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Women, Inventors of Civilization? - teh_skeeze - 11-14-2012

I was watching a program on the History Channel last night about the history of man. In this program, it talked about the domestication of plants, and subsequently animals. In hunter-gatherer societies, men do the hunting, and women gather. They brought up the idea of the "Agricultural Mother" (found nothing on it when Googled). The theory is that a woman saw food plants growing in the scrap heap. She then scattered the seeds on a plot of soil where she wanted the plants to grow, leading to what we call agriculture.

The surplus in food led to a rise in population, as well as the domestication of animals. Because fewer people were needed to sustain the population, this gave rise to specialization (merchants and tradesmen), and civilization as we know it.

Don't let the feminists know. Most of them only know the name Marie Curie. Of course, if a feminist does know about it, you could just blame women for war. When a neighboring tribe's crops failed, guess where they were going to get their food?

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-14-2012

You gotta admit, the idea that inventing agriculture, fire, stone tool or anything basic to civilization is somehow dependent on having either a vagina or a penis is ludicrous. Why does that matter? It's a simple 50-50 chance. If you still don't think that the idea isn't blatant sexism that was filmed only to suck up to feminists, try rewriting your paragraph about the program:


I was watching a program on the History Channel last night about the history of man. In this program, it talked about the domestication of plants, and subsequently animals. In hunter-gatherer societies, men do the hunting, and women gather. They brought up the idea of the "Fire Father" (found nothing on it when Googled). The theory is that a man saw lightning strike ignite a dry fallen tree. He then rubbed a rock against another dead tree's bark, sparking a fire and leading to what we call fire.

The availability of light and heat led to a rise in population, as well as better defense against predators. Because humans were now on the top of the food chain, this gave rise to improved hunting (smoking out beasts from their hideouts), and civilization as we know it.

Question: would there be an OUTRAGE at someone suggesting that only men are responsible for civilization?

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Alpha Hunter Zero - 11-14-2012

^[Image: thumb.gif] [Image: lol.gif] Thats 100 points for our team. Your move feminists!

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - teh_skeeze - 11-14-2012

I admit that it's a bit ludicrous to give the inventor or prehistoric knowledge a gender. However, there is a lot of talk in the manosphere on how women don't innovate. If you ask people to name a female inventor not named Marie Curie you get the deer in headlights look. It's more food for thought than anything else. As for the sucking up to feminists, it's possible, but I'm not so sure. One thing that is certain is that prehistoric societies were much more egalitarian than what we have today. Just another point to stick in the craw of the feminists.

I'm not saying that women are solely responsible for the rise of civilization, just that their ONE invention is the one that made civilization possible.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - painter - 11-14-2012

Ah yes, the Ancient Feminist Mother Godess, so smart and focused she deduced the biology of plant life while those stupid, lazy men were off in some prehistoric circle jerk. When the men came back the ladies cut off the free pussy until those savages got their asses in gear and worked the land.

99.9% of women raised kids, cowered in fear and sucked alpha cock. If it were up to women we'd still be living in fucking caves. Unless I'm forgetting all the contributions to civilization from history's great female explorers, doctors, engineers, warlords, musicians, and artists... hmm, can't name any off the top of my head. Not that women weren't necessary, they are, only their role is to help men progress and stay out of the fucking way while we get stuff done.

A womans most valuable role in not just ancient but recent history, aside from childbearing, was in who she could be married off to that would benefit the family/clan. Men kept their daughters locked up tight and PAID other men to not only take them off their hands but to increase their own prestige and political and business connections. Everyone knew that women, left to their own desires, would cause nothing but trouble and even having them on lockdown they still caused chaos.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - BortimusPrime - 11-14-2012

Well there's also the fact that something like "agriculture" isn't invented by one person at one time. It's a long slow process of artificial selection to get food crops out of wild plants. The domestication of plants probably was largely pushed by artificial selection via female gatherers, to the same extent that animal husbandry was probably pushed by artificial selection via male hunters. And not consciously. I doubt any cavewoman was picking through wild grasses thinking "someday these will be edible enough I can start making designer cupcakes and get fat!"

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - durangotang - 11-14-2012

Inventors of Civilization? No, but they'll have that too.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Wreckingball - 11-14-2012

It's generally credited to women, because it is though that they generally had more "free time" to scratch their vaginas

Men were busy hunting, fishing and what not. Women were taking care of kids and observing, doing less "heavy-duty" work (I suppose, I don't know if there is evidence that women were hunting along men).

PS: Ask a feminazi on which country was Marie Curie born. Most of them will say France, instead of Poland.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Andy_B - 11-14-2012

It's impossible to say anything about who invented agriculture, it existed before recorded history.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Mage - 11-15-2012

Quote: (11-14-2012 06:06 PM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

It's generally credited to women, because it is though that they generally had more "free time" to scratch their vaginas

Men were busy hunting, fishing and what not. Women were taking care of kids and observing, doing less "heavy-duty" work (I suppose, I don't know if there is evidence that women were hunting along men).

PS: Ask a feminazi on which country was Marie Curie born. Most of them will say France, instead of Poland.

Women are never observing, doing less or thinking about life. If they have free time they gossip.

Taking care of children also takes very long time.

Men have always had both more time and more interest in taking their time off, observing the world experimenting and coming to conclusions. Fishing gives a long time for contemplation. In hunting only 1% time is the actual action of slaying the wild beast, most of the time is occupied by traveling to hunting spot, making traps, sitting and waiting in ambush and finally carrying the heavy spoils of hunt beck to the cave.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Kitsune - 11-15-2012

You must be joking.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Wreckingball - 11-15-2012

Quote: (11-15-2012 06:52 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2012 06:06 PM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

It's generally credited to women, because it is though that they generally had more "free time" to scratch their vaginas

Men were busy hunting, fishing and what not. Women were taking care of kids and observing, doing less "heavy-duty" work (I suppose, I don't know if there is evidence that women were hunting along men).

PS: Ask a feminazi on which country was Marie Curie born. Most of them will say France, instead of Poland.

Men have always had both more time and more interest in taking their time off, observing the world experimenting and coming to conclusions. Fishing gives a long time for contemplation. In hunting only 1% time is the actual action of slaying the wild beast, most of the time is occupied by traveling to hunting spot, making traps, sitting and waiting in ambush and finally carrying the heavy spoils of hunt beck to the cave.

I disagree completely. Hunting involves concentration on the task. As you said, traveling, and making traps, waiting for the beast in silence, etc. Fishing, as it used to be done with harpoon the same. Staring at the water.
Men always had less time. It has been our job along the ages to go out, work, find and maintain shelter for women.

These claims, to me, they make sense. I've heard that before when I was in 7th grade (12years ago) by a great non "pussy-whipped" history teacher.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Wreckingball - 11-15-2012

Quote: (11-14-2012 06:21 PM)Andy_B Wrote:  

It's impossible to say anything about who invented agriculture, it existed before recorded history.

therefore it is a theory. And because it can't be proved, it will remain a theory.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Parlay44 - 11-15-2012

That's nonsense. Osiris came down from the constellation Orion and taught
the nice women of Egypt how to make sandwiches for all the Pharaohs.
Everyone knows that [Image: lol.gif]

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - R Smoov - 11-15-2012

Dude didn't some fights/wars back in ancient times happened because of women as well?

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Andy_B - 11-16-2012

Quote: (11-15-2012 04:49 PM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2012 06:21 PM)Andy_B Wrote:  

It's impossible to say anything about who invented agriculture, it existed before recorded history.

therefore it is a theory. And because it can't be proved, it will remain a theory.

I don't like "JUST a theory" as a rhetorical construction, just because it reminds me of Christians yammering on about evolution, but yes, this is an impossible-to-corroborate theory.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-16-2012

Quote: (11-15-2012 06:11 PM)Rosca Wrote:  

Dude didn't some fights/wars back in ancient times happened because of women as well?

Yeah, but that was just because men are posessive and jealous children who can't handle sluts strong independent women.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - DarkTriad - 11-16-2012

Quote: (11-14-2012 02:27 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

I'm not saying that women are solely responsible for the rise of civilization, just that their ONE invention is the one that made civilization possible.

Except we don't have any proof that a woman invented it. In fact, it's highly likely that it was (like 99% of everything else useful for society) invented by a man.

Women, Inventors of Civilization? - chochemonger1 - 11-17-2012

Quote: (11-16-2012 07:56 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2012 02:27 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

I'm not saying that women are solely responsible for the rise of civilization, just that their ONE invention is the one that made civilization possible.

Except we don't have any proof that a woman invented it. In fact, it's highly likely that it was (like 99% of everything else useful for society) invented by a man.

It is always a unique or genius type man who invents or creates. It is these types who usually dont engage in the typical activities of normal men. The man who invented agriculture was probably one who let the other men go hunt, while he made an excuse to satisfy his curiousity.