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Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Printable Version

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Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - MrLemon - 07-20-2012

Isn't it funny that our society has given women absolute power to get pregnant or not get pregnant.

Yet, any time a girl accidentally gets pregnant, the first thing the parents will say is "You got her pregnant".

Hey world, get a fucking clue. It's not 1899, ok? Men don't "get women pregnant".

Women have massive arrays of contraceptive technology which are easy to use. They can get abortions on demand for almost no cost. Women are as sexually aggressive (or mores) then men.

Women decide (or allow themselves) to get pregnant.

Men have no power, no decision, no authority whatsoever. Feminist leaders have massive organizations which spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to fight to exclude men from any decision-making authority.

Therefore let's keep reminding ourselves, and reminding our sons and nephews and other young men, that they have no responsibility beyond the cost of abortion.

None. Nada. Nothing.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - ccurtis189 - 07-20-2012

Good luck telling that to a judge. Fact of the matter is that since she's the one who has to carry it, she has ultimate say on whether or not to keep it. Don't wanna take that risk? use BC, take a blowjob, or put it in her ass.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - sixsix - 07-20-2012

Like guy above me said: morally you might have a point, but legally you're fucked. Society cares little about your musings, be smart.

Good advice is to use fucking protection! If you have to raw dog it, make sure the girl is high value enough to WANT to abort. Many young, hot girls don't want to get pregnant if you don't fuck lower class ones.

Or start frantically laughing and clapping your hands like a gay lunatic: "Oh fabulous, we're will be parents!" Beta the shit out of her until she sticks a knitting needle in herself.

Or: ground morning after pills in her fresh OJ. So many possibilities.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - bodmon - 07-20-2012

Quote: (07-20-2012 01:43 PM)sixsix Wrote:  

Or start frantically laughing and clapping your hands like a gay lunatic: "Oh fabulous, we're will be parents!" Beta the shit out of her until she sticks a knitting needle in herself.

lol i just spat out my drink reading this

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Samseau - 07-20-2012

Always pull out

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Basil Ransom - 07-20-2012

I was having this argument with my father about 'deadbeat dads.' I say it's the woman's fault and he says "Basil why do you always side against the woman?" I didn't want to start explaining to my dad my deeply held helief that every self respecting man raw dogs...

Seriously though, everyone who isn't a young single male will just say "if it's such a big deal, he can use condoms. Why is it the women's fault, and not *both* their fault?" I don't have a good response to this, except that rubber sex fucking sucks. I'd say that a woman ultimately decides whether she gets pregnant or not, but that wouldn't convince people like my dad.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Private Man - 07-20-2012

Get a vasectomy and don't tell any dame you stick your dick in. If she gets knocked up at some point, hilarity will ensue 'cuz it ain't yours!

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - MrLemon - 07-20-2012

Quote: (07-20-2012 11:33 AM)ccurtis189 Wrote:  

Good luck telling that to a judge. Fact of the matter is that since she's the one who has to carry it, she has ultimate say on whether or not to keep it. Don't wanna take that risk? use BC, take a blowjob, or put it in her ass.

Agree completely about the legal and the prevention.

But, the point still needs to be argued. Men will never make any progress about the legal bullshit unless they start fighting back.

And by the way it *can* make a difference. I know a young boy down the street whose girlfriend got preggy. The girls parents visited and started laying this big guilt trip on the guy's parents, trying to force them to lay out huge amounts of cash. The boy's parents basically said "uh, hello, whoa, fuck this! Your daughter has huge options, and we aren't going to give you wads of money. Forget it."

The girl's parents tried to threaten court action and my friends basically said "fine, bring it on losers."

Ultimately the girl got the hint and got an abortion, paid for by boy. End of problem. The boy didn't even get hassled by his parents, so the guilt trip fell flat.

So yes, holding firm and reminding people (and judges) that girls have all the power, this CAN work and it works better all the time.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - xsplat - 07-21-2012

If you have a portable income and a passport then you'll find that women magically lose their desire to keep the baby.

If you play by the rules, don't complain about the rules.

Live outside the system and simply leave town whenever you need to. You won't need to much - as soon as the girl realizes you aren't bluffing, she'll take care of the issue.

Babies are like winning the fucking lottery to females. She expects somebody is going to give her money for it. Without that incentive, she suddenly doesn't want the baby.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Architekt - 07-21-2012

blockedurl made a post about something like this yesterday

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - ccurtis189 - 07-21-2012

Quote: (07-21-2012 05:48 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

blockedurl made a post about something like this yesterday

That was a pretty shitty anti-choice argument made by an overcompensating dick.

They have the ultimate say because they're the one carrying the fetus. It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility. After all, a woman has three holes, not one!

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - xsplat - 07-21-2012

Quote: (07-21-2012 09:12 AM)ccurtis189 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2012 05:48 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

blockedurl made a post about something like this yesterday

That was a pretty shitty anti-choice argument made by an overcompensating dick.

They have the ultimate say because they're the one carrying the fetus. It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility. After all, a woman has three holes, not one!

"It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility." What is the "it's" referring to in that sentence?

I think what naughty nomad was getting at, really, was that if women have the right to keep or kill a fetus while the man has no say, a man should have the right to not pay anything more than a one time fee equal to the cost of an abortion.

I agree with that. This isn't 1850 after all.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - ccurtis189 - 07-21-2012

Quote: (07-21-2012 09:34 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2012 09:12 AM)ccurtis189 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2012 05:48 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

blockedurl made a post about something like this yesterday

That was a pretty shitty anti-choice argument made by an overcompensating dick.

They have the ultimate say because they're the one carrying the fetus. It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility. After all, a woman has three holes, not one!

"It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility." What is the "it's" referring to in that sentence?

I think what naughty nomad was getting at, really, was that if women have the right to keep or kill a fetus while the man has no say, a man should have the right to not pay anything more than a one time fee equal to the cost of an abortion.

I agree with that. This isn't 1850 after all.

'It' referred to the current laws in place regarding abortion. Anyway, we may not like them, but who knows if the rules will ever change regarding abortion. For now we could curtail this problem if we could get women more open to BJ's and anal more often.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - MrLemon - 07-21-2012

Quote: (07-21-2012 09:34 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2012 09:12 AM)ccurtis189 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2012 05:48 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

blockedurl made a post about something like this yesterday

That was a pretty shitty anti-choice argument made by an overcompensating dick.

They have the ultimate say because they're the one carrying the fetus. It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility. After all, a woman has three holes, not one!

"It's in order to prevent less deadbeat dads from running away from responsibility." What is the "it's" referring to in that sentence?

I think what naughty nomad was getting at, really, was that if women have the right to keep or kill a fetus while the man has no say, a man should have the right to not pay anything more than a one time fee equal to the cost of an abortion.

I agree with that. This isn't 1850 after all.

I thought blockedurl's article was crap, and whatever point he was trying to make was lost in the crap.

I'm totally pro-choice. For me that's the only realistic stance with the kind of technology we have today.

But that being said, an automatic outcome of being pro-choice is also making it clear that men are 100% not responsible for the cost of a child, if it's accidental, they don't want it and the woman chooses to bear it anyway.

If on the other hand, the man wants the child and agrees to support it, then he is on the hook to raise that child for as long as it takes.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - xsplat - 07-21-2012

Quote: (07-21-2012 11:30 AM)MrLemon Wrote:  

But that being said, an automatic outcome of being pro-choice is also making it clear that men are 100% not responsible for the cost of a child, if it's accidental, they don't want it and the woman chooses to bear it anyway.


Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Hades - 07-24-2012

Yeah, shitty indeed. Everyone knows that legalized abortions give men great leverage to prevent births in their women.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Aliblahba - 07-24-2012

I busted a nut the other day in a chick. She immediately got pissed and said I should have asked her, and blamed me if she got pregnant. There wasn't no fucking around, and I went right to google translate to get my point across. Story short she took the Plan -B pill, after crying a little, and it only cost me 200 pesos. We had sex again less than an hour later.

I was having a moment of stupid. In a country of gold diggers I consider myself lucky. Very lucky.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - el mechanico - 07-24-2012

This gets interesting when you have a kid and custody like me. Girls are very weary of playing that pregnant game with me.

Her: I might b preggers

Me: lol

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - Timoteo - 07-24-2012

We learn pretty young where babies come from and how they're made. If a chick lets you skeet in her, or at minimum lets you in raw with the promise that you'll pull out, it seems to me she's comfortable with the possibility of getting pregnant. The moment she decides to keep it, she's ready to go file for child support, usually before she's even told you about her decision. And even if she DOES tell you before, it's just that. She's TELLING you what her decision is - she's not calling to discuss it. Rawdoggers have to be prepared for this moment, just like she has to prepare for that moment when she pees on that home pregnancy stick and it comes up positive.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - xsplat - 07-24-2012

Quote: (07-24-2012 02:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This gets interesting when you have a kid and custody like me. Girls are very weary of playing that pregnant game with me.

Her: I might b preggers

Me: lol
I don't get it.

Reminder: You are 100% not responsible for her pregnancy choice - el mechanico - 07-24-2012

Quote: (07-24-2012 09:14 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2012 02:54 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This gets interesting when you have a kid and custody like me. Girls are very weary of playing that pregnant game with me.

Her: I might b preggers

Me: lol
I don't get it.
Well it's bullshit most the time or almost all the time and they know I'm fully capable of taking my child without her getting any child support or custody. That's what home field advantage is about.
It's comical and instills fear