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Firemen and Game - soup - 11-09-2012

Girls seem to be eternally attracted to these guys. Let's breakdown their game.

I don't know too many of them, but here's my assumptions:

Guys who get paid to hang-out and play x-box for most of the time. Sexy?

What's so masculine or game about firemen? Police don't have the same rep..

Firemen and Game - Dr. Howard - 11-09-2012

I think its just a social or DHV benefit being a fireman. Society/Media/other chicks reinforce a mantra that firefighters are hot and a good number of these guys are in good shape.

Having a 'fireman' on your arm is like status over other girls as is having a gucci purse. The firefighter guys that I've met actively daygame at malls etc while they are working or are out with the truck. They know how to leverage their jobs and are pretty aware of gaming girls. I don't know any that are in longer relationships though so I have no idea how they handle that, or if they bother knowing that their job titles give them pussy on demand.

Firemen and Game - Havver - 11-09-2012

I've met quite a few firemen while on the job, (often did repairs around the watches) and I gotta say, the new guys are cool and fit, the old guys are fat with big mustaches. Seems like there is a rapid drop off in the physique's of these guys. But something about them risking there lives in a fire makes them more appealing than cops or soldiers.... Maybe women can relate to fire, but not to violence...

Firemen and Game - 56merc - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 06:27 AM)Havver Wrote:  

I've met quite a few firemen while on the job, (often did repairs around the watches) and I gotta say, the new guys are cool and fit, the old guys are fat with big mustaches. Seems like there is a rapid drop off in the physique's of these guys. But something about them risking there lives in a fire makes them more appealing than cops or soldiers.... Maybe women can relate to fire, but not to violence...

My dad was a firefighter for 30 years. I spent a lot of time at stations and around firefighters. Here are some things I noticed:
- Most are outgoing and confident
- As stated younger ones stay in good shape
- Good sense of humor
- Great stories/storytellers
For the most part firefighters/military are gonna be masculine take-no bullshit guys to begin with, that's what it takes to do those jobs. Women want to be protected, and that profession projects that. However, most of the firefighters were married?!?

Firemen and Game - Doctor - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 07:44 AM)56merc Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 06:27 AM)Havver Wrote:  

I've met quite a few firemen while on the job, (often did repairs around the watches) and I gotta say, the new guys are cool and fit, the old guys are fat with big mustaches. Seems like there is a rapid drop off in the physique's of these guys. But something about them risking there lives in a fire makes them more appealing than cops or soldiers.... Maybe women can relate to fire, but not to violence...

My dad was a firefighter for 30 years. I spent a lot of time at stations and around firefighters. Here are some things I noticed:
- Most are outgoing and confident
- As stated younger ones stay in good shape
- Good sense of humor
- Great stories/storytellers
For the most part firefighters/military are gonna be masculine take-no bullshit guys to begin with, that's what it takes to do those jobs. Women want to be protected, and that profession projects that. However, most of the firefighters were married?!?

This is my profession. Merc is right. For the most part the young guys are going to be confident guys, they bullshit all day with the guys they work with, and they will have good stories. And a lot of the younger guys coming on are going to be in shape although standards will probably drop lower to aid in women getting on. I'm not saying that women aren't capable of doing the job, but not every woman is capable of doing the job. Having a cool job is just like money or good looks, you can scrape by on it, but if your game is shit your results are going to be shit.
When most people think of cops they think of speeding tickets. When you think of firefighters you think of fighting fire or providing first aid to someone. Everybody likes firefighters.

With all that being said, there is an above average divorce rate among firefighters. If the national average is 50% I believe it is 60% among firefighters. I don't know what it is in the military, but I am sure it is equally tough. I currently have a FF buddy that isn't speaking to me because I flat out told him he was an idiot for proposing to a girl after dating her for 6 months. I mean the odds alone of it not working that fast and in this line of work against half his salary and pension incredible.

Firemen and Game - IpsaScientiaPotestasEst - 11-09-2012

Because they are bad ass mofos (usually) and save peoples lives. Not that hard to figure out why, they literally have to go through fire and sacrifice their lives for others-protector/provider to a T. Plus imagine being able to tell those stories to a chick...
Her-'So I work in a office...and do paperwork...boss people around....hang out on my computer and do stuff with pinterest in my free time...blah blah blah'
Him-....'Well....on the downtime I just hang out with the guys in the house...but..when we get the call, we have to suit up immediately, head out in the truck with sirens blazing....this one time I had to save a girl while her house was literally falling down around me....and then give cpr to her father after I threw him over shoulder and carried him out of the house.....the look in his eyes when he came too (came back to consciousness) and I reunited him with his daughter...they were crying and just held each other for a minute straight...then he shook my hand and thanked me (or said he'd always be grateful...) ....its the best feeling in the world and beats NOTHING else in this world that I have EVER felt, I live for those moments....blah blah'
-Plus you can easily take that story into life/death, and how much that makes you think about a BUNCH of things you could wax philosophical about-let alone about being ballsy, taking chances, being passionate about what you really care about-etc. All of which are good attractive switches to hit with a girl, let alone make em feeeeel bueno. [Image: banana.gif]

-Those are some BAD ASS real stories that women would KILL for. Beats guys doing office job bs stories ANY day of the week. Thats why they are good.

Firemen and Game - Parlay44 - 11-09-2012

Civil servant = Guaranteed paycheck. What's not to like from a female perspective?

Firemen and Game - soup - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:23 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Civil servant = Guaranteed paycheck. What's not to like from a female perspective?

Then why don't cops or mailmen have the same reputation?

Firemen and Game - Havver - 11-09-2012

Mailmen have a rep for servicing lonely house wives... ever wonder why kids in some neighborhoods look so similar? Its a mailman with tight package delivery game...

...If you know what I mean...

[Image: wink.gif]

Firemen and Game - Parlay44 - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:27 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:23 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Civil servant = Guaranteed paycheck. What's not to like from a female perspective?

Then why don't cops or mailmen have the same reputation?

Cops do. I know women that are turned on by cops. Cops tend to know lots of strippers.
As for mailmen got me on that one. I do know a hot Portuguese girl that married a
mailman though. Can't quite figure that one out.[Image: dodgy.gif]

Firemen and Game - el mechanico - 11-09-2012

Ali-B banged my mail lady

Firemen and Game - Alpha Hunter Zero - 11-09-2012

The reason cops arent portayed the same way as firefighters is mostly the same method- media hype. Look at movies. All cops in movies are depicted either as fat, mustache wearing donut eating idiots or angry, corrupt, ruthless bastards or alcoholic disgraces. Look at Chief Wiggum from the Simpsons as one such example. Look at the movie Excessive Force- all about corrupt cops. While women like aggression they also like some reliability, cops dont exactly fit the description. Now look at a firefighters depiction. They always courageously risk their lives going into fires, they're fit, funny, get along well with others, and are mostly shown as natural ladies men. Based on these traits who do you think they'll most likely go for?