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Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Printable Version

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Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Black Quixote - 06-19-2012


I am going to begin by stating that I have been working to release one product with someone else for the past few months. This product will be released very soon. But, I have another product would like to release personally that will have a much more lasting effect. I am going to most likely document here a case study of what it means to release a product, or it may just end up being me releasing my personal process of releasing an ebook.

First off, this next product I release that I am working on will just be a release of an old method I used to do that I will use to build a list so when I release my bigger product I have an audience to rave about how much they made with my last product and thus my next product (which will make them even more) will do even better.

This is going to be to show how going from scratch you can build a list of say 1000 subscribers + make $1,000-$3,000 in a few weeks.

It'll be interesting.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - WestIndianArchie - 06-19-2012


Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - The Fantasist - 06-19-2012

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

Great idea.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - WanderingSoul - 06-19-2012

Looking forward to it. Do you do all of your product releases on the Warrior Forum, or do you do no WF products?

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-19-2012

The first Product is a JV between me and BQ.

We are trying to find a very reputable account to sell the product on. We both have accounts but they are newbie accounts.(Mine has around 90 posts, his around 50).

Right now we are talking to one lady who is in various private JV forums, and we are also contacting a very reputable member on another IM forum to see if he is interested.

On Warrior Forum a product will sell based on two things- clout, and the sales page.

Clout refers to any buzz, reviews, affiliates and basically social proof around the product. The sales page is essential for a solid product release as there are so many products on WF that having a sub-par sales page is suicide.

BQ can explain it in more detail since he's very good at generating clout and networking.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - WanderingSoul - 06-19-2012

Is the product you guys are selling a very solid product? Or are you guys trying to get good reviews from people you know, or buy them, and sell people a so-so product? Not hating at all, but want to know what you guys are doing. I know lots of WSO's are crap and mostly hype.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - kosko - 06-19-2012

We talking 'Whole Foods' here?

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Rah - 06-19-2012

More power to you for the hustle, but members here should know that 99% of WSO's are at best gurus selling shovels to last year's tapped out gold mines. At worst, they are the guys who are trying to copy the guru (ex: anyone following a case study like this). So just make sure that any involvement with WSO's is on the hustling side, not the buying side.

There are a lot of gullible saps out there though that really will buy into the fantasy of easy internet money; the question of why someone with a method of generating guaranteed thousands online would create hundreds of competitors for $47 a piece never seems to occur to them.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - joehoya - 06-19-2012

Quote: (06-19-2012 04:53 AM)kosko Wrote:  

We talking 'Whole Foods' here? (I think)

It is an internet marketing forum.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-19-2012

Our product is solid. We have both made money of the method and pretty much anyone can do it. In short its not your usual shitty WSO but it offers a business model that there's not much information on.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Jalouse - 06-19-2012

This is snake oil, if you have a good method of making money you don't think hmm I'll make this into a product and sell it to somebody else. You keep it to yourself and try to scale it up.

You're in the making money business out of telling other people how to make money, perhaps it works but it is a very dubious business practice that relies on a steady stream of suckers.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-19-2012

Once someone makes money with a method they will sell it to other IM'ers. Of course, since they have more experience in their field they'll still do better than the new people. Some of the new people who work hard will do well. If I could make 2k a month with this method, or if I could use it create a strong reputation for 10k a month through product releases, I'll obviously choose the latter.

However, it doesn't mean the 2k a month method doesn't work. Its just its more profitable long term for me to sell the information. That doesn't make me a snake oil salesman because I'm giving them great information that ACTUALLY WORKS. This is opposed to someone who doesn't know shit who sells a product on something he doesn't know about. Thats a scam artist.

Just because someone is selling a method doesn't' mean it sucks and doesn't work. Most people don't do shit with the information they are given and then bitch about how everything is a scam.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Jalouse - 06-19-2012

Sure TK I believe that, when I had an Internet business bringing in up to $70,000 in sales a month I remember thinking to myself I know I should explain exactly how I do this and sell it to a bunch of people, I'm sure the competition won't hurt my business.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-20-2012

Yeah, except this brings in far less. Its not some business model bringing in shittons of cash, its just a cool way for anyone to make 1-3k a month and possibly 10k if you really put in effort and build up a rep. Its perfect for people who are location independent and want to add some extra income, and done with intelligence means you'll rake the money in with very little per month effort.

If I had something making 70k a month I'd keep that shit to myself, but a 1-2k per month side income is worth teaching. Why? Because even with the increased competition we will make more because of our increased reputation.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Jalouse - 06-20-2012

I don't want to be pedantic but do you think a business just suddenly leaps to 70k a month? There will be some point where your making a few hundred a month, then a few thousand etc.

You want me to believe that you have a business making 1-2k a month which is easy to do and it scales well because you're going to tell a bunch of other people how to do it, but you'd rather make the money off telling them how to do than doing it yourself?

From Black Quixote's other post it is clear that he doesn't have a business bringing in 1-2k a month because he's asking people to invest $500 in his business venture.

Maybe you currently have a business idea that brings in $10 a month which you will then flog onto a bunch of people of course telling them that it has the possibility of making thousands, now that I can believe.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Vice - 06-20-2012

Quote: (06-20-2012 08:30 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I don't want to be pedantic but do you think a business just suddenly leaps to 70k a month? There will be some point where your making a few hundred a month, then a few thousand etc.

You want me to believe that you have a business making 1-2k a month which is easy to do and it scales well because you're going to tell a bunch of other people how to do it, but you'd rather make the money off telling them how to do than doing it yourself?

From Black Quixote's other post it is clear that he doesn't have a business bringing in 1-2k a month because he's asking people to invest $500 in his business venture.

Maybe you currently have a business idea that brings in $10 a month which you will then flog onto a bunch of people of course telling them that it has the possibility of making thousands, now that I can believe.

Firstly, a great WF WSO can bring in $20K gross in a couple of weeks. There are very few online business models out there that can be scaled to that level. Even leaving the money aside, you'll get tons of $$$ in the future from the list you build.

Case in point: Kindle books. No matter how much you try, you'll never be netting above $5K writing Kindle books (unless you go into fiction). On the other hand, selling a WSO on how to make money from Kindle can generate way more in sales.

It's a fact that the IM niche is easily in the Top 5 of lucrative niches. Pandering to the crowd involved in the IM niche doesn't make you a "snake-oil salesman".

To be honest, people have unrealistic expectations. Seriously, what do you expect to get from a $9 WSO? A PhD thesis?

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-21-2012

I don't know why BQ was asking for an investment. Don't ask me. He has a habit of wasting any money he has on stupid shit and he also spent the last year not really doing anything(full time university). However he did teach me about this method and I made some spare cash with it.

The method is solid and will work and we've made cash from it before. I've even taught it to another friend of mine who is making 500-800 extra dollars a month with it with very little effort(maybe a hour a week). Its not rocket science but its an often overlooked method and nobody else has created a product about it. We break it down and make sure people learn how to do it.

Look, I'm showing people how to release a WSO. It seems like you don't care about it and instead would like to waste people's time instead.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Rah - 06-21-2012

Quote: (06-20-2012 11:07 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Quote: (06-20-2012 08:30 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I don't want to be pedantic but do you think a business just suddenly leaps to 70k a month? There will be some point where your making a few hundred a month, then a few thousand etc.

You want me to believe that you have a business making 1-2k a month which is easy to do and it scales well because you're going to tell a bunch of other people how to do it, but you'd rather make the money off telling them how to do than doing it yourself?

From Black Quixote's other post it is clear that he doesn't have a business bringing in 1-2k a month because he's asking people to invest $500 in his business venture.

Maybe you currently have a business idea that brings in $10 a month which you will then flog onto a bunch of people of course telling them that it has the possibility of making thousands, now that I can believe.

Firstly, a great WF WSO can bring in $20K gross in a couple of weeks. There are very few online business models out there that can be scaled to that level. Even leaving the money aside, you'll get tons of $$$ in the future from the list you build.

Case in point: Kindle books. No matter how much you try, you'll never be netting above $5K writing Kindle books (unless you go into fiction). On the other hand, selling a WSO on how to make money from Kindle can generate way more in sales.

It's a fact that the IM niche is easily in the Top 5 of lucrative niches.

I'm with you until this part:


Pandering to the crowd involved in the IM niche doesn't make you a "snake-oil salesman". To be honest, people have unrealistic expectations. Seriously, what do you expect to get from a $9 WSO? A PhD thesis?

It's pretty much text-book snake oil. And those expectations are created by 5 page long sales letters full of all kinds of wild claims and testimonials.

As long as we:

1) Embrace the hustle

2) Don't try to sling snake oil to RVF members

then I think everyone is on the same page. The point of this thread is to teach people who don't know how to make money online to sell products about how to make money online to people who don't know how to make money online. I don't see the point of trying to defend how that's a perfectly legitimate business enterprise, just embrace the hustle and carry on.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Big Nilla - 06-21-2012

Quote: (06-20-2012 11:07 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Quote: (06-20-2012 08:30 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

Case in point: Kindle books. No matter how much you try, you'll never be netting above $5K writing Kindle books (unless you go into fiction). On the other hand, selling a WSO on how to make money from Kindle can generate way more in sales.

Oops, bad example. I'm making WAY OVER $5,000 a month from kindle in non-fiction.

But I get what you're saying... I could make a lot selling my "kindle secrets." The only problem with that is the warrior forum followers would screw up a good thing I have going. I'd make a chunk of money selling them the info, but then I take a hit from them over-using my techniques and forcing amazon to crackdown on them. So in the long run I make less money telling people things I do. Thus, I keep my mouth shut and laugh at "kindle experts."

I have a former business partner who after hearing how much I make on kindle at the Deiss Traffic & Conversion event, he all of a sudden became a quasi kindle expert on the warrior forum and he's lucky to make $750 a month off it. Said he made about $4,000 from his kindle wso.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Vicious - 06-21-2012

WF, WSO, IM.... with all these acronyms. You're only going to reach out to people already converted.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Saladin - 06-21-2012


WSO- Warrior Source Offer. Basically an Internet Marketing product thats offered on the Warrior Forum. Most of them are rehashed shit.
IM- Internet Marketing.
WarriorForum- A major Internet Marketing forum.

As for snake oil, I'm not selling anything here. Maybe after I release the product I'll PM it a couple of members and they can decide if its snake oil or not.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Vice - 06-21-2012

Quote: (06-20-2012 08:30 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I'm not defending WSOs, I just didn't want people to be dissuaded from selling them. Yes I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy them as most are crap.

Quote: (06-21-2012 12:18 AM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

The $5K was just a ballpark figure. While I do understand what you're saying, there isn't any secret to making money on Kindle. Amazon's algorithm is easy as hell to game. Want to see the gaming going on? Just go to the Kindle Erotica Bestsellers list. You'll see plenty of crap books (writing wise) in the Top 100 with fake verified reviews, fake likes, fake tagging etc. It's also easy to rank Amazon's pages on Google w/ gray/blackhat SEO without any fear of penalization.

Not to mention the scores of Kindle WSOs that have already been released on the forum. So I don't see how selling WSOs would reduce Kindle sales. Anyway, to each their own [Image: smile.gif]

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Kitsune - 06-21-2012

Quote: (06-19-2012 07:45 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

Sure TK I believe that, when I had an Internet business bringing in up to $70,000 in sales a month I remember thinking to myself I know I should explain exactly how I do this and sell it to a bunch of people, I'm sure the competition won't hurt my business.

The truth is out in this thread.

WSO's are worthless. They tend to be copied and pasted from free forums anyway, and the ones that aren't soon will be free on forum posts.

Internet Marketing is mostly just pyramid scheme upon pyramid scheme. Hence google doesn't even allow you to PPC 'Make Money Online' courses anymore.

They'd get rid of IM altogether if they could.

EDIT: No offence to Torontokid or Black Quixote though. We all start somewhere. It just isn't a viable decent business to get into. You're much better spending as little time as possible in IM before using the skills to go somewhere else with it.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - Vacancier Permanent - 06-21-2012

I used to be very active in the Warrior Forum a few years ago and at one point was becoming a WSO buyer junkie, buying everything left and right. Needless to say that about 99.99% of the WSO's sold there were worthless but from time to time, you would find the odd gem here and there. The best part of the WF is the War Room, which is their paid section where the best stuff and most of the WSO are shared for free by the authors.

Tkid, I like your hustle and I know you will succeed as you have the drive. Send me your course and I'll provide you with an unbiased review if you want.

Case Study: How to Release a WF Product - bface - 06-21-2012

I recently launched a good seo software product on there but only sold one subscription. The people on there just don't get it and look for a get rich quick scheme... I will have to relaunch with a scammy sales page so that people end up buying... They did not even understand the concept of google updates etc... Shocking for an affiliate marketing website...

Makes me a little sick every time I am on that website...