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Another night out in London - Printable Version

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Another night out in London - Shay Today - 07-01-2012

It’s 11am and I am feeling energetic, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. I was out late last night. If one doesn’t drink then one can literally go out every single night. I spent £1.50 last night; 50p on gum and £1 on bike rental. I’ll go out again tonight and do the same thing.

I have found a good wing here in London. He is positive, fun and lively and on the same page as me. He goes out every night and approaches a lot. Last night he impressed me by approaching a very intimidating 10 with spectacular fake tits (I had already passed her but chickened out). He’s beginning to get really good results now too. Hard work pays off, and he works hard. To all of you who are just sitting at home and reading, please be sure you are not kidding yourselves, you will NOT make any progress doing what you are doing. You must be out amongst it to have any idea how it actually works, theory means nothing without real experience to relate it to.

It requires A LOT OF GOING OUT TIME to get really comfortable, let alone good at this, so you really should start now, it’s not gonna miraculously get any easier, you’ll just be starting at an older age is all. If it’s fear that’s holding you back, be honest with yourself and don’t dress it up as something else. Deal with the reality of your situation, no excuses. It will take you a lot of time to get good at this, no matter when you start, so why delay? Being marginally buffer or having an extra couple of hundred/thousand in the bank will not make it any easier to approach and be unstifled, going out and gaming will be a challenge no matter how much you’ve read or how well you’ve eaten or if your start-up has started-up.

Anyway, no sex or make outs for me last night. I went to Big Chill bar. I did tho get 3 really solid numbers of girls I stayed in set with for long periods of time. I had it in my head that I would stay in set as long as I could last night. I’ve been bailing out too early my entire life. I’ve discovered that I never run out of stuff to say and can basically stay chatting indefinitely. This is a good skill to have. The 1st girl I opened at traffic lights when we were both on our bikes. We cycled together for 20 mins and arranged to meet up later. She texted me at 4 when I was already home. I’ll text her today. The 2nd girl was handing out flyers near the bar. She was gorgeous, she looked like a sexy Romany gypsy, tanned skin, big brown eyes. She was very cool and we chatted for 30 mins. I’ll be very surprised if she flakes, but having said that she is Italian and Italians ALWAYS flake on me. The 3rd girl was in the bar. I approached her and her sister. She was absolutely stunning and I stayed in set for two hours almost. She was a classy girl. I walked them to their car and got a small kiss. I think I’ll get a day 2. I’ll keep you guys posted.

I was improving my kino and eye contact but my escalation in all three sets was certainly on the tame side. I find it hard to kino and escalate when stone cold sober. I’ll keep working on this.

I learned last night that my state doesn’t just keep rising as the night goes on, heading only one way (up) toward a mad crescendo of beastmoding at 3am like RSD seems to imply. It certainly ebbs and flows like a tide as the night progresses. I can have a make out with a hottie and then feel a little vulnerable and out of state 10 mins later. It’s really all in my mind tho, obviously. It actually doesn’t matted much how your state is, you can approach anyway. You might not be quite as charismatic and in-your-face but that doesn’t matter, there are plenty of fish in the sea and as long as you are being real you will be coming across fairly well, and most importantly you’ll be learning, and you’ll put yourself back in state by approaching. So as usual approaching is win-win.

In these clubs full of hotties there is a different type of guy. There were a lot of physically large, well dressed, alpha males, from ethnic minorities there. They hang in big gangs and make me feel a bit………… white. In indie clubs I’ll be in the best shape probably but in these other clubs there are many big men who seem to have big egos. Tough competition, especially when you are chasing the alpha females. I just need to adapt to this. I’m a steely motherfucker, I’m not intimidated by competition, it’ll force me to up my game. I’m used to going places where the women are less hot and the guys are more chodey, but this new situation is better, this will make me stronger.

My approaching is still erratic. Often I approach the hottie I want to approach, but often I chicken out of approaching the hottie I want to approach. As I wrote before, it’s all about percentages, if I currently approach 20% of the hotties I want to approach and next month I’ve developed to a point where I can approach 30% of the hotties I see then I’m making progress, and as long as my percentage is going up, I have nothing to fret about.

Although being sober makes it harder to escalate, tougher to approach and more of a challenge to get in state, I have no doubt that my game is better sober, no doubt. I have moved into a new league by not drinking, now I just need to establish myself in this division and start stringing together a few results and moving up the table (to exhaust the sports analogy.)

The great thing is that whilst I type this I’m already getting excited about what tonight will bring.

Another night out in London - Kitsune - 07-01-2012

Well that's great.

It's so great, I checked your blog. I hope you have a wonderful day. [Image: huh.gif]

PS. In the event of you not simply spamming your blog, where do you go in London that is free to get in and has actual human females?

Another night out in London - Shay Today - 07-01-2012

Have you been to London and not enjoyed it??

Another night out in London - Kitsune - 07-01-2012

I'm genuinely curious as to where you go in London?

By the talk of it, there are some attractive girls at the places you go, and no entrance fee. Both of those sound good to me.

Another night out in London - Caligula - 07-01-2012

Quote: (07-01-2012 12:33 PM)Shay Today Wrote:  

Have you been to London and not enjoyed it??

Bust out a London data sheet!

Another night out in London - Shay Today - 07-03-2012

I think London has great girls and there are many places you can go that are free to get in and inexpensive. A lot of places you can go a little earlier and miss the door fee, which only kicks in later in the night.
London has myriad different types of clubs packed with cute girls. It depends what sort of girls and what sort of clubs you enjoy (indie, hip-hop, high-end, cheesy, touristy, studenty, sweaty pill-heads etc.).
I've had very fun nights at Proud Camden (free in until late and always falling down with hotties), Cheapskates in Soho (Wed and Thurs £1 drinks and tonnes of sexy students), Big Chill Bar Brick Lane (always free and usually lots of sexy girls), Tiger Tiger (cheesy but, again, pretty girls), Sports Cafe Haymarket (£1 beers Mon and Tues, free in before 10pm and lots of babes, nice and touristy), O'Neill's Leicester Square (free in if you get there before 11ish and lots and lots of hot international girls).
There are an endless amount of other places that are also great.
London is also great for street game. Lots of nice coffee shops too. There are beautiful babes everywhere you look, just waiting to be spoken to.
I would recommend this city I'm writing to you from.