke it down so damn proper on the bitchass behaviour form these types of dudes.


Example of a White Knight - Kitsune - 11-20-2012

Any man who mentions this as a 'feminist era' and talks about 'girl power' deserves to get backlash.

Example of a White Knight - Timoteo - 11-20-2012

Yeah. The author of this piece is both a bitch-made punk, AND a punk-made bitch. I use gorgeous a lot when communicating with women in a friendly way, and some of the women aren't actually attractive at all. It isn't necessarily flirting. It's just a word of endearment, just like "sweetheart" or "sweetie." I call women "love" also. A German chick I chat with calls me "sugar," which in another era was used a lot to indicate endearment. Since women were allowed into the locker room, athletes have been tiptoeing around. I think Jones was just showing a level of comfort and speaking naturally to a female. It was probably a little shocking to hear it in this particular setting, but pussies like this dude need to get over it. This isn't anywhere near the level of an inebriated Joe Namath expressing a desire to kiss Suzy Kolber on national tv...HA HA!