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When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Printable Version

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When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Andy_B - 08-18-2012

It seems like that's pretty much the central vice of Western culture these days... Isn't it?

It's the one common thread tying together all these problems that are slowly coming to light day after day. Obesity. Rampant prescription drug overpresription and abuse. Selfish and self-centered women. Reclusive and frightened men.

These are the problems that are central to Western culture these days, and they all seem tied together, basically, by a lack of shame.

I don't know what kids are learning in grade school these days, but I do know that the minute you get to university, the basic message is "you should be allowed to do whatever you want, drugs are cool, alcoholism is awesome, being a slut is totally cool if you're a chick, and it's the system's fault that you can't get a decent job with the totally worthwhile program of queer studies you have decided to pursue."

The result is that people come out with these really cynical, shameless, "I can NEVER be wrong" attitudes.

It affects women more than men on a personal level, but you see dudes afflicted with the disease when it comes to their political views. You can always see these dudes crusading on Facebook 24/7 with these "gotcha" newslinks that prove just how evil everyone on the other side of the political spectrum really is. There's no attempt to have an actual discussion; you're supposed to take it as a GIVEN that your political views are CORRECT, just like women are supposed to take it as a GIVEN that they're entitled to be fat, masculine, ball-crushing, etc.

It's this weird culture of never admitting you're wrong, or that you ever did anything wrong.

It fosters this attitude that the world owes you something, even if you did NOTHING to deserve it.

It's pretty clear that the universities are playing a very crucial role in sending all these decadent messages.

Question is, when did it become this way?

Universities were at one point very important institutions thateducated the engineers, scientists and leaders of tomorrow. Now, they're like secular churches spreading this disease of shamelessness and decadence all over the Western world.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - michelin - 08-18-2012

I guess it all started nack in the sixties, 68 to be more it flower power or otherwise

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Excelsior - 08-18-2012

The dominant cultural philosophy in the western world is secular humanist individualism (emphasis on the individualism). We got it from the baby boomers, and they've largely cemented it in the west with their economic, social and political clout, which is why we see it everywhere. This is merely the end result of that dominance.

As for when it began, I mentioned that it was the Boomer generation that brought it to us. They led the sexual and cultural revolution during the 60's, 70's and early 80's. This phenomenon occurred across the western world following the cold war as a response to their parents more cautious, stable nature (they found it boring at best, downright unjust at worst). This is what brought you the culture you now see.

Don't worry, it will pass. Secular Liberal societies generally aren't built for the long run, and are generally prone to decline or disappearance within 2-4 generations. This phase, like the one before it, will eventually end. What comes next is up for some discussion, but we'll most likely be alive to see its arrival.
Gonna be an interesting 50 years coming up...

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - ccurtis189 - 08-18-2012

Quote: (08-18-2012 03:00 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

The dominant cultural philosophy in the western world is secular humanist individualism (emphasis on the individualism). We got it from the baby boomers, and they've largely cemented it in the west with their economic, social and political clout, which is why we see it everywhere. This is merely the end result of that dominance.

As for when it began, I mentioned that it was the Boomer generation that brought it to us. They led the sexual and cultural revolution during the 60's, 70's and early 80's. This phenomenon occurred across the western world following the cold war as a response to their parents more cautious, stable nature (they found it boring at best, downright unjust at worst). This is what brought you the culture you now see.

Don't worry, it will pass. Secular Liberal societies generally aren't built for the long run, and are generally prone to decline or disappearance within 2-4 generations. This phase, like the one before it, will eventually end. What comes next is up for some discussion, but we'll most likely be alive to see its arrival.
Gonna be an interesting 50 years coming up...

But I thought individualism was what everyone on here wanted, considering most guys on here talk about that you have to forgo what society wants of you in order to get what you want accomplished. Also, I'll take the secular humanist individualism over the obedience to the Church or the State.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Cookie - 08-18-2012

This reminds me: last night some chubster girl (2/10) wouldn't shut up about how slutty she was. She just kept bragging about how many random dudes she's fucked, how she was in a threesome, her skills at giving head, and how loose her vag was ( this one she said jokingly, but still).

It's a sad day when girls start trying to act like obnoxious loudmouthed "false alpha" betas.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Excelsior - 08-18-2012

Quote: (08-18-2012 04:26 PM)ccurtis189 Wrote:  

But I thought individualism was what everyone on here wanted, considering most guys on here talk about that you have to forgo what society wants of you in order to get what you want accomplished.

Rampant individualism is what brought about the realities many men here are concerned about. One could argue that some individualism is necessary to get out of the cultural bind they're in (ex: travelling or learning game even when society shames it) and one can "fight fire with fire", but it is firstly the root cause. The entitlement it brought forward creates the need to break free in the first place.


Also, I'll take the secular humanist individualism over the obedience to the Church or the State.

Sure, just as long as you're cool with the price.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - ccurtis189 - 08-18-2012

Quote: (08-18-2012 07:37 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Sure, just as long as you're cool with the price.

Everything has a price. Sure, the way things are now are far from perfect but whose to say going back to the way previously things were would be any better? At this point in time I don't think a reactionary movement is possible, unless things go so out of hand to the point where we revert to the 'state of nature' and then begin at square one again.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - Sherman - 08-18-2012

We are seeing the fruition of the garbage culture of the 1960s, i.e feminism, cultural Marxism, political correctness, hedonism. The corporations have topped it off by putting loads of sugar in process food to turn everyone into a fat pig. Demographically I can't see how the Republicans can win anymore and so the Democrat adolescent hedonists are going to have their way. I don't live in the US anymore, so the concern for me is that this shit has spread all over the planet and there is nowhere to run to escape it. The collapse will come but not soon enough.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - BLarsen - 08-18-2012

[Image: 220px-God_bless_america_ver2.jpg]


Frank Murdoch (Joel Murray) is an insurance salesman living in Syracuse, New York, who is sick of how America has fallen to a state of rudeness based on pop culture, talk radio, and internet influences.

After a boring evening of watching television, including the reality show series, Tuff Gurlz, where a foul-mouthed woman (Guerrin Gardner) throws a used tampon at another for defecating in her food, and an episode of American Superstarz (a direct reference to American Idol) where a singer named Steven Clark (Aris Alvarado) is cruelly humiliated by the judges for his horrible singing voice, much like the case of William Hung, Frank contemplates killing his rude and inconsiderate neighbors, whose screaming baby mixed in with his own insomnia and chronic migraine headaches give him a lack of peace in his own home.

His ex-wife, Alison (Melinda Page Hamilton) has custody of their daughter, Ava (Mackenzie Brooke Smith), who has become a spoiled brat whose mother caters to her every whim.

When Did Western Culture Become So... Shameless? - browserbowser - 06-01-2013

I was JUST talking about this with my dad! The idea that a sex tape can proper you to fame and kickstart a career rather than cause society to question you is absurd (Paris Hilton, Kardashian, that recent teen mom fiasco); Rampant mainstreaming of the worst of the low culture attitudes via youtube. There's no point in worrying about banning books when nobody reads them.

I feel like Huxley's "Brave New World" is a caricature of our modern society sometimes.