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Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Tuthmosis - 08-06-2012

Apparently, if you have better things to do with your life than attention-whore yourself, or broadcast the banal details of your life, you're now considered potentially insane. This is another so-called "study" that, I'd argue, is aimed at enforcing complacency and a continued surrendering of your privacy. It's an attack on the truly independent-minded (people like many of us), unlike the archetypal "independent" broad we invoke, who claims to be so, but is directly or indirectly supported by half-a-dozen different people in her life.

I'd go out on a limb and say this is a very subtle form sexism as well, since men are probably more apt to conceal the details of their lives. They see less benefit in putting their stuff out there than in remaining mysterious. Is this another incremental step in making being-a-man illegal?

Take special note of the examples they use.

(Full story.)


Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is 'suspicious'

Facebook has become such a pervasive force in modern society that increasing numbers of employers, and even some psychologists, believe people who aren't on social networking sites are 'suspicious.'

The German magazine Der Taggspiegel went so far as to point out that accused theater shooter James Holmes and Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik have common ground in their lack of Facebook profiles.

On a more tangible level, reports that human resources departments across the country are becoming more wary of young job candidates who don't use the site.


Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Cincinnatus - 08-06-2012

I have a facebook account, but don't use it much. Real-life friends seem mystified as to why.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - teh_skeeze - 08-06-2012

I guess I should back off of one of my targets. She's so busy working and going to school 6 days a week that she doesn't have a facebook. Thanks for teaching me to stay away from people who don't use the internet, internet!

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Cookie - 08-06-2012

I deleted my Facebook, but ended up bringing it back a couple days after I had my death faked. Since then I've been on there twice. Once to respond to a friend who had some questions about Man-o-sphere blogs and once to see some pictures of a friend's trip overseas.

Other than that my account has went untouched, I haven't added any of the people who've sent friend requests, and I've just started telling people that I don't have a Facebook account.

I have noticed that some people start laying on the interrogation, once they hear that you don't have an account.

Also I've been asked twice, after stating that I don't use Facebook, if I was a drug dealer.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Merenguero - 08-06-2012

I have never used Facebook in my life. I am worse than Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, and the Unibomber combined.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - flyfreshandyoung - 08-07-2012

Just deleted mine recently. The juggling was getting tough and one of the girls was going to post something dumb that would fuck me over, I could feel it.

That makes me a smart asshole, not a psychopath, though.

Since deleting it, I've enjoyed the quiet. A lot.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Enfant_Terrible - 08-07-2012

Load of horsecrap, I don't have Facebook. After Myspace during my beta days, I got emotionally drained from all the attention-whoring on every participant's part (yes, including me) and girls who weren't their online selves when you meet them in person.

I would say it's more psychotic to be on Facebook regularly since you prefer to be distant with your personal relationships and you don't get to learn and develop your social skills.

Anyway, I was reading this article of a girl who moved to an isolated, artist community in Texas to get away from Facebook, reflect, and meet people the old-fashioned way: by talking to them.

She used to work for Facebook, she was Zuckerberg's ghostwriter.

Refugee from Facebook Questions the Social Media Life

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Tuthmosis - 08-07-2012

Not having a Facebook has directly gotten me laid on probably two or three separate occasions (nevermind whatever indirect cases there have been). Girls who were ultra reluctant to give me their numbers, and were just reflexively trying to push me into their 989-person rejection pile, got thrown off of the script when I simply said, "I'm not on Facebook."

Now, with the choke hold released, we have a fair fight on our hands. I get a chance to tell another story, seem a crumb more interesting, and then squeeze out a by-default number just warm enough for her to go out with me that once. Maybe she went in thinking she'd go get a free drink, get a couple-of-hours-worth of distraction, and then head home to rub one out. But little does she realize that, on a legit date, with no major obstacles, I'm one of the most deadly, snake-in-the-grass players (pound-for-pound, of course) in the league.

I just need them to step into the octagon. I put in the work, and wear them down.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Nineteen84 - 08-07-2012

wouldnt be surprised if FB themselves were pushing this study.

I thought the expert dating advice from tech reporter Farhad Manjoo was great:

Quote:Quote: tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn't date anyone who isn't on Facebook.

'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says.

Here he is:

[Image: Manjoo,%20Farhad300x200.jpg]

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Tuthmosis - 08-07-2012

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

I thought the expert dating advice from tech reporter Farhad Manjoo was great:

You just knew whoever wrote that wasn't going to look like this:

[Image: attachment.jpg7123]   

I love how the "dating expert" has probably only been on a handful of dates, all of them with the same fatty he's been dating since the first week of freshman orientation at college.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - speakeasy - 08-07-2012

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

wouldnt be surprised if FB themselves were pushing this study.

I thought the expert dating advice from tech reporter Farhad Manjoo was great:

Quote:Quote: tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn't date anyone who isn't on Facebook.

'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says.

Here he is:

[Image: Manjoo,%20Farhad300x200.jpg]

That's San Francisco in the background. He's probably gay.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Steven Lurkel - 08-07-2012

Shortly after deactivating my Facebook account I started a Vkontakte account, just to fuck with the folks who'd give me shit over not being on Facebook anymore.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Maximus - 08-07-2012

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

wouldnt be surprised if FB themselves were pushing this study.

I thought the expert dating advice from tech reporter Farhad Manjoo was great:

Quote:Quote: tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn't date anyone who isn't on Facebook.

'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says.

Here he is:

[Image: Manjoo,%20Farhad300x200.jpg]
And this guy is the best NFL coach:

[Image: bill-belichick-patriots-coach.jpg]

You don't have to look good to be a dating coach. In fact being ugly could be a positive assuming he had success dating before. I'm much more impressed by the ugly guy having some success and would prefer his advice over the good looking natural guy who can't articulate his success and trots out meaningless cliches like be yourself or respect her.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Kickb - 08-07-2012

I don't think he was commenting on that guy's attractiveness, rather, Tuth was doing a cold read on the guy based on the vibe and persona that he is giving off in that picture.

Bill could probably be a dating coach. He does a great job of looking pissed off. [Image: boston3.jpg]

Personally, Facebook hardly serves a purposes to me. If I want to talk to a friend I'll I use the phone. I don't really care about other peoples pictures. The only reason I have one is because I'm horrible with birthdays and Facebook is an easy way to keep track of them.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - wolf - 08-07-2012

With all the privacy that people want in this country they give out all their info on Facebook. Hypocrites if you ask me.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Roosh - 08-07-2012

Is Farhad Indian? He's probably trolling.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - michelin - 08-07-2012

Anybody still using email instead of numbers?

I rarely use it, mostly with shyer girls, as a trampoline to the number...

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Kitsune - 08-07-2012

I have a facebook in my real name, but I tell randomers I don't have one and sometimes use fake names if the need calls for it.

Does that make me more or less of a psycho?

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Toni - 08-07-2012

Yea sure. A psychopath is able to look you in the eyes telling you he has not just shot 20 people down and planted a bomb absolute convincing but has a problem to create a clean convincing Facebook account.

I have a Facebook account where Facebook dont knows who i am. I Changed my IP via tor network and used a pre paied cell phone to authenticate witch i disposed 1 min later. Good luck to find me Failbook xD

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - Caligula - 08-07-2012

Quote: (08-07-2012 08:20 AM)Toni Wrote:  

Yea sure. A psychopath is able to look you in the eyes telling you he has not just shot 20 people down and planted a bomb absolute convincing but has a problem to create a clean convincing Facebook account.

I have a Facebook account where Facebook dont knows who i am. I Changed my IP via tor network and used a pre paied cell phone to authenticate witch i disposed 1 min later. Good luck to find me Failbook xD

What's the point of having an account that anonymous? Surely if you add people you've met in real life there will at least be photos of you on there, probably more info to be found.

I just have a real account but limit it to close friends, telling people I don't know that I don't use facebook.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - j r - 08-07-2012

Quote: (08-07-2012 02:53 AM)Maximus Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2012 12:28 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

wouldnt be surprised if FB themselves were pushing this study.

I thought the expert dating advice from tech reporter Farhad Manjoo was great:

Quote:Quote: tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn't date anyone who isn't on Facebook.

'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,' he says.

Here he is:

[Image: Manjoo,%20Farhad300x200.jpg]
And this guy is the best NFL coach:

[Image: bill-belichick-patriots-coach.jpg]

You don't have to look good to be a dating coach. In fact being ugly could be a positive assuming he had success dating before. I'm much more impressed by the ugly guy having some success and would prefer his advice over the good looking natural guy who can't articulate his success and trots out meaningless cliches like be yourself or respect her.

This dude was one contrary motherfucker, no?

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - kosko - 08-07-2012

Its known that highly successful people in dominant environments have some screws loose and psychopathic elements. They have run tests on success Wall Street men and many have these traits. You have to be crazier the the norm to want and achieve those levels of success. The irony is that these successful people have no time for the biggest time waster ever invented. FB adds no net benefit to your life and studies show its causes more emotional fluctuations and shit. This article is nothing more than a PR rag by some troll who's cousin works for FB.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - liquiddrewl - 08-09-2012

Well, one side of the coin is that women seek out sex with psychopath and dark triad men. The other side is HR bitches hire the loser fags who are attention whores like themselves.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - hypesession - 08-09-2012

[Image: Insider_5009.jpg]

Emily Yoffee, who wrote:
'If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag.'

Really? You're paranoid like that? Fuck you and your little background checks I DO WHAT I WANT!!!! lol

I want to hate on her so I did a little search. She has an advice column where she sets some dumb chick straight on her trigger happy rape accusations... of course involving her husband... where the guy almost TURNS HIMSELF IN for rape on his OWN WIFE. I have to admit I thought I knew where the advice was going but was pleasantly surprised.

But then she says this on the record about facebook and all the good goes out the window. Again, I don't want one, fuck you if you don't like it.

Now, You Could Be a "Psychopath" If You're Not On Facebook - BortimusPrime - 08-09-2012

So wait, if I delete my account, does that mean I'll finally get that reservation to Dorsia that I've always wanted?