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Being A Dick - CMan0928 - 10-23-2012

So more often than not I'm somewhat of a dick. I do admit it. It's not that I'm a bad person, I'm just somewhat aloof and arrogant without really trying to be. I treat the people in my life well, respect most everyone, and don't eat my boss' lunch. I work in a pharmaceutical retail setting where I do get a chance to deal with a lot of cute girls. As you can imagine, I'm more often than not a dick to them, too. I pride myself on my work, so it's not in regards to the quality of service I'm providing them. After all, I am being paid. It's just that I have a hard time putting aside my aloof/arrogant side on the drop of a dime when a hottie shows up. I've noticed in the past that when I'm a dick to a cute girl the first few times I interact with her, the first time I'm actually nice and personable they love it. How do I use my natural 'dickness' to turn some of these chicks into girls that I can potentially fuck? I'm just having a tough time knowing when to drop the douchebag act and when to play the nice guy that suddenly they clearly enjoy conversing with. I'm working on 3 or 4 girls in this particular arena as we speak. Any of the pros out there that can help a rookie out?

Being A Dick - Pappy - 10-23-2012

I find this whole dick and douchebag concept to be irrelevent. If you're good, honest and respectful, these are good qualities that you should keep. So is being bold and courageous. There's no act needed. The girls already like you? Get their phone, invite them, push for the sex and save the nice conversations for later... you're already in the right track, last step is to make the move.

Being A Dick - Sourcecode - 10-24-2012

Just be yourself.
But don't be a bitch.

Being A Dick - Alpha Hunter Zero - 10-24-2012

Some good points being made above. Being an asshole towards girls at work should be applied in small doses at work or you risk your ass being fired. One thing I did't quite get though was if these girls are coworkers or potential clients?

Being A Dick - CMan0928 - 10-24-2012

Quote: (10-24-2012 08:05 PM)Alpha Hunter Zero Wrote:  

Some good points being made above. Being an asshole towards girls at work should be applied in small doses at work or you risk your ass being fired. One thing I did't quite get though was if these girls are coworkers or potential clients?

Good point, Alpha. These girls are clients, not coworkers. Sorry for not being clearer in my initial post. While Source and Pappy make some sense, it's a rather fine line to walk in my opinion. The 'Art of Being a Dick' that is. I'm not really worried about getting fired as I'm over the job anyway, and it's really time for me to get back to school and work on other things regardless. But I kind of wanna go out on my own terms, ya know? So I'd prefer to avoid the firing, but if it got me a blowjob/fuck session with an 8 or a 9, I'd be more than happy to fill out the exit interview paperwork. The real question is, when should the switch be flipped? It seems like the timing would present itself rather obviously, but that isn't always the case. Is it my second encounter? Third? Fourth? How do I transition from being a semi-jerk to getting a number and increasing attraction, thus leading to a bang? I can honestly see this type of routine leading to pussy, or else I wouldn't bother mentioning it here. I've had this gig blow up in my face before where I started running it and then it went south on me really quickly. So now not only do I have to deal with someone that has no desire to bone me, but I have to deal with her bitchy attitude every time I see her. You kinda get what I'm saying?