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Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Caligula - 07-09-2012

So I just found this hamster-driven attempted analysis of why dating in SF sucks for career women:

Wanted to nuke the hamster in the comments but figured too direct would get me banned for trolling. I've pasted it below; there's some dead horse flogging going on but I thought I'd share.

I've long been trying to put together a concise overview of red pill concepts that would be helpful in getting civilians to see the light. This could be a first step.


One thing left out of your analysis is

1) that men and women are attracted to different traits in potential partners. Most men don’t care about women’s professional or educational achievements. Women care deeply about men’s achievements since these achievements are a proxy for social status. A socially inept geek devoid of charm is to women what a fat, physically unattractive woman is to a man.

2) Women are hypergamous; that is, they strongly prefer to date up. It is very rare for a woman to be attracted to a man who is less educated or has lower social status than herself. Men will happily marry women of lower status than themselves as long as they are physically attractive and strong on attractive feminine traits like nurturing. So as an accomplished woman you are competing with all of attractive womankind for the top 10% of males in the world. Many of whom, as you rightly noted, are either married or gay.

With these odds in the dating market a single, high status male is spoilt for choice. If you’re a man in his late twenties or in his thirties, kicking ass professionally, charming, socially savvy, reasonably good looking you have your pick of women in their prime (early to late-twenties). You’re a rare commodity – the women you’re able to choose from are not. After all, you mostly care about their looks and feminine charms – not their diplomas or high-powered corporate career. In fact a high powered corporate career or a high partner count (more likely in educated women) is likely to erode the feminine charms that men with wide-ranging options prize.

So a large pool of women ends up having sex with a small pool of the most attractive men. Serious commitment from these men will elude all but the very best looking and grounded women; there is no pressure for a man to commit while safe in the knowledge that he will be in his prime for another ten or twenty years and can have fun dating a glorious variety of women in the meantime. Unfortunately women do not have this luxury.

Women have become more successful than men in getting top qualifications. Consequently they’re pricing themselves out of the dating market. For every step of the ladder women climb, the pool of feasible men they’ll find attractive shrinks; for every step on the ladder a man takes the pool of women that find him attractive grows. It’s especially lonely at the top since women are hard-wired to date up.

The really sad thing is that women are constantly told to ignore these truths, often only realising that they’ve been misled when it’s too late.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - WestCoast - 07-09-2012

If you successfully convince a career driven woman in SF about what you just posted you're a saint. This is like convincing a despo indo at age 31 who is an unmarried lawyer that she can't find Mr BIG. The really successful women believe so much that their success matters that they do anything to bring it up in conversations. "oh I just pulled an all nighter, I just got xyz job, I just travelled to blank for free with said company" this would be great if they were male, not so great when they look 36 at age 30.

Anyway maybe try to logic in this fashion "think about guys you have dated in the past?"

No clue how to introduce logic correctly :/

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Caligula - 07-09-2012

You'd think an MBA grad would be more receptive to logic than your average hamster spinster. But all bets are off when dealing with matters as deeply personal as staring into the lonely, cat-filled abyss that poor life choices are leading her to.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - WestCoast - 07-09-2012

Yeah. I think roosh posted on how it's usually harder for "smart" people to learn game. So now imagine a "Smart Girl". Already bad at logic now you're overlaying what she's been taught to believe for 25+ years from our "elite education system" where the top socio and political science feminist types drive home the same idea over and over again. Oh let's add on the fact that you must take these classes as "general education".

If you succeed please let me know... I'll send you a few put options on Facebook stock.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - soup - 07-09-2012

Quote: (07-09-2012 02:43 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Yeah. I think roosh posted on how it's usually harder for "smart" people to learn game. So now imagine a "Smart Girl". Already bad at logic now you're overlaying what she's been taught to believe for 25+ years from our "elite education system" where the top socio and political science feminist types drive home the same idea over and over again. Oh let's add on the fact that you must take these classes as "general education".

If you succeed please let me know... I'll send you a few put options on Facebook stock.

Do you have a link to Roosh's post?

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Greek kamaki - 07-09-2012

She would like a man young,making millions while magically working less than 40 hours a week to have time for her,being trained at the gym with excellent physical appearance,excellent manners while at the same time with no interest for any other woman and wanting to be commited to her.
It is like a guy wanting to have a 10 years younger,gorgeous,millionaire woman who gives him 4 BJs every day,takes care of her appearance,pays his bills and thinks only of him.
We talk about phantasy land here.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - WestCoast - 07-09-2012

Ha! Spot on.

Slubu sent you a PM he touched on it when reviewing his thoughts on game over the years.

I think I should write up an exact reasoning for why elite universities damage game and how you can succeed and not get the result as GK has outlined below.

To be put simply to have "game" and "move up the corporate ladder" you must develop a dual personality. The crazy feminist types (like in this post, career driven super spinsters) will fail your ass if you give a non-pure feminist view on things. Then as soon as you leave you have to network with the already rich kids who have connex and get good with girls, get them to like you because you have girls, then finally get a job at the "top".

Anyway, the big hamster spinning in the USA for men is we all believe we can be "part of the 1%". That's such a huge myth I don't even know where to start. Instead you try damn hard to get connected and get up there and if you fail well get out of the west because we're gonna choke you to death for every penny you have. Just break into the top, or leave and be average elsewhere. I'd rather be "average guy in brazil" than "average guy in the USA". Average guy here is apparently fucked socioeconomically with what is goin on.

So again once you have the mindset like GK outlined below for a woman, it's going to take the jaws of life and 4000 pills of Xtac to convince these women thy can't have it all. They've been taught that they can for too many years.
Quote: (07-09-2012 03:47 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

She would like a man young,making millions while magically working less than 40 hours a week to have time for her,being trained at the gym with excellent physical appearance,excellent manners while at the same time with no interest for any other woman and wanting to be commited to her.
It is like a guy wanting to have a 10 years younger,gorgeous,millionaire woman who gives him 4 BJs every day,takes care of her appearance,pays his bills and thinks only of him.
We talk about phantasy land here.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - UgSlayer - 07-09-2012

Quote: (07-09-2012 03:04 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2012 02:43 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Yeah. I think roosh posted on how it's usually harder for "smart" people to learn game. So now imagine a "Smart Girl". Already bad at logic now you're overlaying what she's been taught to believe for 25+ years from our "elite education system" where the top socio and political science feminist types drive home the same idea over and over again. Oh let's add on the fact that you must take these classes as "general education".

If you succeed please let me know... I'll send you a few put options on Facebook stock.

Do you have a link to Roosh's post?

I think it was Roissy, not Roosh.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Tuthmosis - 07-09-2012

Next time, don't bother writing all of that. Just send this clip. I've met so many miserable "business women" that I love pointing out the obvious.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Thomas the Rhymer - 07-09-2012

Quote: (07-09-2012 03:04 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2012 02:43 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Yeah. I think roosh posted on how it's usually harder for "smart" people to learn game.

Do you have a link to Roosh's post?

"The less educated she is, the more direct you can be. The more educated you are, the harder it is to believe that game works."

Not sure if there are other posts too, but that line suddenly sprang to mind

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - malc - 07-10-2012

God, there are a lot of socially retarded, afraid and aloof women out there too. Just go on online dating to find many of them. Some women have a hard time distinguishing between aloofness with social skills.

Edit: I read most of the diatribe and the comments. There are many comments agreeing with what you said from women and men, you should post it. I never hear women talk like this although, using terms like alpha male and so on.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - SVK - 07-10-2012

Wow, great find. So much hamster spinning I can smell the smoke. Usually these types (professional, around 30, wanting LTR) are easy targets for me; but they usually know the clock is ticking and this slight desperation makes them quite available (using the right approach). But this delusional bitch is the type where the reality hasn't caught up with the hamster yet.

I added this comment in the 'Aging Playboy' section, It is 'awaiting moderation' so it will probably not see the light of day:


“Has all this, all this hard work and focus and education and patience….has it all just been to prepare me to be a suitable wife to an accomplished older man?”

If you are lucky. If he has any common sense he will find a younger, nicer, prettier girl to be his companion instead of dealing with your bitchy ass. Preferably from the foreign country where he’s settling.

I’m buying some Purina stock; I predict a lot of cat ladies in the America’s future.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - joehoya - 07-10-2012

That article should be titled "Why Joehoya will NEVER move to SF/Silicon Valley". It epitomizes everything that I have been exposed to in my (thankfully) short visits there.

I get at least one offer from a buddy doing a startup or a recruiter calling me every fucking month to try to get me to move down there. No fucking way. What is the point of having a high salary if you are chained to that location and have to put up with women like that? I'll take a little less money and location independence over more cash and being trapped there any day of the week.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - SVK - 07-10-2012

Question to guys from SF:

If this woman bitches about SF so much, does that mean it is good for us? Or is she just being delusional? Lot of scrawny nerds with zero game, tons of gays and relatively thin (for USA) woman could mean green pastures. But also read about very bad gender ratios.

I am a software developer living in Phoenix, Arizona and quite burned out in my current job and sick of this heat. I have visited SF 3 years ago and loved the city and the weather.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - Caligula - 07-10-2012

SVK apart from the poor pickings it's a good place if you're a skilled software developer to make a lot of money relatively fast. PM me if you want more detail.

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - aforce1 - 07-11-2012

Best analysis ever:

Diatribe: why San Francisco sucks for hypergamous careerist woman - malc - 07-11-2012

Berkley, Oakland and SF are far better than the south bay, peninsula and south east bay (Silicon Valley Area). Silicon valley is a large suburb where engineers go to raise their families in 'good schools'. Stanford keeps to itself. Marin County/North Bay is an exurb full of rich 50+ people where people don't lock their doors.