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How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Printable Version

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How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Roosh - 07-29-2012

Continuing on the hype-busting theme, I wanted to share the main way you can tell hype from the real thing. It works not only on this forum but with guys who hype in person as well.

The universe has a way of balancing things out. Even pussy paradises will have their downsides that can be quite significant. The main way to identify hype is when a guy completely omits any negative features of a location.

Even in Poland, a place I've lavished much praise on, I have not hesitated to tell you of the butterface problem. The truth is that Polish girls get smoked in most Eastern European countries.

We have a user who has hyped Sweden to the moon for black guys. But I don't remember him discussing the high cost of Sweden... the obesity problem... the unsexy hipster style... the social circle barriers. While the positives he stated may very be true, not taking the negatives into account makes the place seem a lot better than it is. It distorts the actual reality and is therefore a lie.

We have also had a lot of discussion on Finland. There was some excitement about its easiness, but guys tempered that when discussing the high cost and also the masculine vibe of the girls. This created a balanced picture that was not hype and matched very well with my experience there.

This rule can also apply to individual game. 99% of guys have to make adjustments when going into a new country, but if a guy is saying he did amazing right off the airplane, without putting in much effort of having to adapt, something is probably off. The odds of being a perfect match for a country is very low. I'm sure it happens, but skepticism is in order.

When you read a guy hyping up a place, ask him for the negatives. Ask him what logistical problems he's encountering. If he can't answer truthfully, he's hyping and should be chased out of the board.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

I think one of these might be useful too (which would include a question about the negatives). Help me out here.

Other Potential Hype-Questionnaire Questions:

1. When was the last time you were there?
2. How long were you in the country?
3. How many different girls did you hook up with?
4. How well do you speak the local language?
5. How would you, conservatively, rate these girls in apperance?
6. How long did it take for you to land that first notch/flag?
7. What kind of venues did you work? Night game? Day game? Both?
8. Do you think your experience is typical? Why?
9. How would you characterize the game you applied, in a few words?
10. How much money, resources did you spend to get your notches?

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Deb Auchery - 07-29-2012

As for Ukraine almost everything sucks apart from the women. The food sucks, the Ukrainians will deep fry anything and everything. Ukrainian guys are generally depressing creatures. Infrastructure sucks, did a three hour ride in a baking .hot mashrutka today, unasant. The service is a joke, Ukrainians just have no clue about running a biznis. It's.corrupt at every level, Ukes will try you off at every opportunity.

But...the women are often beautiful, sweet and feminine. my pussy paradise, I have been happier here than anywhere.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Rurik - 07-29-2012

These are also potential ones to add:

11. Did you use online game?
12. Did you pipeline?
13. How good looking would you rate yourself?
14. What is your age?
15. What is your ethnicity?

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

I'd hate to say it, but:

16. How tall are you?

Also, potentially:

17. Were these scores same-night pulls, dates? Cold leads or were you introduced, got into a social circle?

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Deb Auchery - 07-29-2012

With regard to Lvov, my recent national travels have realise that the women there could be some of the lowest quality in Ukraine. Wonky noses, hairy arms, skin problems, conservatism. It seems that the cities with the hotter climate also have the hottest girls.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:10 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

With regard to Lvov, my recent national travels have realise that the women there could be some of the lowest quality in Ukraine. Wonky noses, hairy arms, skin problems, conservatism. It seems that the cities with the hotter climate also have the hottest girls.

Maybe I'm misreading this thread, but I don't think this has anything to do with Ukraine.

¿[Image: troll.gif] ?

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Moma - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 03:51 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I think one of these might be useful too (which would include a question about the negatives). Help me out here.

Other Potential Hype-Questionnaire Questions:

1. When was the last time you were there?
2. How long were you in the country?
3. How many different girls did you hook up with?
4. How well do you speak the local language?
5. How would you, conservatively, rate these girls in apperance?
6. How long did it take for you to land that first notch/flag?
7. What kind of venues did you work? Night game? Day game? Both?
8. Do you think your experience is typical? Why?
9. How would you characterize the game you applied, in a few words?
10. How much money, resources did you spend to get your notches?

These questions should be answered in entirety without vague references to anything as well.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

[Image: attachment.jpg6996]   

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Screwston - 07-29-2012

How does Deb look? I'm curious to see how a player looks who gets nonstop pussy like that. Deb, put up a picture of someone similar to you.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - el mechanico - 07-29-2012

How tall are you huh Tuthmosis? There's enough height hype here as it is. If anyone wants to see that myth broken you're welcome to come out with me.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Deb Auchery - 07-29-2012

What took you so long Tuthmosis? [Image: smile.gif]

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Screwston - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:24 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

How tall are you huh Tuthmosis? There's enough height hype here as it is. If anyone wants to see that myth broken you're welcome to come out with me.
You should meet up with Deb since he has about a foot on you [Image: Mj-thriller-popcorn-o.gif]

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:26 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

What took you so long Tuthmosis? [Image: smile.gif]

This girl was lying on my laptop and wouldn't hand it over until I "put the key in the lock box." Her words, not mine.

[Image: attachment.jpg6997]   

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:24 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

How tall are you huh Tuthmosis? There's enough height hype here as it is. If anyone wants to see that myth broken you're welcome to come out with me.

I'm not revealing my height, weight, race, or age publicly. I like people speculating. [Image: biggrin.gif]

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - el mechanico - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:34 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:24 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

How tall are you huh Tuthmosis? There's enough height hype here as it is. If anyone wants to see that myth broken you're welcome to come out with me.

I'm not revealing my height, weight, race, or age publicly. I like people speculating. [Image: biggrin.gif]
That's not what I meant but i can guess all three.
Latin/light skinned
147 lbs

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Sargon of Akkad - 07-29-2012

I'd say the best question to ask oneself is "does this sound too good to be true?"

Any stories about 9s and 10s throwing themselves indiscriminately at every Westerner in sight, regardless how much his game may suck, sounds like BS to me.

Whenever I hear someone tell me that you can land almost any woman with practically zero looks or game, I get very skeptical.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:41 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

That's not what I meant but i can guess all three.
Latin/light skinned
147 lbs

Off, but points awarded. You'll find out when I head down to FL one of these months.

You meant not to include height as part of the questions? That's why I say "I'd hate to say it." While I agree wholeheartedly that there can be way too much race and height hype in the forum (at least periodically), it matters--in a away, at least. It just doesn't matter nearly as much as guys make it out to, or in the same way. If you leave out height, I think you have to leave out race too (which I'm for, but might distort the facts). Appearance is multi-variable thing, and guys isolate height or race entirely too much. Frankly, there are several factors, many of them having to do with proportion, fitness, style, etc.

A better question, to replace all of those, is probably "Describe yourself, physically." That encapsulates everything without reinforcing something both of us can agree can get way out of hand quickly (height and race hype).

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Greek kamaki - 07-29-2012

It is all relative.For me CR is better than Germany, Poland is better than CR and Ukraine is better than Poland.This diss not mean I am focusing solely on Ukrainian girls since things change fast.For example now I heavily regret I did not learn serbocroatian.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Tuthmosis - 07-29-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 04:41 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Latin/light skinned
147 lbs

It just occurred to me who you just described. This cat. [Image: biggrin.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg6998]   

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - Greek kamaki - 07-29-2012

Do not forget also that luck plays an important role to our success although we maybe reluctant to admit it.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - WestCoast - 07-29-2012

I find it a bit hilarious that the factors needed to triangulate the "hype" are all things people get banned for.

Eg. Race, height, looks, age etc.

The reason why roosh's books are so helpful is that we know what he looks like so it's easy to triangulate how you can do out in that location. Either way though the best strategy for me has been to go to international areas eg. International house at a college campus. Then. Find out which type of girl is eye fucking you the most and get that plane ticket. Final big issue is if they are Americanized or not.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - gringochileno - 07-29-2012

Good lists Roosh and Tuth. I think it needs to be recognized that at least some of the hype that goes on is not necessarily malicious. If people have a good time somewhere they will naturally and subconsciously color the memory of their experience with rose-tinted glasses. It's very hard to think about an overall positive experience you've had and identify the negative aspects of it--there's a lot of cognitive dissonance involved. So while recognizing and correcting inaccurate information is very important, I don't think we should always judge the messenger too harshly.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - brianmark - 08-01-2012

You can call me skeptical, but if there are no details then there is nothing to report! If you tell me you laid a beauty so what! Half the guys in the bar will tell me that if I asked them did you get laid recently. I want details, details, details, like the answers to the questions Tutomois was asking. I need something I can use.

How to distinguish travel hype from reality - brianmark - 08-03-2012

Quote: (07-29-2012 05:16 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

It is all relative.For me CR is better than Germany, Poland is better than CR and Ukraine is better than Poland.This diss not mean I am focusing solely on Ukrainian girls since things change fast.For example now I heavily regret I did not learn serbocroatian.

Greek, I love your posts and they have a lot of good information in them.

Do you speak Russian? What other languages do you speak?

How much do you think that knowing Russian helps you in being successful with these girls? Is it 2x better 10x better? I'm guessing when you started you didn't know the language, so can you give us an idea of how much this helped you be successful with these girls?
