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College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 07-17-2012

Hey gentlemen, virgin newbie here.

I'm going to ASU (Arizona) this fall, but as a 21 year old transfer student. Worked a bit and went to CC, thus the age. I'll be living on campus, but in the uppergrad dorms/apartments. Pretty sure I can leverage the alcohol buying abilities, but the ONLY game I have is body language/posturing. As such, I have extreme AA (made a thread about this a while ago) and a mild case of social anxiety. This is coupled with the fact I'm shy as hell, which I hate.

I read this thread for help, but it involves running social circle game. That gives me a few problems. First, I've never run that before, and secondly, it would be hard for me to break into the freshmen circles because of my lack of proximity to them, as I won't be in the same dorms. I plan to reinvent myself when I do go, but I fear that someone might see through it.

I'm fucking sick of being a virgin. I put the blame on my AA/social anxiety, and my inability to talk to women. I can't blame my looks, because I look very normal, just like a skater (one of the things I do). I realize my looks will need to improve, but I recently lost a significant amount of muscle, putting me underweight at 125lbs, 5'10". I am not allowed to lift/exercise to regain it, for I had jaw surgery and could not eat. I also have braces, unfortunately, but they are coming off in 6 months.

I ask the members of this board, what is the best course of action? Is it to kill my AA by approaching like a madman before I leave? Is it to try and lift to compensate for some muscle loss? Is it to join a frat (Don't really want to become a fratbro though).

College fresh start - Screwston - 07-17-2012

I think that school is the number one party school in the country. I know the spot belongs to some school in Arizona...

I would try to get cool with as many people as you can as soon as you touch down. You'll know about the parties and everything like that. Hell, if I was living on a campus like that, I would dedicate a hour every day to going around the school and forcing myself to casually approach.

Do you have money to get some new clothes? I don't think the skater look will work in college, but maybe someone else can verify thta....

College fresh start - WesternCancer - 07-17-2012

Isn't ASU where like half the girls from backroom casting couch are from? I agree with Houston get drunk, be fun and Fo,us on girls instead of bro-bing out

College fresh start - JohnKreese - 07-17-2012

I can attest that many of the ASU guys dress in a skater/quasi-skater manner. While this may not appeal to all girls, I feel as though at this school, one could get away with it much more than at other universities. Maybe not the beanies and oversized cordouroy (sp?) shorts, though...

College fresh start - johnwu - 07-17-2012

You're going to ASU?

Any guy going to a big state school with good sports team shouldn't be worried about women.
People at state universities are FAR MORE easy going compared to "better" universities.
You walk into any random party, and you get asked if you'd like a beer, you can't even walk into a party at the "better" universities without being asked who you know.
You're walking down the street at night, opportunities to approach HUNDREDS of hot girls, in one night, and a very good percentage of them are totally down to you joining up with them if you're fun. I've even had to run away from girls at at night as I was just trying to get back to my apartment and these random girls accost me asking me to come to their apartment with them.

At the "better" universities you will be lowering your standards significantly and the girls will be extremely entitled and bitchy. (The interesting thing is, this bitchiness is only at the schools that are better than big state schools, but are not ivy leagues, at ivy leagues if you have game and are decent looking you will slay no problem)

The point is, women won't be a problem if you actually talk to people. So get rid of your approach anxiety and start talking to random strangers, a LOT, this summer before school starts. First objective is to get rid of your nervousness about actually talking to people, then once that is gone, work on improving your conversational ability. The only way to do this is just to go talk to people.

If you do that you'll be fine. In fact focus on that this summer, so that way you can shift your focus to developing yourself professionally while you are in college. As you are going to a state university you need to stand out, and it isn't hard! Figure out exactly what major you want to study. Then figure out what career you'd like within that major. Start looking at professors to answer any questions you might have. Go to office hours/help sessions if the professor is there (or if you actually need help lol), you need to FAKE help/questions if it means getting face time with professors. The professors at state universities are just as good as the ivy league ones. The key is utilizing your resources correctly. 4.0 your classes (its a state school... there is no excuse for anything less than a 4.0, unless you're in engineering), make excellent connections with your professor, join a student organization related to your major, work your way up to the executive board, network your ass off, and you'll end up with the exact same job as an ivy league person, except you'll be getting tons of quality ass all the time because you went to a state school. For cheap!

College fresh start - Sketness - 07-17-2012

Join a frat

Faternity life opens up a HUGE window of pussy!Automatically you get a social cirlcle along with the sorsututes that come along with it! I was a transfer student to the University I now attend and joining a frat deffently will help you out Trust me!

College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 08-22-2012

I am going to bump this because I am now at ASU since 8/20.

Since I've been here, I've gone to 2 parties already. (I get the feeling that my alcohol tolerance will shoot up). I also did 2 cold approaches, although one didn't end well because I inadvertently called her fat. My inability to talk to women manifested. She said something about drinking too much and it was getting to her body, and I responded with "Yeah, I can see that." Didn't end well, as she went off crying. I felt bad for it though. What are some "do nots" so I won't fuck up next time?

Furthermore, I have a copy of Conquer Your Campus, and it involves a lot of social circle game, shunning the approach because it "isn't what college students do". What advice is good? I have to absolutely kill it during my time here.

College fresh start - UrbanNerd - 08-22-2012

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:10 PM)CtrlAltElite Wrote:  

although one didn't end well because I inadvertently called her fat. My inability to talk to women manifested. She said something about drinking too much and it was getting to her body, and I responded with "Yeah, I can see that." Didn't end well, as she went off crying.

I am sorry man but I cannot help myself from LOL.

College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 08-22-2012

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:18 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:10 PM)CtrlAltElite Wrote:  

although one didn't end well because I inadvertently called her fat. My inability to talk to women manifested. She said something about drinking too much and it was getting to her body, and I responded with "Yeah, I can see that." Didn't end well, as she went off crying.

I am sorry man but I cannot help myself from LOL.

It's cool, man. This just gives you an idea of how bad I actually am at talking to girls.

College fresh start - Snowflake - 08-23-2012

Good luck bro, keep us posted

College fresh start - Screwston - 08-24-2012

What do you mean you can't talk to girls? Keep us updated every day with your approaches and try to write everything down in your phone so you know exactly what was said. Talk to every girl you see as soon as you step outside. Just get comfortable talking to them and you'll figure out what works for you. There's not one right way to do it, everyone on this forum has their own style. I wish I was closer so I could help you in person out but we're here for you.

College fresh start - UrbanNerd - 08-24-2012

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:21 PM)CtrlAltElite Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:18 PM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:10 PM)CtrlAltElite Wrote:  

although one didn't end well because I inadvertently called her fat. My inability to talk to women manifested. She said something about drinking too much and it was getting to her body, and I responded with "Yeah, I can see that." Didn't end well, as she went off crying.

I am sorry man but I cannot help myself from LOL.

It's cool, man. This just gives you an idea of how bad I actually am at talking to girls.

Nothing wrong with being straight-up and honest with her.

College fresh start - Roosh - 08-24-2012

2 approaches? It doesn't sound like you want to lose your virginity that bad. Two approaches is barely a warm up for me. Stop putting blame on all these reasons you think are hurting you and start talking to women. You go to a huge university... there's no excuse.

Do 100 and then get back to us.

College fresh start - Vaquero - 08-24-2012

Get to work asap. The start of the semester is the best time to hit on chicks as people social circles aren't fully established yet.

College fresh start - Giovonny - 08-24-2012

I wish I was in Tempe, Arizona. That place is one of the best cities in America for getting laid!!!

They even joked about it on ESPN..

College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 08-26-2012

Pool party last night, or this morning. Girl was a 6, maybe a 7.


Me: "Hey."
Her: "Hey."
She looks at me for a moment.
Her: "I really like your shorts."
Me: Smirk and say "I wish I could say the same about your outfit."
Her: "That's rude!", but smiling
Me: "Just being honest." I put my arms up, like "what are you gonna do?"
Her: Still smiling, "That's so rude!", backturns and walks away.

Laugh at me if you want. I got shit from my roommates for that. I'm 0 for 3 now, 2 major fuckups. This one, and calling the other girl fat. They told me to compliment her in return, but they're getting more action than I am, so I don't know anymore.

I'm really having a hard time adapting. When I go out, I always feel like I am not fitting in, I'm very self-conscious. Furthermore, reading "Conquer Your Campus" and this is giving me conflicting advice. The book stresses being a confident, cool guy while not approaching, only running social circle game. It reasons that approaching girls in college gives you a "creepy pickup guy" stigma. Yet, the posts here are telling me to approach all day everyday.

College fresh start - WesternCancer - 08-26-2012

I think you keep trying to be too much of an asshole and its pushing those girls away. Instead of being a dick try to be more indifferent. You could have just said "cool" or "thanks" then said something funny or asked her a question.

Also don't take a book/instruction manual as truth make it work for yourself.

College fresh start - godofwar - 08-26-2012

from your little stories, I can tell you've read a bit of game material. Forget it for now. It will come in handy later, right now it's totally fucking you up.

I graduated from ASU two years ago. Trust me, this shit is way easier than you think. I was a virgin also before I went. But I lost it in the first year without really putting in any direct effort. If I had to give one piece of advice, it would simply be: have fun. You don't need to worry about coming across as a super-alpha player. Just make sure you drink some alcohol (but not too much yet) and are around women when you do so. Pussy will literally fall into your lap. You have no clue how many times I was just hanging out partying and pussy fell into my lap.

You can be a total beta if you want. Sure, there's no way in hell this is optimal. But it's better than being a fake alpha who girls literally turn their backs on. But it's really that easy. If you are having fun, girls will dig in big time here. So, instead of focusing on pussy, find something fun. Join a club and totally commit to it, a frat, a sport, whatever. Just totally ingrain yourself in it so that people know you, even if just guys.

Then you will legit start having fun. And assuming you joined a club that socializes with girls, you're gold.

Oh, and I never really mastered the bar scene since I started school at age 18. But I have a general idea of it. And I say house parties are still where it's at. Chicks have their guard down here 100%. This is how pussy will fall into your lap. So just focus on making friends, even if with dudes. Eventually it will fall into your lap too, and then you can start building your player status from there, and incorporating all those negs and shit you are too eager to master.

as far as actual clubs, I played a sport. But in retrospect, if my main goal in going to college was pussy (it wasn't) I would have joined different clubs. The snowboarding (snow devils) club is pretty fucking legit. And not even for the snowboarding. They just throw bomb parties all the time. I'm not a frat guy, but this is probably your best bet for racking up the pussy. You have to put in your dues first year though. The outdoor club (i don't remember name) might be better for you though judging from your personality. It's more laid back, but parties are lacking. People in this club are more average looking and accepting than most, but still go out from the university and do stuff in nature. Besides that, just put yourself out there man, ASU is a great place to be, at least for a few years. It will change you.

College fresh start - Screwston - 08-26-2012

godofwar - Could a young looking player hang around ASU for a week and do some damage? Come up with a good lie and say he's checking out the school or something.

College fresh start - WanderingSoul - 08-26-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 08:29 AM)CtrlAltElite Wrote:  

Pool party last night, or this morning. Girl was a 6, maybe a 7.


Me: "Hey."
Her: "Hey."
She looks at me for a moment.
Her: "I really like your shorts."
Me: Smirk and say "I wish I could say the same about your outfit."
Her: "That's rude!", but smiling
Me: "Just being honest." I put my arms up, like "what are you gonna do?"
Her: Still smiling, "That's so rude!", backturns and walks away.

Laugh at me if you want. I got shit from my roommates for that. I'm 0 for 3 now, 2 major fuckups. This one, and calling the other girl fat. They told me to compliment her in return, but they're getting more action than I am, so I don't know anymore.

I'm really having a hard time adapting. When I go out, I always feel like I am not fitting in, I'm very self-conscious. Furthermore, reading "Conquer Your Campus" and this is giving me conflicting advice. The book stresses being a confident, cool guy while not approaching, only running social circle game. It reasons that approaching girls in college gives you a "creepy pickup guy" stigma. Yet, the posts here are telling me to approach all day everyday.

You can pull lines like that off, but you have to do it in a playful way. If you want to start teasing her, do something like:

"I wish I could say the same about your shorts. Is that a stain?! What is that? Why are you wearing dirty shorts to the pool? Here, let me loan you a quarter to do your laundry."

But while you are doing this, you have to be smiling and being playful. When you ask if that is a stain, reach down and poke her on her leg and then look disgusted and wipe your finger off like you touched something dirty. She will probably laugh and if she likes you, give you a little push or punch to the arm. Then make fun of her for being mean and punching you so hard when you were just playing with her. Accuse her of being a bully.

You can spin it a bunch of ways. Make fun of the color of her shorts. Ask her if she is homeless since she's wearing dirty clothes out. Whatever.

Keep the interaction up like that so it is playful, and also conducive to physical contact. If you just break out the "Yeah, your shorts look like shit." line without the playfulness to back it up, you just look like an asshole.

College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 08-27-2012

Godofwar, thank you for your advice. Based on what you said about the part about being a beta, would it be optimal if I simply avoided anti-game? I simply do not have the wittiness/playfulness/confidence to be running game right now, and it hasn't worked for me.


Keep the interaction up like that so it is playful, and also conducive to physical contact. If you just break out the "Yeah, your shorts look like shit." line without the playfulness to back it up, you just look like an asshole.

This is a big problem I have. I can be witty around familiar people, but I just shut down in front of strangers. Is it something you pick up through active practice or confidence? Both?

College fresh start - WanderingSoul - 08-27-2012

Yes. Practice more and you will become more confident. They will grow together.

You should really start here:

I think Roosh's program will benefit you greatly.

College fresh start - godofwar - 08-27-2012

Quote: (08-26-2012 08:44 PM)houston Wrote:  

godofwar - Could a young looking player hang around ASU for a week and do some damage? Come up with a good lie and say he's checking out the school or something.

hmm.. great question.

At ASU, it's all about social game. girls almost always go out together in large groups, whether to a bar or house party. it can be hard to break in and pull one away for the night if you're a stranger.

the hands down easiest way to do major damage is to go visit a buddy who lives within a twenty minute drive of the university. nobody would care that you didn't go to school there, all that matters is that you are cool and want to bring some positive energy/ have a good time. no doubt he would have access to the types of parties where you can just hit on receptive girls all night long.

i don't think you would be asking if you had a buddy though.

what you don't want is to hit up the massive fucking house parties that you can see people parking for and walking up like 10 houses away. anyone can get into these, but its not usually worth it. you want it to be raging, but small enough that a lot of people know each other so girls have their guards down.

getting into the right house parties is how you get it to literally rain pussy. there are two ways to use this knowledge as an outsider visiting Tempe.

1) you make friends with dudes. you definately need A)social skills and B)to actually be cool to pull this move off succesfully. and C) a little cash to throw around wouldn't hurt. I can't tell you how many times random dudes chilled at our after parties when I had a sick house. Basically, when you're at ASU, life is a party, and anyone who is on that level joins the party. there's always plenty of booze and women, competition is rarely a factor if you're on that party level. guys are pretty open to befriending a dude, given that you're cool and have something in common with them, and something to offer (alcohol, drugs, females that want to party with you, status/fame, whatever).

Your best bet though is 2) bring your own crew. ideally, rent a house out for a week. turn your stay there into a week long party, invite every fucking girl you see during the day and at the bars. some will show up no doubt. think of it as picking a girl up, but instead of a date, you tell her to bring her friends to your house party tonight. girls are totally comfortable with this, and assuming your buddies can game her friends, everyone is going to have a little fun.

rolling completely dolo at ASU can be tough compared to my plans. But obviously, it can be done. Probably easier than most other places in the world too. But I know ASU. If you can find a way to utilize medium sized house party game(40-70 people), it will literally rain quality pussy.

College fresh start - godofwar - 08-27-2012

[quote='CtrlAltElite' pid='258389' dateline='1346043821']
Godofwar, thank you for your advice. Based on what you said about the part about being a beta, would it be optimal if I simply avoided anti-game? I simply do not have the wittiness/playfulness/confidence to be running game right now, and it hasn't worked for me.

Basically, if you play nice guy/beta game you aren't going to be getting the 8s and occasional 9s that you see walking around campus. But it's totally ok for everyone else. If you hit on 6 and 7s with nice guy game enough though, I am VERY confident you'll get laid by the end of the semester. the 6 and 7 girls at asu are friendly, and nice. it doesn't mean they'll sleep with you, but they will give you a chance to be heard, which is what you want right now. everything else is logistics and timing, which you'll get with practice and knowledge of the area/culture.

you have to have a mindset to constantly talk to girls as you go about your day though. just integrate your daily life with hitting on girls. this is the primary gift ASU has to offer. here are two examples:

1) when you enter a classroom, pause for 5-10 seconds a few steps inside the door. Just scope it out. Then choose a seat next to a girl sitting by herself preferably (its ok if she has a friend on one side). Totally ignore her at first, like you just chose a random seat. Get your bearings. Then make an comment, ask a non-personal question, etc. you don't need to even keep the convo going if its too hard. focus on getting set up for class, checking it all out. ignoring her helps too once you've established the basic connection. ask her to get a jamba juice with you at the MU when class gets out (converse with her/time it so that you leave the building together, THEN ask her right away as you step outside)

2) this is an opportunity that wasn't really available to me (i didn't realize it for a while AND there wasn't a rennovation to the MU until my junior year that made this possible) Check out those tables outside the back of the MU (by einstein's/ the library) under the weird artistic cannopies. when the weather isn't 120 degrees, this is like taking candy from a baby. there are always cute girls sitting alone, reading for class at these tables throughout the day/afternoon. just sit at a table nearby, make sure you're not at an awkward angle to talk, and strike up a conversation about what she is reading. she'll respond. if she was serious about reading, she would have walked 20 steps into the library. just keep talking to her even if she doesn't seem interested. have the mindset that you're going to make her smile and laugh or make her walk away (which she might do at first, but after a few fails you'll get a win eventually that will show you how to do it in the future). anything else, you keep going. the key here is proximity. you can get so close to her without setting off the alarms that you would in any other setting. and there's almost always plenty of tables/chairs available. if i could do ASU over again, i would spend all my free time during the day in that tiny little area hitting on chicks. its fucking as ideal as it gets for day game.

College fresh start - CtrlAltElite - 08-27-2012

Thanks a lot man. This advice is golden. I will report if something comes up.