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getting your game back after a hiatus - mojodrew - 11-23-2009

so, after a self-imposed 4 month pussy detox i'm going back to rio on friday. the cause of the detox was my own dementia which took hold in the week it took to get my (negative) std test results.
i have been very content to just chill and wait until rio to find my game again, but a couple developments have made me think twice about that strategy.
the other night i left my door unlocked while i went downstairs to get a lighter from my car. when i came back there was a blond russian girl standing in my apartment with my joint in her hand. i led her to the couch. we started smoking. i went for the kiss. she balked. she left.
the second alarm is that ive noticed myself becoming much more of a needy little bitch in my interactions with this cutie from rio that i saw when i was down there and is gonna stay with me when i get back. jealousy, favors, whatever... i feel like she was too much "hand" right now.
i met her when i was at my game apex, hitting on every cutie in sight. when we first started seeing eachother, she was in a heavy rotation, and she had to have known it. now, its all changed. how do i flip the switch?

getting your game back after a hiatus - deadgabacho - 11-23-2009

Man I'm in a similar situation. It's not an STD test that broke me, it was falling for a girl. Went from juggling pussy to zero about two or three weeks ago. Since then I've not had the motivation nor the game to get the swing back.

I just had a morning of walking around to a lecture and back.. I get plenty of looks in my direction, pass by a 100 approaches and just keep walking. gotta find my mojo...

getting your game back after a hiatus - mojodrew - 11-23-2009

yeah, the nervousness i felt when waiting for those test results was the last straw
in reality, it was having two different girls get revenge on me for cheating on them various times by betraying me right in front of my eyes that really killed it for me
i feel like im caught in a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. ive convinced myself that all girls are whores that will eventually cheat, even though the other night i would have banged that russian girl if she hadnt pulled away from my kiss.
i really dont know where im going with this

getting your game back after a hiatus - kerouac - 11-23-2009

Luckily getting your game back happens a lot faster than finding your game [Image: biggrin.gif]

I'm going through a bit of a weird spell right now, but when I find myself in a situation that is conducive to game, my mind jumps right back into it. It's basically become natural now.

The only thing I need to work on right now is getting back my spirits in order to become more social with people again, and to get myself in those conducive situations again...

Good luck to you guys! In the end we know it will happen, the question is... when? [Image: biggrin.gif]

getting your game back after a hiatus - Kona - 11-23-2009

Quote: (11-23-2009 01:18 PM)mojodrew Wrote:  

i left my door unlocked while i went downstairs to get a lighter from my car. when i came back there was a blond russian girl standing in my apartment with my joint in her hand. i led her to the couch. we started smoking.

That's how porn movies get started.

More things like that have to happen to me.


getting your game back after a hiatus - thegmanifesto - 11-23-2009

"the other night i left my door unlocked while i went downstairs to get a lighter from my car. when i came back there was a blond russian girl standing in my apartment with my joint in her hand."

Did this happen in a dream state or reality?

getting your game back after a hiatus - stoney - 11-23-2009

i agree with G...

wtf kinda story is that to drop as an aside??

getting your game back after a hiatus - mojodrew - 11-23-2009

i left my door unlocked to get something out of my car
when i hit the elevator button the door popped open and the girl walked by
i smiled... she smiled back
i came downstairs and when i made my way back up the door was locked
i said, wtf, and went down to get security to let me up
when i make my way back up there the door is unlocked again
i open, and shes standing there, eating my salad, with my joint in-hand

right then and there i shoulda dropped the "you know, i should call the police" line
instead, i made like an idiot... and was nice

bad call

getting your game back after a hiatus - Roosh - 11-23-2009

Shit like that never happens to me.

Getting your game back is like refreshing a language you didn't use for a while. Just hit the ground running, make mistakes, and then quickly adjust.