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Fattitude vs. Skinny, Pretty Girl Attitude - Nonpareil - 06-05-2012

We all know what these two terms are; Fattitude; the obnoxious, offputting behavior that fat chicks get away with, and Skinny Girl Attitude; the type of shit your regular slender, pretty girls do (not always maliciously) designed to piss men off. However, they aren't the same; if they were there wouldn't be a need for two terms. I had noticed in the past several differences in these two maladaptive female behaviors, and I encourage any of you to post the rest.

1) Cockblocking is almost solely (but not entirely) the provenience of fat (or ugly) girls. I have a theory on why skinny, pretty girls don't cockblock as often; fat (and ugly) girls, by virtue of their appearance, will never admit, but in their minds know, that almost 100% of the attention they get at the club is really just residual attention that has sidetracked to them off of their pretty friends...yeah sure, you do get your outliers that like fat women, but most of the time, the reason I.Fatty is getting attention is because the guy wants to bang her cute friend, or wants intel on her cute friend, or wants to look good to her cute friend, or wants to get some face with her cute friend, and so on and so forth.

Fact is, if a girl is skinny and pretty, she doesn't need to cockblock for this very reason; she has no trouble attracting male attention on her own; cute 5'1 90 lb. Caitlyn will not have trouble finding a suitor at the bar even if a guy isolates her best friend, athletic 5'7 115 lb. Julie. Not saying that pretty girls don't cockblock, but nowhere near as often do they do this as their land-whale friends. This is why 99% of the most heinous cockblocks out there could play on an offensive line.

2) However, flaking is a different story, though my data is insufficient (any fat or ugly girls I have fucked [hey, part of being a man is being able to admit when you fucked up] were done under the influence of substantial amounts of liquor). I don't pull fat numbers with the intention of calling them (though I am not above humoring them into thinking I will, should I feel like it), so I don't call fat girls, but at the same time given the recent trends in the increase of fattitude, I wouldn't be shocked if there were fat girls flaking on the desperate and the gameless.

However, when I was back home at least, flaking amongst your slender and sexies was at pandemic proportions; it's not totally out there to put the flake percentage of a skinny Western girl at 50%. Now as I, and any gamesman who's played the game long enough knows, the best way to counter the flake is with chilly aloofness and a take-it-or-leave-it attitude, move on to the next, and this increases your odds incrementally, but still, no skinny girl in the west is a no-flake risk...not even your girlfriend.

As with jabbas laying blocks, I know why skinny pretty girls flake; they have options, it's the same as why guys who fuck over 30 women a year are reticent to get into a relationship; options = instability.

3) Entitlement mentality exists in both fatties and slimmies, but it's entitlement of a different nature. Skinny pretty girls expect you to jump through more hoops than a tiny dog at a circus; her pussy is the prize and she won't just let you plunder it (unless you come in strong from second one). This again comes down to options; while at the same time I think young girls, thanks to the massive Single Mommy Safety Net® that exists in the USA and Canada want to become pregnant, in their heart of hearts, what they really want is a good provider (who looks good naked, is loyal, can cook, makes 100k per, has an edge, has a good social circle etc etc etc until the end of time), not to be raising some jailbird's child for 18 years on a government stipend (but of course they could totally do that if they wanted to). It's not just for everybody - or so she wants you to think...This is why we learn game; to fuck more and better girls in less time.

Fat girl entitlement is different; they are easy to fuck (just like I've laughed at myself for fucking fat girls in the past, I will laugh at you too...if you have to take a fat girl on a date before sex, even to Chili's or Applebee's or wherever she goes to stuff her gullet, I'll just feel bad for you), but outside of sex, their entitlement runs rampant.

'Woo! girls nyte out! I've picked the place, they have great ribs!'

'OMG we should totally grab McDonalds after the bar!'

'No! I don't want to go to that place, the doorman didn't let me in last time, let's go here!'

One of my coworkers is one of the biggest entitlement princesses I've ever met in this regard.

This is part of why fat girls cockblock; they need to feel in control. They get no male attention (which they feel is beyond their control, but is in fact fully in, exercise), they have no control over their diet (again, fully in their control) and hey, maybe they even got passed up for a promotion last month for the skinner, cuter, less-qualified girl (again, losing some weight would remedy this in part). The fact is that the fat girl is an accessory to the skinny girl, like a pair of earrings or a shiny necklace, designed to ward off weaker men. The skinny and attractive girl is the golden goose in the social circle, the fat girl is easily replaced with another fat girl, auditions are open and ongoing.

There is also another form of Fatntitlement that is rearing it's ugly head; the expectation that she deserves everything that the skinny girl has just because she has a vagina (remember, Entitlement...female trait, knows no weight). What does this lead to? No weight-loss, no dieting, the same behavior, but drastically different results. Where the entitled 5'4 100 lb. pretty girl can expect either a series of flings with medium-to-high status men and maybe even a relationship with one of them (and if not, she can always pick-and-choose from a veritable Solar System of beta orbiters), what does the fatty get? Pump and dumps and losers.

4) Fat (and again, ugly) girls are the whiniest cunts on the planet. Have you ever wondered why not a single mainstream Feminist is attractive and several are fat? Because attractive skinny girls get enough benefits from men that they don't want, or even need Feminism (Feminists hate attractive women because they cut the legs out from under their whole warped worldview).

What does this lead to? Bullshit feelgoodism like Fat Acceptance.

Fat Acceptance n. - A bunch of fat feminists working 80 hours a week to try to change the public perception that being fat is gross and bad for your health, so they shouldn't have to change, when they would be doing far better work by going back to their 40-hour a week job and hitting the gym for an hour a day and putting down the potato chips and going for a salad.

Now, I won't deny that some people are genetically fat, but it's an extremely small outlying percentage of the population that is probably less than 1%. You know what Fat Acceptance sounds like to me? 'All fat people are genetically fat and can never change, even with proper diet and exercise. Let's now legislate it into a law that says it's illegal to discriminate against us...ooh, I want a piece of that cheesecake!'

I am so glad I am where I am, and the fat girls (in my target range) are outnumbered like 400:1. Think about what happens if discriminating against fat women becomes a law, and ask yourself this:

In America will you soon be facing legal action if you decide not to fuck fat chicks?

Yeah, I'm joking, but any American players here, really think about that for a second...

You know why pretty girls aren't pushing a Pretty Girl Acceptance Movement? Because they already know that every straight man (again, save for a statistically insignificant percentage of losers) wants a skinny, pretty girl.

Anyways, that's the end of my observations on Fattitude versus regular Skinny Girl Attitude. As always, chime in with what you have.


Fattitude vs. Skinny, Pretty Girl Attitude - teh_skeeze - 06-05-2012

Good post.

Really it boils down to skinny and attractive girls exercising options (putting you down in the process) and fat/ugly girls faking it. I think fat girls tend to be more masculine as well. Deep down inside they know that their best bet is some beta schlub who isn't going to stand up for them. So they put this aggressive facade of take it or leave it.

I have never had a skinny girl try to insult me. Pretty girls tend to be very humble about their appearance, and they don't want to start a war they can't finish.

The only chicks that I have considered hanging out with because they were genuinely cool were fat and masculine chicks. I can hang out with them like they are a bro and there isn't that weird sexual tension you get when both parties are obviously attracted to one another but don't want to admit it.

Not all feminists are ugly and fat. I would say attractive ones are the exception and not the norm, but I have met some feminists that I would gladly have banged if they shaved their body hair. The common thread with these girls: Daddy issues.

Just like a man knows that the only woman in this world that genuinely has his back is mommy, the only man that a woman can be certain of is her father. When he's absent or abusive it causes lifelong damage. Some become raging sluts, others become feminists.

Fattitude vs. Skinny, Pretty Girl Attitude - Catch 22 - 06-06-2012

How do you do fat chicks and when you're drunk? I tried that for the first time last year and could barely get it up. It's probably a big reason my notch count isn't that high, but I'd rather pass on the fatties. Agreed on the analysis, though.

One girl probably a 7, maybe 7.5 (which is a DC 8 or 8.5), was telling me that she offered to go with one of her fat friends to speed dating. The fat friend was essentially offended by the idea - the naive cute girl didn't even consider that she would take all the guys from the fattie, but the fattie was more than aware. I suspect your average fattie cockblocker is thinking the same thing. Makes you wonder, what would happen if the better looking guy (wing) went for the fattie and made her think she she was going to land him while the other guy goes for the hottie. Gotta figure fattie wouldn't cockblock in that situation.