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Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - Printable Version

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Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - unstoppableflow - 09-08-2012

Hi guys,
Great forum. I am at an absolute dead end and I need some advice. I am 28 years old. quiet, fairly reserved in the beginning, always told I seem 'older' or 'mature'.

I am an intermediate player who averages about 15 new girls per year, I am tall and handsome. I can pull of approach, escalation and closing for ONSs and I can very easily number close. I have quite alot of success with dance floor game.

Lifestyle wise- I go to gym twice a week, am in athletic shape, I do the bi-monthly boxing class, I have several internet businesses, play tennis at the tennis club once a week - I live alone and end up spending too much time alone. which is another problem.

I have this constant nagging feeling that I could be 'doing better'. I have quite a lot success with women 2-4 years older than me, with less success with girls 26 and under.

I am an expat in Ireland. I want to get to the stage of regular threesomes, having cool parties with strip poker etc....At the moment I have at least one girl at any one time on 'rotation', I want to change that, get 2-3.

so: how do I get to the next level?
how do I get into social circles with the girls I am after? (trendy, alternative, highly sexed, fun)
what activities/hobbies/books could help me out? posts I could read?

Help much appreciated brothers!

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - HiFlo - 09-08-2012

find a good wing/natural who you wing with. this will push you and teach you new things

push past your comfort zones. first you have to identify where they are, then you blast past them and ignore the awkward "this isn't me" feeling.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - rationalize_this - 09-08-2012

go out a lot more, establish a legit social circle, get your no fear DGAF attitude on max. Learn a new language depending on where your living, get your logistics sorted out. Just those few things alone have netted me 7 new lays in the past 6 weeks.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - peterthephoenix - 09-09-2012

My thoughts:

Hard work. If you're doing what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always got. 15 new girls a year is a pretty tidy number that most dudes would be happy with, but if you want to do better you're going to have to push yourself.

- Go out an extra 2 nights a week. Doesn't have to be clubs, it can be salsa classes, shows, live bands etc. Push yourself to talk to girls and guys. If you think they're cool, tell them about an event you're going to and ask if they would like to come, grab their numbers.
- If you want to do better with younger girls, force yourself to talk to them more often. It should come right with practice.
- Set small, medium and large goals that you want to achieve, set realistic timeframes with them
- Be methodical with notes. Take notes of the approaches you did, what went well and what you could do differently.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - Samseau - 09-09-2012

I would say you're already at the advanced stage of the game. 15 girls per year is much higher than most guys, save for ones who live in major cities like NYC.

You're basically at the point where quantity isn't a problem, but now you want hotter and younger girls. Quality is a major challenge, and can seriously lower your notch count if you pursue only quality.

I'm pretty sure this is the most frustrating part of the game. Like a champion who has already won his share of gold medals, now you're forced to compete with yourself to stay at the top. The hunger and motivation that got you success will ebb and flow as the slow grind of working harder and harder for ever smaller gains becomes tiresome.

Roosh alluded to this in another thread - if you want to stay in the game, something needs to change. I totally agree with him. Approaching and banging the same girls all the time gets old. For me, I've kept myself interested by learning new styles of dance and trying to master as many as I can. I don't know what will work for you.

The player's problem is that we are addicted to novelty, and novelty runs out very quickly. I guess the best advice I can give to you is to search for new ways to game.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - bigbait - 09-09-2012

15 girls a year is not advanced game if you want more (I know I want more).
Are they hot enough for you? (How could they be?)
Do you have the variety you want?
Do you have the fun you want?

You need to experiment.
You need to strongly consider throwing away your best techniques to find better techniques.
You to play, have fun and learn other ways to make the world work, not just the ways you have found so far.
You need to become less efficient in the short term to learn.

The theory of the McDonald's of game is designed to help you not give a fuck how hot a girl is.
But your game must change for you to continue to pull.
The world changes, you are in it. As it changes you, you must change with it.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - Seduction Sutra - 09-09-2012

- Go out alone
- Suits and pocket square
- Patek Phillipe or Breitling watch
- Gucci/Ferragamo loafers
- Zippo lighter
- Posh apartment that is within 5 mins away from clubbing scene
- Ferrari/Lamborghini

Good luck bro.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - Atlantic - 09-09-2012

Maybe look at moving abroad. If you are doing that well in Ireland you could be killing it somewhere else: Montreal, Stockholm, Rio etc.

What city are you in?

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - speakeasy - 09-09-2012

Quote: (09-08-2012 06:57 AM)unstoppableflow Wrote:  

so: how do I get to the next level?

Get the f out of Ireland for starters.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - XXL - 09-09-2012

Quote: (09-08-2012 06:57 AM)unstoppableflow Wrote:  

how do I get into social circles with the girls I am after? (trendy, alternative, highly sexed, fun)
what activities/hobbies/books could help me out? posts I could read?
few tips in terms of game...

- befriend more hot girls. yes i said it. thing is when you're cool/attractive these girls will not see you as true gay friend, they will know you can pull the trigger but you choose not to. attractive guys is attractive guy. besie hot girls know other hot girls. then all it takes is to be non needy and flirt flirt flirt with all of them they love to fool around with non clingy guys. sometimes it's so worth it to sacrifice pulling the trigger on a hottie from the start just to get into her social circle and then work from ther, create jealousy plotlines and all kind of shit.

- create non judgmental atmosphere. key key key. never make big deal of physicality or sexuality. set the frame that it's ok and everybody enjoys it and it's perfectly normal (as jim's dad would put it).

- be super discreet after something happens. super important. always assure girls you sleep with that it was fun and nothing changes between both of you. guys always get weird after sex like everything is different then. don't do it. make it as 'it just happened', don't kiss and tell, make girls comfortable about it.

- don't do that 'burning sets to the ground' game. it correlates to befriending. if you want to penetrate (literally too) social circles then instead of playerish fast aggressive 'target hunt > go in > steal your girl > pull' game, try to switch to invisible game ie: flirt and escalate of course but do it more subtle, take it slow, keep you escalation at tasteful level in public, be more chill and innocent at first and give them time to warm up to you, befriend and interact with all her friends, stay with the group and leave with them at the the end of the night, escalate sexualy in private place, most important signal of interest is her compliance.

- frame everything as FUN. you all get drunk and you kiss 2 girls in group? it's fun, nothing else. she dances with you groping you? it's just fun, no big deal. i don't really recommend to be so sexual in public with your group but when it gets kind of out of control you can frame is as fun and it's all good. it's like i went to the party with one girl i knew, met her girls friends, we all got drunk, ended up in a park with more alcohol and as innocent fooling around and flirting increased, "them: so who do you want to kiss? / me: all of you" then we were kissing each other like it was nothing. but that atmosphere has to be introduced at first so girls can give themselves permission to let loose. my proven schtick is to overuse the phrase "i'm sad/happy/mad/hungry/etc, i need a kiss" where she does/says something that can be good reason to use it, i say it, i go for the kiss, she's giggling and even though she pulls away (i know that beforehand) but that's all good cause it introduces that desired atmosphere and that's the whole point. then she playfully says "you always want to kiss when you're sad hahaha...", i stand by it 100%, and now i know that thought is in the back of her head. it can make you look playerish so be careful but with some girls it's ok.


good take on that kind of game is at How to Get Laid w/ Bitchy Girls, & Girls from Class, (section 2)

but absolute best resource about invisible/social circle type of game that get you more classy and cool girls is Natural Instincts Method. it's best fucking PU seminar ever, i swear by this style 100%, it's like 'how to meet girls and not be fucking weirdo' type of seminar.

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - unstoppableflow - 09-09-2012

Quote: (09-09-2012 11:31 AM)Irishman Wrote:  

Maybe look at moving abroad. If you are doing that well in Ireland you could be killing it somewhere else: Montreal, Stockholm, Rio etc.

What city are you in?

Dublin! you?

Intermediate player - how do I get to the 'next' level? - unstoppableflow - 09-09-2012

Quote: (09-09-2012 09:49 AM)bigbait Wrote:  

15 girls a year is not advanced game if you want more (I know I want more).
Are they hot enough for you? (How could they be?)
Do you have the variety you want?
Do you have the fun you want?

You need to experiment.
You need to strongly consider throwing away your best techniques to find better techniques.
You to play, have fun and learn other ways to make the world work, not just the ways you have found so far.
You need to become less efficient in the short term to learn.

The theory of the McDonald's of game is designed to help you not give a fuck how hot a girl is.
But your game must change for you to continue to pull.
The world changes, you are in it. As it changes you, you must change with it.

this is all very true and good advice.....I am definitely feeling I need to experiment more I have 0 day game - my social circle can tend to be limited, I don't have any great wingmen, I have no really hot girls that are friends....this is giving me alot to think about![Image: idea.gif]