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Where have the women gone? - Tim9000 - 09-22-2012

I'm having a huge problem finding women to approach and I'm just about ready to give up on night game. I'm wondering if the problem is with my city, or is something I'd face in many cities in the US these days. I'd also like to hear from long-time players to understand if what I'm seeing out there is the way it's always been, or something true only in the last few years.

A bit of background: I'm in my 40's and fortunate that I objectively look early 30's in a night venue. I'm trim and not muscular at all (I lift heavy three times per week but it's very slow progress--I will never be bulky). I'm average height. I've been cold-approaching for over two years. When I started out I had a bad case of approach anxiety, and it took me several months to reduce it to a reasonable level. I started off by approaching women who quite honestly weren't that attractive, though still bang-able from my point of view at the time, which helped in finding sets to approach, but even then, it wasn't that easy to find them in my preferred venue type. As soon as I wanted to focus on moderately attractive women or better, I stalled out for lack of targets (i.e. in my preferred venue type). Because of that, I quit night game for a while, then almost a year later resumed it with a wing who made it fun even if nothing was going on. But we have the same problem as before, and several months later it's getting old for both of us.

There's one particular class of woman that is common in nightlife that I'm not targeting, and before anyone jumps to tell me that I should be targeting them, let me explain how I categorize venues, and what my issues are with them:

1) In dance clubs sometimes I can hook drunk, shorter girls, but I'm not into dancing at all, and I have trouble hearing (and conversing) in those places--definitely more trouble than most people do. This has nothing to do with age or hearing damage, I've just always had trouble understanding speech in noisy environments. I've never pulled from a dance club, but from my experiences with make-outs I can see that I have some potential to do it. Still, I'm certain that I'm not what most club girls are looking for (more about this later). Between that and the hearing issue, dance clubs are not productive for me. It would probably take me three months of going out to dance clubs exclusively for one notch, if I wanted it. As a side note, I've noticed that clubs that used to have couches off to the side, in slightly quieter areas, have turned them into VIP couches with service, so there is no place to escape the ear-splitting music at full volume. That kills it for me.

2) Chill (i.e. with music at low volume) hotel lounges are empty at seemingly all times! I know it sounds crazy, but I've checked out many upscale hotel lounges at many different times during the evening, and I'm certain about this. Loud hotel bars are another matter, but I'm lumping them into one of the categories below.

3) There are lots of dive bars in this city that have very few women, and almost no good-looking women, ever (once again, I've done extensive reconnaissance).

4) There are loud, raucous dive bars such as the ones on Boylston Street, but the gender ratios are terrible--so bad that at any given moment I may not see a single set within my line of sight that I'm interested in, and sometimes not even a female head, depending on what direction I'm looking in. I have the same hearing problem in these venues that I have in dance clubs. They're not for me.

5) There are loud, raucous though cleaner-looking bars, such as those along the waterfront, full of dance-club type women (i.e. tight dresses and jacked up in heels) which I would love to game efficiently if I could, but I don't target them. This is the only type of attractive woman out in abundance in the city, so I need to explain why I don't: I'm really not what they are looking for. Some people will take issue with this, but I think height is a predominant reason for it, with muscle mass coming in second. At these venues, women of a normal height are all wearing 5" heels, bringing them to my level, and I'm often times surrounded by men four to six inches taller than me, and much more built. I think what is happening in venues--where women are wearing the highest heels possible--is that it's become a red queen's race: men who aren't taller or larger than average have stopped going, skewing the distribution of men in the venue. Women are comparing me not to their own height while wearing socks, as they should, but rather while wearing stilts, as well as to the very tall men surrounding me. I'm looking puny by comparison.

Look, I realize that there are normal-heighted or even shorter players getting club women, but I bet they're either great dancers (like Samseau, who really cracked dance club game) or running super-aggro RSD style game, which isn't me. There are probably also those who have exceptional wit and conversational ability that works with these kinds of women, but after all they're exceptional!

6) By this point you can understand why my preferred targets are attractive, non-dance club type women. Considering that the non-party venues don't have them on Friday and Saturday nights, I started searched long and hard for after-work watering holes in Boston. The result: everything is completely empty or half-filled with men. I've done reconnaissance missions at different times on different days of the week, and the fly-bys I did this Friday were instructive: right after work, there were perhaps less than a dozen sets in all bars on Boylston and Newburry Streets (i.e. a huge hunk of the Back Bay) COMBINED, and maybe only two sets I actually wanted to approach. Even the bar at the base of the 52-story Prudential tower was nearly empty at 5:30, as if nobody worked there! The women working in paper-pushing jobs are out of work by that time, I'm certain. (I've seen that bar slightly later and while it's full of suits there are very few women). If I'd settled into any of the Back Bay bars I might have had one set to open during the whole after-work period, and it would have worked out to well under one set per hour.

I've seen with my own eyes, in a variety of circumstances, that not too many women of ANY type are out in non-party venues at any time, and of the few that are, they're typically not attractive. Is this the way it's always been? Or is this something new? Is it like this in NYC too?

I'm guessing this something that started in the last few years but before I started gaming, and I have some ideas about what is going on, but first I'm curious to see what people think.

Where have the women gone? - iknowexactly - 09-22-2012

Quote: (09-22-2012 04:12 PM)Tim9000 Wrote:  

I'm having a huge problem finding women to approach

<problems with dialog in noisy places>

I'm guessing this something that started in the last few years but before I started gaming, and I have some ideas about what is going on, but first I'm curious to see what people think.

I also have trouble in crowded places hearing what people are saying. It doesn't help that the people in noisy places are rarely saying anything worth listening to.

I also was an only child and studious, and never really liked group socializing. It seems to keep conversation at such a superficial level of communication. Of course I'm learning that women don't really have the ability or desire for deep thought or conversation, so that's something you have to get used to I guess. Their preferred reality is Disneyland/Expensive Zen Garden if they are aesthetes. Not much philosophy in that world.

There are also large difference in how well different people integrate confusing stimuli.

Of course, you're probably within normal limits but there are rare and subtle problems like sensory integration disorder, where people just get flustered by lot of confusing stimuli. Someone can have a touch of this and never realize it. If you mentioned severe AA than it's possible that was learned when you were less skilled at recognizing social cues and got punished for it. I know I have long missed both good and bad signals and have to work to detect what women are feeling more than other guys.

My blather decoder for bars seems to have gotten worse after 45 or so. I'm mid-50's Here is an article supporting the reality of greater problems with background noise and older listeners.

In particular, more complex dialog with unfamiliar words is harder, as you would think. If you're gaming a new girl, she's going to have some stylistic nuances that probably need some learning, and will make things more difficult.

I didn't see you mention bookstores and coffee shops. I was on the streets of Boston a couple years ago and there were tons of girls that seemed to have pretty low bitch shields, at least compared to San Francisco.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of graduate students from high SES backgrounds that are in reach now if you are under 50. They have to go out and buy stuff so you must be somehow missing them. Nailing sub-30 is going to be harder after you hit 50. I think you just have to figure out where those chicks go: loud bars with tons of drunk people are not the places.

The psychological difference when the first digit of your age is "5" is big from when it's "4" when you're dealing with a, say, 27 year old. Get them now. Of course you can lie about your age if all you are into is short term, but the higher SES chicks might not be as slutty. I really don't know.

Where have the women gone? - Parlay44 - 09-22-2012

I'm not too familiar with Boston but I'd probably recommend you ramp up your day game.
Women love to lunch together. I see them out all the time. You can even game the waitresses.

You could also try to build up your social circle and meet women that way. Parties, BBQ's
that sorta thing.

Where have the women gone? - Sparks123 - 09-22-2012

This is pretty similar to my recent experiences in Philadelphia. Lately, I've noticed more 4-5 sets who are less receptive to being opened by guys. If you're not a part of a social circle, most women think there's something wrong with you. I hate loud venues but I also want to go to a place where there are women I want to talk to.

I should work on my daygame more but it never feels natural. I suck at the "ramble."

Where have the women gone? - Roosh - 09-22-2012

Day game?
South America / Europe?

Where have the women gone? - IVth_Element - 09-23-2012

New game may be incorporating a completely new persona for guys that are private by nature. Even tonight I started considering the value of a 2nd facebook and appearing like I'm not running against the grain. Why battle if all u want is a fuck?

Where have the women gone? - iknowexactly - 09-23-2012

Quote: (09-22-2012 09:56 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Day game?
South America / Europe?

A new height in terseness. Eschew obfuscation. What are you trying to say here?

Where have the women gone? - Hades - 09-23-2012

Is this some kind of a troll thread?
Seriously, ask the locals or younger dudes "where the women at?"
I do and it works great.

Where have the women gone? - Samseau - 09-23-2012


Where have the women gone? - DarkTriad - 09-23-2012

Quote: (09-23-2012 03:41 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Is this some kind of a troll thread?
Seriously, ask the locals or younger dudes "where the women at?"
I do and it works great.

This. Boston is a city of "sweet spots". Either you're getting the "good place" or you're getting left out in the old.

Where have the women gone? - Tim9000 - 09-24-2012

Quote: (09-23-2012 03:41 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Is this some kind of a troll thread?
Seriously, ask the locals or younger dudes "where the women at?"
I do and it works great.

Did you read my post? I know where to find club girls, but that seems to be almost all there is here for attractive women. I explained that I've been methodical about venue discovery. I've been going out for over 2 years and know my city fairly well. I didn't mention this before, but I'm friends with plenty of younger guys.

Here's my guess as to what is happening; these first two ideas would apply to any city: girls who want to fuck hot guys *tonight* clearly have something to gain by going out rather than using the Internet to get a bang that may take a few days to materialize, with a man who may not be as attractive to them, or have the alpha behavior that turns them on the most. Women who aren't as driven can stay and filter for men via the Internet followed by quick dates. The following idea is more specific to Boston: the financial crisis has been called the "Mancession" because of the large number of male-oriented jobs (such as construction) that were lost. But Boston isn't like that at all. The major industries here are research academics, healthcare, finance, and software. Out of those, only healthcare has a large number of women (as nurses) but there has been a nursing recession, and for the first time in forever, it's hard to get a nursing job. Young women are in financial free-fall in this city. Maybe they're staying in because they're absolutely broke.

So there are three possible reasons for the pattern I'm seeing, none of which were true (or nearly as true) five years ago, and not true at all 10 years ago.

I'm thinking the only opportunity that is left here that makes use of cold-approach is day game. Students are everywhere during the school year. I'm too old for them unless I happen to hit a specimen with serious daddy issues, but at least the younger guys can try that (summer is pretty dead though).

I did coffee house day-gaming with a wing in April and May and had good luck generating interest with women who looked well above the age of undergraduates, but I just wasn't interested back (they weren't cute enough, partly because of their clothing, not due to their age)

Where have the women gone? - Tim9000 - 09-24-2012

Quote: (09-23-2012 06:23 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-23-2012 03:41 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Is this some kind of a troll thread?
Seriously, ask the locals or younger dudes "where the women at?"
I do and it works great.

This. Boston is a city of "sweet spots". Either you're getting the "good place" or you're getting left out in the old.

You're absolutely right when it comes to club girls. I saw it clearly this summer when I discovered that a decent fraction of the hot girls out in the city were partying in the Seaport District, leaving the clubs in Back Bay dead or full of men who didn't know about Seaport, which is a fairly recent development.

Where have the women gone? - Samseau - 09-26-2012