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Am I Misogynistic - Printable Version

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Am I Misogynistic - PrettyBoy - 08-06-2012

I put that into Google search just to see what comes up and someone happened to ask that exact question on Yahoo Questions. This was a good answer that followed.

"Not at's totally normal to have ill feelings about women they way so many of them act....surely, you will see a lot of women claim you are generalizing the whole on only a few you know (nevermind that hundred of other guys ( on here alone) all over the world will fully agree with your assessment - collectively can that many guys be wrong? I don't think so.....) that being said: Hating women isn't really going to get you anywhere....if anything it will hold you back from your (I assume) goals: getting laid, being a happy, positive person, etc.

You need to find that balance of having an edge towards women where you don't overly respect them, but aren't so hatful that they override their natural whorish instincts and not give you any ***....."

Well if that doesn't sum up game in not so many words, "Having that edge", then I don't know what does. Couldn't have said it better myself.