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For all those who Love Russian/Eastern European Women.... - Printable Version

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For all those who Love Russian/Eastern European Women.... - jergens007 - 09-08-2012

My friend showed me this link, so i want to pass it all to you Russian lovers....

Its a site dedicated to American men-Russian women relationships, Mail in Order Bride... good source of info for all you guys going to russia.

By the way, Does anyone have know of any informational website on Latina Women/South American women that is similar to this site????

thank you... [Image: banana.gif]

For all those who Love Russian/Eastern European Women.... - TheMan - 09-08-2012

just gonna leave this here [Image: wink.gif]

For all those who Love Russian/Eastern European Women.... - chochemonger1 - 09-08-2012

Quote: (09-08-2012 02:24 AM)jergens007 Wrote:  

My friend showed me this link, so i want to pass it all to you Russian lovers....

Its a site dedicated to American men-Russian women relationships, Mail in Order Bride... good source of info for all you guys going to russia.

By the way, Does anyone have know of any informational website on Latina Women/South American women that is similar to this site????

thank you... [Image: banana.gif]

When I go to Russia I am going to say I am Brazilian. Lets see what happens then.

For all those who Love Russian/Eastern European Women.... - Brian - 09-08-2012


By Foxington Delaware on June 12, 2012

For generations Russian women learned how to treat a man from Russian philosopher, Yuri Kurinksy, and his book Maxims for Loving A Man. Not to be outdone by Asian Women (who have their own book out now), Russian women have now put their wisdom into a book, He Will Never Leave You, hoping to help women in their relationships.

Here’s just some of the winning advice Russian women have for Western women so they can be successful in love and marriage:

ACT LIKE A WOMAN – Men, especially Russian men, are manly and tough, they don’t want a woman to act stronger or tougher than them. Stop acting like the person in control. You can BE the person in control without acting tough and cold. Be soft and sexy AND in control. Much smarter that way.

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR SEX LIFE – Men think about sex a lot and want sex a lot – so give it to them, because you want it, too! But you don’t have to wait for them to take the lead – you should be the one to initiate sex and take the lead in bed. He will love you for it – and he’ll never want to leave you!

BE A HOMEBODY – Learn how to sew clothes, clean and make delicious meals (from scratch) for your man. Take care of him and he will take care of you – in more ways than one.

ONE GLASS OF VODKA A NIGHT - Have one glass of vodka with your man every night. It will soothe both of you and put you in the mood. Russians have long known the power of vodka and there’s no better aphrodisiac.

NEVER CONTRADICT HIM - When you are in public, never say anything that contradicts your man. Men hate to have their woman disagree with them in front of others. Keep your opinion to yourself in public, but when you get home – you can tell him what you really think and feel.

HAVE A GOOD FIGHT – Every now and then have a good, loud yelling fight. Nothing physical. But if you really yell at each other, and are very passionate, it will ultimately lead to the bedroom, where you will have great sex.

SHOW HIM RESPECT! - We Russian women laugh at western women because they have a total lack of respect for the men they love. If you don’t respect him, why are you with him? He is your man and he deserves respect – give it to him. If you do this one simple thing – he will never leave you.

HOLD YOUR GAZE – When you are speaking to your man or listening to him, make sure that you keep eye contact. This will assure him of your attention and your respect, which is empowering to any man.

FLIRT WITH HIS FRIENDS - Russian women love to flirt with men, and there’s no reason to stop when you are married or in a relationship. It will make your man jealous, and keep him fighting for you. NEVER have an affair, but you can flirt. It’s fun.

STOP WHINING! - Western women are always whining, moaning, complaining. Stop it! Toughen up. If you have a problem, solve it on your ow (or with your girlfriends), don’t keep whining and complaining to your man. He’s tired of listening to your complaints – he really is.

ALWAYS DRESS SEXY – Men are visually oriented and your man wants you to look hot all the time, so do that for him. Even if you have to wear high heels around the house just to make him happy – do it. Be sexy for him – all the time. And always stay in great shape!

BE STRONG, INSIDE AND OUT - This may seem to contradict #1, but you have to be soft and strong. Men hate weak women. You should be physically and emotionally strong. Lift weights for your muscles and develop a stoic, cool emotional attitude. Men will love you for it.