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What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Roosh - 05-30-2012

While men are not nearly as bad as women, we can have hamsters too. I would say there are two things I feel the need to rationalize:

1. I don't leave women worse off then I found them. I think that just because I fucked a girl and never called her again, I didn't cause her any harm. I gave her the good dick made her life better.

2. It's okay that I'm going a year or longer without seeing my family. Lots of people I meet are surprised that I can go that long away from them. I tell that that with Skype and email, I'm still able to keep in touch and that they don't really need me there anyway.

[Image: womanhamster.gif]

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Blunt - 05-30-2012

1. This girl's friends or coworkers can't hear my pickup attempt or can't understand what's really going on. In reality they know what's up, but pretending like they don't is the only way I get myself to do it.

2. My weak Russian makes me sound sexy and exotic like French guys to American girls. Really I probably sound like an idiot but I don't care.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-30-2012

1. A girl rejected me just because I'm short and she is spoiled with unrealistic standards. In reality, while that was certainly a factor, it is a comforting rationalization of the fact that my game wasn't good enough or that I screwed up somewhere where I shouldn't have. Btw, I'm 5'5'' (163 cm).

Can't really formalize this, but perhaps thinking that foreign women are better than they really are, or that Croatia is more Americanized than it really is? Could be a small rationalization, but I have no way of telling without travelling a lot more.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Candide - 05-30-2012

I shouldn't bust my ass working because the whole system is designed to fuck me, the white hetero male, so why bother. While it's true that I'm forced to fork over massive amounts of tax dollars to people I consider parasites (mostly women, their bastard kids, and others who game the system or ARE the system), ultimately, I'm a lot better off rich and can still get rich if I apply myself. There are also lots of ways around taxation which only require an effort on my part to exploit. I also find hard work, in and of itself, to be personally fulfilling and happiness-rendering. There's no real reason for me to take the easy way out and play the victim in my own mind.

I wouldn't be happier with one beautiful, virtuous, feminine wife of days gone by, when being an alpha male meant being head of house and having children, backed up by society, culture, and law. As much as I love it, the cad lifestyle is one of necessity. To be honest, I'm really not sure if this is a rationalization, or if I wouldn't have been happier with a proper wife and family... maybe what keeps me guessing is the lack of even having an option, and sadness over what has become of western civilization as a result.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Asmodeus - 05-30-2012

Isn't the same format but: I need to stop making excuses for my shitty friends and go make better ones.
Guess my rationalization would be that they might change.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Nonpareil - 05-30-2012

My buddy who can't get laid is still a pretty good guy...then just why can't he get laid? I've cut the deadweight from my coattails in the past, and it was necessary, but that doesn't mean I felt good about having to do it. You know why average guy who can't get laid (and not deformed guy who can't get laid) can't get laid? Because he's unwilling to put in the work to do it, something which is at epidemic proportions in North America.

Fucking these western chicks is easy. Is this true, well yes, but just because at 29 something is now easy, doesn't mean that at 21 it wasn't mysteries-of-the-universe hard; fact is I had to basically throw out all I had been told growing up and bankroll entire wardrobe overhauls and gym memberships to get to the point where I can now go out and with little effort fuck some girl I met that night.

I love the player lifestyle! Well yes, I love it, fucking plenty of women, many attractive (but yes, some nasty) is tons of fun, but I'm not sure I should like loving it. Like Candide above me said, I do it because it's really the only thing you can do where I'm from. These North American chicks aren't fit for marriage, they're fit for straitjackets; that cute 20 year old you're fucking who is cool, smart and easy to be around? If you put a ring on it, I guarantee in ten years she's cunty, 30-50 lbs. heavier, fucking you once a month and one glance from her alpha male boss from putting you through the shredder of the Divorce Courts, where even though she has a job she'll receive alimony and then poison your own children against you. That said, now overseas, I am more than comfortable with the new realization that if I get married (BIG if...), I may have to import...the MSM would call me a loser for thinking that, but men who know what's up (most here) would say 'When your wife is 35 she will still be hot, and she'll cook and clean for you, and she won't want to forgo a family at the expense of her low-level HR did the right thing, Nonpareil.'

I'll probably end up marrying a western chick. Every day my rationalization tiger roars less and less loudly on this one.

She wasn't that bad. Uh, yeah Nonpareil, she kinda was...

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Roosh - 05-30-2012

Being big won't make a big difference in making girls attracted to me. While I have some experience to back that up, a lot of it comes from laziness in not wanting to put in the work.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Cookie - 05-30-2012

I´d be over anyway: Since I quite being a Beta male, I just dump girls when I tire of the, or want something new (I broke up with my gf, to go fuck around in Nica for a month). I usually just figure we´d breakup, or it wouldn´t work out anyway and that keeps me from hating myself.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Tuthmosis - 05-30-2012

There are several, I'm sure, though I usually have enough self-awareness to recognize my own hamsterism. I know I'm deluding myself:

1. This whole thing isn't some sort of subtle mental illness or addiction. Are you kidding me? The opposite is! The fact that I mechanically chase pussy--even when I don't "want to"--and spend countless hours per week honing my skills, plotting, and coordinating is perfectly normal. This is what men have been hard-wired to do for 10,000s of years! The idiots with girlfriends--or, worse, the ones who never get laid--are the ones with the problem. I'm not trying to make up for something or have some sort of insatiable thirst for validation.

2. I don't need long-term, meaningful relationships. Sure, they can be good--and I often tell guys that it's "healthy" to periodically "park the game" for a quality girl--but it's not better than fucking a rotation of fresh recruits.

3. These guys with girlfriends are miserable. Just look at them: holding hands, going to the movies, and laughing. I wonder how long that will last. I've had that shit, and better. It gets old. Quick.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Roosh - 05-30-2012


3. These guys with girlfriends are miserable. Just look at them: holding hands, going to the movies, and laughing. I wonder how long that will last. I've had that shit, and better. It gets old. Quick.

Hah I do that too. Usually I think, "I wonder how much shit he has to put up with."

I think some of our assertions are indeed correct, but since we make them without evidence, it can be rationalizing.

Also, can you imagine this type of thread on a girl forum? 0 replies.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - el mechanico - 05-30-2012

Quote: (05-30-2012 10:51 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


3. These guys with girlfriends are miserable. Just look at them: holding hands, going to the movies, and laughing. I wonder how long that will last. I've had that shit, and better. It gets old. Quick.

Hah I do that too. Usually I think, "I wonder how much shit he has to put up with."

I think some of our assertions are indeed correct, but since we make them without evidence, it can be rationalizing.

Also, can you imagine this type of thread on a girl forum? 0 replies.
I'm going to be 43 next month and can count on my hands how many times I've seen dudes with long terms that were helpful or enjoyable to be around. Fucking nightmare. I date until the bang then it's my world 100%.

What's even worse or THE WORST are these dudes who give up their identity for their girl. Going to her family shit while ignoring his and joining her social circle while ditching his.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Nonpareil - 05-30-2012

Quote: (05-30-2012 10:51 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


3. These guys with girlfriends are miserable. Just look at them: holding hands, going to the movies, and laughing. I wonder how long that will last. I've had that shit, and better. It gets old. Quick.

Hah I do that too. Usually I think, "I wonder how much shit he has to put up with."

I think some of our assertions are indeed correct, but since we make them without evidence, it can be rationalizing.

Also, can you imagine this type of thread on a girl forum? 0 replies.

You know what they say; it don't matter how beautiful she is, somewhere out there some guy is tired of putting up with her shit...or only puts up with her shit because he gets to fuck her. In all but...oh I'd say less than 10% of relationships with North American girls, the guy has to deal with her never cooking, her being a tightwad, her 'good friend Mike who is just a friend, honest!', her bullshit babbling about her relationship with her father [who she only has a bad relationship with because chances are the courts only let him see her two weekends a month] and so on and so on...

And on a girl forum, zero replies? No...

'Rationalization Hamster...what is that?'

'What, no! I never do that! The reason that I fucked that guy last week after the club was because I just broke up with my boyfriend!'

'I have a Thyroid problem and a slow metabolism. That's why I've gained 20 pounds in the last 18 months!'

'The reason Kevin, Mike and Steve got promoted for that executive position is because they kiss the bosses' ass.'

'I haven't found a good man yet because there ARE no good men!'

And so on. They'd be doing it without even knowing that they were doing it, like children do, and like women (in life) do.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Candide - 05-30-2012

Quote: (05-30-2012 10:51 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also, can you imagine this type of thread on a girl forum? 0 replies.

That's the first thing I thought of when I saw it. The thread would never appear to begin with.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Veloce - 05-30-2012

Spending time with a quality girl like her is better than chasing new lays that are almost always worthless human beings

Recent rationalization in getting somewhat serious with an ex fling.

I'm doing this to upgrade my quality of life.
On getting a new full-time job, that, as far as I can tell, is pretty cushy and pays great. I miss some of my free time though...

I didn't display enough value
Referring to these two 9s that I got numbers from. I haven't been able to get either one out on a date.

I'd say these are somewhat healthy and logical rationalizations...?

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Veloce - 05-30-2012

Spending time with a quality girl like her is better than chasing new lays that are almost always worthless human beings

Recent rationalization in getting somewhat serious with an ex fling.

I'm doing this to upgrade my quality of life.
On getting a new full-time job, that, as far as I can tell, is pretty cushy and pays great. I miss some of my free time though...

I didn't display enough value
Referring to these two 9s that I got numbers from. I haven't been able to get either one out on a date.

I'd say these are somewhat healthy and logical rationalizations...?

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - WesternCancer - 05-30-2012

I'm better at day game so I don't need to do night game While day gaming fits with my strengths I still need to night game if I want to reach my goal of being able to put in a great effort in any situation to bang any girl I want to. I also rationalize that I don't have enough money for night game (usually have to spend at least $20 a night and thats if I pay cover, drinks for pre drink and maybe a drink at the bar). I find myself not knowing what to do during night game, but never really put the effort in to learn and practice.

I don't need to put lots of effort into getting a ton of new girls, I'm more focused on self-improvement than getting new ass every day, plus I have a 'main girl' and her pussy roxxx!!!11 While her pussy does indeed rock, and she is nice, sweet, cooks for me, submissive and un-americanized. I don't feel I should be going towards a LTR (with girls on the side). I know I should be practicing as much as possible so I can eventually have a harem of girls like her. Like I said in the other point I want to get to the point where women are a non-issue in my life. I'll go out grocery shopping and pick up a girl as well as a nice steak. This manifests itself in me not putting in a good effort if/when I go out or half-assing new prospects. I straight up made plans with my last new notch (my first asian who was extremely attractive a good 2pts above what I usually get, on par with my 'main girl') and forgot all about them, I made them a week prior and just forgot, didn't text her. Nothing. I've done that with a few other girls. Bad because I don't even give enough of a fuck to set up a proper date.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - soup - 05-30-2012

Not sure if this is rationalization, but I chalk most of my failures up to having bad game. That's what's gotten me through a torrent of rejection. But, I wonder if there is some immutable thing that stands between me and my poosy paradise.

This one is an obvious rationalization that I do and most guys run: "she's not hot enough for me to approach".

I also try to rationalize learning game as a positive thing, because I'm hoping it will give me a better sense of freedom and bolster my individuality (kind of like another stage of maturity). The reality is that I'm learning game because I have no other choice, and nature/evolution, and too a large extent, "civilizaton," does not care about the individual. I can't just "be myself." There is very little free will involved. In order to dominate women, I have to recognize and submit to the higher master- game. I take pride in my "accomplishments," but in a way, they aren't mine.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Keyser Söze - 05-30-2012

Don't rationalize - don't seek absolution.
Bad for inner game, bad for getting what you want.
There is no sky wizard and morality is a social construct. I rarely think about anything but maximizing my own benefit or catering to my own desires unless I am interacting with family members or a select group of close friends.
Of course people get hurt by the way I live, by my disregard for women's feelings, by my choice to spend money on luxuries and travel and weed while others starve.
I don't care though. I accept what I am. If you want to be an alpha, then watch the nature channel and see what being a predator means.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - MikeCF - 05-30-2012

I don't need to make approaches, because women come to me. This is true in a sense. Girls do come to me. But not the best girls.

I'd rather bang 6s with no effort than put in effort to get 8s. I'm not sure if this is a rationalization or a true belief. The hotter he girl, the bigger a pain in the ass she is. Then again, the tighter your game, the less of a pain it is because toying with hotter chicks becomes natural.

I didn't approach that girl because of [some bullshit fake reason]. Sometimes I see a girl so stunning that I feel a little off balance. Sometimes I'd say, "I'm too tired to run game/she has a boyfriend/I got other shit on my mind," instead of doing the approach. This was a pussy mindset that I've grown away from, and is past tense.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - _DC_ - 05-30-2012

Quote: (05-30-2012 04:22 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I don't need to make approaches, because women come to me. This is true in a sense. Girls do come to me. But not the best girls.

I'd rather bang 6s with no effort than put in effort to get 8s. I'm not sure if this is a rationalization or a true belief. The hotter he girl, the bigger a pain in the ass she is. Then again, the tighter your game, the less of a pain it is because toying with hotter chicks becomes natural.

I didn't approach that girl because of [some bullshit fake reason]. Sometimes I see a girl so stunning that I feel a little off balance. Sometimes I'd say, "I'm too tired to run game/she has a boyfriend/I got other shit on my mind," instead of doing the approach. This was a pussy mindset that I've grown away from, and is past tense.

Absolutely to these three for me as well.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - RichieP - 05-30-2012

Ill travel and learn loads of shit and find myself in my youth and things will work out for me later in life. I dont need to worry about longer term career, finances, investments or finding "the one"... I'll somehow be making more money, find a great career and a great girl a few years down the line.

I definitely feel like this is dodgy thinking, then again I also think the standard beta path of soul-destroying job, settling with an average girl and chaining yourself to a mortgage is fucked up. I think Im probably rebelling against it too much though and have the feeling I will regret things later. I've already burned so much of my savings, I actually feel disgusting at the things I could have done if I'd budgeted better these past few years.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - rozayINTL - 05-31-2012

love exists
Yes I know sounds weak as fuck. I always felt unconditionally loved by my parents though.... despite them being split up and talking mad shit about eachother/trying to turn me against the other basically my whole life. Maybe someday I'll be able to love some bitch who is worth a damn. Or maybe that kind of love is just an illusion.

life after death?
Life is not a fairy tale. Seen people suffer with all kinds of shit and never let go or overcome it. Know a few people in their 50's who have lost everything and battle w/ suicide etc. Pretty sad that this would be it for them (or anyone). Gotta be more out there..... gotta be.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Hannibal - 05-31-2012

Having real feelings for a girl is bad for game.
Although I suspect that to be true, I was a lot happier before I swallowed the red pill and I didn't think that hypergamy was a thing if you took good enough care of your gf/spouse (ie invested resources in). I was real upset when I learned about hypergamy [Image: undecided.gif]

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Roosh - 05-31-2012

Quote: (05-30-2012 11:12 PM)RichieP Wrote:  

Ill travel and learn loads of shit and find myself in my youth and things will work out for me later in life. I dont need to worry about longer term career, finances, investments or finding "the one"... I'll somehow be making more money, find a great career and a great girl a few years down the line.

I definitely feel like this is dodgy thinking, then again I also think the standard beta path of soul-destroying job, settling with an average girl and chaining yourself to a mortgage is fucked up. I think Im probably rebelling against it too much though and have the feeling I will regret things later. I've already burned so much of my savings, I actually feel disgusting at the things I could have done if I'd budgeted better these past few years.

I did this too when I went on my first trip to South America. I didn't have a money plan. I came back and was broke. THEN I started seriously working.

It's okay to travel and spend money on experiences, but don't expect magic ideas to fall from the sky. You have to be purposeful about it.

What are some things you might be rationalizing? - Laser - 05-31-2012

Chivalry/random acts of kindness are beta and pointless.. We all know that its bad to be a mincing betaboy tripping over themselves to let girls walk all over them. An alpha pursues his desires and is realistic about self interest. However, this thinking has probably made me somewhat selfish and callous. I'm constantly looking out for my own self interest and don't give a fuck about other people. I'm not fucking people over for personal gain or anything, but I do things like work my way through crowds at the metro station to ensure I get on the next tube at the expense of people who are patiently waiting at the back of the crowd, or not giving up my seat on public transport unless someone is heavily pregnant or elderly to the point of infirmity.