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Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Capitán Peligroso - 08-11-2012

Mitt Romney picked Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan as his running mate. I think he chose appealing to the base of the Republican Party over playing it safe, ala Portman and Pawlenty. He's definitely looking to shake up the dynamics of the race. What do you guys think? Discuss...

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Basil Ransom - 08-11-2012

Haven't been following it too much, but I'm happy about who he *didn't* pick. Drudge Report had some polls asking if Condoleeza Rice and General Petraeus would make a good VP pick, and they received a lot of support - and they're both terrible, liberal candidates. I'm convinced that at least 70% of hardcore Republicans are idiots, based on those polls. Same for Rubio and Christie. Pawlenty seems like a pussy. Don't know much about Pawlenty or Portman.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - mistermister - 08-11-2012

galvanizes the base but how does this help win the general election ? especially the swing states... ohio/florida ?

i think obama has this. almost a foregone conclusion. i may eat these words. but will see

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - rlongo924 - 08-11-2012

I hope that Romney wins, but just looking at projections and everything, Obama basically has it sewn up. All he has to do is win two swing states or Florida and he wins it, unless the polls are way off.

It's gonna be really tough for Romney to sweep the swing states which he'll have to do, but crazier things have happened.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Capitán Peligroso - 08-11-2012

Obama is going to win, barring a game changer, and Ryan just isn't it.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - el mechanico - 08-11-2012

It's funny that we're about the most retarded state in the country but we can swing a presidential election.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Gmac - 08-11-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 11:32 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

It's funny that we're about the most retarded state in the country but we can swing a presidential election.

My dad may or may not have had something to do with that...

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Brian - 08-11-2012

I like Ryan alot - that being said I was personally hoping for Rubio

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - vinman - 08-11-2012

I don't see a reason for Republicans to be optimistic.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Hotwheels - 08-11-2012

Should help Romney win WI which normally votes Dem in presidential elections. In the past WI has been an important state in close battles.

The fact that Obama is even close, let alone ahead, just shows the Republicans did not put forward very good/electable candidates. Again.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - RandalGraves - 08-11-2012

Get ready for the Ryan vs. Biden VP debate...

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Hotwheels - 08-11-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 12:33 PM)RandalGraves Wrote:  

Get ready for the Ryan vs. Biden VP debate...

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

That'll be a slaughter, but not terribly important in the overall scheme of things.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - ElJefe - 08-11-2012

Wow, are the prospects for Romney really that bleak?

I always thought that if the economy was in the tank and unemployment high, it didn't matter who was in office or why - his party was going to lose the next election.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - raliv - 08-11-2012

Ryan pick reframes the election. Now the election is about debt, budget, ad fiscal reform wether they want it to be or not.

It was a smart pick. I honestly think Romney is going to win. Democrats are delusional if they think they are going to get the same turnout they did in 2008. Romney/Ryan is a much much stronger ticket than McCain/Palin. Romney just needs enough women voters in swing states: that is the only demographic that matters.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Samseau - 08-11-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 03:06 PM)raliv Wrote:  

Ryan pick reframes the election. Now the election is about debt, budget, ad fiscal reform wether they want it to be or not.

It was a smart pick. I honestly think Romney is going to win. Democrats are delusional if they think they are going to get the same turnout they did in 2008. Romney/Ryan is a much much stronger ticket than McCain/Palin. Romney just needs enough women voters in swing states: that is the only demographic that matters.

I can't see Romney pulling out a win. The dude is basically indistinguishable from Obama.

The election hasn't started, and yet Obama has a big lead...

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Blanco - 08-11-2012


Obama is a fool and has helped this country how? 4 more years of Obama will destroy the country.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Blanco - 08-11-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 11:11 AM)mistermister Wrote:  

galvanizes the base but how does this help win the general election ? especially the swing states... ohio/florida ?

i think obama has this. almost a foregone conclusion. i may eat these words. but will see

Ryan is from the Midwest so it may help with Ohio.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - soup - 08-11-2012

I'd bet Obama is going to tap Hilary Clinton for VP.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Brian - 08-11-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 03:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2012 03:06 PM)raliv Wrote:  

Ryan pick reframes the election. Now the election is about debt, budget, ad fiscal reform wether they want it to be or not.

It was a smart pick. I honestly think Romney is going to win. Democrats are delusional if they think they are going to get the same turnout they did in 2008. Romney/Ryan is a much much stronger ticket than McCain/Palin. Romney just needs enough women voters in swing states: that is the only demographic that matters.

I can't see Romney pulling out a win. The dude is basically indistinguishable from Obama.

The election hasn't started, and yet Obama has a big lead...

When someone says that Obama and Romney are basically indistinguishable I find it comical. In terms of their backgrounds they really couldnt be more different.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Tuthmosis - 08-11-2012

The way they should settle these elections is to put the candidates--instead of debates--in a bar, like on those lame pickup-artist TV shows. They'd then have to spit game at chicks, with their identities concealed by professional, Hollywood make-up artists. Whoever pulls first win or, absent that, whoever gets further up-field (make-out, titty grope, etc.).

The VP candidates would debate well-worn game topics:

Games vs. Looks/Status
What constitutes Beta versus Alpha?
Is text game superior to phone game.

Not only would I tune in for that shit, I'd try to get the job as color commentator.

My sense is that Obama/Biden would mop the floor with those other two. Biden's got the million-dollar smile, hair, and shit-talking gene. Obama, I have a feeling--despite his beta side--can drop some tight game. Dude's funny.

[Image: american.gif]

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Cincinnatus - 08-11-2012

Just learned that Paul Ryan is a graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, about an hour north of downtown Cincinnati. Decent college town for spitting game.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - Belize King - 08-12-2012

I am independent. Dont vote though. Fuck politics. But I dont understand why Ryan would accept. He is just falling in because his party tells him to, or he believes they can win? Maybe he does believe they can win. I dont know shit about Ryan's politics but I like the fact that he attempted to reform Medicare. Whether is was right or wrong, if it fucked the seniors or not it was a talking point. None of those empty suits want to change shit.

Ryan should have waited another 2 cycles, tried to pick up a Senate seat and run for president. Now he might be fucked. Who knows but I am interested in the VP debates now.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - joehoya - 08-12-2012

Quote: (08-11-2012 03:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

...The election hasn't started, and yet Obama has a big lead...

Thanks for the link. When you run the numbers, you see just how bad Romney's chances are. Assuming that the battleground states listed in that map are the only one's in play come election day:

President Obama has 39 winning state combinations to get the required 270 votes to win, while Mitt Romney only has 18. That doesn't sound too bad until you really look at it.

Take Florida. Even if Obama loses florida, he still has 31 other possible combinations of winning states to win the election. If Romney loses Florida, he has only one option. Romney would have to sweep every other battle ground state (other than New Hampshire) if he wants to win. His other 17 possible paths to victory REQUIRE him to win Florida.

This is one of the reasons why the voter ID/suppression issue is so big for the Republican party, especially in Florida. If they can keep enough Democrats from voting to give Romney Florida at least he has a chance of winning the election. If they fail, and Romney loses Florida, he is pretty much fucked.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - soup - 08-12-2012

Romney has very little charisma and will lose.

Romney picks Rep. Paul Ryan as running mate - joehoya - 08-12-2012

Just a quick correction. My math was wrong, I assigned 24 EC votes to Florida, when they have 29. Obama has 39 ways to win and Romney has 27, not 18. Interestingly enough, That still doesn't change anything. Obama still has 31 ways to win without Florida, while Romney only has 1 way to win without Florida. Not only that, with my adjustment for the 5 vote increase for Florida, that means that if Romney doesn't win Florida HE MUST WIN EVERY OTHER BATTLEGROUND STATE.